Forever and Always (Sequel to...


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Watch Max and Demi plan their wedding while taking care of two little ones. How will they deal with the stres... Еще



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Demi's POV

After our wedding, Max and I spent the night in a hotel showing each other just how much we love one another for hours on end. The next morning, we said goodbye to the kids who stayed in my parents room the previous night and then we got on a plane to head to our honeymoon. Max has yet to tell me where we're spending it though, and I tried every tactic to get him to spill, but he would not give in. And I mean I tried EVERYTHING. Hours later, we landed and as we got out of the plane I instantly knew where we were and I squealed and jumped in Max's arms as he laughed.

"You brought me to Greece?!" I squeal as I wrap my arms tightly around his neck and his go around my waist.

"Yes baby. I told you that you would love it." He replies and I smile big and pepper kisses on his neck before pulling away and bringing him in for a long passionate kiss.

"I love you so much." I whisper as we pull away and he smiles and caresses my cheek.

"I love you too baby. Now let's go honeymoon it up." He says kissing my forehead and I giggle and pull away as we go to the car that will bring us to where we will be staying.

We spent ten days at a beautiful private resort and we spent our days swimming, in bed, exploring or eating. It was the most amazing honeymoon ever and although I missed my kids miserably, I wish we could stay forever.

Max and I actually didn't end up posting about us getting married until a month later, even though that it did go around in the tabloids that we secretly got married. We then both spammed our accounts with honeymoon pictures, but then we took a significant break from social media once the trial started for Victoria and Rafael.

It was grueling to see them again and hear them talk and try and act like the victim when they hurt my daughter. It was very emotional and hard to see the pictures of Zara's bruises get pulled up on the screen because I so badly wanted to erase it all from my memory. About four days into the trial, I ended up waking up from a really bad nightmare. I shot up in bed quickly, breathing heavily and throwing the covers off of me and rushing out of the room and down to Zara's. I open up her door and go to her bed and I see her still peacefully sleeping as she clutches on to her pink blanket.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I hear Max, so I turn around still breathing heavily to see Max standing at the threshold of her door wearing nothing but his boxers.

"I-I, Zara she.." I start but I shake my head as I place my hand over my chest as tears start to rapidly fall down my cheeks.

"Baby, she's okay. She's sleeping." He says walking over to me, but I barely notice as he places his hands on my waist and brings me into his chest. "Calm down. She's okay." He says rubbing my back as he kisses the top of my head repeatedly.

"She was dead. They killed her." I cry out in his chest after several minutes and I feel Max slightly tense up before he starts walking us out of her room and in the hall.

"Baby, she's okay. She's alive and safe." He says pulling my head away from his chest as he wipes my tears away. "She's just fine." He says and I nod as I try to calm down.

"They took her again and then we found her dead on an old mattress, naked and bruised and bleeding." I say hiccuping in between every few words.

"Come here baby." He says bringing me back in his arms as he holds onto me tightly. After several minutes I finally calm down as I sniffle every few minutes. "Zara is perfectly okay, and Rafael and Victoria will be put away for a long time." Max eventually says.

"But what if they don't?" I ask pulling away. "It's up to a trial of complete strangers what happens to them. What if they let them go and they come back for her?" I ask him with tears threatening to start falling again.

"They won't. They will get convicted baby. I promise." He says looking directly in my eyes and I nod.

"Okay." I say and he kisses my forehead before bringing me back in his arms and holding me for several more minutes before we head back to our room. After that, I didn't have another nightmare like that, but I still had dreams about them getting off and it terrified me.

Finally, after two more weeks, the trial was over and the jury was announcing their conviction for both Rafael and Victoria. I anxiously bounced my leg up and down as I held onto Max's hand tightly. I briefly glanced to the front of the courtroom to see both Victoria and Rafael glaring at me in their orange jumpsuits. I immediately turn my head back over to the jury and it seemed like ages before they finally announced their conviction.


Both of them.

I dropped my head into Max's chest as I cried tears of joy knowing that they will both be put away. The judge then ended up sentencing Rafael to eight years in prison and Victoria fifteen. I wish they had gotten more, but at the end of the day I'm just grateful that they will be out of our lives.

A month later, and it was Zara's second birthday then Ezra's first. I was definitely an emotional mess since they were both growing up so fast. Max and I debated for awhile if we wanted to combine their birthdays or do it separate since they're only a day apart, but we ultimately decided to do it separate since Ezra's is a big birthday. It's his first. So on the Saturday before their birthdays we celebrated Zara and then we did Ezra's party the next day. For Zara's birthday we had the pool open and did a barbecue in the backyard and decorated it with a bunch of balloons and bubbles. For Ezra's, we did Mickey Mouse theme. I know it's basic, but he absolutely loved Mickey Mouse so we did it anyway. We even hired someone to dress up as Minnie and Mickey and Ezra went crazy. He loved it so much and kept running up to them and hugging them. Cake time was definitely my favorite part though, because he definitely demolished his little cake and pretty much ate the whole thing. He had frosting and cake all over him and I was definitely dreading to give him a bath, so I handed him over to Max to clean him up and change him before bringing him back out for presents. Their actual birthdays were on that Monday and Tuesday and we spent it at the house together and gave them our own presents as well as some more cake.

After another month, Max got a call to be a leading role in a new movie. I was so excited for him and even more excited that he accepted the role. He would be playing a husband and a father that previously worked for the CIA when his son goes missing all the sudden. He then goes through all the obstacles of getting him back and it's definitely a great movie even if I've only read the script so far. The only thing that sucked about him taking this role was that it was being filmed in New Work and London. He offered for me and the kids to go with him, but I really didn't want to uproot the kids entire lives and move them around. He understood and once he left a month later, it was definitely emotional. Both the kids and I cried as we said goodbye to him because I didn't know when we would see him. I had a lot of work coming up as well including a new album and a talk show that I got offered.

Max and I were so busy with work that we didn't even have time to go to my doctor to talk about our chance of having another baby or if my abortion is affecting my pregnancies or not. I actually kind of stopped thinking about having another kid for awhile even if I still deep down wanted one. I know Max did too, but we just stopped bringing it up all together.

After two long months, Max was finally done filming and was able to come home. I hadn't seen him the whole two months because of work, but I did fly Max's mom out to London with the kids about a month in so he could see them. The kids stayed out there with him for a week before they came back home and it was definitely emotional since I had missed Max so badly. By the time he had gotten back home, my album was about halfway done and I was getting ready to start traveling again for promo. It was definitely going to suck when I had to leave, but I know that I will still see Max and the kids as much as possible.

For Max's birthday that year, I took him and the kids back up to that cabin in Utah we stayed in a while back and it was definitely needed. With how busy we both were, it was nice to get away for the week and spend quality time away from the media and world. One night while we were up there, we had put the kids to bed and decided to get in the hot tub together. As I straddled Max's lap, kissing him, he all the sudden pulled away and I furrowed my brows.

"What's wrong?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Nothing." He says trying to give me a smile, but I can see right through him and I give him a look. "Fine. I just was thinking about us wanting to try for another baby, but we really haven't been trying or gone to your doctor yet." He says and I nod looking down at my hands on his chest.

"I know. We've just been so busy lately that I've barely even had a chance to think about being pregnant again. I definitely want to have another baby, but I'm starting to think that nows not really the best time." I say shrugging still not looking up at him.

"Okay. Let's wait then. At least until things cool down a little bit." He says and I look up at him.

"You're not mad?" I ask and he furrows his brows and shakes his head.

"No. Why would I be mad?" He asks caressing my hips and I shrug.

"I just thought that you wanted another one right now and thought you would be frustrated that I led you on that we would have another baby right after we got married." I say.

"I'm not frustrated or mad. I get why you want to wait and it makes sense. Things change and we've both been super busy like you said. Maybe we can wait at least another year." He suggests and I nod.

"That sounds good." I say and he smiles.

"Okay, now come here baby." He says pulling me back in for another kiss and I giggle against his lips.

By the time we made it back home, it was time for the release of Max's movie. We went to the premiere together while the kids stayed home with my mom and the movie was  absolutely amazing!! It was actually kind of funny because there's a few kissing scenes between Max and the girl that played his wife and he was super nervous for me to watch it even if he already told me before he left to film the movie. After the movie ended, Max brought me around and introduced me to his cast mates as well as the director. Max then pulled me to the side after about thirty minutes and I furrow my brows.

"What's wrong?" I ask wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know what you think?" He asks and I smile big.

"I loved it baby. Seriously my favorite movie ever and that's not just because my amazing husband was in it. It's an amazing film all together." I say and he smiles.

"Thank you baby. How'd you feel about the kissing scenes?" He asks almost nervous and now I know why he really called me over here.

"Baby, I don't care. It's your job and you had to do it. Now as long as you weren't kissing her off camera or anyone else for that matter then I don't care." I say and he nods and I giggle. "I'm serious baby. I'm fine." I continue since he didn't seem very convinced.

"I love you." He says and I smile bigger and bring him in for a kiss.

"I love you too honey." I reply pecking his lips one final time then pulling away when I see a camera pointed at our direction from past his shoulder. "And the media is here." I say and he nods then kisses my cheek and leads me back to everyone else.

For my birthday that next month, Max took me and the kids to Bora Bora and I was so surprised. I had been telling him that I wanted to go back for awhile now, especially since both the kids are in swimming classes and love the water but he never seemed like he had any plans to take me. We spent five days there, before we had to go back home for work. My talk show was still doing well and they wanted me to sign for another season and I immediately did, since I loved it. My album is also pretty much done and ready to drop, but we're going to wait until around November and then do a tour after the holidays. Max actually ended up starting on another album as well, but then in October he got picked up for a TV show. I was so unbelievably proud of him, and grateful that the show would be filmed here in LA. He started filming in the beginning of November and then a few weeks later, I released my eighth album. It was sad though, because I had to leave to do promo which meant I had to leave Max and the kids. I had to leave for two weeks the first time then come home for a couple days then leave again for another week and a half and come back from Christmas and New Years.

Christmas that year was so much fun, because Zara actually understood a little more what was going on and her excitement I think built up Ezra's which just made the whole holiday incredible.

I ended up leaving for tour at the end of January and that was extremely hard. Max was already busy enough with his TV show so I didn't know when I would see him or the kids again. On February 25th though, I flew home and surprised Max and the kids. They had no idea I was coming, but I knew I had to go home for the weekend so I could see my kids and spend Max and I's one year wedding anniversary together. As soon as I landed, I got straight in the car and drove home. When I got there, I saw Max's moms car in the driveway and I figured she was here watching the kids. I walked in the door and heard both my kids giggling as the dogs run up to me barking. I pet them for a couple minutes before walking further into the house so I can see my babies. I see them both in the kitchen on the table and when they see me, Zara gasps and races towards me.

"Mommy!" She squeals wrapping her arms around my legs. I smile big and pick her up in my arms and hug her tight. "I miss you!" She says and I smile and kiss her head repeatedly.

"I missed you too princess. So much." I say walking towards Ezra who just got down from the chair. I then bend down to his height and wrap him up in my other arm and kiss him. After cuddling with them for a few more minutes, they then show me what they were doing on the table.

"Look mommy." Zara says showing me the paper that has drawings on it and I smile and sit down on the table with both the kids on either side of me.

"That's so pretty baby girl." I say and she smiles and starts pointing everything out.

"That's daddy. Mommy. Bubu. And me." She says and I smile.

"Who's that?" I ask pointing to another part of the drawing.

"Baby sister." She says and my eyes go wide and I look up to Rhonda who also looks just as shocked.

"What do you mean? You don't have a baby sister." I say running my fingers over her hair.

"Yeah. I had a dream." She says looking up at me and I smile and bend down to kiss her forehead. I take a deep breath then continue playing with the kids for another hour or so before Max's mom leaves. I then decide to order some Chinese food for dinner since I didn't feel like cooking and I don't think Max would either after shooting all day. Max previously said that he normally gets home at around six pm every night, so I ordered the food about ten minutes before then. Soon, I hear the gate open and I smile big.

"Don't tell daddy I'm here, okay?" I ask the kids and they both nod.

"Why?" Ezra asks and I smile.

"I want to surprise him!" I say and they nod. They then continue playing in the play room and I decide to kind of hide myself while also keeping an eye on the kids. After a couple minutes I hear the front door open followed by the dogs barking.

"I'm home!" He shouts and the kids both jump up and race to the door. I peak out slightly and see Max hug both the kids and kiss them. "Where's nana?" He asks picking up Ezra in his arms as Zara follows closely behind him.

"She left." Zara answers and Max freezes and looks down at her.

"What? She left? When?" He asks and now I'm starting to feel bad because he looks kind of mad.

"A while ago." She answers shrugging. I then see Max set Ezra down as he grabs his phone out of his pocket and brings it up to his ear. I figured he was probably calling his mom so I decide to walk out from where I was hiding and I walk up to Max as he faces the other way. I bring my finger up to my mouth when the kids see me and they both giggle and nod. I then wrap my arms around Max's waist from behind and he jumps and turns immediately.

"Hi baby." I say and he smiles big and hangs up his phone before wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks still shocked and I laugh.

"You really didn't think I would see you for our anniversary?" I ask pulling away slightly.

"I thought we were both to busy. I was going to try and fly out to you though." He says and I smile and bring my hand up to his cheek.

"Looks like I beat you to it." I say and he smiles and leans down to kiss me.

"Ewww!!" We hear both the kids and we chuckle and pull away to look down at Ezra and Zara to see them both giggling.

"You think that's gross?" I ask and they nod covering their eyes with their hands. I smile and bend down to wrap them both up in my arms and I kiss them all over. They squeal and laugh and after a couple minutes I finally pull away and look up at Max as they run off to play. "What are you looking at?" I ask standing back up as Max watches me with a small smile.

"My beautiful wife." He answers grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him. I blush and rest my head on his chest as I wrap my arms around his waist. "I missed you so much baby." He says kissing the top of my head.

"I missed you too." I reply pulling away to peck his lips.

The next day was our anniversary and later that night, Max took me to the beach and we had dinner there. It was so amazing and I definitely cried when I realized that he took me to the same beach that we had our first date on. I spent three more days there, before I had to fly back to my tour. It was really hard saying goodbye to Max and the kids, but it's always hard to say goodbye.

I finished my U.S. leg of the tour at the beginning of April and then I took two weeks off to recuperate and spend time with my family before I had to leave for my European tour and then South America. During that time, it was Zara's third birthday and then Ezra's second. I honestly can't believe how fast they're growing and I know I say that all the time, but it's true. They are growing up and it makes me so sad.

I finished my whole tour in June and it was so nice to go back home without having to think about when I'm leaving next. I told Scooter that I wanted a little bit of a break and that I would still work on a new album here and there, but I needed a break and he understood. It was amazing to actually be at home everyday with my kids and in July, Max finished his album and released it. He ended up finishing his TV show back in May, but it got picked up for another season so he will start filming that soon. He ended up leaving for promo, but he was only gone for about a month and he was back home. Me and the kids did fly out to him for a short period of time after a couple weeks, but that was it.

It was nice to all be home together again, but I knew it wouldn't be long before one of us had to leave for a long period of time again and I was dreading it. But I tried to stay positive and bask in these moments with my family.

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