
Por LordKufray

781 55 76

"She traps you in your own labyrinth, rips apart your sanity and then makes you do her bidding." ... Más

From Your Author.


63 4 8
Por LordKufray

Afterschool basketball practice takes a lot more time today.

I sniff my basketball vest. I feel my gag reflex horribly.

It's important I take this for laundry ASAP.

Shoving it into my bag, I drape the green shirt I wore to school this morning over my shorts.

I'm relieved it doesn't stick to my perspiration.

My stomach growls, I'm famished as ever. I swing the strap of my bag over my shoulder and get out of the locker room.

Jael and Yeshua aren't around. They usually wait around for me but their absence today is understandable.

Yeshua needed to get his arm checked today. From the look of things his cast will be taken off pretty soon.

Still, I wonder where Jael could possibly be.

My instant guess is Downie's and deciding from the way my stomach is growling, I definitely should head there too.


The smell of freshly made burgers is the first thing that hits me the second I get inside Downie's; followed by that of meaty fries, coke and even more burgers.

I moan and hurtle over to go order something.

I make my order of two burgers and an extra large shake.
I hook my bum to a seat and drop my food on the round silver table.

I dig in, checking on my Discord from time to time and replying to messages from my mates.

It takes time before I notice but I do.

Farther into the diner, seated in a booth is Jael - whose beanie pompom is currently being threatened by the scissors in Yeshua's hand.

I grab my tray and plop down in front of them.

"Oh hey Willie." Jael greets, eyes focused on whatever she's drawing with a dozen colour pens.

"Jael, I thought you would wait for me." I whine.

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry, I was busy." She halfheartedly replies, full concentration still on her drawing.

Is that what that feels like?

Yeshua still continues in his attempt to erase the ridiculously huge pompom from existence.

"So, what you guys up to?" I ask.

"I'm getting my cast off this week." Yeshua smiles.

Jael's face brightens. "Really?"

There's a sense of pride in his proclamation.

I mean it's not like it's a big deal people break their arms all the time.

Jael flashes me a disappointed look which makes me realise my thoughts weren't thoughts at all.

I said that out loud.

Yeshua looks rather stunned.

I quickly pack my shake inside my bag.

Jael speaks quietly. "That's not very considerate Willie."

I snap. "Whatever OK?! Maybe. . .maybe you should think twice before jumping off a building three days before summer begins!" I direct my statement at Yeshua.

He looks away, hurt.

I put three fingers on my lips, marvelled at the words I just threw out of my mouth.

I know I'm angry but I'm not sure why exactly.

Jael also seems hurt but her expression is wiped away with that of anger.

I opt to apologise but it's impossible for those common two words to leave my mouth.

I carry my bag and storm out.

I can feel Jael's eyes follow me for sometime.

"Said some real lovely things back there Willie." Someone echoes from behind me.

I turn to my side. It's the same weird eyed girl from class. Poppy. That was her name I suppose.

"What do you know?!" I snap. "And how do you know me I've barely even spoken to you."

"Willie Eli? Right? Why do you talk like no-one knows you? Literally everyone knows you."

Oh, that's correct I guess.

She's no more in the outfit she was wearing earlier, rather a plain turtleneck, leather pants and knee high boots.

"Hmm. . .hey, Willie. If wishes could come true what would you wish for?"

I don't get what this conversation is supposed to be about and I certainly am not going on with it.

I roll my eyes in disinterest and start off on the sidewalk home.

I can hear her following me from behind and seeing as this would be a long walk home I decide to stop her in her tracks.

"Are you following me?" I snap.
"Yes." She replies without hesitation.

"Answer the question."

She's following me home because of a question?

"You're a joker you know that right?" I fume.

She laughs, per se I'd just said a really good pun.
If I've told a joke, I'm pretty sure I don't get it.

"Costume party." She smiles.

I think for a second.
A mate of mine who goes by name Charlotte was hosting one next week.

"Um. . .I know that?" I furrow.

"Cool. Wear something memorable though." She chuckles.

Has she just made a joke? If so, I don't get it.

I bite my lip, ignore her and get on with my walk.

"Renwil you haven't answered the question." She reminds.

I turn back. "You do know I can report you to the police cause this is basically stalking."

I wave my phone at her.

"The question." She smirks.

Why all of a sudden is what I would wish for such an important question?

I mean well . . .not like it isn't or whatever.

I shrug, I just need her to leave me alone at the moment. After the way I spoke to my best friend I deserve some alone time and that's undeniable.

"Um. . .What I would wish for? I dunno. . .maybe. . ."

"Think wisely about it." Poppy states, arms crossed lightly.

What I say doesn't sound like a wish, not even a need, just a very desperate want that's pushed out with the aid of my ego.

"For those two knuckle heads to. . .well I dunno maybe just obey and listen to me for a day, just a day and that's it!"

Poppy smiles and starts walking the other way.

"You'll get an email."

I don't know what exactly that's supposed to mean but I let out a puff of air from my pursed lips and take faultless strides back home.

You'll get an email.

The moment I land in my room her words suddenly come crashing back to me.

I fidget with my phone a bit before I open my email.


I don't get why but her words keep on singing in my ears. Like it's something I should be expecting. Something I shouldn't afford to miss.

Something I mustn't afford to miss.

And I guess, maybe I won't.

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