Adam Driver Character Imagines

By supremexrenx

132K 2.1K 673

(Requests Closed): A collection of Adam Driver character imagines, preferences, one-shots, etc. All will be X... More

~Untamed-Kylo Ren AU~
~Untamed P.2-NSFW~
~Shattered-Adam Sackler~
~Fighter Pilot-Kylo Ren~
~The Bartender-Clyde Logan~
~Tough Times-Charlie Barber~
~Black Swan-Kylo Ren AU~
~Toxic-Adam Sackler-NSFW~
~The Seventh Knight-Kylo Ren~
~Reunited-Philip Altman-NSFW~
~The Empress-Kylo Ren~
~Little Brat-Kylo Ren~
~The Empress P.2-NSFW~
~The Seventh Knight-P2-NSFW~
~Assistant-Charlie Barber-NSFW
~Caretaker-Kylo Ren~
~Babysitter-Charlie Barber-NSFW~
~Starved~Flip Zimmerman-NSFW~
~Nutcracker-Kylo Ren AU~
~New Years-Kylo Ren~
~Car Fire-Clyde Logan~
~The Monster I See-Kylo Ren~
~Car Fire P.2-Clyde-NSFW~
~Mine-Charlie Barber-NSFW~
~The General's Wife-Kylo Ren-NSFW~
~Play Thing-Kylo Ren-NSFW~
~Road Rage-Kylo Ren-NSFW~

~Partners-Flip Zimmerman~

6.6K 111 22
By supremexrenx

Summary: Ever since you were transferred to the Colorado Springs Police Department, you have been in a constant battle with one of the most prominent officers there. Now that you two have been assigned to the same case, how bad could things be? Right?

Warnings: smoking, language


"You've got to be joking." You exclaim, staring at the chief incredulously.

"He looks pretty serious to me." Flip leans back in his chair in content and you give him the coldest glare you could muster.

You stare at the chief. "You want me to partner up with him? No. I won't do it!" You throw your hands up and sit back. "You're going to have to find someone else to take this case. I refuse to be partnered up with this bastard."

Chief Bridges shrugs, clicking his pen repeatedly. "That's your loss. Your work is impressive and this case needs a... woman's perspective. This is the kind of thing that you get you promoted to a detective."

At this, you freeze up. You had had your eye on that position ever since it opened up when the last guy retired. Now this was your chance to move up at the station. You eye Flip wearily. All you had to do to get the job was put up with this little asshole.

"Alright," you sigh in exasperation. "I'll take the case."

"Excellent." Bridges leans forward, pushing the case files across his desk towards you. "Get right on it."

You snatch the folders before Flip could and stroll out of the office. You could feel his gaze burning on you from behind and it made your cheeks heat up. He was terribly tall and had a strong build. It made you feel like you were about to get pounced on. You flop down into your desk chair and sigh, flipping open the envelope. Coincidentally--and to your dismay--Flip's desk was right behind you. He liked to turn around during work hours and bug you as much as he possibly could. You swivel around in your chair and cross your legs, pulling the papers onto your lap as you rifle through them.

"What are we looking at here?" Flip asks as he takes a long drag of his cigarette.

You shove a handful of papers in his direction. "Why don't you make yourself useful and find out? I'm sure you know how to read."

He chuckles, cocking an eyebrow. His honey-brown eyes glitter. "Why do you hate me so much? You act like I ran your cat over."

"If you must know, it's because you're an arrogant son-of-a-bitch. Your head is so massive because of that swollen ego, I'm surprised it fits through that office door every morning. Just because you and Ron solved that case with the Klan, doesn't make you better than everybody here." You huff.

Flip smirks, his deep dimples appearing around the corners of his mouth. "Ouch. I'll have you know that I don't think I'm better than anyone in this building."

"Tell that to your ego." You raise a cup of coffee to your lips and grin teasingly.

"Coffee stains your teeth." Flip retorts.

"And smoking damages your lungs. I guess we both have problems we'll have to worry about." You roll your eyes and turn your chair back around, tossing the case file back onto your desk.

The folder was incredibly thick, which was both good and bad for you. It meant you had plenty to work with, but it also meant you would have to spend extra hours sorting through everything. The case files in this department were known for being notoriously disorganized. Fortunately you were the type of person that preferred to get things done sooner rather than later. If solving this case meant you would get that promotion, you didn't mind staying extra hours. Even with Flip hanging around you.

As the hours drag by, the officer slowly starts to shut down around you. One by one, the officers leave their desks and collect their belongings, going home for the evening unlike you. More and more offices go dark until the only lights on were in the room you were working diligently in. The stack of paper was now turning into several, neatly piled up on your desk by date and type. You were so close now and you couldn't bring yourself to stop. You glance up at the clock just one and groan. It was half past eleven. You were supposed to be off from work about three or four hours ago.

"Coffee?" A deep voice interrupts your train of thought.

You look up from your work to see Flip holding a steaming mug out towards you. You take it from him gratefully and turn your chair around to face him as he sits down. "Did you poison this?"

Flip shrugs. "I guess you'll find out in a few minutes."

A small smile tugs at your lips as you raise the cup to your lips. The smile fades at the sight of Flip's messy workspace. "Is that what you've been up to for the past several hours?"

"Don't judge, sweetheart, not everyone works as quickly as you do. Besides, I'm not a neat-freak." He runs a hand through his dark hair.

You huff. "I am not a neat-freak. You're just messy and unorganized, that's all."

Flip glances at the clock behind you and sighs, rising from the chair. "Well, I'm heading home. Do you need a ride?"

You bite your lip. Usually you liked to walk or take the bus, but that wasn't an option at this hour. With a heavy sigh, you stand up and pull on your coat. Flip takes the action as a yes and leads the way out of the office building, turning off the lights behind him. He guides you to his red and white Chevrolet truck. You tug the door open and sit down on the leather seat, tugging on your seat-belt as Flip climbs in beside you. He turns the key and the car springs to life with a low rumble. It pulls out of the parking lot and starts the trip back to your house, guiding the way with its bright beaming headlights.

"Could you not do that in here?" You sigh as Flip places another cigarette between his teeth.

"What do you have against smoking? Every time I light up, you look at me like I'm committing a war crime." He glances at you.

You look down at your lap hesitantly. "My... my father died of lung cancer. I'd rather not see someone go down that path again."

Flip goes silent for a moment, taking a second to just stare at you. Slowly but surely, he plucks the cigarette out of his mouth and tosses it out of the window. "Guess I'll save the smoking for when I don't see you."

You raise an eyebrow. "You're not going to smoke until this case is over then?"

"Hey, I never said that." He teases, pulling the car around the corner into your street. "You know, you should be nicer to me. It's nice when you aren't insulting me every five seconds."

"Don't get too used to it." You laugh lightly. "And besides, you started it the moment I got transferred over."

Flip pulls into your driveway and turns off the engine, turning his body to face you. His fingers drum on the back of your seat, his eyes looking seriously into yours. "Did you not realize that I only tease you because I like you?"

A beat.

Your heart rate begins to quicken as you stare at Flip. He was always known for messing with you or joking around, but there was no amused glimmer in his eyes. For the first time while speaking to you, Flip Zimmerman was being dead serious. You were at a complete loss for words; merely sitting there and staring back at him like an idiot. It was then that you realized you were falling head over heels for him. Despite the constant arguing and teasing, none of the insults you had shot back and forth were serious.

"Y-You what?" You finally murmur.

Flip shifts. "You heard me. I only tease you to get your attention. I figured you've known for a while, but I guess not." He sighs and turns back to the wheel, seemingly expecting you to get out of his truck.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow, Flip." You couldn't bear to stay any longer.

Clutching your bag, you slide out of the truck and hurry to your front door, fumbling with the keys. Your hands were trembling and you couldn't seem to get your thoughts in order. I'm such an idiot,  you think in horror, slamming the door shut behind you. Why couldn't I have just said it back? What if this entire friendship was ruined now? If you could even call it a friendship. You had always seen Flip as annoying, but now that you looked back at it, you were fond of him. He always made you nervous when he was nearby and you always laughed at his jokes no matter how stupid they were. How could you have been so blind to it? With a heavy sigh, you shrug off your coat and toss your bag onto the couch, trudging into the kitchen. You dig around in the cabinet and pull out a bottle of wine, pouring yourself a glass. Tomorrow, you think as you raise the glass to your lips. Tomorrow I'll tell him.

Flip was late to work the next morning. That was very much unlike him. He always tried to be on time no matter how busy he was or how hectic his life got. It worried you and you couldn't mask your concern as you came into the office. You had been expecting to see Flip at his desk with a cup of coffee and that big stupid smirk on his face. But he was gone.

You sigh and run a hand through your hair, slowly setting your bag on the table. You rummage through it for a little while before pulling out the case file you had taken home the night before. It was all organized now, but you couldn't start without Flip. What if he had decided not to be your partner anymore? You couldn't imagine working with anyone else. Ron was your best option but you hated the idea of working with someone like Trapp. You scoop up your empty mug and start towards the break room to make yourself some coffee, wanting to get your mind off of Flip for a little while.

To your dismay, the machine wasn't even on yet. You quickly fill up the machine and lean against the counter, blankly staring at it while it slowly begins to brew.

"Staring won't make it go any faster." A familiar voice causes you to flinch. Flip sets his mug on the counter beside yours. "Sorry I was late. Must have overslept. And uh... about last night. We can pretend it never happened."

You pause, biting your lip. "No."


"No, I-I think we should talk about it." You nervously brush your hair out of your face. "I guess I've always liked you too. I'm sorry I ran off. I just didn't know what to say at the time." You groan. "I sound like a school girl."

Flip chuckles. "How about we go to a bar tonight then? I'll buy you a drink or two and we'll try to go the whole night without arguing."

You smile up at him. "I like that. Just don't go on getting a big head about it."

He grins. "I'll try not to."

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