Perestia Geschichten

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4 Geschichten

Hestia's Prince von Countnerd
Hestia's Princevon Countnerd
After a harsh betrayal, Percy finds himself seeking death. But after stopping a near rape he finds that his broken heart is falling for the Goddess of the Hearth. Discla...
Dealing with Chaos von BlackHopper098765
Dealing with Chaosvon BlackHopper
After the Second Giant War a new threat arises and Percy is chosen by Chaos to fight it, with his new powers he also needs to find balance and the only way to balance ch...
Another universe von Gandalfstwin
Another universevon Gandalfstwin
What if Percy Jackson gets sucked into a new universe? What if Percy was never with Annabeth? Percy Jackson and Justice League crossover. Monthly updates All rights rese...
A Lasting Shadow von KaustubhVenkatramana
A Lasting Shadowvon Kaustubh Venkatramanan
Troy Blahnik, son of Poseidon, is going to witness the first war in over 500 years. He was trained from a young age, prepared more than any other, to be a leader. Danger...