Long Island

Von komalesh

58.1K 2.9K 239

Long Island was not the first virtual reality game or to say a VRMMORPG. Not the one which changed the world... Mehr

Chapter 1: Beginning
Chapter 2: First Step
Chapter 3: Starting School
Chapter 4: Training Begins!
Chapter 5: On top of the hill
Chapter 6: Rabbit and.....
Chapter 7: Return
Chapter 8: Waiting...
Chapter 9: Magic Institute
Chapter 10: Burning!
Chapter 11: Learning some more!
Chapter 12: A step forward!
Chapter 13: The Hunt!
Chapter 14: The Clan!
Chapter 15: Thelmova
Chapter 16: Old and New
Chapter 17: The Good, the Annoying and the Irritating
Chapter 18: Beastmen Battle
Chapter 19: Calm before the storm
Chapter 20: Bon Voyage!
Chapter 21: Naval Training
Chapter 22: Dance of the Kraken
Chapter 23: The Interview
Chapter 25: Experiments and Results
Chapter 26: The Fight!
Chapter 27: Preparations
Chapter 28: Fellon
Chapter 29: Sea God
Chapter 30: A Storm and a Boat
Chapter 31: Captain
Chapter 32: Fate
Chapter 33: Understanding
Chapter 34: Coincidence
Chapter 35: A long journey's end
Chapter 36: Hya'cinth
Chapter 37: A new beginning
Chapter 38: Confusion
Chapter 39: The conference begins
Chapter 40: Blemishes and Boredom

Chapter 24: Back again...

1.1K 70 5
Von komalesh

Please Note: Statements between % something in italics % are game system messages. 


It was an uproar like nothing else.

The revealing of the permanent death system caused a large scale argument to break out between its supporters and its detractors. As many people welcomed it as wanted to leave the game. For two real time days the forums had exceeded capacity limits. Intense discussions were taking place in both virtual and real meeting places. What did it mean? How was it applied? How long will it take?etc etc. People did not completely understand Age yet so how could they understand how long it will take to reach 150. Disease was a completely new phenomenon as well. So far only Swamy had contracted one or that's what he guessed.

And that lead to another problem. Swamy did not know how to describe this phenomenon. He clearly remembered Mr Collins from the interview who said that 'Unlike levels, having a higher age may not mean that the person is simply stronger than the other but it will mean that he/she knows more about the game, its world and its inhabitants.' Word by word this was exactly what was said. Swamy had even seen the interview again, courtesy of someone who had uploaded it to youtube, to confirm this. Now, if one looked at it logically, he/she could easily understand that game information was one of the factors determining Age, but not the only one. If Swamy thought about it some more, Mr. Collins also didn't say that having an higher Age made you 'definitely' stronger/weaker than the other so level experience, like in other games, also played some part in determining it. Most of all he never said that simply knowing more about the game increases your Age.

'So how did this happen?'

Group psychology is a strange thing. When in confusion people tend to follow the one with the most confidence, even when he could be completely wrong. And just like that misunderstanding becomes truth.

Someone had clearly misunderstood Mr. Collins's words and confidently equated more game knowledge equals more Age. Ok, one can logically argue that more Age equals more game knowledge so the opposite must be true.

Language, unfortunately, is not convenient like maths. Game knowledge was only a factor which determined Age. So having higher Age will always mean that the person has a greater game knowledge. The opposite however, may not be true. But someone had confidently stated that it is. And so post after post were filled with questions. 'Why would you kill the expert? Shouldn't you value them? Wouldn't the experts help the company itself?' etc etc.

'Even thinking simplistically I reached Age 15 in 4 months. That means it will take more than 3 years to get to 150 at the least. It's a pretty long time.'

That was neither here nor there though and it looked like today also, the forum would be filled with hundreds of thousands of posts.


The forest outside Thelmova. A monkey and a parrot were fighting a rabbit. The monkey swiftly jumped on a branch and looped over the rabbit's head. It quickly attacked with its hands and before the rabbit could react, the monkey jumped back up on the branch. While the rabbit was distracted, the parrot attacked swiftly with its claws, digging it into the soft flesh, lifting it up. The parrot then threw the rabbit, smashing it onto the nearest tree. Finally the monkey jumped down and twisted the head of the now stunned rabbit, killing it.

"Ooh delicious. We have to get human to cook it." (monkey)

"Hmm..but isn't he vegetarian? I have only seen him eating fruits." (parrot)

"Ah...that's true. Dang! But I am no good at cooking and I don't like the taste of blood. Maybe human can cook it and not eat it anyway." (monkey)

"You mean to pretend to be sick again? Like someone would fall for it now. Ah the tragedies of human! I will sing a song of penance." (parrot)

"Don't sing! Noooo..." (monkey)

But it was too late. Monkey was stunned already. Looked like parrot's singing could even petrify a monkey, let alone a human.

In the meantime, Raka was headed towards the palace to meet the Queen. Almost a week had passed in game. His disease had also advanced.

"Disease window"


Unknown disease - Stage 2: 40%. The disease has not been diagnosed yet. Old wounds will open and cause bleeding effects often.

20% movement penalty is applied. Endurance decreases 20%.


Stage 1 did not have any penalties. But as soon as it reached Stage 2 all these penalties started showing up. With the speed with which it was advancing he would be dead in another 3 weeks in game or like a week in real time. Which made this visit to the Queen doubly important.

He approached the palace gates where the guard stopped him.

"State your business."

"Hi I am Raka. I would be meeting the Queen."

"Ah yes. We have been informed. Please follow this guard inside."

Ilmentia is a competitive monarchy. Look it up on the internet and if you find the term then the author will replace it. It was a term Raka had made up. Why? Because the ruler of Ilmentia was chosen through a competition. The competition was aptly named as well; 'The Right to Rule'.

Spending hours in the library looking at books and trying to learn his new found skill of herbal medicine, he had stumbled on a book on Ilmentian history. Seventeen generations ago there was great turmoil as noble after noble fought each other to take the throne when the ruling monarch died without an heir. This was the last time Ilmentia had a proper ruling family. Peace came when someone called the 'Oracle' intervened and set up this competition where all those who wish to rule would participate. The winner would then be crowned King or Queen.

He could not find any details of the competition anywhere though some books did mention that it was a test of more than strength or skill. Initially this competition was reserved only for the various noble houses. But over the years it had changed. Anyone who had been knighted could now participate. Hence it was named the 'The Right to Rule'. Seven generations ago, the first commoner became King.

The present Queen also did not belong to a noble family. The books did not talk much of her origin but they did say she was born in a fisherman family.

'Thinking of it, Lady Altia and Verina would also be able to participate in the future. Guess I really made friends with the right people eh!'

In a huge palace, the Queen resided. Raka followed the guard inside a huge archway entrance of a building which seemed to be made completely of marble. Like the Taj Mahal, it looked much grander up close. Inside was a small room, filled with guards standing at attention at regular intervals leading to a ornately carved metal door. Raka was asked to wait a while. And then a big gong was heard. The huge doors opened to let him in.

Inside was full court, a term Raka picked up from the internet. It meant all the officials of the court and noteworthy nobles were present or that's how it looked. He stepped in and slowly walked towards a group of people standing, all of whom looked at the new arrival and smiled. Ok not all. Only those who had received Raka's massage did.

They had come here for one reason. This was a ceremony for the soldiers who had participated in the pirate subjugation and also for the soldiers who had died.

An official looking person came forward,

"Please state your name and position?" he asked.

"I am Raka. Not sure of the position but I was hired as a shipwright with Salmon."

The official pulled out a scroll and ticked off a name in it with his quill. He nodded and motioned to join the rest.

Everyone from the fleet was there. Well all the notable ones at least. Raka did not know a lot of people on the other ships but looking at the numbers everyone was present. Incredibly the throne room...let's call it a throne hall owing to its amazing size and its ability to fit everyone in, like 200 people atleast. The incredible throne hall had the throne at one end where sat the lovely Queen overlooking the rest of the hall. Then came rows of seats where important people sat. The Ladies were also seated as was the Captain. He also recognized Lord Holtimius and the General too. Interestingly the magic students were seated as well. Von Gult Despira was sitting besides someone who could be his father. The rest on their own but in prominence. 'Maybe they are part of nobility as well,' Raka realized.

A few arrivals later...

"Silence! The Queen shall speak!" the attendant shouted and all chatter died down. All eyes faced the Queen.

"Today we honor our brave warriors who fought against the aggressors. Against those who wished to overthrow the peace of the land. The foreigners were strong indeed but through our warriors courage and dedication, we have defeated them."

The hall roared its approval. The Queen raised her hand and it died down.

"Today we also honor the dead, who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of this nation and protected us and our families. May the Goddess bless their spirits and accept them into her home. But they will not be forgotten! They will be remembered by the loved ones they leave behind and by those who they protected. And by us who stand guard to protect the peace in their stead."

A deep silence almost like everyone was in prayer.

"I, as the Queen, promise to take care of all of the families who have lost their loved ones in this battle against the intruders."

"Long live the Queen!" and the hall burst into chants.

A little while later it calmed down and the Queen continued.

"We shall now honor the persons who have shown extraordinary courage and exemplary service in the face of the enemy. Please proceed."

Another official looking person stepped and stood next to the Queen.

"Please step forward and be recognized when I call your name."



A lot of names were called. Each stepped forward and received a medal from the Queen. After it ended the Queen spoke again.

"As per Ilmentian law, you will be allowed to partake one piece of item from the pirates belongings as per your merit."

'This is what I was waiting for.' Raka smiled. This was the law he was told about when he landed. The Crown got a percentage of all spoils of war and also anything which was deemed dangerous or too valuable. Things which could be used for political motivations or dealings with other races like the rust stone were also taken. But the rest was divided among the soldiers as rewards. The higher ranks would get first pick and then the rest. Everyone who participated would be allowed a chance with the merit holders getting preference.

One by one their names were called and they followed the official inside one of the doors, adjacent the Queen's throne. But they did not come back with treasure. They soon explained that they had marked a piece which will be delivered to them separately. Carrying valuable treasure in the street would not be a good idea after all.

But there was a problem Raka had not foreseen. He was the lowest of the lowest rung of the ladder after all. So he will get last pick. 'Hope there is still something left for me.'

Eventually every merit holder's name was called and it was now the turn of the ranking members. The fleet commander went first and then a few other nobles who had accompanied them. And then it was Lady Verina's turn. She rose but then she walked to the Queen instead. A few quiet words later the Queen nodded.

And then Lady Verina went back to sit. 'Did she refuse her reward?' Her noble act was highly appreciated as it increased the chance that Raka would get something. Next were the Captains of all the ships. And then it was Lady Altia's turn. But like Lady Verina she also said something to the Queen and sat back down.

'More luck!' Raka was beaming.

One by one everyone's turn came. Salmon, the Cook, and the rest of his shipmates and finally it was Raka's turn. Or it was supposed to be but his name was never called.

'What the hell! Did they forget about me?' Raka wanted to shout out when the official put down his scroll and the Queen stood up to say,

"Let the celebrations begin."

But he held his tongue. 'Maybe there is no more treasure left,' was one of his guesses. It was sad but better than being forgotten. Raka chose to think so. Well, he had never laid eyes on any of the treasure except the rust stone which probably won't be handed out anyway. So as they say, he wasn't burning with a desire to obtain something particular. He had still hoped to get something but the pirates wouldn't have carried that much treasure with them anyway. 'Oh well I should probably ask for an appointment with the Queen after this. Hopefully she will allow me to visit the royal physicker in the palace.'

And Raka drowned himself in the celebration. Food was served and entertainment was brought out. Drinks were brought out also. Raka was highly tempted to get one. After see-sawing for a bit, he took a sip as well.

"Ugh!" That summarized it. Damn thing was bitter like hell. And people around him were drinking buckets of this stuff!

Alcohol was a premium item on the island. Especially because making it took such a long time. And then it became the property of whichever noble owned the land. Which meant there were no bars as such on the island for common people. The caskets were broken only on special or festive occasions so this was the first time Raka had a drink. In real or virtual life. And it was revolting.

By the way, the alcoholic drink was made by fermenting potatoes and some other stuff. So it would be considered closer to whiskey or vodka rather than beer but on the island it was called 'barka'.

Raka spent the next hour digging in the good food, his drink lay forgotten. He even slipped some of it into his bag. The herb roast of rabbit could easily beat most of the food Raka had eaten in the game, except ofcourse Neona's pies which still had no parallel. He sorely wished he had a skill which could identify ingredients of things he ate so that he could make them himself. But life wasn't so convenient.

After the festivities ended which was basically when the Queen decided to leave, Raka approached the official in order to schedule an appointment but,

"Please follow me," the official said instead.

"Eh.." But as the official headed towards the door leading inside, Raka followed.

The door lead to a hallway which then lead to a large courtyard. And then to more hallways leading to unknown places. They took one of these hallways which then ended in another hall similar to the throne hall, though smaller. 'Maybe this is the Queen's inner room where she meets private guests?' Raka guessed.

Sure enough, the Queen stepped in through a side door a little later and surprisingly Lady Verina and Lady Altia came with her. More surprising was that they were chatting ten to the dozen like old time pals. Raka was seriously confused as to what was happening now.

The Queen took the throne and Lady Altia and Lady Verina took the seats near it. Raka bowed but,

"No need for formalities. That's only for the nobles and boy' is that tiring." The Queen sighed.

Raka smiled at the change.

"I guess you are wondering why you are here and perhaps why your name was not called out there, right?"

"Yes, your majesty. I thought that all the treasure was taken. Though I did want to meet up with you on a separate thing," Raka replied.

"Is it concerning your sickness?" The Queen asked straightaway.

"Yes. I was hoping that your majesty would allow me to meet with the royal physicker if possible."

"Hmm. That is possible. But..." and the Queen paused. Raka waited for the prolonged 'but'.

"You are not a part of this palace. The royal physicker is only obliged to treat people who are part of the palace. Even palace maids come under his purview. But outside of it, even nobles do not get that privilege." She continued.

'What the hell is up with that!' But he was still here so he could still hope.

After some pause she smiled again.

"Its a drag, I know. Fortunately, we can ask him under special circumstances and he has to relent. Circumstances like when the crown owes you a favor. Altia and Verina have decided to give up the right to their share of the reward. In my books, that is counted as a favor to the crown. Therefore I can ask that egotistical narcissistic fly of a human to treat you." Her smile changed to an evil one at some point in time.

"Call the royal physicker please." The Queen ordered her attendant.

A little while later a short but stout old man wearing round glasses and some kind of conical cap came in yawning and smelling of drink. He definitely looked like those villains in books who were always plotting something and rubbing their hands in amusement.

"Ah your majesty. If you had to wake me up from my slumber, couldn't you have chosen a better time? This is most inappropriate and shows utter disregard to my position. I thought that you learnt it in your courtesy classes."

Now if he had been king and this guy came about, Raka would likely hang him.

"Yes. But you see this matter couldn't have waited till you woke up. Why this young man could have died by the morning if we had waited." The Queen replied.

"Ho...him! Might I remind you, if you have forgotten already, that I am the Royal Physicker. I have no obligation to cater to those peasants outside of the palace gates. You have me treating the lowly maids is insulting enough."

"But you said that you have the responsibility for everyone inside the palace gates didn't you? And they live inside the palace gates. So I am sorry but you have to follow the law like everyone else Napier." The Queen replied lively.

Raka could not help but notice that the physicker visibly twitched when he heard his name like that. But before he could reply the Queen continued.

"Verina and Altia have given up their share of the pirate's treasure in return for a favor from the crown. Now a learned person like you who knows the law so well, knows that the crown is obligated to grant their favor."

"Only when that favor does not constitute or require the crown's position to be untenable." Napier interrupted.

"Exactly. In this case however there is no question of that. Their request is that you treat this gentleman over there. Also, him being one of Goddess's children, would make it our duty towards the Goddess herself to treat him. Hence the crown raises no objection to his treatment. Well do your thing then." The Queen ordered jovially.

Old man Napier grimaced and shot daggers with his eyes. But he started checking Raka.

He measured his pulse and checked his tongue and eyes. He even made him do the 'Aaah' thing doctors often make you do while peering inside your mouth. Then he examined his wounds, taking off the bandages. Raka kept bleeding out of the wound the wolfman had given him. He wrapped it up in bandages whenever it happened and the loss of blood itself did not constitute any negative effects. Well, unless you don't count killing him.

It was a good thing that he got to practice his bandaging though, which he still needed to learn. If the progression were any slower he would have waited till one of the other physickers came to town and would have practiced his bandaging thoroughly. He was pretty sure that he would learn this skill soon but the disease had progressed quite fast upending his plans.

After examining his wounds, Napier had some tools brought in and some chemical looking things which were in glass jars. He collected a bit of blood from the now starting-to-bleed-again wound and mixed it in cups like thingies with the chemicals. A couple of them changed color though what it meant was a mystery.

After all this he simply said,

"This fellow has got Scurvy."


Disease information updated. This disease has been correctly diagnosed as Scurvy.


"Usually this disease does not affect sailors unless they go on very long voyages, like above 3 months. But sometimes sailors who have not been to sea before or children who have weaker bodies can catch it earlier. Tell me was that your first time at sea?" Napier asked.

"Yes it was." Raka replied.

"Yes. Also this wound seems fairly recent. Did you get it recently? Ah then the disease might have been aggravated by the blood loss and the injury leading to an early onset." Napier said.


"Um so how do I go about treating it?" Raka finally asked.

Napier grimaced again but the Queen looked at him forcefully.

"Ah alright. Just eat lots of sour fruits likes oranges and limes and you should be fine in a few days."

'That's it?!' Well, if he had known earlier then the Ladies favor would not have been necessary in the first place.

"Is it alright if I go back to sleep now or do you have some more peasants who have gained the favor of the crown?" Napier asked cheekily though by this time he had already started making his way back.

"That will be all." The Queen simply said to his retreating back.

She sighed. "If only he weren't so good I would have...." but realizing there was an audience she stopped herself in time.

"It's good that it was nothing serious. I hope you will get better soon," the Queen changed tack.

"Thank you your majesty. Also thank you very much Lady Altia and Lady Verina." Raka said it simply and sincerely without oration.

In return they simply smiled.

"Ho..." the Queen said simply looking at the scene.

"Um.. what?" Raka asked. Even the Ladies looked inquisitively towards the Queen.

"Never mind. Maybe it is a bit early right now. Anyways I believe you still have to receive your share of the reward. Though I must mention, if you had to get treatment from that old coot I would have taken your share as payment." The Queen smiled a bright smile while saying that.

"Yes I understand. If that's what it would have taken then I would have rather kept my life. I will find treasure some other day." Raka replied.

"Confident young man aren't you? You said will not can. Well in any case that is talk of some other day. You can hereby take your reward as per your merit."

And as the Queen finished, tiny windows popped up over everyone's head with numbers on them. 'What the hell!'

But before he had time to figure it out, the official arrived and asked him to follow. Raka looked and the official had a tiny window on top. They went outside to the courtyard and then took one of the other hallways. They stopped before the very first room and the official opened the door.

The room was full of treasure....like that was going to happen! It was mostly empty with a few pieces of pirate's stuff left. Some swords and things and a couple of armors. Also some statues made of gold and silver. Tiny windows with numbers popped up over all of them as he looked.

'That's contribution points!' He finally realized. That meant he had to use his contribution points to choose a reward. But as he looked most numbers were above 50. Raka had only 30 contribution points. The statues were for the most points. The least of them was like a 150. Not that Raka had any interest in them anyway. The armors and swords were within his range but they looked worn and used. He could sell them to make a pretty buck if they were not useable. He looked closely if he had missed anything, but the room looked pretty bare otherwise.

'Hey what's this..' Raka spotted a very small object lying on the floor. He came closer and saw that it was a ring. 'Holy shit! This ring is worth 2500 points.' Looks-wise it was a very plain looking ring. Atleast Neona's ring had a some kind of gem embedded in it. Raka could only dream of what it was when a sudden thought hit him. Brainflash!

He walked out of the room and told the official he didn't want anything in there. But instead would he guide him to the Queen once more. The official was surprised but he obliged. '130 points only for him.'

Back in the inner chamber the Queen was still conversing with the Ladies. Raka was amused to find that the Ladies were worth 50,000 points each. And was shocked to find that the Queen was worth a million and half. Maybe the contribution points worked in other ways as well. He couldn't imagine that you could simply take someone. 'Maybe they can be hired or a favor might be asked when you have appropriate points. Hey, could I hire sailors out for my ship then?' It was a plausible thought and probably a sensible one but he had too few contribution points to test this theory. Anyways he had other things in mind right now.

"Yes what happened? Did you not find something to take? I will tell you right now that if you refuse to take something I will not count it as a favor. That is not how it works."

"Yes I understand and I am sorry. I did not mean it that way. But instead of a favor would you care to listen to my request instead?"

"Instead of the reward you would like to request...with the understanding that I can refuse it if I want?"

"Yes please." Raka waited for the Queen's permission before continuing. "I have a dream to one day sail the wide ocean in my own boat. No, I am not asking the crown for a ship. I also cannot afford to buy a large ship anytime in the near future. Instead I would like to learn fishing." Raka smiled.

"Ah...very clever indeed." The Queen understood Raka's intention.

In his voyage Raka had been perplexed by a small problem. Ships needed too many personnel to handle. His ship was crewed by 15 people working in one shift. Double that and add passengers like him, a ship like that had about 40 people, if not more. Most of all were the prices. Ship prices in Thelmova started from 55,000 gold for a small trade ship and even that required a crew of atleast 10. Even making them was expensive.

"Do you know much about fishing and being a fisherman?" the Queen asked.

"Not much. I have never done any fishing. I only heard that you need permission for it and you get help to build your own boat. I wanted to ask permission from you." Raka answered.

"Ah! Then you do not know. It is not I who really gives permission. You have to ask permission from the Sea Gods."

"Um.....come again?" 'Say what!'

"Hahahaha! Maybe you did not realize how dangerous it is to become a fisherman before you made your request. Every person who chooses to become a fisherman needs to get permission from the Sea Gods. If they like you, well enough. Otherwise they kill you. There are only about 30 fishermen in the whole of Ilmentia because of that." The Queen explained.

Raka was speechless. 'Kill me?! Well I am immortal anyway but what is up with that!'

"Do you still wish to become one?"

"Yes please, your majesty."

"Alright then. Head off to the fishing village of Fellon. You can ask a man by the name of Guran. If he likes you, you can take the test."


                                Talk to Guran

You have been advised to talk with Guran at the fishing village of Fellon to take your test with the Sea Gods. It is required that Guran likes you.

Difficulty: E

Reward: Guran takes you for the test. If you pass he may also become your instructor.


"Thank you, your majesty."


Thelmova had changed. No, it hadn't changed in size or style. Rather the feeling had changed. And it was mainly because so many players had arrived and were arriving each day. Raka had been pretty shocked to see so many players after he landed.

The first thing Raka had done after landing was slip out and head down to the beach. If he had instead chosen to become part of the large crowd of people who were being welcomed back by the locals and the eagerly watching players....

Every player knew that there was only one player who would have come down those ships. Raka was the only player on them. And who doesn't want to see a celebrity! So they were eagerly watching the incoming crowd, soldiers and nobles, to get a glimpse of this famous or infamous player. Inside most minds, however, was greed. Here was one of those rare pioneers. The first to get out of the village, the first to become a student of Lady Altia, the first to graduate Battle School, the first to reach Thelmova, the first to go to sea, the first to participate in a naval battle....and a lot of other firsts. A person like that would be a well of information. Correction, a well of rare information. And would he fall behind? Not likely in the near future! Anyone who was anyone would consider him to be a good investment. They could follow him. They could invite him to their guilds. Befriending him would be beneficial as well.

Long Island was a game and like most games, there would be players who would want to be the best, greatest, richest, strongest and some other 'ests' you could think of. And they wanted him. It also did not help that no one had an idea of how he looked like, so they could imagine him to be as dashing as they wanted. Mystery of a thing adds to its charm as they say. Well that's what most women say anyway.

But as luck would have it, this mystery had made his way to the beach, completely unaware of this strange interest and very worried of the health of his two supposed pets. Well, actually one. 'Please let him fly away, please let him fly away...'

Nothing had changed since then. Raka was still unaware of this increased interest. After he made sure his monkey and the parrot 'sigh' were still alive, he had logged out for a long sleep and missed the home coming parade completely.

But that was the past. As Raka stepped out from the palace he was worried once again. What should have been a triumph of his intellect and his brilliant plan had now become a tryst with danger and destiny. 'What the heck are the Sea Gods?! I knew I should have taken that armor.'

Maybe it was the disease or maybe it was the voyage, but a lot of things had suddenly become clear to Raka. For example, even though Thelmova was next to the sea, there were no fishing boats. At first he had thought that they might have used some other beach outside of the city. But then he didn't see anyone fishing during the whole of the voyage. Even when they were reduced to eating dried meat and potatoes. At that time Raka had thought that maybe they did not do it in order to maintain discipline on a warship. After all, fishing is considered a leisure activity.

And then they had travelled almost a quarter of the island, twice. Considering the west sea was too dangerous, most fishing boats should have stayed on the eastern side. Raka still did not see even one fishing boat the entire time. After his long sleep, his mind automatically made these connections which he had ignored before. 'Why?' was the obvious question.

As he got curious he started noticing some other weird stuff. He made sure of noting down prices of most of the stuff sold around. It was a practice he had developed in order to improve his Estimation skill. It was also a way to improve intimacy with store owners. And as he started his rounds once again after landing, he noticed the weirdness. Fish was expensive.

Ilmentia was an island so why would fish be expensive? Ok some fish, maybe. But most of them? 'What is up with that?' Raka was not an expert in fishing and he thought maybe it had to do with seasons or something. But the weather had been nice and warm. Shouldn't that be a good time for the fish? Well what did he know. 'For now lets just note this oddity down.'

Raka was now in front of Johanna's tailor shop, his new job. Thanking the Gods, Raka had almost wept when he had finally learned the Woodworking skill, which was just the previous day. And it came with a bonus, the Basic Shipwright Commission.


You have been granted a title. "Shipwright Commission - Basic".

Effects: Allows you to work in the capacity of the basic shipwright commission.


Immediately, Raka had resigned. The other part of the compensation of the quest was increased intimacy with Salmon. But Raka had figured out what it would mean. Same treatment, more work! This was Salmon, after all. 'It would be wiser to not increase intimacy with every npc I meet.'

He had found that the intermediate commission could only be earned by mastering more than one related skill. He had woodworking so he would have had to learn some kind of metalworking or rope making, etc. He had no wish to learn from Salmon again though, which kinda made his plans to go to sea...um...in deep water. He could hope some ship would hire him like this, but that was more of a chance than a plan.

He had earned about 30 gold from the voyage so he wasn't short on money. He had two jobs after all and they paid you more for being out at sea. Atleast the honest people do. But having an income source was always useful. And who knew what kind of things one could learn. And so he applied to Johanna's tailor shop. His accounting skill was greatly appreciated and as his intimacy was high enough he was immediately accepted. Now he worked with a lovely girl called Jenny, who turned out to be Johanna's sister. Johanna was a little like Neona, wearing a plain colored dress but cut in style. She handled herself with grace and charm. Her younger sister Jenny was like a smaller version of her. Or atleast trying to be. Same style dress, same hair style, same type sandals. In fact if Jenny was not a head shorter, Raka would confuse her for Johanna if he saw her from afar.

And they both liked to gossip. In just two days, Raka had heard so much about the people and their supposed scandals that he seriously doubted how anyone could keep a secret. It was also through them that he learned of the fishermen. It started with a simple complaint about fish prices but it ended up being one of the most important information.

You needed permission to fish. And they give you support to build or buy your own fishing boat. It is dangerous work.

Before meeting the Queen, Raka had assumed that it was because the sea was dangerous. On the other hand were the fishing boats. Fishing boats were smaller than trade ships, could have a crew of 2 to 7 depending on its size and more importantly were sea going vessels. Atleast that was how it was in real life. How could he have known about the Sea Gods!

The door opened with a tingling of bells.

"Ah Raka, you are back. How did it go with the Queen?" Jenny asked.

"It was good. I met the royal physicker and he says that I just have scurvy. Eat some oranges and limes and I should be fine."

"That's wonderful. I am glad it wasn't serious."

"Say Jenny, have you heard of the Sea Gods?"

"Um...now that you mention it, I have heard some tales of them. Mostly children's stories."

"What kind?"

"Um..see there is one which says that they look like fish but are as big as a mountain and can gobble up entire ships. Some others say that they are kind and look like sprites. Oh and I have heard some stories where if you pray to them, they have the power to make your wish come true. I tried it once when I was little but it didn't work, then I stopped believing in them."

"Hmm. Thanks anyway. Shall we work then?"

For the next couple of hours they did all the numbers. Then Raka logged out.


Swamy made the last mark on the sheet of paper. He checked it again and rechecked it. Satisfied, he stood up and approached the teacher's desk. He dropped his paper on a pile at the table, nodded at the teacher and left the classroom. Today was exam day. 'I think I did well.'

He walked down to the mess hall. His friends were sitting with their heads down on a table near the windows. As he approached they stirred and after feebly acknowledging him, went back to sleep.

"What's up? You guys didn't sleep last night?"

"Uh...no! I was studying till early morning. I tried to sleep after that....I had a nightmare. Woke up after an hour," Rajan said after lifting his head a bit.

"mmshnmmm," Sneha muttered something incomprehensible.

*snore....went Manish.

"Hey where's Himali? Is she still writing?" Swamy asked.

His question was answered as Himali walked in the mess hall that moment. Manish immediately woke up.

"What is she, like your mother?" Swamy almost laughed.

"Hmm...eh...what? You said something?" Manish, ofcourse, was still half asleep.

"Hey Swamy, how did it go?" Himali finally reached their table.

"I think I did ok. How about you?"

"I should be fine. Did you answer question 10? I think it was there only to confuse us or something? Oh and how did you answer 12? I couldn't even touch that one."

"Himali, please don't talk about the paper in front of me. You know it makes me depressed." Rajan said.

"Oh sorry about that. But I can't calm doing without knowing how I have done. Manish, did you answer 12?" Himali asked.





"Oh yes my love. Wait what were you asking?" Manish replied in a daze.


Suffice to say it was a very enjoyable lunch.

A little while later Christopher came.

"Hey Swamy, a word please?"


"Are you free this Friday?"

"You mean after college? I have classes till 3:30."

"Hmm. Good then. Actually there is this expo of industry lifting systems. Companies the world over showing latest technology, etc. I need a couple of people to join me in visiting. There is this one system our company is thinking of buying and they are showing it in the expo. They want us, the people who use them, to actually go and check it out and give feedback. So you in?"

"Sure why not. Count me in."

"Alright I will message you the details on where to meet up later."

"Ok. Later then."


Raka logged in at the beach. The monkey and parrot were there possibly talking about things. Not that Raka could understand.

"Ah Sir Raka. Glad to have you in our midst again. Would you be kind enough to cook this rabbit for us?" the parrot said.

"So Nobby, you guys went hunting again. As expected I would say." After all these were animals who had been to sea already. They couldn't be weak. And when they brought their first rabbit, he had known they weren't. Raka had still not seen them fight, so he wasn't sure how strong they were. They could very well be stronger than him right now.

"It is Sir Pop Cackle. But I will forgive your impudence. The Cackle clan does not take offense from the lesser minded."

"Right right Nobby. Now don't sing or I won't cook. Agreed?"

"You are incongruous Sir. Very well. It will be hard but I shall restrain my talent from bursting out. Instead I expect you to cook something worthy of my talent."

"That would actually taste bad you know. I would rather cook a good dish."

"Khi khi...khikhikhi.." the monkey said.

"Ah there are still people who do not realize greatness. Their taste is at fault, not them. The Cackle clan does not take offense from the small minded." The parrot intervened.

"So I am lesser minded and monkey is small minded? Birds of a feather flock together, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh that is so true. Ah that reminds me of my home. My heart cries out in loneliness..."

"Stop! Don't sing. Or I am not cooking this."


"Alright monkey, don't just sit there. If you want to eat, help."

The first time he had come after the voyage, he had been happy to find monkey still alive. The monkey was still lying on the branch as if it was too tired to move. And parrot was there too. They had some kind of conversation going on. That's what he assumed when he heard monkey sounds coming from the parrot. It was also that day he found out why it was called the imitating monkey.

As soon as they saw him, the monkey went back to his lazy ass gesturing. 'That was odd.' At first Raka thought maybe he had made a mistake. Or maybe the monkey didn't like him. But then as he came close to the monkey to touch him and check,


You have lost 5 coppers.


Raka was flummoxed but he had no doubt that his money was just stolen. 'What...how...who?' But it had happened when he approached the monkey. So wouldn't the main suspect be monkey?

For a long time Raka had wished there would thief like skills in the game. And today he found it. Done by a monkey no less. 'So this guy has some sort of steal like ability or skill. Could I...'



                                Imitating Monkey

Class: ?

Monkeys have an unknown origin. They can be found inhabiting several islands. Intelligent and quick learners. There are several species of the Monkey. This particular species learns by imitating actions. They are also known for having a strange sense of humor.

Skill: Nimble Fingers - A racial skill which allows for nimbleness of the fingers. Nimble fingers can be used in a variety of activities.


The line saying the monkey was sick had disappeared. This monkey was healthy. But it was still acting like it was sick. 'So it is imitating being sick. And the nimble fingers skill sounds useful.'

As usual, his Identification skill relied on information. If Raka had not realized that monkey had a skill, the identification would not have shown him any information regarding that.

The stealing was a problem though.

"You just stole 5 coppers from me didn't you?" Raka asked monkey through the parrot.

If you could put a surprised face on a monkey, it would have looked like the one it was making now.

"I know you did. Don't even try to deny it. Nobby, tell him to return that. If not, we will have a problem." Saying which Raka equipped his staff.

"khi khikihikhi!"

"Ah he asks how did you know?" the parrot translated.

"I am one of the Goddess's children." What other explanation could he give.

The monkey quietly returned the money. Raka sighed. This skill was dangerous in a way though. If anyone, not a player, had been robbed, they probably wouldn't have realized it. They won't get windows popping up after all. In a way it was good that the monkey could earn it's own keepsake but this was Ilmentia. Anything it did could reflect back on it's owner, Raka. He thought hard on this problem. A long time ago his parents had taught that most thieves were also gamblers. And that the house always wins. Raka had never questioned how they came onto this knowledge. 'Everyone deserves some secrets of their own!'

But if that were true then,

"Why don't we make a gamble monkey? Wouldn't it be fun to gamble a little bit and earn some more than what you steal?" Raka enticed and asked the parrot to translate.

"khi khihi khih," the monkey immediately perked up. 'Wasn't it supposed to be acting sick?'

"Ok here is the deal. You can steal from me as many times as you want. If I can guess the amount you steal, you have to return it. If I cannot guess you get double of what you stole."

"khi khikhikhi khi khi khikhikhikhi," the monkey was definitely excited on hearing that. Who doesn't want more money.

"But there are conditions. So that we do not cheat, you cannot steal from anyone else. In turn, I will never stop you from stealing from me. You can do it anytime anywhere. Deal?" Raka raised his hand in a gesture of a handshake.

After the parrot translated the latest, the monkey looked at him with burning eyes. And it also raised its hands and shook. The handshake was a universal language. Dogs, monkeys, cats, humans...it worked with everyone.

So Raka dodged a problem which could have had serious complications. And as a reward he would cook the meat they sometimes brought.


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