Dylan O'Brien Imagines

De SushiSOB

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Imagine...being with the amazing actor and all his fictional characters. The stories await... Dylan O'Brien... Mais

A/n: Requests and Suggestions
Embarrassment (Dylan O'Brien)
Car ride (Dylan O'Brien)
Love at first sight Pt.1 (Dylan O'Brien)
Comic Con Once Again Pt.2 (Dylan O'Brien)
Surprise Appearance Pt.3 (Dylan O'Brien)
Cast Wishes Granted! (Dylan O'Brien)
Perfect (Dylan O'Brien)
By your side (Dylan O'Brien)
Acting Pt. 1 (Dylan O'Brien)
Starring Stiles Stilinski and Violet Summers Pt. 2 (Dylan O'Brien)
Life of A Hollywood Actor (Dylan O'Brien)
Christmas presents (smut) (Dylan O'Brien)
Answers (Stiles Stilinski)
Revenge (Stiles Stilinski)
Stiles and his bat (Stiles Stilinski)
12 and 24 (Stiles Stilinski)
Only human (Stiles Stilinski)
Jeeps (Stiles Stilinski)
To the rescue Pt.2 (Stiles Stilinski)
Can a hero save everyone? Pt.3 (Stiles Stilinski)
Always a hero Pt.4 (Stiles Stilinski)
Hurt (Stiles Stilinski)
Captured (Stiles Stilinski)
The night he got bitten (Stiles Stilinski)
What's happening to me? Pt.1 (Void Stiles)
Broken Pt.2 (Void Stiles)
Lose your mind Pt.3 (Void Stiles)
The last fight Pt.4 (Void Stiles)
Awkward Lunch (Stuart Twombly)
Talking back (Stuart Twombly)
Shut up, jerk! (Stuart Twombly)
Screw Google (Stuart Twombly)
Truth or Dare gone right (Stuart Twombly)
My Mentor (Stuart Twombly)
A swing ride (Dave Hodgman)
The First Time (smut-kinda) (Dave Hodgman)
Training to be an assassin (Mitch Rapp)
Kidnapped (Mitch Rapp)
Not just a mission (Mitch Rapp)
Copy that. (Mitch Rapp)
Mission Complete (Mitch Rapp)
Happy Family (Mitch Rapp)
Fight (Thomas)
Hard to get (Thomas)
Discovery (Thomas)
Goodbye (Thomas)
Please Tommy Please (Thomas)
Welcome to the scorch (smut-kinda) (Thomas)
No more WICKED (Thomas)
We'll go down together (Thomas)
Safe Haven (Thomas)
We were always meant to be (Joel Dawson)
Crossing paths with you (Joel Dawson)

My hero Pt. 1 (Stiles Stilinski)

3.8K 55 11
De SushiSOB

Stiles Stilinski

Scott landed flawlessly on all fours. His eyes glowered a burning bright red, the raging flames evident in those ruby orbs. The Alpha bared his razor-sharp fangs at the opposing pack, as if challenging them to fight. Yet, excruciating pain flashed in those eyes. Scott knew he couldn't last any longer, the sharp pain shooting through his body. There was a trickle of blood from the side of the boy's lips. Huge bloody gnashes were etched deep into all parts of his upper body, the cuts open to reveal a mess of red tissue and torn skin. The skin around it began to reform, closing the cut as quickly as possible, but not fast enough. Stiles ran towards his best friend, with you following suit. Just the sight of the wounds were enough to make the bile in his stomach rise in his throat, a slightly acidic sensation burning in his gullet. The clumsy but shrewd boy distracted himself from the sight, trying to shake off the nightmarish view which he knew would come back to haunt him. His veiny fingers curled around his trusty bat, a classic weapon that a typical Stiles used. Stiles' free hand held tightly onto your wrist, carefully guiding you towards the scene.

As much as Stiles, your best friend, disapproved of you to come, you were sure a fighter. You always argued with him about going on these risky adventures that involved fights with the supernatural that roamed around Beacon Hills. Whenever Stiles denied you, you threatened to fight him, but of course, you didn't actually want to hurt him, knowing clearly that he would give in. You were trained by your father since young about defense skills and how to handle weapons. You could easily beat up anyone in school considering your years of training, so no one ever dared to mess with you. Most steered clear from you, especially when you were cranky. However, Stiles always supported you and stayed by your side. Even though he might have unintentionally provoked you with his sarcastic nature, and you snapped, almost beating him up into a battered being, he always forgave you. The boy cared about you so much, always considering your safety and protecting you. The boy who was a klutz but also a genius. You soon found yourself falling for Stiles, always staring with infatuation at hin. The messy brown hair that poked out from all directions, honey orbs, the constellation of moles that were scattered around his face and even looking at the little muscles the amateur lacrosse player had. You loved Stiles and wanted to protect him like he protected you, to care for him. However, you were also quite certain that he treated all his close friends this way and that he most likely didn't like you in that way. The boy had a huge crush on Lydia Martin since third grade and you knew that nothing would change that. It was no use trying to bring him out of that. The truth made your heart wrench.

As you and Stiles approached Scott, the other pack took a menacing step forward, letting out a deep and low growl that caused the two of you to stop in your tracks. Although you could fight and Stiles...partially could, the two of you were still human and stood no chance against the werewolves. Once you were mauled, dead would come and grip you by the neck. No healing, just gone from this world. Fortunately, it wasn't only toe two of you here. Malia, Lydia, Derek, Liam and Theo were all here to help. Your friends bravely charged forward, causing the rival pack to falter a little before doing the same. While the enemies were distracted, you and Stiles quickly attended to Scott who groaned in agony, clutching onto his wounds through his torn shirt.

"G-go, I'll heal soon. They're strong. Don't try to fight, you guys can't heal." Scott Warner through gritted teeth.

From the corner of your eye, you could see your pack members fighting. Clawing, punching, and of course, Lydia's ground shaking screams. However, none of the enemies were willing to back down. Instead, they were still standing strong while Scott's pack was evidently losing. Malia already had gashes on her face and legs, Derek, Liam and Theo has it worse, with large cuts stuck onto their chest and stomach. They were obviously in as much pain if not even more than Scott, the energy draining out of them quickly. After all, the opposing pack still outnumbered you guys and it was hard to put up a fight with the Alpha down.

"C'mon, Scott. Heal faster. We're losing." Stiles mumbled, anxiety and distress diffused out of the boy.

"Aahhh." Scott groaned, hoping to trigger the healing process by sinking his claws in his thighs.

"Oh no, we're losing. Really bad." Stiles slid a quick glance at the barbaric fight that unraveled in front of you guys.

"No shit, Sherlock." You glared at him, rolling your eyes in exasperation. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, looking slightly hurt at your comment.

"Screw it, I'm going." You pushed yourself up and rushed forwards to help. Stiles stretched a hand out, hoping to grab you by the arm and tug you back, but all he held was a handful of thick, foggy air.

He cursed under his breath. First of all, he couldn't stop you from fighting, second, he had to attend to Scott right now, third, he would probably end up dead if he went after you and entered the battle. The teenager had no choice but to scold himself for being so useless and unable to protect you. Little did you know that Stiles cared for you so so much, more than anything in the world. The moment he settled his eyes on you in school, his crush on Lydia was gone like a wisp of smoke. You were beautiful and your personality was extremely likable and really badass. You were kind, determined, stoic, and more importantly you had a sense of humor which was what Stiles loved the most. However, he had been too scared to ever confess to you because he was afraid you thought of him as some awkward friend. He didn't want to blow your friendship just for a relationship because the friendship between you guys were too precious.

"Stiles, y-you shouldn't have let her gone." Scott mumbled. The Alpha has now regained some strength but was still in pain. A couple more minutes and the wounds might heal enough for him to pick himself up for a fight again.

"Fuck, I know. But I can't control her. I love her so much but she doesn't know." Stiles ran a desperate hand through his messy brown locks, looking up to keep an eye on you.

You held onto the crossbow which Allison gave you, aiming it at one of the Betas and shooting it right in the leg, then the next arrow embedded into his shoulder. The beta howled in pain, falling onto his knees as he yanked the two arrows out. Though the Beta wasn't willing to back down, he was strong. You dashed towards your enemy and struck him in the head with the weapon in your hand, causing him to double over in pain. You made a mantel note not to go too far as to kill him even though you wanted to just pierce an arrow into his skull. Scott's code was to never kill anyone so you couldn't, never revealing the cold blooded killer side of you.

Soon, the Beta jumped up, ready for a fight again. He scowled at you, eyes glowing a livid yellow was he swiped his clawed fingers at your head, missing by inches as you ducked. Stiles grimaced at your near death, wishing earnestly to go and help you or at least to drag you out of the fight.

"Scott, you better be done healing. If (y/n) doesn't come back in one piece after this, I swear to god I will kill you before the pack does." Stiles snapped at his injured best friend.

"Urghh. I think I'm about done, it still hurts but I can fight." Scott pushed himself off the ground, bravely sprinting towards the fight despite the gnawing pain in his body. Stiles could only stand there to watch the gruesome scene, his stomach churning at the blood that splattered from the fighters.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head like a light bulb being switched on. Of course, Stiles always had some sort of genius idea. He scrambled away, bat still in hand as he sprinted towards his Jeep.

The boy climbed in, throwing the bat onto the passenger seat as he wrapped his fingers around the steering wheel, feet positioned at the gas pedal. Stiles was ready, though he couldn't promise that he wouldn't kill one of the beings, hopefully not his friends.

Scott was back in the game, helping to fight again. He came back strong, the wounds had healed a great deal and the anger that flared in Scott allowed him to cause a lot more damage to the enemies than before. Some whimpered and retreated timidly, giving in to the fight, however, the pack's Alpha wouldn't back down. Now it was Alpha versus Alpha. You only prayed that Scott would win as you continued to throw punches and kicks at the Beta. It was unfair how he could heal and you couldn't. Your muscles ached, cuts forming all over your body, fortunately, not one of the large gnashes that would kill you.

Stiles' Jeep was picking up speed, approaching the fight scene violently as Stiles steered the vehicle, aiming it at the Beta that was fighting with you. You heard the engine groan, turning to catch a glimpse of Stiles' Jeep while still in the vicious battle with the Beta. Just for that split second, you were caught unaware and the Beta stretched his arm out, sharp claws digging into your stomach, leaving a gaping cut, all you felt was scorching pain as blood started to seep out. You let out an ear piercing scream and Scott turned to see your legs buckling as you crashed onto the ground weakly, hand clutching into your bloody wound. The pain shot through you like a hot knife slicing through butter. It hurt so much that you could feel the darkness coming to engulf you, but you fought it. Your teeth but down onto your lower lip while you managed to stay strong. It was a kind of agony you have never felt. You always thought that if a cut was deep enough, it would turn everything numb, but that was a myth. It was like going through hell, feeling the devil hold onto a blow torch, searing every inch of the open wound.

Scott pounced towards the Beta with a deep growl, clawing at him until the life almost drained out of his eyes. Scott couldn't control it, he couldn't let his best friend die, and he certainly would get revenge. The injuries that Scott gave the Beta was enough to keep him groaning in pain and then going unconscious for a few hours. Then with the newfound colossal fury that burned feverishly in Scott, he wrestled the Alpha to the ground, punching, clawing, even biting until he was broken and battered. With staggering steps, the Alpha withdrew, finally giving up as the pack disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

There was a screech from the tyres of the jeep. Stiles stared blankly at the scene that unfolded in front of his eyes. His worst nightmare had come true. He felt his heart shatter and his head spun like crazy. Stiles blinked rapidly, a voice in his head urging him to get the hell out of the Jeep to help you, but his body was paralyzed, as if every single fiber had frozen like ice. He couldn't believe it. It took laborious effort just to snap him back into reality and get into motion again.

Now, the entire pack had gathered around you, with Scott kneeling on the ground, panicking at the severe blow you had taken. He rested his hand onto your wound, trying to absorb all the pain so that you didn't feel any. Stiles pushed himself past his friends, kneeling down with a plop as he lifted your head gently, stroking your face with his trembling hand. Ragged breaths escaped him, his eyes dark with desolation and worry.

"No no no, (y/n). Please no." His voice shook as he felt the sting of tears in his eyes. "C'mon, stay with me."

"Stiles, it's okay." You mumbled while Scott drew away the last bit of pain. It was too much suffering even for the Alpha to tolerate. You could see his entire face contort has he felt your pain.

"No, it's not! (Y/n)! We need to get you to the hospital right now!" Stiles blurted out, already trying to carry you. Your blood smeared across his arms and shirt but he didn't care.

"Stiles, we can't. We won't make it in time." Scott interrupted grimly, but that didn't stop Stiles from lifting you off the ground.

The Alpha pulled at Stiles' shirt, jerking him back. "Stiles!"

By now, tears were streaming down from Stiles face, tears of desperation as he looked at the girl he loved, the soul slowly leaving her eyes.

"Please Scott. She can't die. I love her." Stiles' voice cracked. Some of his tears landed on your arm, glistening in the pale moon light. The rest of the pack members looked on solemnly.

"There's no way we can get her to the hospital. She's bleeding too much. The only way to save her is to turn her into a werewolf. But even then, there's no promises." Scott sighed, a layer of water forming in his eyes.

Stiles gently placed you onto the ground, your limp body lying there, eyes fighting to stay open. Then, the boy grabbed Scott by the shirt collar, tugging his best friend violently until he stumbled. "Scott, you have to let (y/n) take the bite. I'm not going to just let her go." Stiles begged, more crystal beads rolling down his cheeks.

Scott submitted, nodding his head silently as he bent down and grabbed your arm. His eyes glowed a bright red once again. Teeth morphing into spikes. The Alpha's eyes locked with Stiles once again for confirmation. Stiles nodded resolutely.

"(Y/n), this might hurt. Please stay with me alright?" Scott warned, his voice soft and gentle.

"Okay...do it." You drawled. Your vision started to become blurry, the surroundings woozy.

With one deep breath, Scott moved closer to your arm. You felt the sharp fangs sink down into your skin, digging deep down as if they found home. You were too devoid of energy to even jerk your arm away because of the acute pain. Besides, it hurt far less compared to the scratches you incurred. All that was left were two deep red holes in your arm.

Stiles roughly shoved Scott aside, only focused on you. His hands cupped your face, thumb stroking your cheek delicately. "(Y/n), it's gonna be okay." Stiles reassured. "Fight it. You're going to survive this."

Exhaustion started to gnaw at you, slowly swallowing you. Stiles' words of encouragement had drowned out in the background, only becoming a low hum. You tried your best to keep awake, to focus your vision on Stiles who had his eyes on you the entire time. However, you felt like your eyelids were weighed down by two heavy blocks of lead. Then, it was as if the curtains had been drawn. All you saw was darkness.

Time skip

Your eyelids fluttered open slowly, the slight dizziness still lingering in your head. You willed your vision to clear, only to see a concerned Stiles looking down at you. Your hands were interlaced with his. His thumb stroked the back of your hand affectionately. The moment he saw the subtle movements of your eyelids, he shot up from his seat. You lifted your head slightly, expecting stinging pain but instead there was none. Though your shirt had been dyed dark red, all the cuts had disappeared. The bite you took from Scott seemed to have healed too.

Then, there was a click from the door. Scott came into check on you, a relieved smile on his face though it quickly faded away the moment he remembered you were one of the supernaturals. Scott didn't know if you wanted to become a werewolf like the rest because it was hard, going through the different stages.

"(Y/n), you're okay." Stiles breathed out, tears glistened in his eyes under the light. You propped yourself up with your elbows and cupped Stiles' cheek with your free hand. "Yes, Stiles. You saved me." You said gratefully, tears welling up in your eyes as well.

"I'm no hero. Scott did." Stiles avoided your gaze, a sliver of melancholy flashed in his eyes. He was disappointed in himself for being just human and not being able to save you like his friends.

"Thanks Scott, sorry I had to make you bite me." You looked to Scott, thankful. Then you met Stiles' eyes once again. "But Stiles, you're my hero. Without you, I wouldn't be alive right now."

Stiles only kept quiet, mouth pressed together tightly.

"Get some rest." Scott broke the awkward silence between us.

"Yeah, I'm just going to leave you alone and have some peace." Stiles sniffed de let go of your hand tentatively. He wanted to hold onto you so badly, always be by your side to protect you, but he couldn't.

Scott had already opened the door, holding it and waiting for Stiles to follow. Stiles took a few steps away from you unwillingly, eyes still trained on you as if he was uncertain that he should leave you alone.

"Okay, I guess I should go now." He headed towards the door, about to join Scott.

"No, Stiles. I want you to stay. Please." You attempted to reach out to grab onto his classic flannel that he always wore, but your arm wasn't long enough.

The instant Stiles heard those words, he spun on his heel and rushed towards you. Before you knew it, he was standing beside you, his warm hands held onto yours tightly. Scott took the cue to leave, only the two of you in the room.

"Stiles, I need you. I love you." The words slipped out of your mouth before you had time to process it. It was true. You were in love with the awkward boy beside you who protected you and saved your life. Stiles reciprocated the feelings too though he never really dared to just admit it to you blatantly.

"(Y/n), I love you too. Remember that I'm always here. But I can't protect you, I'm not good enough." Stiles sighed dejectedly.

"You can. You always did. You will be my hero forever. In here." You brought his hand to your chest, at your heart.

Stiles' lips curved up into a sad smile.

"I'll try my best. Especially now. After you took the bite. It's gonna be hard, but just know that I'm here alright I promise. When the full moon comes..."

"In a few days." You finished the sentence, equally dreading it.

"Yeah. I'm staying with you to help you get through this."

"No, Stiles. I will literally lose my mind and kill you. I won't be me."

"I don't care. I already said I promise. You're always you."

Time skip

The sky was pitch black, as if a rich black blanket had been pulled over it, obscuring all the lights from shining except for the pale, round moon, exceptionally round tonight. It looked spooky and was very much dreaded for you. The night air was chilly, each intake of a breath was like a cool mint down your nostrils and throat.

You had already experienced some abnormal changes to your body. The uncontrollable shifting during the wrong times of the day, dizziness, extremely sharp senses, ragged breaths, claws and teeth, glowing orbs all those things that did weird things as if you were hallucinating. What helped you get through all these was that Stiles had constantly been beside you, along with Scott, endeavoring to get you out of all these problematic situations in school. All your friends kept a close watch on you too, just to make sure you didn't reveal your werewolf identity or maul some student to death.

Tonight was the night that you would suffer, and possibly others around you if things didn't go right. All hell might break lose and you were afraid that you would end up losing control and murdering someone.

You were in one of the classrooms in Beacon Hills High School. Stiles had brought sturdy metal chains that clinked against each other when it was dragged along the ground. Your wrists were locked tightly and tied to a metal pole which you hoped wouldn't break if you tugged violently because there would be a lot of violent action coming from you. (oop sry to ruin the mood but I had to make this comment—this sounds a little wrong honestly or maybe I'm just very dirty minded. 😂 )

Scott was here too, to help you calm down if necessary. But he had to help Malia who was in the neighboring classroom as she was also new to the full moon. "Hey, (y/n), Stiles, I'm just going to check on Malia alright? Call for me if you need help." With that, Scott left the two of you in the classroom, waiting for the horrible event.

Stiles grabbed the chains and made sure that it was tightened around your wrists. "Too tight?" Stiles asked, not wanted to see your wrists abraded by the end of this.

"Tighter. You can leave if you want."

"Definitely not. I'm not going anywhere."

"You could've just locked me up in a box like Scott last time when he transformed."

"You really think I'm locking you up in some box?" Stiles raised his eyebrow.

"Hey! That's unfair!" Scott protested.

"You know I might break free and kill you right?" You stated the obvious but got a slightly surprised expression from Stiles.

"No, I don't know. I don't believe you will." Stiles' deliberately leaned in until his face was inches away from yours. You had a tempting urge to pull him close and kiss him before the full moon. You couldn't pull your eyes away from his sparkling caramel orbs and soft lips.

"And what if I do?"

"Then you'd better resurrect me from the dead or my spirit will be coming for you." Stiles replied sarcastically.

"Stiles, I'm serious." You deadpanned.

"And I'm sarcastic and also here to protect you."

A silence settled between the two of you. You could feel his breath brush against your skin, your skin tingling at the contact. Eyes fixed intently, gazing. You fell down into the dark brown abyss of the boy's orbs. Falling deeper, deeper. Then, the two of you closed in the gap simultaneously. Your lips connected, moulding together as you felt Stiles' warm ones. You closed your eyes and inhaled, lips moving passionately together. Oh how long you and Stiles have waited for this moment. Stiles rested his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to his chest while you melted in his touch, a comforting warmth spreading through your body.

Suddenly, you felt a surge of anger and adrenaline rush to your veins. Oh no. You could feel yourself shifting. With a hard shove, you pressed your hands against his chest and pushed him away with a shocking strength. Stiles stumbled back, appalled by your impulsive actions. Hurt cut through his eyes as he gawked at you, confused as to why you pulled away. Once he saw your eyes turning a blazing yellow, he understood. As the boy looked into your eyes, he saw a roiling storm, as if the boat that lulled against the gentle waves had suddenly been flipped over by the uproar of waves. Your teeth too, were sharper as you bared them fiercely at the boy. All you saw was red, literally and figuratively. You barely recognized Stiles.

"Stiles, please go." You begged.

"No, anyways just breathe, okay. I'm not going to leave you."

"What if I hurt you?" You asked, gulping in huge amounts of oxygen to calm the turmoil inside you.

"You're not going to."

"Stiles...go...NOW!" You demanded, suppressing a growl.

Stiles made sure to keep a distance between both of you just in case something went wrong but the distance was risky. One you lunged forward and stretched your arm, your claws would be slash right through his skin.

"No, (y/n), I told you, I'm not leaving you." Stiles stood on his ground, determination filling his voice.

"STILES I SAID GO!" This time, you let out a loud growl. "Oh I want to—I look at your face and I want to slash at it. I want to tear at it. I want to feel your bones crack between my hands." You threatened.

The bone chilling threat made Stiles shudder inside. "No." It was a wonder how Stiles managed to keep such a calm voice when threatened with death. Maybe he already got used to it. He wasn;t really afraid of saying anymore. Sometimes, he even pondered that it might be kind of...peaceful.

You clawed at Stiles, fortunately for him the chains held you back.

"I'm not leaving you. And I'm not going to let you hurt anyone. Okay, (y/n), I know you can hear me. Just listen to my voice." You felt the Beta side of you take over and you gave in trying to fight it. You went pure animalistic, trying to jerk free, pulling until the clinking of chains echoed throughout the entire classroom. The chains might not hold you any longer. You're heart beat spiked to a new high. You pounced but was restrained. You continued to jerk and pull, finally one one of the chains couldn't hold you any longer. It snapped, pieces of broken metal lying on the ground pathetically.

"Listen to mine. RUN!" You snapped, holding your claws back before you could swipe at the boy again. Stiles nearly jumped. Then he planted his feet firmly to the ground again and stayed with you despite the alarming danger that faced him.

"I'm not going to run. Because I don't think you're going to hurt me. And I think maybe you're so afraid of hurting me because of what you did to your family. I know what that's like. I remember everything I did. And the worst part is I remember liking it. Because I felt powerful. I felt fearless. And most of all, in control. But when I came through it, I learned something else... Control is overrated." Stiles took one step closer. You took in every single word Stiles said. The two of you held your gaze, dark brown eyes and luminous yellow eyes locked together.

You could feel your heart starting to slow, each beat getting more calm. Your breathing too slowed to a steady rate. The adrenaline that coursed through your veins started to disappear. You felt yourself going back to normal.

"Stiles." You muttered, stretching your arms out to hug him.

The teenage boy pulled you into his embrace and held you tightly, as if he would lose you once he let go. "(Y/n), you're okay." He whispered into your ear. You could sense the relief that flooded his words and you melted into his arm once again.

"Stiles, thank you. This is why you'll always be my hero. I love you." You sobbed into his flannel.

The caring boy stroked your hair soothingly. "I wish I can protect you forever. I wish to always be your hero."

"You already are."

Oh gosh! This was EXHAUSTING to write! More will be coming up next! I hope that this was enjoyable for y'all!! ❤️

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