Angel On My Shoulder [Discont...

由 IndigoIona

189K 7.1K 6K

What happens when the number one vigilante gets a very sudden public debut on live television by being shot o... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
I made a thing :)
Chapter 25
I'm late
Chapter 26
I could've been you...-Special-
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
A Quiet Christmas Night
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 9

6.2K 244 226
由 IndigoIona

[3rd Person Pov]

Thankfully some hero's think ahead. Just before the first encounter with Reaper, Snipe had the idea to use a tracking bullet incase the vigilante got away, of which preceded to happen.

Once Snipe returned to U.A. with the help of Power Loader he quickly traced Reapers location to a warehouse where the tracer stayed. After a quick surveillance and background check on the warehouse they quickly discovered that it was abandoned and the land was stuck in a legal dispute and no one had been to check on it for years. However fearing that Reaper might have actually died, they waited till he appeared again which happened in the slime villain incident. Then, Snipe showed his findings.

Needless to say some where ecstatic while others not so, namely All Might and Endeavour.

They planned an attack at night, even though Erasurehead pointed out he would be out patroling in full gear and if he spooked they won't find him again for a long time. The others brushed this off, they had him wildly out matched.

Erasurehead said attacking at morning would be best because of the fact he would be tired from his night long patrol and unlikely be capable of holding up any sort of defense. He held some valid points but other pros just wanted to check out the wearhouse. It had been a four year wait.

And so everyone set up.

The one thing they did do is not tell Hawks, Erasurehead also brought up a point that the vigilante and hero seemed to know each other rather well and Hawks would immediately alert Reaper of the attack. This got people's attention. All top heroes were brought in again except Hawks.

Once they all arrived they knocked on the large grey door, no response,they knocked again. No response. Erasurehead stood next to some of the other U.A. staff while he carefully surveyed the terrain he would have to work with if dealing with an outdoor brawl.

A couple heroes tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge, the door at the back refused to move as well. Erasurehead groaned at the obvious entrance, if the vigilante was already inside he probably would be long gone by now. All Might stepped forward and immediately punched a hole through the door which flung it off it's hinges. Whatever was blocking the door was now also smashed into tiny pieces.

All Might wasn't smiling either.

Erasurehead looked over the broken pieces of planked wood which littered the floor, the vigilante had moved extremely heavy boxes to block the doors. Smart, he thought to himself as he went to snoop around. He really did live here they realised. There was a small put together kitchen in one corner, a homemade laboratory in the other, a medical station in the centre, small handmade gym and a bedroom and old TV in the final corner.

Boxes sectioned off parts of the wearhouse acting as walls. So some blind spots where scattered around.

A couple heroes went to a different parts of the wearhouse and uncovered little bits of the vigilantes life while looking.

Present Mic was unlucky enough to find all the bloody rags and used medical equipment in the bin which he must have used after the All Might and Endeavour encounter.

They found the tracer there.

Midnight and the other girls pulled out some of his spare vigilante's gear. It astounded them all on the craftsmen ship. The red and blue seams perfectly woven in and out of the tough black leather of the jacket. They even glanced at some civilian clothing though there wasn't much, it looked almost untouched. Felt tip pen names had been scrawled onto the labels however the had been smudge to the point of almost completely illegible.

He didn't seem to go out much. Understandable if you had such obvious scarring and quirk mutations. Getting a job would be a risk and even more so now his picture is out there.

Power Loader was having a small geek out moment at the sight of the lab. Erasurehead stayed well away after Power Loader triggered a prototype of a flash bang which was obviously made for Erasurehead because it blinded him for a couple seconds even though he only saw it in his peripheral vision.

Erasurehead was looking around the medical station, he was running low on supplies. How did he even get some of this stuff? Some of it was very expensive stuff while others were cheaply bought. The gears in his head turned as he briefly pondered how he would acquire some of these items.

Snipe snooped around the weapons bay finding an array of weapons ranging from guns to a combat bow and arrow. Throwing knives to swords. Shock sticks to brass knuckles. All of different makes, he found a couple guns which were strangely familiar to some of his missing guns. He hummed to himself as he carefully inspected them.

Then Endeavour found a spare mask of the vigilante and Erasurehead lightly adviced him if he didn't want more scars then he should leave it alone. Endeavour immediately put it down.

All Might was standing guard by the gate not wanting to know anymore about the vigilante then necessary.

The other heroes that agreed to help out were just surveying the wearhouse and chatted quietly outside.

After a while Edgeshot uncovered his laptop. Powers loader looked like he was going to explode from excitement. This could be the break they needed, everything about the vigilante could be on this computer. Then Endeavour got a call.

"What do want Hawks, and how the hell did you get my private number?" Everyone flinched. Oh shit, he found out.

"No we didn't ignore you, we just didn't tell you." Erasurehead buried his head in his scarf, to stop the smile appearing on his face. He knew that Hawks personally knew the vigilante because Hawks escaped with him and spilled pretty much everything on his brother. But Erasurehead couldn't say that just yet. Erasurehead didn't know exactly why this was getting to him and making him so petty but he didn't really care in this moment if time.

"Okay can you stop yelling, it just one mission, no he's not here. It's a capture mission."


"No I'm not going to roast him ... too much."


"Stop yelling I'm hanging up." And Endeavour hung up grumbling. Hawks didn't sound happy to be left out, which was odd seeing his usual personality, maybe Erasurehead was onto something then the other heroes thought.

Suddenly someone else's ringtone echoed out around the building but it no recognized the ringtone. It was quickly silenced which everyone was confused at but continued looking around. Maybe someone just forgot to turn their phone off.

Mirko's ears were twitching though, she could hear something but couldn't tell what it is or where it is.

Suddenly everyone's gut told them something was wrong. They shared looks of concern but soldiered on.


[Reaper's Pov]

God damn it Hawks I know the heroes are here don't phone me you idiot. He phoned me and it echoed around my base so I hung up and scampered out of the building.

I quickly texted him in response;

Reaper -
Dude, I know the heroes are here, my phone went off, thankfully they didn't see me or hear me because they would have caught me.

Hawks -
Why the heck are you still there?

Reaper -
All my equipment is in there and all the women are looking at my clothes and power Loader is taking my laptop, if they get my laptop they could very possibly find out my identity and everything else because I've probably left clues or evidence on that thing!

Hawks -
Ah, that makes sense.
They all purposely left me out of the mission, Erasurehead probably told them his suspicions but he doesn't have any proof.

Reaper -
Yeah but your phone call with Endeawhore didn't help your case. Everyone was listening. And now they're suspicious.

Hawks -

Reaper -
Yeah, don't come, if you come and they never told you the address they will confront you with this. Start building a cover story if needed.

Also Endeawhore tried taking my spare mask too so excuse me if more scars suddenly found there way on his face. I'll start picking them off and hanging them from the rafters. If I don't text in ten minutes, assume I've been caught.

Hawks -
Bro stop, all heroes are in there your gonna get caught!

Reaper -
Well I'll promise I'll try not to, brb.

I shut my phone off and silence it this time before slipping toward the main building. This is gonna be tricky.

The thing is I only have my batons with me but combined creates a Bo staff. It's really effective and the best part is throwing it and coming right back thanks to super cool magnets I have on each forearm. And at one end of each baton is a pressure pad activated electrical charge which quickly releases an increasing level of voltage till it knocks out the opponent or till I turn it off.

I change the setting to immediate stun which is gonna hurt like hell but help keep the heroes incapacitated. I mostly rely on my boots to knock criminals out but heroes are a lot more annoying to deal with because they are trained for years to deal with stuff like this. With people like me.

But they've never seen me fight before. Especially with my batons.

But I'm going to have to be fast and strong enough to take down multiple killing machines, some of whom also have crazy pain tolerance.

I'm not scared of Endeawhore or All Might, just don't get hit by them but Mirko on the other hand can decapitate you with her thighs in a literal snap. Avoid her at all costs.

She's scary.

Basically take the teachers down apart from Shota because Shota. Then draw them away and retrieve my stuff. Easy.

What can go wrong?

Wait shit, I just -

I take that back!

God fucking damn it.

I creep back through the window and leave it wide open incase an escape is needed. I see Mirko's ears start to twitch at my entrance. The problem with this situation is basically this Wearhouse is that it is almost impossible to hide in, I use boxes to divide area but the small walls I have are pretty tall so as long as I don't walk in the clearings I should be fine. But the best place to hide is always the rafters. It's high up and when the lights are on its more difficult to see up here when they hang from the rafters.

I crawl towards Midnight and crouch down right above the girls and I wait for an opening. I'm gonna need distractions for this aren't I?

I wait for the right moment and tug off a small smoke bomb from a belt strap and position myself as best as possible. Knock out Mt. Lady and shock Midnight then pull them into the rafters and tie them up. I watch Mirko's position and see her leave the area to talk to Endeawhore. The two are alone behind a box. All Might isn't looking.

I pull the pin and throw it into the lab which makes a huge racket and Power Loader freaks out while everyone looks to see clouds of black smoke. I jump down landing on top of the giantess and jab one of my batons into Midnight's neck immediately knocking her out without a sound. I snag some duck tape on the table before I pick them up leaping back into the rafters.

Two heroes down, like twelve left to go. I quickly duck tape their mouths closed before checking the ground floor again. Sorry ladies.

Once they are tightly bound by rope onto a support pillar then I glance around checking everyone's position.

Everyone seemed to calm down yet knows that something up. I decided to see if I can lock one the pros in a crate, that could be funny. I need to knock them out though because pro heroes are scary.

I scan for the right option. I'll try Kamui Woods and Present Mic. Just knock 'em both out and happy days.

The smoke bomb again will be suspicious so I'll try something else. I crawl over to a crate keeping and eye for Mirko out, I need to take her out but that won't end well for me. I don't want to be dragged off with two broken femurs.

I slowly inch open a crate by the kitchen and lay flat, its meters above the ground but still.

Stealth one hundred.

I reach in for an item not looking what I'm trying to pick up. I let slip a small grunt instantly realise then duck out the way as fast as possible as Mirko's head snaps towards my direction. I patiently wait for her footsteps to leave, she doesn't move but looks away I think, damn it. Oh that could have ended badly.

I once again reach in and snag a small item from the box, it could be anything. I pull out a small windup duck. Perfect. I can work with this, I quietly get to my feet and fly back up to the rafters without drawing any attention before opening my jacket and winding it up inside a pocket because I could tell winding this thing will be annoyingly loud and it is. I stare at Mirko to see if she can tell or not. Her ears are twitching but she carries on looking at some of the Mark II armour I have laid out. It's just a lot stronger pads which are light but once and impact hits the fabric it hardens into a tough armour plate. Really cool stuff. Flexible and tough.

Once my duck friend is ready I carefully climb back down to the ground floor before releasing it by Endeawhore's feet. Everyone looks at the noise and jump into action. I repeat the same drop and shock before Present Mic even turned around and I pulled them up on top of the piled boxes before dropping them in empty boxes, unconscious. Nice. Some heroes actually left at this point leaving Endeawhore, All Might, Erasurehead, Thirteen, Power Loader, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot and Ryukyu. Most others had left for the night.  So basically all the best heroes. Damn it, I might have overestimated my skill. I could possibly deal with one on one but this is most of the top heroes and U.A. staff.

I soon here a grunting and muffled screaming, shit. I spun around to see a very angry Mt. Lady and Midnight giving me a look saying, I-didn't-know-you-where-into-this-kind-of- stuff.

I quickly leap over to Mt. Lady before spinning my baton and placing it by heroine's neck but just I pressed down on the button to shock her I here a terrifying.

"Found ya kid!" My head jolts around only to get a kick to the face and I'm sure I would have dislocated my jaw or broken it if I didn't have my mask. I was thrown through wearhouse's wall and down onto the concrete floor. I'm so glad I made pads on my back. I can already taste blood and shakily jumped to my feet readying my batons as I suddenly see all the pros from before run out from behind corners of the building.

It dawned on me, they knew I was there. How am I meant to get my stuff?

I see Mirko follow me out front as she has the biggest shit eating grin on her face, Aizawa would be jealous of such a scary smile. She was much scarier then All Might in my opinion. They're going to surrounding me. Shit, I can't fight what feels like the entire pro community because even if I beat them, how are they gonna help protect the civilians? Hawks can't do it by himself!

I see Erasurehead walk out with his smile while Endeawhore is fighting off his want to rip my head off. I hate running, I drop a baton letting it snap onto my wrist guards before grabbing my goggles. I have to fly out of here.

I see several pros launch at me, I simply weave and dodge between them with ease. Fire, wood, water, string and other such projectiles flying past me I wait for an opening but it's hard to estimate when I have constant fists and kicks flying at me.

I engage in wild hand to hand combat as I fight for my life against these seasoned veterans. This was a serious step up from the villains I usually face. They can range from evil vigilante to full on anarchist.

Yet these are the same people willing to lie their own hero licences down to resist an order from the higher ups. I snag a smoke bomb and pulling the pin with my thumb, slamming it into the ground. I'm incased with smoke and I soar into the air.

I need that laptop.

I pull flash bangs from my belt and throw them toward the main group from the wearhouse before looking away as it temporarily blinds the hero. I make a dive for the laptop and crash straight into Power Loader knocking him off balance.

I got the laptop I run inside past All Might as he attempts to grab my tail which smacks his hand out of reflex.


I run to my suit rack and snag a bag and throw as much Mark II gear into the bag as a fireball shoots past my head setting the tips of exposed black hair on fire.

I duck behind a counter an loop the bag around my head and toss a couple cans of beans inside incase I get hungry in the future, I have to eat. Then a torrent of fire starts melting the counter. Oh come on. I vault over the neighboring counter before twisting out the way of a small thread. Get outta here Best Jeanist, ya hipster werido. Wait why isn't he just controling the fabric of my jacket?

I dive over to the lab and quickly remove a picture of me, my mom, Kacchan and his mom from a locked draw only accessable by my fingerprint. Wooden roots attempt to encase me and fail yet and watch in horror as it snags the picture from my hand. I cry out and feel something bind my arms to my side.


I yank myself violently back into the wall making Erasurehead stumble forward too. So this is his scarf. I bite down on the fabric and tear straight through. Kamui Woods grabs the picture so I quickly leap towards him with my jaws open, starting to smoke as I release my own flames. The yellow and orange dance together in a dangerous heat as they shoot directly at Kamui. He immediately gets pushed out the way and someone else gets hit with the blast, he dropped the photo. I scoop it up pushing it into an inside pocket. Don't touch the photo it you don't want to lose your head there pal.

Good thing he got pulled away, he would have been the actual human torch. Fire and wood don't mix.

Heroes keep pushing forward which is starting to wear me out. Most of them are barely even scratched while I'm starting to get hit by these extras, heh sounded kinda like Kacchan there for a sec. But it doesn't even seem like they are even trying that hard.

All Might decided he'd had enough and attempted a punch straight at my solar plexus. So I used his momentum to shoulder roll the punch off because I can't fully dodge him which makes the giant trip making a small tremor when he hit the ground. If I get hit by him I'm as good as dead.

Endeawhore tried next with another punch so I ducked and responded with a liver punch. He was immediately on the floor in pain. Oof.

Liver shots are some of my favourite punches because your brain instantaneously pain before you even register what happened which forces a person to their knees, as a reflex to protect your other organs. Obviously you have to hit the liver hard enough and accurately enough for it to work, it's right under the ribs and you really don't want to punch a rib, it hurts. Headshots work the opposite however it's still not recommended to get punched in the head or experience any kind of head injury. I read about it and have experienced it myself. Neither are fun.

I grabbed pretty much all the essentials but just as I was flying up to the open window I feel a small prick in the back of my neck.

I bring my hand up to check and feel something there suddenly everything starts to get hazy and my mind is going blank.

A dart?

Snipe is still here.

Damn it. I start to lose my balance. I look over the small blurry crowd of heroes as my vision starts to blend together like a wash of watercolours.

I pull the dart out and feel my legs start to buckle. No. Not like this, my balance is being thrown off and I stumble of the edge of some stacked boxes. Even with my wings they just feel dead weight. They are not light as you would expect but they aren't responding.


I feel someone catch me.

I'm being carried away and voices are being fused together. I weakly attempt to push away whoever caught me but I just feel them tighten there grip around me.

I feel a tear fall down my cheek as my body stops responding to me and everything goes limp. My goggles are taken off blinding me I let out one last choked sob before I'm pulled into an unwanted unconscious state.

God did they even try that hard?

They could have caught me so much faster but they just toyed with me instead.

Sorry Keigo.

I guess I'm still not strong enough am I?


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