Ad Astra Per Aspera [2] - Ban...

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Ad Astra Per Aspera is the sequel to The Soldier of Stars. ----------- Waking up disoriented and inside a hos... Daha Fazla

> ad astra per aspera <
the viragos
1 | tears on my cheek
2 | true friendship
3 | foy
4 | little bird
5 | leadership
the patrol
6 | memories
7 | the silent soldier
8 | talks of going AWOL
9 | edelweiss
10 | to easy company
11 | haguneau
12 | the return
13 | a mere moment of time
14 | the stages of grief
15 | the patrol
16 | only the truth
17 | sick of war
18 | the most powerful force in the world
why we fight
19 | barriers
21 | germany
22 | enough
23 | gory gory
24 | broken
25 | cruel world
26 | the little birdie
27 | the eagles' nest
28 | ve day
29 | the wish for happiness
30 | austria
31 | orange juice
32 | the good and the bad
33 | like a fire being fed wood
34 | a world of light
35 | sisterhood
36 | panic
37 | soft
38 | peace
39 | the whole pie
40 | operation virago: out to the world
41 | the little prince
42 | little world
43 | family
44 | the smiles of stars
45 | a flower's beauty
46 | love, hazel parker
47: d-day plus 434
part 2 ~ postwar
the postwar children
48: the briefing room
49: pigeon forge
50 | world
51 | pierogis
52 | morning
53 | san francisco
54 | nightmares
55 | touch
56 | homecoming
57 | family
58 | simply you
59 | one day
60 | the art of eye contact
61 | home
62 | new life
63 | the winters' cold
64 | falling snow
65 | this is peace
66 | blush
67 | my love for you
68 | smiling stars
closing words + thank you :)

20 | rumors

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wexhappyxfew tarafından

" The little things? The little moments? They aren't little."

- John Kabat-Zinn


The Military and War Department - Are They Lying To Us?

Back in 1939, a war started in Europe, watched over by many neighboring countries until others decided that they might as well join in as well. America opted to say out for the betting of its citizens, its economy, all of it. But when December 7th, 1941 occurred, it all but changed. Men of many various ages were sent to slaughter in this horrific war, fighting heroically against the Germans or the Japs, fighting two different fronts for two completely opposite reasons in the same war. And we're still fighting right?

But does anyone remember the rumor that spouted in 1943? Perhaps, this might peak your interest then of covert and secret government operations. The government is with the people and for the people but how can you trust your government when they could be lying to you, keeping a secret from you, a weapon of war? An anonymous sender sent in an article coded and scripted to the New York Times with information on a secret Operation sought out by the government about WOMEN in WAR! Can you believe it? Who would've believed women on the front lines would be an idea in this day an age?

Honestly the idea was shot down as it were rather pitiful to even making it to a small section of the newspaper as merely an article to read. It was ridiculous, it was wrong, it was a stupid idea that many people couldn't even think of their government doing. But was that sender correct?

New information from families across America have detailed the fact that their sons have written about WOMEN in their company. Using names like Nancy or Lucia in their letters home. And it worried mothers and fathers a like. It was suspected misprints, wrong lettering, that of even a nurse that had visited from a hospital or even towns women. But they talked as if they were on the front lines, fighting and breathing their last breaths amongst front line soldiers. I personally read the letters and all the content within it and was heavily surprised by what the men wrote about with these 'women'. It was odd in the way they were described. As if they were Amazon Warriors in the times of the Romans. Bruit and powerful women with a bite in their tongue as quoted by an anonymous sender, or women who could blow the top off a body without a glance. Who are these women they speak of? Radicals fleshed into the military through espionage and spies of the government? To make sure our boys are fighting? Well our boys are fighting and don't need female spies in on them. We don't need females on the front lines.

A conspiracy really, one that has floated through America daily, but one that has finally made an appearance in a new light. I was rather fascinated and intrigued, but disowned the idea. Why would the government lie about such things? The United States Government should be ashamed of themselves if an idea like this were to get out and become known. Why would a woman fight a war that is not hers, but her husbands to fight? Utterly ridiculous in more sense than one.

But is the government lying to us? With everything that has sputtered out of control, I'm beginning to question the intentions of our government and our military even in a war. Who would hide an entire operation lead by women and driven by women. It sounds ridiculous.

More information on this topic floods out everyday, so much so it might become a fun little treat for us to even fantasize about such an idea. A stupid one.

Remington Garzoski

" What a bunch of bullshit!" grumbled Catherine slamming the paper shut as dinner, and scoffing.

" They really think we're spies, out of all things they can't believe for a second that women went to war? Oh just wait until this gets out and the entire world finally knows, I'd like to see every mans reaction that wasn't involved." Catherine said as Hazel shoveled in her meal like it were going out of style.

" Spies my ass, I'd be the worst, I get distracted by the mere thought of existence." Lizzie said.

" Thank you," Catherine said raising her hand in the air.

" All I know is that when the finally release the information on this bullshit, I won't give one crap what a man says to me, I'l wear that medal as if it were my birth right." Catherine said.

" Which it is." Hazel commented, swallowing her chicken.

" Got that right," Catherine said, " I just I hate the way they talk about us, us women, like were a disease. I mean, a woman birthed this asshole into the world, why can't he be appreciative?"

" Some men just don't think sometimes do they where they come from? Without a mother they wouldn't be alive, essentially." Lizzie said popping a grape into her mouth.

" Okay, someone tell what the fuck this is." a voice said and the group looked up to see George clambering in beside Catherine with the paper in his hands. George looked pissed.

" Ask Remington, George." Lizzie offered and George scoffed.

" This guy can't be serious, he sounds like a child." George said.

" Which he is." Hazel said as she inhaled another cup of water right down her throat. She was never hungrier.

" Which he is," George said, " I mean ' it's her husband's fight, not hers'? Get the fuck outta here, man, I call bull."

" Okay, okay," Lip said as he settled in next to Lizzie, " everyone has the paper now in their own hands, so if we just lower our voices."

" Oh c'mon, Lip, you gotta be a bit upset about it all." George said.

" Oh I am, I just know I can't show it to you all," Lip explained, " I still have to lead."

" He's got a point," Catherine offered, knocking George's shoulder lightly, " we just earned voting rights, I'm not sure when we'll finally earn that equal pay we've been hoping for."

" Yeah, just sucks ya know? You ladies went through all this training, you did so much and now even with the mere idea of a rumor of women in war and it's shut down like the idea of sliced bread." George said. The group watched him in the noisy cafeteria.

" Let them hate it, hate me, " Catherine said as she sipped her drink, " it's a taste of their own medicine for once. Seeing someone else actually doing something for the war instead of making up stupid rumors about nothing."

" Amen, sister." Lizzie said raising her own cup and taking a sip.

Amen was right.

On March 8th, the 506th was set to receive a Presidential Unit Citation for their heroic efforts based in Bastogne and the Battle of the Bulge from General Eisenhower himself. Everyone would be putting on their newly fitted uniforms again for the first time since last year, back when going to Paris had been a thing.

Hazel stepped out of the tiny closet in the corner of the barrack, tying her tie up the best she could with her unbuttoned uniform. She was struggling. Catherine smiled softly to herself before walking over to Hazel and stopping her. Hazel watched Catherine slowly tie the tie for her and then gently give it a soft tug.

" Thanks, Catherine." Hazel whispered, her voice soft. Catherine smiled.

" Of course, Hazel." Catherine said. And Hazel smiled. Catherine squeezed her shoulder before turning to pull on her shoes. The girls were wearing skirts and not pants. The first since Paris for Hazel at least. Hazel adjusted her belt around her waist before grabbing her cap and adjusting it to her head. The group headed out, moving in their platoons as they did so with their weapons on their shoulders, standing proud as members of the 506th.

When they arrived, the other companies were all there in front of the stage that was currently set up in front of the group. CO's were in front of each company, with their 1st Sergeant, as well as their Lieutenants that accompanied them, and platoon leaders. Battalion Commanders and their intelligence officers remained in front of their respected Battalion, and Colonel Sink was near the front, in front of them all. Hazel watched with wide eyes as General Eisenhower walked on stage in front of the 506th, with a smile upon his face, moving towards the microphone with wise eyes.

" Well hello 506th." Eisenhower said, his voice booming over the group of paratroopers that stood in front of him. Hazel felt a smile quirk up at the corner of her lips.

" Hello, sir." came the response back to the General.

" I am here today, because of all your heroic battles you fought during the Battle of the Bulge as paratroopers and soldiers of the 506th, but also the 101st Airborne. I want you to know that I am proud of each and every one of you, and that I respect each and every man that gave their lives or risked them to ensure we came out on top. Please let us take a moment of silence for those blessed souls." Eisenhower said. Hazel let her eyes shut as she thought about each man Easy lost while they were in Bastogne. She prayed for each one whether they were alive or if they had passed. They had done the ultimate hero's task of risking their very lives for the well being of others.

" Thank you." Eisenhower said, " Today I will be awarding the Presidential Unit Citation to the 506th Infantry Regiment for their heroic defense of Bastogne in the Battle of the Bulge." Hazel smiled, feeling a bit of spirit in her soul from that simple phrase.

Eisenhower turned as the flag of the 506th was lowered to add the ribbon for the signal of the Presidential Unit Citation. Everyone watched with pride, proudly as their unit was distinguished for this. The rest of the ceremony celebrated many of the leaders of the 506th, like Colonel Sink, and, newly promoted, Major Winters. Many of the other Battalion leaders were recognized and a few COs, Captain Speirs being one of them. It was a way that brightened everyone up and raised morale greatly.

Everyone remained in high spirits after the ceremony and mini parade.

There was a USO dance that night set up for the 506th, as well as members of the Nurses' Corps, American Red Cross, and other units that happened to be stationed there as well. There was music playing that filled the entire room as Hazel walked in beside Lizzie with wide eyes. There was a dance floor, and there were people out there dancing, and there were drinks and laughter and food.

These men hadn't had that since last September at least. Hazel followed Lizzie over to the bar, to receive drinks, Hazel being a few months away from 21 still refused an actual drink. But Lizzie got some wine, and a Coke for Hazel before the two girls hurried over and grabbed places at the nearby table. There was laughter and happiness and the rumor of 48 hour passes which swirled around. People were just happy, and Hazel was glad. Easy had experienced enough sadness in their times in Bastogne and this is what they needed.

Hazel felt better personally, having talked to Joe, and getting that reassurance, and then being able to rest and eat, and talk with everyone without the surprise of gun fire or shellings to attack them. She sat with Shifty for a bit, talking with him before Catherine came over and joined the conversation and the three were laughing at something hilarious. It was just a series of happy things, one after another.

Hazel eventually was roped into a conversation with Lizzie, Shifty and Tab, where arguing ensued amongst Lizzie and Tab, while Shifty sat innocently in the center, watching like a parent who had given up. Lizzie still arguing with Tab about the British common norms. No matter how often they butted heads for the stupidest reasons, they were in chuckles by the end. Just the other night, they had been watching Arsenic and Old Lace, and their two loud mouths had been in the front, bickering quietly waiting for the line that had been arguing about since Bastogne to show up.

The cheer from Lizzie and the pouting form of Tab beside her had been the signal she had won.

Near the end of the night. George was twirling Lizzie, as the two laughed the entire time. Hazel watched with a smile on her face, as Lizzie tripped and then smacked George on the shoulder. The two were hysterically laughing.

Catherine was with Johnny again near the dart board now that they were able to do that again and Babe was watching as he sipped his drink.

Hazel had retreated outside, which was nothing out of the norm for her. Crowded places tended to be too much for her, she hated that it go to her like it did but it was nothing entirely too new.

Hazel gently walked forward, soft music trickling out of where the USO dance was being held, and walked under the spotlight of a light that hung just above her. It was soft light, one that wasn't too powerful, but was still evidently looming over top of her. Hazel gently laced her fingers behind her, relaxed in a gentle stance, brushing against where her shirt tucked into her skirt. Hazel gently began swaying side to side, as if she were in some imaginary dance with someone else.

The soft music that played from the USO dance was enough for her to lightly move her feet, a bit shy, a bit too softly perhaps around to the tune of the music.

For a second, she was a little girl again, hanging on tightly to her father's hands, as they swung around the big room of the church where Sunday parties were normally held. And she was smiling, she was happy, she didn't have a constant dull ache in her heart which signified the reality of the cruel world.

That little girl hadn't experienced reality yet.

" Edelweiss, edelweiss...." Hazel song softly to herself, bringing her arms to gently wrap around her body, a comfort, a mother's comfort she missed. Her mother had a soft voice, when she sang to Hazel, but she could be the loudest in the room.

" Every morning you greet me..." Hazel sang gently, shutting her eyes and letting the gentle tune, swim through her vocal chords, " small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me..." Hazel gently stopped singing and felt her heart ache. She missed home.

" Thought you'd be out here." she heard a voice say. Joe - of course. She wouldn't have expected anyone else. Hazel turned around and saw Joe there, hands shoved in his pockets, his soft hair blowing a bit in the wind and his gaze gentle, that stupid smirk still adorning his lips like always. She smiled shyly suddenly.

" Yeah, wasn't a fan of the crowd exactly." she said softly, crossing her arms and slowly stepping towards him, " And I figured I'd rather see the stars, you know?" She looked up at him and Joe smirked.

" I figured," he said. She smiled.

" I saw you dancing," Joe said, " well...swaying." Hazel smiled and slapped his arm lightly.

" I'm just kidding," he said and she smirked shaking her head.

" And singing." he said and Hazel was thankful for the darkness to cover her bright cheeks.

" What song is it?" he asked her.

" My mom used to sing it, back home, just a little tune about a little flower, about Edelweiss, which you told me about." she said and Joe smiled.

" You wanna dance?" he asked her, his tentatively watching and waiting for her answer. With confidence on the rise, and possibly just a bit of wanting to be close to Joe, she smiled.

" Yes," she said. And Joe smiled. The two walked towards the spotlight before turning to face each other. Hazel stared at him, a youthful innocence like the one he saw back in Aldbourne returning to her face.

Joe simply lent his hand forward and Hazel looked up and met his eye. They were so soft, so welcoming, so gentle, so unlike him. Hazel tentatively took his hand and he grasped it gently in his own. Joe then gently placed his hand on her skirted waist, his grip firm, yet comforting. Hazel looked at him, blushing softly, the tops of her cheeks pink under the spotlight.

" Here," Joe said gently and removed his hand from her waist to pull her hand onto his shoulder, which at her height was a stretch. Hazel's eyes slowly met his and he smiled, gently placing his hand on her waist again and pulling her closer to him. Hazel felt herself freeze up and Joe gently smiled.

" It's okay," he said," dancing requires the two people, like this, to be close together." Hazel looked up at him hesitantly and softly nodded.

" Amapola..." Joe sang softly, his voice a raspy little thing, sang softly, as Hazel watched him with playful eyes.

" My pretty little poppy..." Joe sang and looked at Hazel, who watched him with a small smile as the two gently swayed to more of his own voice than the USO hum.

" You're like that lovely flower, so sweet and heavenly..." Joe sang, " since I found you, my heart is wrapped around you..." Joe sang and then Hazel grinned up at him.

" You have a nice voice, Joe, it's soulful." she said. Joe smirked.

" An out of tune noise you mean?" Joe said and Hazel just gently slapped his arm.

" You know you appreciate it." she said with a gentle laugh and Joe chuckled.

Her laugh could make the tiniest flowers grow into the biggest blooms.

Hazel gently met his eyes again and Joe felt his heart actually stop. He bit his tongue, he forced himself not to just out and say it. His heart had never had the ache it had in it as he watched her big, blue, innocent eyes watch his with such hope yet grief.

Sure, the girls in high school had done the thing where they became friends with his sisters, just to get to Joe. And that never sat right. Joe loved each of his sisters and for them to be used hurt him. He was loyal, loyal to the people he loved. He was not even really interested in those girls - he never settled, and that was his problem.

But with Hazel, he hated to say it with a war still ragging, but he could've up and there pressed his lips to hers, in the spotlight of the Army bulb, standing so intoxicatingly close together, their grips wrapped around one another like bonds for life.

But he couldn't.

He would hold himself.

Hazel was worth the wait, as long as it would need to be.

But then Joe started to sing as if he were a comedian and Hazel was laughing, almost in hysterics by the time the two looked drunk dancing around each other, on their toes, holding each other close as they laughed. Maybe this war was looking up, maybe an end was in sight.

And closer than they all thought.


hello! thanks for reading my friends and for being so lovely in the comments AHHH it makes my day and never fails to make me smile!! <3

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