Conflicting Objectives: Conno...

נכתב על ידי UntilDawnGamerGirl

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This is a Detroit Become Human fanfiction. Welp. I told myself that I was going to wait with this. But alas... עוד

Chapter One: Beginnings
Chapter Two: The Android Sent By CyberLife
Chapter Three: Fascinating Irregularities
Chapter Four: Sacrifice
Chapter Five: Learning Experiences
Chapter Seven: Plastic and Wires
Chapter Eight: Just an Order
Chapter Nine: Unprofessional
Chapter Ten: Relationships
Chapter Eleven: Emotions and Lack Thereof
Chapter Twelve: Realizing
Chapter Thirteen: Kamski
Chapter Fourteen: Finding Jericho
Chapter Fifteen: The Choice
Chapter Sixteen: Escaping Jericho and Continuing On
Chapter Seventeen: Which Witch is Which? (The Connor Version)
Chapter Eighteen: The End
Chapter Nineteen: (Without You) Beginning Again

Chapter Six: Struggling Connection

352 17 3
נכתב על ידי UntilDawnGamerGirl


Hank, Connor, and I all go into Captain Fowler's office, where he's waiting for us at his desk.

He looks up when we enter, raising an eyebrow at me. "Are you alright? Not used to you coming in later than you're expected to. Hurt shoulder or not."

I nervously shift from one foot to the other. "Yeah. Sorry, Captain. I accidentally overslept because my shoulder was giving me problems throughout the night."

Captain Fowler nods in understanding, gesturing for Hank and I to sit down in the two chairs in front of his desk.

Hank and I sit down while Connor stands up behind my chair. 

"I've got ten new cases involving androids on my desk every day," Captain Fowler informs us, looking at his computer. "We've always had isolated incidents, old ladies losing their android maids and that kind of crap. But now... we're getting reports of assaults and even homicides, like that guy last night... This isn't just CyberLife's problem anymore. It's now a criminal investigation and we've got to deal with it before everything falls apart. I want you to investigate these cases and see if there's any link."

"Why us?" Hank asks, gesturing over to me. "Why do we have to be the ones to deal with this? I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case! I don't know a thing about androids, Jeffrey! I can barely change the settings on my own phone!"

Fowler throws his hands up. "Everybody's overloaded. I think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation."

Hank stands up abruptly. "That's baloney! The truth is nobody wants to investigate those androids and you left Y/N and I holdin' the bag!"

"CyberLife sent over this android to help with the investigation. It's a state-of-the-art prototype. It'll act as you and Y/N's partner. It's already been acting as a partner for you two! And you and Y/N have seem to have taken a liking to it."

"No! I don't care. I take back anything nice I've said before to this plastic prick!" Hank roars. "I don't need it! Y/N and I will be perfectly fine on our own from now on!" 

"Hank, you are really starting to make me mad! You are a police lieutenant, you are supposed to do what I say and shut your mouth!" Fowler shouts back.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"You know what my mouth has to say to you, huh?" Hank snarls.

Fowler throws up his right hand. "Ok, ok... I'll pretend like I didn't hear that, so I don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder 'cause it already looks like a novel! This conversation is over!"

"Jeffrey, jeez! Why are you doin' this to me?" Hank questions. "You know how much I hate this things. Why you doin' this to me?" Hank gets closer to Fowler's desk and looks him in the eyes.

I frown and my heart hurts for him. I can see the tears forming in his eyes.

"Listen, I've had just about enough. Either you do your job or you hand in your badge," Fowler warns. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do."

Hank just shakes his head sadly and walks out of the office, leaving Connor and I alone with Captain Fowler. 

"I wonder whether Lieutenant Anderson is really the best person for this investigation," Connor says. 

"Hey, I don't need a machine to tell me how to handle my men, okay? So get outta my office," Fowler orders, glaring at Connor. 

"Have a nice day, Captain." Connor nods cordially and leaves, closing the office door.

Fowler looks up from his work. "What are you still doing here?"

I twiddle my thumbs nervously in my lap. "I just want to apologize for Hank's behavior. I thought... I thought he was doing better, but I guess I was wrong. I should have known. I'll try to get through to him again."

Captain Fowler gives me a small smile. "Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate it. Just reminds me how right I was to partner you with Hank."

I smile back at him. "Thank you, sir. And... well... as for Connor... The android didn't mean to tell you how to do your job. Connor just has noticed that Hank doesn't like androids very much. Connor knows they're a sensitive topic for him for some reason."    

"If that's the case, then don't you think you should tell the android the reason?"

I shake my head. "No. It's not my story to tell. Connor needs to figure it out for himself or Hank needs to tell the story."

"Alright." Fowler nods in understanding. "Whatever you think is best. Just... get out of my office."

I nod, getting up from my seat. "Yes, sir. Have a good day." I walk over to the door of the office and leave, shutting the door behind me before walking over to where Connor and Hank are talking.

"In any case," I hear Connor say, "I'd like you to know I'm very happy to be working with you and Y/N. I'm sure we'll make a good team."

Hank says nothing, just continuing to sulk in his chair.

I plaster on a smile as I approach them, putting a hand on Connor's shoulder. "Hey, you two!"

Connor smiles at me before looking back over at Hank. "Now that the three of us are officially partners, I thought it would be good to get to know each other."

Hank doesn't respond at all so I pipe up, removing my hand from Connor's shoulder before replying, "That would be great! You two should come to my house later today."

"I'm busy," Hank grumbles.

"Oh, come on, Hank. It could be fun."

"Leave me alone. I said no."

"But Hank, I-"

"NO! I SAID NO! Just... leave me alone."

I take a step back because of the initial shock of Hank raising his voice at me, managing to plaster my smile back on. "Alright, well..." I look over at Connor. "What about you?"

Connor nods cordially. "I'll be there."

"It's an invitation, Connor. Not an order. Come if you want to."

Connor looks surprised for a moment, but then a smile spreads across his face. "I'd love to go."

I smile at Connor warmly before turning to sit down at my desk.

Connor looks from me to Hank and back again. "Is there a desk anywhere I could use?"

"No one's using that one." Hank points to the desk next to mine and diagonal to his.

 Connor walks over to the desk Hank pointed at, sitting down. The android stares at the computer for a while before looking up and over at Hank. "A lot of people don't appreciate having androids around... I was wondering... Is there any reason in particular you despise me?"

I glance up from my work, gritting my teeth at the awkwardness.

Hank nods slowly. "Yeah... there is one."

Connor waits patiently for Hank to tell him the reason, but frowns when Hank doesn't speak any more.

I feel bad for Connor. It's not the android's fault...

"Do you listen to Knights of the Black Death?" Connor asks, desperate to make a connection with Hank. "I really like that music. It's... full of energy."

Hank raises an eyebrow. "You listen to heavy metal?"

I let out a little laugh.

"Well, I don't really listen to music, as such... but I'd like to."

I can't help but smile at Connor's efforts. It's... cute, to say the least.

"You're a Detroit Gears fan, right?" Connor inquires. "Denton Carter scored 53% of his shots from the three-point line yesterday. Did you see the game?"

Hank looks up at Connor in disbelief. "That's what I was watchin' at the bar last night."


"Oof," I whisper, sharing a look with Connor.

But Connor won't give up.

"You have a dog, right?" Connor questions.

Hank continues to scowl. "How do you know that?"

"The dog hairs on your chair. I like dogs. What's your dog's name?"

"What's it to you?"

Connor looks away from Hank, dejected at another failed attempt.

"Sumo," Hank finally states. "I call him Sumo."

"Have you known Captain Fowler for long?"

"Yeah." He scoffs. "Too long."

"I was wondering... Do you always arrive at the office at this time?"

"I arrive when I arrive. Stop busting my balls, okay? Talk to Y/N or something."

Connor sighs eventually saying, "If you have any files on deviants, I'd like to take a look at them."

Hank doesn't reply, probably tired from all Connor's questions.

"The terminal is on your desk," I tell Connor. "Go ahead."

Connor nods at me with a smile, looking at his computer.

I get distracted and end up watching Connor look through the files. I even unknowingly slide my wheeling chair over so I'm next to Connor.

One of the files in particular catches my attention.

"No..." I breathe. "It can't be."

Connor looks over at me, just now realizing that I moved over next to him. "What is it?"

I shake my head. "No, it's nothing. A misunderstanding."

I can tell that Connor doesn't believe me, but the android doesn't press me for answers, instead just turning back to the computer. 

"243 files..." Connor says. "The first dates back to nine months. It all started in Detroit... and quickly spread across the country... An AX400 is reported to have assaulted a man last night. That could be a good starting point for our investigation."

I tense up. "Are you sure? We could start somewhere else."

"Why not start with the AX400?" Connor asks, giving me a confused look.

I look down. "Yeah. You're right. Let's start there, then."

Connor gets up from his desk and goes over to Hank, who refuses to get out of his chair. "I understand you're facing personal issues, Lieutenant, but you need to move past them."

"Hey!" Hank looks up to glare at Connor intently. "Don't talk to me like you know me. I'm not your friend and I don't need your advice, okay?"

"Hank..." I try.

Hank directs his glare at me. "No. Shut up."

I go silent, staring down at my hands on my lap.

When I look up, Connor is leaning down closer to Hank with a determined look on his face. "I've been assigned this mission, Lieutenant. I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working."

Hank stands up abruptly, grabbing the collar of Connor's jacket and slamming him against the wall close by his desk.

I stand up quickly, rushing over and trying to pull Hank away but to no avail. "Hank! Hank, stop!"

Hank completely ignores me. "Listen, here. If it was up to me, I'd throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it. So stop making me mad or things are gonna get nasty."

"Lieutenant and Detective..." we hear behind us.

Hank slowly sets Connor down and lets go of him, but he doesn't stop glaring.

I turn around to see Chris standing there.

He looks around at the scene before him. "Uh... sorry to disturb you. I have some information on the AX400 that attacked the guy last night. It's been seen in the Ravendale district. 

"I'm on it," Hank says before walking away, leaving Connor and I to stand there and watch him leave.

Connor's POV

I take the opportunity to straighten my tie and smooth out my jacket, just staring off to space in thought.

I feel... hurt?


No. That can't be it. I'm a machine. I don't feel anything.

Y/N sighs, walking over to return her chair to her desk before coming back over to me. "I'm really sorry, Connor."

My eyes focus in on her. "Sorry? For what?"

"Hank." She shifts her weight from one foot to another.

"It's alright, Y/N. It's not your fault. It's mine. I need to adapt to his needs more. I'll change. Then he'll feel comfortable."

She shakes her head. "No, Connor. You don't need to change. Hank just needs to accept you for the amazing android you are." Y/N smiles at me.



"Yes?" She looks up at me and into my eyes.

I shake my head to clear it. "Nothing. My apologies."

"Oh. Alright. Well, will you come with me?" She extends her arm.

"I'd love to." I take her arm and exit the station to find Hank.

Y/N's Status: Friend but rising 

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