File: Marchen Morder

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These files contain stories from all over the world that are under the... odd and strange category. But are f... Több

File B: Jackson Tyler Hemmerson
File C: Selena Gertrude Williams
File D: Matthew Inel

File A: Natalie Outlette

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                                                          Natalie Outlette, AKA Clockwork

                                                                            March 1st, 2005

                                                                           The First Incident

This is the graphic depiction of Natalie Outlette's story, told by herself. She is currently on the run. 

Warning, this case file has triggers for sexual assault and abuse. Only specific departments should handle this case.  

The telling of this case will be put in first person, a request from Natalie. 


" Natalie O- Oa-Yo-tlette." The art judge called. 

" Oat." I pronounced for her as I stood up, the tiredness in my voice was clear.

" Oatlette." She corrected as I walked up onto the worst styled stage I've ever seen, then handed the number two blue ribbon, then walked to the side next to the most hippy girl I have ever saw. 

Her smile was so big, it made my mouth hurt. 

I waited patently and finally got the 30$ that came with the second place spot and left the stage, noticing the couds were getting dangerously dark. 

Grabbing my painting, Lucas, my boyfriend, ran straight into me, cupping my butt. 

" David wants you to hurry up." 

" Alright. Let me grab something to eat and I'll meet you guys at the middle school." 

" Now." He whispered into my ear, tightening his grip on my butt.

" Alright. Then if we want to eat, we will have to slip out of the house tonight." 

" That just gives us more time ta enjoy ourselves."

His breath was hot aginst my throat. It felt amazing. 

My breath hitched as his lips touched my skin, his hand sliding around to my stomach, then in between my legs. " Stay still. I'm going to give you something special."

" Alright." I said as breathlessly as possible on purpose. 

The thick crowd was beginning to fade right asLucas started to put his hand down my pants.

" Can this wait till tonight?" I asked, grabbing his hand. 

" If we are, it's not going to be a make-out session."

He turned and started walking, holding my hand as I followed behind him.

" Is Mom with him?" I asked. 

" I don't know. She wasn't in the car when he pulled up, but he never said she didn't come." 

" Alright." 

We met David in a gas station outside of town, noticing the back seat was covered in groceries.

" Shove em to the side and come on." 

Lucas moved them, sitting down first, then I sat on his lap as David started driving. 

" How much did you buy?" I asked, noticing the front seat was full also. 

" Enough to last us the rest of the summer." He said, his tone had changed. 

David's eyes flung themselves up to the center mirror to look at us. " Your Uncle's and coming over. So you better get whatever you have in your system out by midnight tonight." 

" We understand." Lucas said instantly looking at me. 

Lucas's hand want down my pants, his finger's cupping the inside tissue of my vigina as David turned up the radio to cover up the noises I was about to make.


We got home a few minutes later, and I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower while David and Lucas brung in the grocerys. 

I had do shower off the sweat and my drinched underwear. And to also cover up the hickies and bitemarks Lucas left on me. 

" Are you almost done in there?" Mom asked, lightly tapping on the thin bathroom door. 

" Y-yeah. Just give me a second Mom."

She would freak the fuck out if she new I was aleardy sexually active.

I opened the door and stopped. My smile faded as a drop of blood came from her very busted lip, her make up failing to cover her black eye. 

" M, Mom, what the hell happened?" 

" A doorframe thing. I tripped. Now go on and start on your next painting. Get first place." 

I couldn't move, I was so shocked.

I knew David was a peace of low life trash, but I never thought he would do this to Mom. 

" Go on dear. You can have a snack if you wish." She said, pulling me out of the doorframe. 

" Mom?" 

She shut the door and was silent for a few moments, then began to softly cry as the shower was turned on. 

" Hey," Lucas whispered from around the corner, then crept around it. " Is she ok?"

" I, I think, sweet god." 

" What is it? Did he hurt her?"

" I, I think." 

" That piece of shit. What do you want to do?" 

" I don't know Luke. There's gun's everywhere in the house and we're tiny. He'll kill us if we confront him. I mean, maybe she did fall..."

" Maybe the lip was a result of a fall, but that eye, no way in hell." 

" Are you two asswipes going to help me but this shit away?!" David yelled from the kitchen.

" Just leave it to us, alright? Well be there in a minute." 

" Remember where you put shit so your mother's not having an ulcer!" 

" I can't... I can't..." 

" Go to your room and calm down. Leave this to me, okay?" 

" What are you going to do?" 

" Just trust me." 

He kissed me and walked me to my room. " Just start on your painting. I'll bring you something to snack on later." 

He placed me on my bed and locked my bedroom door behind him. 

I couldn't think, and I deffinently coundn't paint in this mind set. Oh god, was Luke going to try and take care of this himself?

Breathe. You have to calm down. Trust him. Just trust him.

I calmed down a little by little. 

I took my cellphone out and noticed that two hours had passed already. 

Why haden't Lucas came in to check on me? 

I opened my door and crept down the hall to find him working away in the kitchen while David was asleep.

" Luke?" I whispered. 

" I thought I told you to stay in your room?" 

" It's been two hours." 

" Seriously? Damn, sorry." 

" Should we call the police now? Catch him off guard?" 

" Wouldn't work. He's a light sleeper, remember?" 

" Well, when Ronnie and Tray get here and see Mary, that could work? You think so?" 

" We can try." 

" What are you two doing?" Mom asked as she appeared from nowhere, her hair put up in a towel. " I told David to cook dinner." 

Lucas exhailed. " Mary, did he hit you?" 

" NO!" She snapped, causing David to jump awake.

" Shut the fuck up! God, I can't even take a nap around here!" 

David got up and started to wabble away, but Lucus suddenly snapped " Why should a monster like you get to sleep piecefully?"

David turns around, almost falling over. " What you'd say fuckwit?" 

Lucas protectively stepped infront of me, guarding me with his left hand. " I said your a piece of shit." 

" David let's just go to our room." Mom said, grabbing David's wrist. 

" No. I'm tired of these retards! Eating all the food, costing me money! Have your fagit of a brother take him for fuck sake! There not even my kids! I shouldn't even be taking care of them!" 

" What?" 

Mom's eyes didn't even turn to me. " What do you mean David? There our kids. Remember?" 

" Did you forget that your tubes were tied so your Daddy could fuck you whenever he wanted you fucking whore!" 

David wrapped his fingers around Mom's neck, making Lukas go for the meat cleaver and put it in David's shoulder, making him shove Mom away as David fell backwards. 

" David?" Mom asked as she crawled over to him. 

" Fucking prick. I'mma kill you!" 

" Luke, the fuck?" I asked. 

He looked back at me. Fear in his eyes. " I don't know what happened." 

" What happened is you stabbed your Father! Shhh,love. Just hang on, alright." 

She took out her phone and called 911 as Lucas shamled away. 

I chased after him, and when he collapsed in the floor of my room, he started crying in my arms, saying " I killed him" over and over again.

Mom yelled at us like a crazed loon as she tended to David as the 9-1-1 operator tried to tell her what to do, but she was to focused on yelling at us. 

When the police arrived, they cleared the house. 

I never liked the people that were on our police force, but I was sure glad that they were there when one of the medics pronounced David deceased. 

She went mad. Shouting at us that Luke was a murderer, an evil seed, and was going to burn  in hell for killing him. 

Mom had to be tasered because she attacked the officers that were tying to restrain her from reseaving her wrath.

A police officer took her away as another one called in the corner. 

" Hey, you guys alright?" A really young male officer asked, taking my attention away from my still screaming Mother.

" I think Lucas is having a mental breakdown." 

He looked Lucas over, then me. " Stay in here alright. You've already seen enough." 

He left, shutting the door slightly. 

" B, Baby." Lucas stuttered. 

" She didn't mean it alright. Just breath." I said, petting his head. 


The Intervew: Tape 1

" Is there anyone else in your family except your Uncle's?" An older detective asked me, spitting some tobacco into a white foam cup. 

" W-why can't they take us?" I asked. 

" One, there in a different state, and two, one of them is a sex offender." 

There was a loud bang, then the detective got up and exited what they called an intaragation room. 

A really pretty older women came in instead. But her badge said something else. 

" Special Victims?" I asked as she sat down, a few thin files in her left hand. 

" Is it alright if I ask you a few question?" She asked, her voice was soft.

" Where did the other guy go?" 

" He went to go get you ice cream." 

" Before we start, can I see my brother?" 

She looked up from the folders, taking off her wide screened glasses, her short black curly hair bounced as she slightly tilted her head down. " He has been sent to a special hospital for the time being."

" Why? Did he do something?" 

" No. It's the best thing for him now," She looked over the papers in the folders, put them aside, thenput her arms on the table. " You will be able to see him soon. Now,  I'm going to ask you some questions about your family, alright?" 

" Alright?" 

" I'll start with your Mother. Did she ever hit you? Or lock you in your room?" 

Suddenly, I felt no fear, dealing good about telling her. Where did this come from?

" Natalie?"

" My Mom is very strict. She would lock my brother and I in our rooms as a means of discipline. She would go by how much time we spent in there by what we did. She never let us go hungry. She whipped us, yes, but she never beat us." 

The women tilted her head to theside. " What about your Father?" 

" Why are you asking about David, he's dead." 

She leaned back. " Just want to know." 

" That person was never apart of the disaplening. Never really a part of anything at all. I call him by his name because I didn't see him as a Father. He never abused us. But he didn't do anything for us." 

" Are you saying he neglected you then?" 

" Yeah." 

Her posture changed. " And what about your brother." 

" Luke is... how can I put this. He's everything tome. I love him deeply." 

" Did he ever hurt you on purpose?" She asked, her tone changing to a more serious one.

" No. He never hurt me." 

The women exhailed,almost as if she was angry. " Natilie, did your parents ever have a talk with you about the " birds and the bees?" 

" No?" 

She sat up, fixing her body so everything said she was serious. " I figured so since you and your brother were homeschooled." 

She paused. " A girl's body starts to change when she is 10, sometimes younger like you. And the boy's body does it when he's 11, sometimes earlier like your brother. These changes are known as purberly. When someone is going through perberty, the girl gets what's called a period, also, a chemical called estragen is introduced into the body. That, with the boy's testosterone, starts to introduce something called sexual attraction." 

She paused again. " The work up that the doctor's did on you show's that you're private parts have been, faundled with. Did your Uncle-" 

" No!"

But she paused again, really long this time.

" Alright what about your brother." 

I got a weird feeling. " Y-yes. David and Mom said it was normal. Your acting like it's a bad thing."

" It is a bad thing. It's called molestation. What happened to you and your brother aren't at fault, your parents are." 

" Wait... they, this, I'm..." 

Suddenly, there was repeated bangs coming from somewhere, then the door flew open to reveal an older Hisanic man. " That's enough for now." 

" She hear yet?" 

" No, the kid's going to have to be put in a group home." 

" After what I told her? Captian-" 

" The spot we reserved for her was taken. Do not worry, it's an at risk group home. She'll be fine." 

The lady started to say something else, but my hearing started to fade in and out. 

Why can't I talk?

The women jumped up, tossing the files she had in her hand at the Captian. 

My head hit the ground, and both of them gunned it to my side. 

December 25, 2011

" Why are we playing chess?" I asked Lukas as he stured his mashed potatoes. 

" Because you love it." Lucas said as I took a bite of my apple pie. 

" The only reason I played it was become Mom insisted. So, not a huge fan," I turned my head to an orderly. " When can we go down to the REC room?"

" As soon as you two finish eating." The orderly said, smiling.

" This is good for Asylum food." 

" No dip. I was expecting prison food."

Lucas exhailed. " Is it bad I want to stay here?" 

" No. I want to stay here to. This is the place we've been for six years. I have a feeling these people that there placing us with, they're not going to be able to take care of two kids they don't know. But at the same time, they've helped us. They've saved us, so I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt."

" And if all else fails, we run away." He whispered. 

I nodded. 

" Go ahead and eat, the warden wants to see you." An orderly said from across the room.


This is the record of Natalie's final visit with Dr. Ian Wilson, the psychiatrist at Fergason's Asylum in Spokane, Seatle.  

August 31, 2014

" Lucas and I shoveled our remaining food down quickly, knowing the warden wasn't very patient." 

" Did he ever hurt you?" Dr. Wilson asked.

" No, he was nice. Just.... expected said person to come or go as he said."

" So controlling?" 

" I don't know how how to describe him, alright!"

An orderly stepped forward, but was stopped by Dr. Wilson. " No need to rase your voice to get a point across. Your a smart girl,-" 

" Apparently not. If I was smart, I would have known Lucas was lying." 

" We've been over this. There was no way you could have known that." 

" Whatever." 

" Do you want to continue?" 

"Might as well. Or else Dr. Dickwad will be on my ass. I stabbed my brother while he tried to rape me. That's why I got dragged to this hellhole." 

" Miss Mayor, take her back to her room. She's done for the day." 

This is where the record's stop due to Natalie snapping the stenotype's neck, then assaulting her assigned orderly, Miss Mayor. 

She managed to kill or injury 15 of the Asylum's armed guards before an overdose of sedative was given to her, causing her to start seizing. 

She was then kept in a maximum-security cell in the Asylum's third wing until the night of December 24 of that year when the prison was visited by the figure that is mentioned in all of the Asylum's patients cases. 


Ezze Porter.

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