Pay Attention, Mr. Iero (Frer...

By sinisteroceans

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Frank Iero is a college freshman who couldn't care any less about his classes or about school at all... that... More

1 - Art Class? You're Joking.
2 - Over-asking Questions
3 - Fantasies and Mixed Feelings
4 - Flirting Or Just Being Friendly?
5 - Arising Problems
6 - Brothers Not Lovers
7 - Interrogation Time
8 - Being Sneaky
10 - As It Turns Out
11 - Ruining the Moments
12 - The Email
13 - Just the Two of Us
14 - Not A Role-model Student
15 - Bad Boy
16 - No Combo Birthdays
17 - I'm a Mess
18 - Liar Liar
19 - Trust Me
20 - We Weren't Meant to Be
21 - Of Course, I Forgive You
22 - Just Pretend
23 - Cream Filled Donuts

9 - R.I.P.

2.6K 106 236
By sinisteroceans

After leaving the library, I bolted across the campus to the building that Professor Way's class was in. I couldn't wait another second. He wanted to talk to me! And between Mikey's recording and my sneaky conversation, I had a very good feeling about what I was about to hear out of him.

When I got to Prof. Way's class, however, the door was shut, but the lights were on inside. It was still part of the school day... I completely forgot about the possibility of him being in the middle of teaching another art class.

I glanced at the time. Based on how the schedules typically worked, this class probably wouldn't be getting out for another half hour at least. I don't think I could wait around that long. I was already so anxious to hear what my teacher had to say. Sitting around or waiting until another day wouldn't do me any good.

My situation was pretty urgent if you asked me. The current class could certainly wait a couple of minutes while I talked to Professor Way... They could just wait around and doodle some shit like art kids typically did anyway.

So, I confidently knocked on the door to the classroom, only having to wait for a brief moment before Prof. Way appeared. Sure enough, there was a class busy at work inside, doing things thing looked far more advanced than the beginner art class I was in. All the students turned to look at me, but I was so excited that I couldn't care less.

"Frank?" Prof. Way looked surprised. "Is there something wrong? I'm in the middle of teaching right now".

"I know I know, I'm sorry for interrupting," I replied, trying to contain my excitement. "But it's really important. Could I please talk to you in the hallway real quick? It'll only take a second, I swear".

He looked back at his class hesitantly for a moment, before announcing, "Class, I'll only be a moment. Please just take a minute to catch up with the rest of the students on the assignment if you need to".

After partially closing the door and walking out into the hall, he addressed me, "Frank what's the matter?"

"Mikey told me that you needed to talk to me," I bit back my smile. "I just got worried. I wasn't sure if it was something that could wait".

He shook his head and took a deep, disappointed sigh, "I... I did need to talk to you, yes".

My eyes lit up, awaiting for him to spill the truth to me. I couldn't believe this was finally happening! I knew things would work out in the end if I just kept trying and believing. 

"Look, Frank," Prof. Way looked extremely anxious as he talked, "I don't know how I've been coming across to you, but I'm not trying to do it in the way that you think I am".

"Excuse me?" I stared wide-eyed at him.

"I don't-", he couldn't seem to speak as easily as he usually did. He looked over his shoulder, almost as if he was paranoid. "I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard from Mikey that you've suspected that I like you... I needed to tell you that that's not the case though".

I couldn't believe it... Was he serious right now? He really had the nerve to lie to my face? Everything made so much sense, from the recording, to the jealousy, to the flirting, to the touching, to the damn winking! And this asshole still was going to try to come up with some worthless excuse about how he didn't like me back?! I had had enough. There was no holding back now.

I felt hot tears burning in my eyes, "No, don't you give me that. You're lying to me".

Professor Way opened his mouth as if he wanted to explain further, but after a moment, only a faint, "I'm sorry", escaped his lips.

"You-," I clenched my teeth, trying desperately not to burst out sobbing. "You lead me on. All this time I thought you liked me and that you were just too much of a pussy to admit it. But you know, maybe you are telling the bitter truth after all... and I'm too much of a lovesick bastard to accept it".

"Frank no, I'm sorry, it's just- I can't-"

"Save it, you fucking whore," I backed away to leave. "Go toy with someone else's emotions. I'm done".

With that, I left the building with tears streaming down my face as Professor Way watched sadly from the halls.


After mine and Professor Way's conversation, I couldn't be bothered to do anything else that night but crawl into bed and pretend that the whole thing never took place. Surely, I'd get suspended or something for cussing my teacher out, but maybe it was for the best. It'd certainly give me some time to get over the heartbreak I experienced. I was so stupid. I really fell hard for my teacher. I should've just ignored it from the day I met him.

After a while of me moping in my bed, I fell asleep. I wasn't sure how long I had been out when Ray returned to our dorm room and accidentally woke me up. He looked surprised that I was there.

"Frank, you look awfully down... Wait, don't tell me..." 

I sighed, covering my face up with my covers just in case I started to cry again. 

"There's no way!" Ray exclaimed. "Even Mikey and I were so sure he was into you".

"The whole thing was stupid anyway," I replied bitterly. "There were so many obvious signs that he didn't want to be with me. Even the ones in the recording Mikey gave us. How could I have been so oblivious to it all?"

Ray frowned and sat on the end of my bed, "Hey, don't talk like that. You're giving up".

"Of course I'm giving up Ray!" I uncovered my face and shouted at him. "Can't you see? He's not into me, and he never was. He was just messing with me, and I shouldn't have fell for it."

"I'm going to go talk to Mikey," Ray suddenly announced, standing up. 

"About what? How stupidly blind I was?" 

 "Oh no," he shook his head. "I'm going to tell him what happened and ask him if I can have a word with this Professor Way guy".

I shot up in bed, "You cannot talk to Professor Way about this. He probably already thinks I'm a loser for thinking that he had a crush on me in the first place. I couldn't stand having to face him again".

Ray rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to make him talk to you, but I sure as hell am going to give him a piece of my mind". 

I jumped out of bed right as Ray reached for the door. Clinging onto his arm, I begged him not to do anything. 

"Ray, I'm serious! I already tried that and trust me, I doubt it even phased him".

"I don't care! If he actually wasn't into you, he wouldn't be flirting and teasing you everyday like you and Mikey says he does. It's my turn to see what he's all about now."

I let go of Ray's arm and blocked the door with my body, "Please Ray, I know you want to help, but I really can't deal with this anymore. Can we just chill here tonight... I could use some company... and maybe a drink."

Ray crossed his arms, "A drink? And how do you suppose we're going to get drinks as underage college students". 

"You're joking," I stared him in the eyes. "Being an underage college student makes it all the easier to get drinks".

Reaching under my bed, I pulled out a pack of beers and held them out for Ray to see.

"How the hell did you get your hands on those?!"

I shrugged, "I flirted it up with one of the girls with a fake ID down the hall one of the first days we got here. They're a bit warm, because I had no place cold to hide them, but they're the best I can do right now".

"And you expect me to drink a warm beer with you in our dorm room and risk getting caught?" Ray asked in disbelief.

I nodded, "I mean, I'm drinking now matter what, but someone has to watch me in case I get drunk. You wouldn't want me walking down the hall intoxicated and have someone see me, would you? Then we'd both get in trouble for having alcohol in our possession in our shared room".

"You're literally the devil, Frank". Ray commented as he slowly took a seat on my bed with me. Cracking open a beer he added, "You're lucky I feel bad about what happened".

Luckily, my plan had worked. I highly doubted that someone like Ray would even take a sip of alcohol underage, but maybe he really did just feel bad for me. I was just glad he had agreed to stay regardless. I didn't want him going anywhere near Professor Way after what had happened.  

I chuckled, cheering my beer with his. "Let's forget this all ever happened, hey?"

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