[under editing]Transmigration...

Bởi nnaj2004

1.9M 95.1K 22.6K

"Excessive face powder, striking bright color robes and such an annoying attitude?! Why the hell don't you ju... Xem Thêm

Intro & Characters
1 - Love at first sight
2 - Farewell my glory youth
3 - Goddess
4 - Father and son meeting
5 - Meet the beauty
6 - Going home
7 - Dismiss from imperial harem
8 - Stay as my concubine
9 - Tea party
10 - Banquet
11 - Angelic Healer
12 - Regrets
13 - A night together
15 - Change of heart?
16 - "Sleeping beside you"
17 - Supportive Princess
18 - Divine Doctor
19 - Imperial pharmacy & Personal Bodyguards
20 - Create poison
21 - Game start
22 - Getting closer
23 - Truth behind past acts
24 - The Emperor collapsed
25 - Emperor is awake
26 - Another step closer
27 - Punishments
28 - Dismemberment
29 - Cuddling
30 - Hand in hand
31 - Visiting in-laws' house
32 - In-laws become the counsellor
33 - Match made in heaven
34 - Eating dog food
35 - General's way of courting
36 - Date
37 - "Are you jealous?"
38 - Coronation Day
39 - First night 🔞
40 - The empress has been targeted
41 - Problems showing up
42 - The Empress was attacked?!
43 - Emperor is bewitched
44 - Depart to the border
45 - People from State of Shu
46 - Palace was attacked
47 - Leaving Wu Empire
48 - Being Yu Zhougong's first wife??
49 - The emperor has returned
50 - Interrogation
51 - Young Emperor x Li Xiu Ying
52 - First part of plan has started
53 - Empress' location detected
54 - Meeting the empress
55 - Fake Letter
56 - South Empire X State of Shu
57 - First win
58 - The war
59 - Reunion
End (Part I)
End (Part II)
Side Story I: Wu Zhang Wei x Li Xiu Ying 🔞
Side Story II (Webnovel available)
Side Story III: Huang Fei Hong x Jing Yi

14 - Sick or just an excuse?

42.4K 2.1K 543
Bởi nnaj2004

After the first night, Wu Zhang Wei hides lots of tricks under his sleeves. Tricks to make Yu Li Na believed that they slept together. On the second night, Zhang Wei secretly slid herbal pills into her food that can make her feel sleepy.

On the third night, when Zhang Wei just one step before taking off Li Na's robe, the concubine suddenly had abdominal pain. After three times taking a dump, Zhang Wei pretends to be worried and showed some care. "You should rest tonight. Zhen will ask the physician to come and check on you. Zhen will come again next week."

With that, Wu Zhang Wei left the room. Yu Li Na want to stop him from leaving but the nature call needs to be answered quickly.

Done with Concubine Yu, Wu Zhang Wei has to face Concubine Lin. Based on Zhang Wei's views on her, she's a bit more hot-tempered than Yu Li Na. If Yu Li Na could hide her feelings, this girl is more expressive and outspoken.

She's a bit childish, less pretty than Concubine Yu but with the same rotten heart. When with Concubine Yu, she's preferred to show her worth and value but in reverse, Concubine Lin preferred to badmouth other concubines, especially Xiu Ying.

If the other person didn't intend to hide her intention, so did Wu Zhang Wei. On both nights, he rejected to be with Lin Hui Yin. The first night, he said, "Sorry Concubine Lin. Tonight, Zhen didn't feel well, so Zhen would like to excuse myself."

The young girl wants to retort but thinking of the consequences, she held back her anger. But her maid becomes the place for her to vent her anger.

On the second night, Wu Zhang Wei couldn't bear to hear this slutty girl insulting his loved one. He slightly raised his voice, "Concubine Lin, you keep on speaking-ill of other people. What makes you think you're better than them? Are you that perfect? Saint? I know Concubine Yu also disliked Concubine Li but she never badmouthed him. What makes you think, you, the one who has a lower position, could easily speak like that? Who gave you the right?"

Lin Hui Yin turns rigid. She was a spoiled child. Never his parents mad at her. She always forced her parents to listen to her demands. So, when Wu Zhang Wei mad at her, she forgot whom she faced. "Your Majesty! What I said, is it wrong?! It's true that Concubine Li is such an ugly slut. When he went home, he slept around with many guys. I could bring over someone to be my witness. He could prove to Your Majesty that Concubine Li is a loose guy!"


Some teacups and bowls fell onto the floor when Wu Zhang Wei slams the dining table. It makes Hui Yin shrink her body and lower her head.

Wu Zhang Wei abruptly stands. "That's enough. Zhen didn't want to hear anything from your stink mouth." He left, leaving the crying girl.

Zhang Wei grips his fist tightly. "You're lucky I didn't kill you on the spot," he mumbles.

As for Wen Qian, it is too easy to handle. Wen Qian barely speaks any words. She just acts normally. She didn't even try to promote herself. They have a quiet dinner.

When bed time arrived, she feels reluctant to lay on the bed when Wu Zhang Wei already tucked himself under the quilt. Looking at the fidgeting girl, Wu Zhang Wei sits up, "Wen Qian, sits. Zhen has something to say."

She slowly walks to the bed and sits at the edge of the mattress.

"You....don't wish to be here right?"

The girl tilts her head. "Wh- what Your Majesty means?"

"Zhen knows you were sent here by forced by your stepmother. She hoped that you'll suffer living in this place, am I right?" Wen Qian nods.

"Zhen also doesn't wish to force anyone....so, do you still want to live here or do you want Zhen to send you out of the palace?" Wen Qian raises her head, happiness can be seen on her face.

But then she turns gloomy. "B- but...I don't want to go back to that house again. I don't want to live with them."

Zhang Wei sighs. "Then, choose. You live here but keep on doing what you always do, stay low. Or, Zhen will send you out of the palace and Zhen will find a good family for you to be married into. Zhen will make sure your stepmother won't know about this."

Wen Qian steals a glance at the emperor. The emperor is being too good to her and it is so hard to believe. "Wh- why...Your Majesty wants to do this for me?"

Zhang Wei shrugs his shoulders. "No reason. Zhen knows you're a good person. You never want to live here but you are willing to accept it as it is better than living with your family. Zhen likes how you manage to take care of yourself even though you were surrounded by snakes. Besides, Zhen is not so cruel to let someone live alone during her whole life. You deserve to find your own happiness."

Tears filled her eyes, "Th- thank you... thank you, Your Majesty." She kneels and kowtows.

"Alright alright. That's enough. Rise." Zhang Wei pats on the empty space beside him. "Sit here. Zhen wants to ask something."

Feeling more comfortable with the emperor, Wen Qian did as she was told. She wipes the tears stain and quickly sits on the bed.

He clears his throat, "You....do you know anything about...Concubine Li?" He avoids Wen Qian's eyes.

"Concubine Li?"

"Hmn. Concubine Li...Li Xiu Ying. Do you know anything about him? Zhen means- what do you think about him?" Wu Zhang Wei rubs his nape.

Wen Qian didn't believe her eyes. The cold and feared emperor, acting shy.

"Well, as Your Majesty knows, I rarely involved with other concubines. I've encountered him once, during the tea party. Other than that, I only saw him from afar." Wen Qian thinks for a while, remembering how she met with Xiu Ying.

"What can I say about Concubine Li....he's really beautiful. In this palace, I don't think anyone could compete with his look." Zhang Wei nods, agreeing.

"About his attitude...he's actually very nice. From what I can see, he's not fake. But if someone tried to do him dirty, he'll return it tenfold. He's not the type that easy to be bullied." Wen Qian glances at the emperor.

Seeing the emperor waiting for her next words, she continues.

"Your Majesty, pardon for my bluntness but to be honest, I'm quite afraid of...Concubine Yu and Concubine Lin. They're quite intimidating. I didn't dare to do anything to go against them that's why I keep a low profile, but still, they tried to find faults in me. But when I met Concubine Li, it was the first time I met someone that genuinely worried about me. I can see from his eyes. I wished to befriend him but I know that it will bring harm to both of us if Concubine Yu know it." She sighs.

Once in a while, Wen Qian steals a glance at Zhang Wei. His expressions keep on changing. From smiling like an idiot, then suddenly frowning then now he's clearly mad.

"Yo- your Majesty, please ignore my babbling. It's just...."

"Don't worry. Zhen won't say anything to her. Thanks for being honest." Wen Qian breathes a sigh of relief.

"By the way, just stay here for the meantime while Zhen looking for a suitable family for you. When Zhen has found them, Zhen will let you leave."

"Your Majesty, thank you so much! I don't know how to repay you. You've been so good to me. I know Your Majesty will never harbor any feelings for me, so even if Your Majesty just let me live quietly here, I also don't mind. It's already good enough. But since Your Majesty has decided like this, I can't thank you enough." She keeps kowtow-ing.

Wu Zhang Wei smirks. "Wanna repay Zhen?"

"Yes. Just tell me anything. I'll do anything as long as I can repay Your Majesty's kindness."

"Alright then....befriend with Concubine Li. Zhen wanna know everything about him."

Wen Qian smiles, "Your Majesty....really loves him, right?" Wen Qian never thought the emperor seriously fell in love with Concubine Li. She thought that Wu Zhang Wei is a heartless emperor that never know the meaning of love. But looking at him now, Wen Qian can only shake her head.

"We- well....it's not wrong to love Zhen's concubine." He rubs his nose, feeling shy.

"I'm glad Concubine Li is the one that Your Majesty loves because even though I've met him only once I know he's a good person. Right now, many servants envy Jing Yi, Concubine Li's manservant because no other concubines treat their servant as good as Concubine Li treats Jing Yi."

Wu Zhang Wei's smug face is like saying, 'Of course. That's my wife!'

"Alright. Now, just lay down. Zhen will go back to Zhen's room. Starting next week, Zhen will add another night for you." Right after saying this, Wu Zhang Wei exits the room through the window as not to alert other people about his leaving.


Today is the last day of the week. Meaning, Wu Zhang Wei will spend the night with Xiu Ying.

Unlike other concubines, Xiu Ying made no preparation. In the morning, he practices his martial arts skills. Since the current body is weaker than his original body, Xiu Ying needs to keep practicing to sharpen his moves.

Then, he rests until lunchtime. After lunch, he strolls around the garden until evening. Seeing the messy garden, he starts to tend it. He even cleans the fish pond until his whole body smells fishy.

When it's almost dinner time, Xiu Ying returns to his room to take a bath. He cleans himself normally. No milk bath, no essential. Just warm water and soap. During his bath, Xiu Ying keeps on sneezing.

'Maybe I soaked too long in the fish pond,' thought Xiu Ying.

He dried his hair then quickly eats his dinner, without waiting for the other person that was supposed to come tonight. After dinner, he takes some medication to relieve the flu. Then, he walks to the bed and pulls the blanket over his body, revealing his small head only. In just a few minutes, he was already deep in sleep.

When Wu Zhang Wei came, Jing Yi didn't know what to say.

Looking at the fidgeting servant, Wu Zhang Wei asked, "Concubine Li is inside?"

"Ye- yes Your Majesty b- but Concubine Li already sleep."

"Sleep?? This early??" He slightly raises his voice.

"Ye- yes. Th- that's because Concubine Li is a little bit sick. Right after he took his medication, he fell asleep."

Wu Zhang Wei is about to ask whether he's lying or not but the question didn't come out of his mouth when he heard someone inside keeps on sneezing.

Wu Zhang Wei rushed into the room and he met with a small head moving back and forth due to sneeze. He approaches the figure and tried to peek over the blanket.

Xiu Ying's nose is red. Zhang Wei puts his palm over Xiu Ying's forehead and he's shocked at the high temperature he felt. He quickly goes out again to meet Jing Yi.

"What's wrong with him? Why suddenly he gets sick?"

Bewildered by the sudden questions, Jing Yi blinks his eyes repeatedly. "Ha? Oh...Actually in the evening, Concubine Li...cleaned the fish pond. He soaked too long inside the fish pond. I've clearly said not to do it but...no one can stop once Concubine Li has made his decision."

Zhang Wei huffs. "Go and bring a towel and cold water. Hurry up."

In a flash, Jing Yi ran to the kitchen and bring back a bowl of cold water together with a towel. Zhang Wei takes it from Jing Yi's hand, enters the room the slams the door behind. Leaving the poor servant in a confused state.

Zhang Wei soaks the towel into the cold water, squeezes out the water the gently puts the wet towel on Xiu Ying's forehead.

Zhang Wei gently caresses the long soft hair. Looking at the beautiful person sleeping peacefully, his lips curved. He lowers his head until his lips almost meet Xiu Ying's lips. He's just a few inches away but he stops, then moves upward. He pecks on top of Xiu Ying's head.

"I won't do it without your consent. If I want to kiss you, I want you to return it." Giving the last touch on Xiu Ying's cheek, then he leaves.

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