Unreal Realities - Creepypas...

By GetJinxed0

327K 13K 9.7K

A story about a girl and her brother goin around eatin people's and killing people's (duh) then one day they... More

Chappy 1 - Past in the Present
Chappy 2 - New Future for the Two
Chappy 3 - Meetings of Mad People
Chappy 4 - Calling of the Duty
Chappy 5 - Trollololololololo
Chappy 6 - The Slendies
Chappy 7 - Man Eating Friends
Chappy 10 - Broken
Chappy 11 - Eyebrows On Fleek Tho
Chappy 12 - KIDENYS!!!!!!
Chappy 13 - My Savior
Chappy 14 - KAWAII!!!!!!!!!
Chappy 15 - Halloween
Chappy 16 - That's NOT Candy!
Chappy 17 - Nice Feelings
Chappy 18 - Just a Little Bit of Nothing
Chappy 19 - ALL THE BACON IS WHAT?!?!?
Chappy 20 - Bloody Boys
Chappy 21 - Lovefool
Chappy 22 - OH SHIT!!
Chappy 23 - Giant Ass House
Chappy 24 - TAKE IT!!!!
Chappy 25 - Why?
Chappy 26 - Hi
Chappy 27 - Really?!
Chappy 28 - Saved (some what)
Chappy 29 - Old Friends
Chappy 30 - Comfort from a Friend
Chappy 31 - Drunk as Fuck
Chappy 32 - Insert Title Because I'm so Good at Making Titles. Arent I?
Chappy 33 - The New Guy, Animal, Pet, Thing
Chappy 34 - B-But What Happened to the Other Little Shit?
Chappy 35 - Fuck, Marry, Kill
Chappy 36 - FNAF?
Cahappy 37 - I'm Not Dead..... Right?
Chappy 38 - Building Back Up
Chappy 39 - Admiration
Chappy 40 - Wait!
Chappy 41 - Listen, Please!
Chappy 42 - A Pedo Thing?
Chappy 43 - Tachyon
Chappy 44 - ?
Chappy 45 - .........
Chappy 46 - This is a lemon. Sour, is it not?
Chappy 47 - Il Vit Et Nous Célébrons
Chappy 48 - The Other Side Is Now and It's Confusing

Chappy 9 - I-It Can't Be

8.4K 343 354
By GetJinxed0

Your eyes began to twitch as you woke up. You could hear only one person in the room and it seemed like the person in the room was waiting for you to wake up. You knew who it was. Your eyes opened quickly happy to see and know who it was. Except, it wasn't them. You really expected to see Tommy waiting but instead you got Splendor. He seemed to be crying for some reason. Also, for some reason, his tears were beautiful. Not in a weird way, but his tears were a spectacular rainbow.

"Splendor?" you whispered quietly. 

Splendor looked up from his hands and had a smile when he saw you. He jumped at you with a big hug.


You didn't know why he was worried so much. It's not like he knew you well. Then again, he could read your mind. You squirmed as you felt bruises beginning to hurt under his grasp that tightened more and more.

"S-Splendor, you're hurting me." you said with your voice trying not to cry out.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I thought you were dead." Splendor said again wiping away his tears.

"I noticed." you said with a chuckle, Splendor looked at the door of your room as it opened.

You turned to see it was LJ. You stood up quickly with your knife to just fall down again. The knife fell on the floor leaving you helpless. Well, not totally helpless, Splenderman was still with you.   

"LJ, if you plan on hurting y/n again, I'd turn back if I were you." Splendor said in an evil spine tingling voice. You didn't know he had it in him to sound so scary.

"Shut up, I just came to tell you that Offender is mad at you for turning his condoms into balloon animals and now he's coming to kill you." LJ said in a upset and offended tone.

Splendor ran away screaming, "IM SORRY, BROTHER, I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" and now you were really helpless this time without Splender by your side.

That's when you noticed how beat up LJ was. He had bruises on his face and an ice pack on his man parts, also bandaids all over cuts you could still see bleeding through. He looked like shit right now, unlike his happy go lucky self. 

"What?" you said still on the floor unable to get up because of the pain in your legs.

Unlike LJ, your bruises were much more visible and painful. Your legs were gashed and bruised tremendously. The bruises were all over your body which caused you to be immobile at the moment.

"Get up." LJ said a bit meanly yet still trying not to be mean.

"Why? I like it down here." you lied not wanting to tell the truth.

"I know you're lying just get up." LJ said taking a step towards you.

"Go away!" you said to him and backed up into your dresser hitting your bruised head.

LJ sighed and walked towards you. You had no where to go so you just waited to in brace the pain that was to come. That was until LJ picked you up very gently. Bridal style, may I presume. You blushed but still spoke with an angered voice.

"I swear if you throw me down the stairs again you're coming with me and I will make sure your neck snaps this time." you threatened

"I'm not idiot. I'm putting you back on the bed. I know you can't get up." LJ said and gently put you back on the bed.

LJ sat on the edge of the bed and looked down with a sad expression. He looked at you with melancholy eyes.

"Look, I'm... Im sorry for what I did. I guess I didn't think it would go that far, I just wanted to take my anger out on you when I slapped you." LJ said looked down again when he was done.

There was silence for a while. You were thinking about what to say next.

"I forgive you, after all I should have just slapped you back instead of aiming for your balls." you said looking away embarrassed about that.

LJ began to chuckle. Then his chuckle broke into an all out laugh. Then he stopped holding his sides in pain.

"Ow ow ow ow" he said with tears of laughter in his eyes.

You laughed to only to have the same pain hit you. Then you both broke out laughing together in pain. A noise of a door creaking open caught your attention. You both looked at to door to see Tommy. Tommy gasped as he saw you awake. He ran to you and hugged you tightly making your sides hurt but you indued the pain. Tommy got a glimpse of LJ at the corner of his eye. Tommy began to stand up on the bed with his sharp teeth showing threatening LJ. LJ backed off.

"Tommy, don't worry we made up." you told Tommy and pulled him back down on your lap. Tommy calmed down in bracing your hug.

"So, should I go?" LJ asked standing there awkwardly as you hugged Tommy.

"Actually, no. I need help getting up." you said kind of shy to ask.

"Sure." LJ said gave you his shoulder.

You grapped his shoulder and pulled yourself up with a small joint of pain. You still stood up and stretched your body out making you able to limp around in less pain.

"Thanks." you said to LJ.

LJ nodded with a smile and walked with you and Tommy to make sure you didn't fall while going down stairs. Once you were down stairs, you sat down on the couch very tense from the pain.

"Y/n! You're better already?" Helen said in surprise.

"I told you she would make it." Angel said in a monotone voice.

"She's lying, she said you'd be dead by tomorrow the whole time" Helen said telling the truth.

"PPPPFFFTTT That's what you said." Angel said and smiled at you.

You rolled your eyes at both of them with a smile. At lest you were alive, right?

"How are you feeling?" Slendy said entering the living room.

"Well, still like shit but I feel better in a manner of speaking." you said trying to make sense.

"Ah, that's good enough for me, as long as Tommy isn't clinging to me crying." BEN said smirking at Tommy.

Tommy shoved BEN in a playful way. You chuckled at Tommy and Tommy just blushed.

"Hey, I'm going to see if I can still move and go outside." you said wanting to get back on your feet since it's been 2 days since the last time you went on a kill.

You stood up and began to walk outside while Tommy followed. Once outside, you realized it was dark. Maybe 5:30AM already. You must have slept about a morning. It was a nice night unlike any other one you've seen recently. Except this night had a strange vibe to it. Like... Death. Which is really a normal feeling you should get all the time when you kill. Yet this seemed much worse.

As you walked around the front of the house with Tommy, you heard a last breath constantly as if someone was trying to hang on to the last of there life but couldn't. That's when you realized the noise was actually a living creature stalking it's prey. You grabbed Tommy and held him close as you looked around. That's when you saw.. It. A grey skinned creature was stalking you and Tommy, looking at you like food.

You reached in your pocket to find your knife but you were out of luck. You left it in your room when you fell down. You looked down at Tommy and whispered.

"Tommy, run into the house." you said quietly.

Tommy shook his head knowing you were weak and could easily lose the battle. The creature charged at you leaving you no choice of running. You threw Tommy to the floor making yourself to be the only one attacked. The beast had long claws that you caught in your hands. The claws began to dig into your hands and you let out a cry of pain. That's when the pain suddenly stopped. You looked to see who stopped it. What you saw would never ever leave you memory.

Tommy's dead lifeless body hung from the creatures claw. Tommy's body slid off the claw and onto the floor with one last look of you. That made your heart break the most was that Tommy smiled. He smiled. How could he? Why?! WHY WAS HE SMILING?!?!Your mind wasn't sure what to do. You couldn't move, you couldn't think, you couldn't speak. That's when the creature suddenly scurried off. You still couldn't move.

You could bearly get your mind together as you crawled towards Tommy's lifeless body. You picked him up and began to cradle him in your arms as you did when he was a baby. Tears streamed down your face with no end. You held Tommy to your face and kissed his cheek. You tuckled his face in the crook of your neck and began to cry over his body unable and unwilling to let him go. You didn't care about your bruises. You didn't care about your pain in your hands.

You could only sit there holding and crying over Tommy.

"Y-y/n?" you heard the faint voice behind you.

You refused to look to see who it was. You didn't let go of Tommy. His body was still warm as you held him. You could hear his last breath escape his mouth which didn't help with the pain. The pain you had that you didn't care about.

Your loved brother was gone and there was nothing to fill the hole in your heart.

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