By victoriapinkglitter

41.4K 1.5K 404

❝I adore when you surrender to me, granting me dominion over your most intimate being, mirroring my sovereign... More

Welcome To My Temple/Copyright
♔3. 7777
♔8. SPILL (Part I)
♔9. SPILL (Part II)
♔10. FERAL
♔12. FLESHLY (Part I)
♔13. FLESHLY (Part II)
♔16. SILK
♔18. ANIMAL (Part I)
♔19. ANIMAL (Part II)
♔21. REBEL


2.3K 128 29
By victoriapinkglitter

"There is a constant war of want and denial inside of me when I look into your eyes." -Unknown

B r i e l l e W i n t e r s

     THE BLUE EXTERIOR of the flying car reminded of the lush color of an lazy shore. The kind of color so vibrant yet peaceful enough to put you asleep; it was a mirror of Legend's whimsical eyes.

"This is absolutely—"

"Lovey!" A high pitched, feminine voice filled up the empty space of the garage cutting off my sentence.

   The clicking of heels and several footsteps could be heard and I turned my head to see a tall, petite blonde, with full platinum bouncy hair walking towards Alpha King Legend with admiring eyes.

   I could see Legend's face drop almost in annoyance before his grimace turns into a smile.

"Baby, I am so sorry I'm late. I had so many appearances to make this morning and interviews and—" The young woman stops her rant taking a look at me.

   She eyes me up and down and her expression was unreadable. She looks back at a still faced Legend.

"Lege," She voices tight lipped "Who's this?"

  Legend coughed before opening his mouth but I beat him at an introduction.

"I'm Brielle Winters, a journalist from Jusco Times..."

She gasps before her mouth parts into an 'O'. "Bermuda!" She hollers causing a middle aged woman who had walked in with a group of others to come to her aid.

"I thought you told me no more interviews upon my schedule—"

"Ivy, she's here for me." Legend steps in cutting her off causing Bermuda's nervous eyes to relax.

Ivy's pale white cheeks blush a bit before she turns to the Alpha King. "Oh, of course."

"Ms. Winters, this is Ivy." Legend introduces.

She turns to me with excited eyes. "Ivy Kade..." she adds in. "Nice to meet you, Brielle. You probably already knew who I was so I don't think there was a need to introduce me."

Is this woman serious?

"Ivy Kade..." I ponder. "The comedian?"

Legend releases a chuckle earning a sharp look from Ivy.

Her offended eyes then turned to me with challenge. "Well, you obviously don't watch enough TV...or are ever on the internet which explains why you are holding a paper and pencil."


"Ivy..." Legend growls.

"I'm Ivy Kade. The number one beauty and lifestyle influencer in today's age. I mean c'mon, I have a billboard on Heiden Blvd."

I mean...she did look kind of familiar.

I pretended to gasp before I widened my eyes. "Oh my gosh! You are the Ivy Kade. How could I have forgotten?"

  The beautiful blonde's eyes gleam with pride before she claps her hands. "Bermuda, I need you to wipe my seat before I sit..."

   I watch as she walks over to the car which was now surrounded my body guards and a driver. The driver opens a door for her before she slides in with Bermuda, whom I'm guessing is her assistant, following close behind.

My eyes found their way back to Legend who gave me an apologetic look. "You're welcome inside, Ms. Winters."

  With that, I watch as he is escorted inside the flying car by guards. I sigh scratching my scalp with my pencil.

   I hum to myself before taking the pencil and writing my first note of the day.



    We were 20 minutes into the ride before I found out that our destination was Elefthería square. Elefthería was the capital of the United Pack's of Elefthería. It was home to many businesses including Jusco times, a huge tourist spot, and was a prime backbone of the economy. It was home to the overrule of the union ruling which ended 27 years ago.

Elefthería square was a symbol of change.

   I sat in the back seat watching and not by choice, Ivy pestering Legend for minutes straight whom both were in the seat in front of me.

  I tried to get some questions in but whenever I would start one, Ivy's boisterous voice would beat me to it with exclaims of nonsense.

"Oh my gosh! You have dimples? So cute..." Ivy commented to me.

"T-Thanks..." I muttered.

"What tribe are you from?" Ivy suddenly asks me with curious eyes.


"Yeah, like werewolf, vampire, witch? I could go on..."

"I'm human..." I told her bluntly.

She gives me a look and an comment of subtle superiority. "Hmm...that explains a lot."

   I watch as she turned herself back around and I don't hesitate to scratch out my previous note.

Self absorbed and prejudice...girlfriend?

   My body is tossed against my seat as the flying car began to descend from the sky and into rocky landing.

   When we officially landed, Ivy's...dare I say almost nauseating voice boasts once again.

"Baby! Look outside! Look at all those people that are waiting for me—I mean us."

   I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Never in my life have I met someone so filled with self-entitlement and delusion. I always thought influencers such as Ivy Kade were only an outdated stereotype...but she was an authentic living copy.

   I look outside to see the flashing of lights and the screaming audience that were waiting for the Alpha King.

   I watch as Legend turns his head to me before giving me a small almost unnoticeable smile. "I'm here for a children's event but I'm also speaking to the many human elders who live here. It's part of the leaderships 50 year reparation plan.

   I couldn't help but smile at his words. I heard of Legend's humanitarian work but I always thought it was the media trying to depict him as the world's grace. But now, I was finally gonna get the chance to judge that theory with my own eyes.

"And I'm going to be signing autographs to those poor grandpas." Ivy then turns to Bermuda. "Do you know how much that's worth, Bermuda? I'm basically funding their whole retirement."

I could see Legend's ocean eyes sadden as Ivy continues on another rant. I bit my lip at the scene. It must be draining to endure someone consistently making everything about them...

"Alpha King Legend, are we ready for disbatch?" A guard questions.

   Legend gives him a single nod before the doors are pulled open and he exits. I was still in the car when I heard the cries and exclaims of the crowd outside escalate in sound. It was impeccable...almost like something you would see in a movie.

The sounds corrupted my ears and engulfed my ear drums like waves.

"Ms. Winters? You ready?" A guard says snapping me out of my trance.

I sigh. "Yes sir."

I exited the car only to be introduced to the whirlwind of fame.

I watch Legend closely taking in the scenery and the moment. This was something I would include in my feature of course.

Legend Blade had it all. A crowd of zealous fans waiting for his appearance, a reputation that any person of prominence would love to obtain, and the position of ruling the world, but I knew his life was deeper than all of that. I just had to crack the surface...

   Ivy's figure suddenly struts towards the Alpha King placing her slender hand on his shoulder as pictures were being taken.

...without the interruption of other parties of course.


   After the parade of fans and the hundreds of cameras who's flash I could still see with closed eyes, we entered Smiling Faces of Today.

   It was a building that specializes in providing housing for elder human citizens and orphan human children.

   I watch as Legend was instantaneously greeted by the dozen of kids who lived at the organization as they swarmed him with hugs.

   They were so comfortable around him with many firing endless questions at him and updates on their life.

That told me one thing...

He's been here many times before.

Legends turns his head to me before motioning me to come over to him. "Ms. Winters..."

I walked over hesitantly as a child with big green eyes and curly dark hair gleams at me. Her olive skin contrasted well with her eyes.

"This one right here wants to be a journalist." Legend tells me.

I smiled wide at the little girl.

"No way! I'm a journalist!" I exclaimed.

The girl giggles. "My name is Angelica..." she said sweetly.

"Alright," Legend starts, his hand brushed gently across mine causing tingles to run across my arm spiratucally. "I got to go speak to the elders in the room across the hall. Ms. Winters you're free to join when you please."

I watch as he smiles happily at the little kids infront of him before walking across the hall. I felt the clicking of the floor and I watch as Ivy, no longer publicly chastising Bermuda for not 'properly' wiping down her seat in the car, follows him inside the other room.

   I look at all the kids in front of me who now seemed to be preoccupied with the television that was playing cartoons.

   My eyes then narrowed as a child with big brown eyes and curly brown hair captures my attention. As if he felt me staring, he turns his head to me revealing his familiar face. His mouth opens at the sight of me. The child runs to me before hugging my legs.

I bent down in shock meeting the child's level. "Esekiel..." I whisper holding him in my arms.

   I looked at the child's face and my eyes eroded with tears. I was overcome by emotion. His face reminded me of someone so important to me who had left long ago.

My brother.


"Auntie Bri...you found me!" Esekiel mumbles. "Did you find daddy yet?"

   My heart dropped and images of my past painted pictures in my brain.

"Brady, please don't be mad at me!" I exclaimed.

My brother's dark brown eyes watch me with disappointment. "How could I not, B? How could I not be mad? You decide to take take a job working for the enemy."

"Working for Jusco is not a crime, Brady! You should be glad that your human sister was even offered a position at a primarily supernatural establishment! Wake up! The world isn't what it used to be." I fired back.

Brady chuckles. "Little sis, it is you who needs to wake up. You think that some new treaties, new leadership, and intervention is gonna make up for the years of unjust behavior the supernatural have committed against humans?"

"You're sounding just like those radicals..." I retort.

"No," Brady spoke sternly. "I'm speaking the truth. The world is far from a utopia, Brielle. Yes, it's better than what is used to be. Humans are no longer forced to live on settlements anymore but we are still settling."

   Brady was 6 years older making him 30. Which meant he was 3 when the supernatural union was outruled. Which means he saw with his own eyes the horribleness that occurred more than 27 years ago. He saw mom and dad struggle to find work just for being human.

"Jusco is my dream..." I croaked out.

"Brielle," Brady's voice was barely above a whisper. "Writing was your dream."

   My heart dropped at the flash of memory. Sadness consumed my whole body as I remembered my big brother.

  After our conversation about a year ago, Brady packed his bags one night and left. He didn't take much with him; he even left his own son whom stared at me with confused eyes at this very moment.

"No, baby..." I told him tenderly. "I haven't..."

   The last time I saw Esekiel was a year ago. After my brother left, the authorities came and took Esekiel away. Due to the harsh restrictions and law against human children, Esekiel was not allowed to be in custody of immediate family and was taken to an orphanage center.

   They never told me which one for I was not allowed to even be in contact with him due to my brother's juvenile reputation.

  And here the boy was, a year older, right in front  of my feet.

"Well, why can't you take me then!" Esekiel hollers causing some eyes to dart towards us.

"Esekiel, listen to me." I turned my head around and one of the keepers of the center looked at me with questionable eyes. "I can't take you...at least not right now. You have to be a good boy for me, okay? I will figure something out but you must tell the keepers that you never saw me here, okay?"

His eyes began to well up with tears. "W-Why?"

"Because if they know I found you...they'll relocate you and I may never see you again. Trust me, baby. I will get you out of here, and I will find your father."  I say doing my best to reassure the little boy.

He nods his head and gives me a tight little hug. I closed my arms around him protectively. "I love you," I whisper in his ear.

"I love you too, auntie Bri."

   And with that, I release the little boy and I watch as he runs off towards the other kids. I sighed before making my way across the hall with my heart beating rapidly fast.

I would gain custody of that boy. With time, I knew I would. I would find my brother too. I-

   My thoughts are interrupted as the cheers in response to Legend's speech erupted across the hall. I sighed. I was way to emersed into what happened moments ago I didn't capture any word of the Alpha King's.

   The beating of my heart intensified, and I found myself running off and heading out of the center. I was relieved to see that the dozens of photographers and fans were no longer out there as my meltdown approached.

"Ms. Winters!"

   I was shocked to hear that oh so delightful voice.  I turn to see Legend with worried eyes.

"You have people who are awaiting you inside, Alpha King..." I told him.

"I just finished my speech and don't worry I think Ivy will keep all those people company."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his words.

"Yeah," I muttered. "Your girlfriend is something..."

I could see his blue pigmented eyes widen. "Ivy and I are not in an relationship."

I narrowed my eyes becoming lost. "But—"

"I know it may seem that way, but we broke up months ago. She's just persistent." Legend explains.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I asked but I already knew the answer from her behavior earlier.

"It just got to a certain point where our love was not salvageable anymore..." He states.

"Why do you say that?"

"I think she loved the thought of the crown...not me." He said so low...too low...that I knew he was reminiscing something painful, and I made a note to myself not to include any of what he was saying at the moment in my feature.

   Our convo reached far beyond a journalistic point...it was too raw.

"So what's got you down?" He questions me coming closer. "I hate to see beautiful women in distress."

Oh what do you know, he has charm too.

   I couldn't help but feel my cheeks tighten in a blush but I bit the side of my cheek to stop myself.

"Family business..." was all I could say.

"Story of my life..." Legend responds.

    I wasn't surprised at the fact that he could relate. I mean his relationship with his twin brother was being questioned left and right of every news outlet. Everyone wants to know what was really going on between the two sons of Lexis Blade.

"How come you're not put off by me? I mean any man of your position would loathe a journalist following them around in their business." I asked him curiously.

"I don't know..." He mutters his conflicted eyes looking away from me

   Suddenly a truck on the highway across from us goes off and a familiar melodic sound is released.

I let out a laugh. "This was my brother's favorite song when we were younger."

Legend smiles. "It was was Legion's too."

   My mouth parts in awe before I found my body moving to the beat of the sound. My hips swayed back and forth at the music and for some reason I didn't care how stupid I looked. I felt...safe.

   I could hear Legend's raspy chuckle in my ears and the more I danced the more he laughed...that wholesome laugh.

And then it happened.

He got quiet.

   I turned my head around and Legend's blue eyes were now mixed with a bright orange.

"Brielle," His voice calls for me by my first name and he had never done that before...


To be continued...
──────────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ─────────────

  © All Rights Reserved (victoriapinkglitter)

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