
Scrolling through my feed reminded me that "Chasing Control" existed.... Well, also called "Take Over Control." "Ghost" will have a lot of similarities to those, especially TOK. But also sooo different. If you read TOK and enjoyed it, you'll be interested in Ghost.


Scrolling through my feed reminded me that "Chasing Control" existed.... Well, also called "Take Over Control." "Ghost" will have a lot of similarities to those, especially TOK. But also sooo different. If you read TOK and enjoyed it, you'll be interested in Ghost.


Been legit 3 years since I've posted..... Buuuut I am  hoping to reach out to some of my followers and get some reads on my new story, Ghost. This has been in the works for a long time, and I think I finally know where I want to go and to do with it. Fair warning, it will get pretty dark at times and I'm writing from a weird POV. But I have big ambitions and high hopes for this work.


Hey peeps! I've been crazy inactive until yesterday... Haha. But I have begun a new book, "Supernova" and I'm already absolutely in love with it. I'd really appreciate it if some of you would go check it out, maybe give me some feedback. 
          Love ya'll 


So yeah. Haven't been active in a loooooong time. Well, I've finally decided to publish newest draft of Take Over Control. They say that third time's a charm. I am super busy and my updates will be all over the place. But hey. It's something. And I like this draft. So, yeah. That's that. Anyone who is bored and looking for a book to read, please go ahead and check it out. 


I have officially published 29 story parts to TOC, 25 of which are actual chapters. I am so freaking happy and proud that I've gotten this far. I honestly thought I'd get to chapter ten and quick like the rest of my books. I'm really excited about this one (especially after I go back once I finish it and edit the heck out of it). And, even though the end is far off, I do know how I want it to end. Finally. So I have a destination in mind. I just need to complete the journey. That was deep. Dang.  
          And can I just point out that in about 22-24 days, summer vacation ends (as do my summer college courses) and high starts back up? I'm stoked, yet slightly nervous... What about you guys? 


May I add that all the chapters I've published are well over 1000 words....