anime411 द्वारा

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Y/N's is a normal girl, her parents got divorced and she got to live with her mother, but little did she knew... अधिक



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anime411 द्वारा

So he'll come here. I felt the pain in my heart, I feel so guilty, it's all my fault. For everything that happened. Now I know why mom left me. I started crying because I can't take it anymore. It's just to much! Oikawa arrived and I opened the door for him. He noticed that I cried and he didn't say anything about that. "So? What do you have to say?" He said. "I'm sorry, it was just s mistake, and I just wanted to learn how to be the top" I said. "L/N sorry but that's not an excuse! You should have asked me to teach you! How would you feel if I practiced sex poses with a girl I saw the first time in my life instead of you" he said. I was looking down the whole time. "Oikawa I love you, let's forget about this. Please" I said. "This can't be forgotten that easily! Don't worry, I'm mad at Iwaizumi too, he knew about this and he said nothing!" Oikawa yelled and he started crying. "L/N it's over for us" he said and he left. Just like that I was left all alone. Without anyone to tell me that everything os going to be alright... I guess I will just call my dad. I'll tell him that I'm going to live with him. My phone rang and it was Iwaizumi. "Hey, L/N?" He said. "What?" I said. "Oikawa called me and he was angry and crying, what happened?" He said. "He knows about Tendou" I said. "Well fuck" he said. "He broke up with me and I will go and live with my dad" I said. "Why? Stay here with us" he said. "Why? I can't look at Oikawa the same. Everything will just get worse" I said. "Please, L/N" he said. "Iwaizumi, just no. Now I have to go" I said. After that I called my dad and he was happy about my decision. I packed my bags because he'll come tomorrow after school. I watched TV and then I went to sleep.
I got ready for school and someone knocked on the door. It was Iwaizumi. "Let's walk together" he said and he smiled. "Iwaizumi don't bother yourself, I'm leaving today anyways" I said. "Leaving?" The voice appeared behind Iwaizumi, it's Oikawa. I was surprised and afraid at first but then I caught my breath. "Yes" I said. "She's going to live with her dad" Iwaizumi said. "You can't do that!" Oikawa said and he covered his mouth after he realized what he said. I stayed silent, suddenly I started sweating and my breathing got short, I got the fear that something bad is going to happen. I stopped walking and I started shaking. Iwaizumi and Oikawa were panicking. I got the panic attack, I haven't got them for a long time. "What's happening?" Iwaizumi said. "She's having a panic attack" Oikawa said. He grabbed me by the shoulders and he made me look at his eyes. "Listen, L/N. Try to breath deep, do it with me, just close your eyes and listen to me" he said. I closed my eyes and I focused on his voice. "Okay, breath in" he stopped for a second "breath out" he said. We repeated that for a few times and the panic attack stopped. "Thank you" I said. "It's okay" he said. We went to school and everything was fine. I didn't talk that much. It's lunch time and Iwaizumi called me to sit with Oikawa and him. Ito saw us and she asked if she can join. We said yes of course. "Ugh I forgot my lunch again" Oikawa said. "I have one extra lunch with me, just in case. I'm maybe small but I eat a lot and I never gain weight! Never! L/N you should lost like some weight, you would be prettier" Ito said. "Shut up" Iwaizumi said. "You're so funny, oh my gosh" she started laughing. She took her extra lunch and she gave it to Oikawa. "So guys, I have an idea! We should hang out together after school" she said. Oikawa agreed immediately. "I can't. Sorry" Iwaizumi said. "Me too, I'm moving out today" I said. "No you're not" Oikawa said looking away. "Yes I am" I said. He looked at me and my eyes got all wet. I was trying so hard not to cry. "So it's just me and Oikawa then?" Ito said. "Yeah" Iwaizumi said. "Is it okay with you L/N?" She said. "Why are you asking me?" i said. "He's your boyfriend" she said. "Not anymore" I said. I got up and went back to the classroom. After school Oikawa went to the mall with Ito and Iwaizumi walked home with me. "So you're really leaving?" He said. "Yes" I said. "I hope you'll visit us sometimes" he said looking down. "Me too" I said. We arrived to my house. "So do you need help with packing or something?" He said. "No, I packed everything last nigh. Do you want to come in?" I said. "Okay, we can spent this time that's left together" he said taking off his shoes. "Yes, Oikawa's not here tho" I said. "I think he should give you another chance" he said. "Well it is how it is now. Who knows for what this is good" I said with a smile that was obviously fake. "Hey, you said you couldn't go to the mall. You must have things to do. You don't need to be here with me" I said. "I'm actually free. Ito just annoys me" he said. "She is kinda pick me girl type" I said. "I noticed that" he said. "Do you really think I should lose some weight?" I said. Iwaizumi looked me up and down and that made me blush. "Nahh, you're perfect. It's not healthy to be skinny. It's always good to have some meat on you" he said. Someone opened the door and it was my dad. "Hi kids" he said. He hugged me and he shake hands with Iwaizumi. "I'll put your stuff in the car, you can relax" My dad said. "I can help too" Iwaizumi said. "No, it's fine. She'll leave so you kids can have a moment" he said. "Okay then" Iwaizumi said. My dad went to my room to tale my stuff. I looked at Iwaizumi and he was looking down. "You know, L/N I've always liked you, like really liked you" he said. I was shocked, Iwaizumi likes me. "And not like a friend. You know what I mean. But at the same time I don't want to be with you" he said. "Iwaizumi I don't know what to say. I only like you as a friend" I said. "I know, don't worry. It's better if we stay friends" he said and he smiled. I stayed silent because I really don't know what to say. "Can I just, maybe, get a kiss before you leave?" He said. "My dad is here and it would be really awkward" I said. "You're right" he said. "Y/N! We are leaving!" Dad yelled. Iwaizumi and I get out from the house and I locked it. "So this is it" Iwaizumi said. I nodded. He lulled me into the hug and we stayed like that. I started tearing up. "Bye Iwaizumi, say bye to Oikawa too" I said. "Bye, I will" he said. I got in the car and we drove off. The whole ride I was just looking through the window. "I already found a school for you" he said. "Really? Which one?" I said. "Johzenji High" he said. I nodded. It sounds familiar, I'm sure I heard it somewhere. We arrived to the house and I unpacked. I checked my social media and Oikawa texted me. "I'm sorry for not saying bye. Be safe" the text said. Just that? Fine. So I was with my dad for the weekend. Tomorrow is Monday which means school. Dad went to take my uniform yesterday and it's nice. Girls wear a sailor uniform consisting of a white blouse attached with a sailor-style collar with a dark lining, a blue bow, and a dark-colored pleated skirt. I went to sleep and I just can't wait to see why the name of the school sounds so familiar. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep instantly. I woke up on time, thanks god. I took a shower, I put on some mascara and a lip gloss, ate breakfast and I went to the bus station. I saw few girls wearing the same outfit as mine so I just followed them. After 30 minutes long ride I arrived to school. At first I struggled to get to the principal office but I found it in the end. He told me which class I am and which classroom it is. I left the office and I headed to the classroom, but, I got lost. I have 5 minutes to get to the classroom. I can run in hallways, shit. "HEY! L/N!" Someone yelled. I looked around and I saw him. NOT HIM! JUST NOT HIM! Terushima. "Hey! You remember me?" He said. "How could I not?" I said. "True,true. You look lost" he said. I'm surprised he didn't said something like 'ARe YoU LosT baBy GiRl?'. "Yeah, I am" I said. "In which class you are?" He said. "C1" I said. "Nooooo! I'm in the same class! Let's go!" He said and he grabbed my wrist. He started running and few teachers saw him and they warned him but he seemed like he didn't care. I, in the other hand, was embarrassed. "Here we are! C1 classroom!" He said and we got in. He greeted everyone and he took a seat in the back. There was not a free chair so I just stood on my feet. "Sit with me! We can share a chair" Terushima said. He moved his butt and made space for me. I sat next to him and he smiled. Every girl in the classroom was staring at us. That made me uncomfortable. "They are staring" I whispered to Terushima. "It can be like that when you're hanging out with me" he said and he put hands behind his head. One girl came to us. "Good morning Terushima. I made you lunch again" the girls said holding well packed box with lunch. "Thank you, I really appreciate that" he said and he took the box. The girl was not paying attention to me but before she left she gave me 'the look'. "Hey you were the manager at Aoba Johsai! You can be manager here as well! Misaki needs help tho and we will have camp again next week" he said. "I should think about it first" I said. "Come on! It will be fun! Pleaseee" he started begging. "Terushima... I'll see" I said. "Ugh, okay then. I'm mad now" he laid on the desk and he turned his head away from me. I looked around the classroom trying to ignore him. He suddenly pushed me from the chair and I fell on my butt. "Ouch" I said. Some people let out a silent giggle. "L/N, sorry" Terushima said. "You little rat" I said getting up. He sticked out his tongue showing his piercing. I rolled my eyes. "Hey don't get an attitude" he said. The bell rang and the teacher came in. I was the only one without a seat. "So we have a new student" he said. I introduced myself and he told me to take a seat. "I'm sorry, but there is not a free seat" I said. "Terushima! Get up and let L/N sit there then go to the storage room and bring a desk for you" the teacher said. Terushima sighed and he got up. I sat on his seat and he left.
It's lunch now and Terushima was following me. "Stop it" I said. "Not until you agree with becoming our manager" he said. "Ughh! Okay then!" I said. "Yayyy! After school you'll come to the practice with me" he said. He then left me and he sat with his friends. I'm going home right after school for sure... I sighed and I sat to eat my lunch.
I got out. I was very careful because I don't want Terushima to see me. I bended a little and I started walking to the gate. Someone grabbed me by the backpack. "Gym is this way" Terushima said. "I'll be late for the bus!" I said. "I will walk you home" he said. "It's not that close" I said. "I will carry you if you get tired" he said. "I don't want to be a manager! I don't want to see Oikawa again" I said. "Huh? Why?" He said. "It's a long story" I said. "Just come to the practice" he said. I gave up. I went to practice but I was not allowed to the gym with my uniform. "I can't go inside, next time" I said. "No! I have extra pair of shorts and t-shirt in my bag" he said. He gave me that and I went to change. It was to big, lucky the shorts has lace around the waist so I tied them. Shirt was to long, it covered the shorts and I looked funny. I got into the gym and I got really embarrassed, like really. "It looks so good on you" Terushima said. Misaki came to me and we talked. At the end I decided that I'll become the manager. It was really dark outside when they finished. "Let's go L/N" Terushima said. "You don't have to walk me home. I will call my dad" I said. "Then I will wait with you" he said. I called dad and he said that he has some work and he'll be late. "You should go home, my dad won't be here soon" I said. "It's okay. Let's sit here" he said pointing at the bench. "Do you remember what happened on the last training camp?" He said. The picture flashed in my head. I blushed slightly. "Not really" I said. "Do you want me to remind you?" He said. "No, thanks" I said. I looked around and the sky was beautiful. I felt Terushima slightly touching my hand and then he grabbed it and our fingers tangled. I looked at him and he was looking at the sky. I tried to remove his hand but he squeezed it. "Hold my hand please, I need it" he said. I didn't say anything. After few seconds he let go off of my hand. "That was nice, don't you agree?" He said. I nodded. "Can you talk?" He said. "I can" I said. "Hey sorry for that thing I did today. Does your butt hurts?" He said. "Terushima shut up" I said. He giggled and I giggled too. He suddenly grabbed me by the waist and he turned me so I was facing him. "Can I kiss you?" He said. "No, don't" I said. He licked his lips and I saw his piercing shine. "Okay then" he said. He grabbed my things and then he removed his hand from me. "We have camp next week and remember this. By the end of the camp, you'll be mine" he said. That's when my dad arrived. He thanked Terushima for waiting with me and then we drove away. "I know this boy. He's the son of my best friend" my dad said. "Cool, I became the manager of the volleyball team" I said. "That's nice, you can spend more time with him" dad said. Strange. I stayed silent. When we arrived home I took a bath and I went to sleep.
Today we are going tit he camp. We were all waiting for the bus to arrive. "I'll sit with you" Terushima said. "She's sitting with me" Misaki said. Terushima made a sad face and we all got into the bus. When we arrived everyone were there. Bokuto, Kuroo, Iwaizumi and...Oikawa.

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