Living like Kings in the En...

By jshaver888969

19 0 0

A group of teenagers who find out that the zombie apocalypse has just started decide to go on raids of nearby... More

Season 1, Episode 2
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Season 1, Episode 1

14 0 0
By jshaver888969

-Larry, Grass, HB, Theodore, and Murderface sitting in HB’s room-

Theodore- Wait, Guys. what's that noise?

HB- Nothing Theodore. Stop tweaking.

Theodore- No for real. I hear a whistling noise.

Larry- Yeah, I actually hear something too.

Murderface- I'll check the door.

Murderface- Oh fuck, You guys might want to come check this out.

-Everyone gets up and walks to the door-

Grass- What the fuck is that?

Larry- Looks like a plane on fire.

Theodore- It's falling towards us.

HB- That's not a plane.

-Everyone looks at HB-

Theodore- Then what is it?

HB- It's a nuke.

Larry- For real? Savage.

HB- Call Yodz.

Grass- Ill call your phones in our room.

*Theodore freaking out in the background*

*Phone ringing*

Yodz- What the fuck do you want grass?

Grass- HB said to call you, talk to him.

HB- Yodz, listen to me carefully. We have roughly five minutes so do exactly as I say.

Yodz- What's up man. Stop freaking out.

HB- Look out the window.

-Yodz looks out the window-

Yodz- Holy shit what is that?

HB- It's a nuke. You won't have enough time to run up to my house unless you run like hell but were not taking that chance. Walk into your garage and open the drain and climb in then pull the dryer overtop of the hole.

Yodz- Then what?

HB- Just do that and stay down there until we come to get the dryer off.

Yodz- Okay.

*phone hangs up*

Larry- So since yodz is most likely gonna be okay, What do we do?

HB- Don't worry. I've prepared for this everyday since I was 16.

Larry- So where do we go?

HB- Stop freaking out and i'll tell you.

Larry- Okay man, Were all calm.

HB- Larry, Grass, and me will be in the metal closet but Murderface and Theodore have to throw everything out of the pantry and climb in. Don't worry Theodore, Its metal on the inside. They should at least protect us from the blast.

Murderface- Okay everyone, Get into your spots and get your phone. As soon as you see the symbol saying were in range of a network tower go out then tell me or HB.

Grass- Who made you guys the boss? I want to be in charge of something.

Larry- Grass you can be incharge of shutting the fuck up.

Grass- Screw you guys i'm getting in the closet.

Theodore- Yeah me too. Lets go, We most likely don't have much time. 

-Everyone starts getting into their spots-

*Cans crashing and banging*

-HB gets out of the closet and walks to Murderface-

HB- What are you doing in here? Just climb in man.

Murderface- I gotta get these damn fucking cans out of the way so me and Theodore can both fit.

-Murderface starts getting mad at the cans and throws them across the room-

HB- Okay but if you see any tomato sauce in there don't bust them. When this is all over, Im making pizza.

-Everyone gets into their hiding spots-

-Grass and Murderface pull out their phones and watch for the signal to go out-

*Whistling noise*


*Houses crashing*

Grass- Signals out.

Theodore- Yeah, I got it at the same time.

HB- Everyone be quiet for a second.

*People screams outside*

*HB’s dog barking and howling*

HB- Oh shit, Ghost might be hurt.

Murderface- WHAT?

HB-Do you not hear him howling?

Murderface- WHAT?


HB- Larry get out first and see if everything fine 

Larry- No fuck off thats a death wish if everythings on fire.

Grass- Nothings on fire you dumbass. The metal would have heated up.

Larry- Ugh. Fine back up.

-Larry opens the metal closet door-

*Door creaking*

Larry- Holy Fucking shit balls. 

HB- What is it?

Murderface- CAN WE COME OUT YET?

Larry- No!

Murderface- WHAT!

-Murderface opens his door and steps out-

*burning sounds*

Murderface- OH FUCK! 

HB- What's up with Murderface?

-Larry runs out of the closet to Murderface-

Larry- Yo, Stand still.

Murderface- IT BURNS!

-HB and Grass walk out of the closet- 

-Larry throws a cup of water on Murderface's foot-

*Water splash*

HB- What happened?

Murderface- WHAT?

Larry- Your kitchen ceiling caught on fire and fell on top of the metal pantry Murderface and Theodore were in.

Grass- Wait, Where is Theodore?

-Everyone turns around to see Theodore sitting in the pantry holding his ears-

Grass- Hey Theodore, What happened? Whats up?


HB- The blast must’ve made them deaf. I did forget to mention the pantry was a lot thinner than my closet.

Larry- Find a piece of paper in your room. Your ceiling didn't burn.

-Grass goes to her room and gets a piece of paper-

Larry wrote on paper- The blast made you deaf. It should wear off but just try to chill… and WHISPER.

-Larry shows Murderface and Theodore the paper-

-Theodore shakes his head implying he understands-

HB- Do you guys know what this means?

Larry- What?

HB- If my ceiling didn't burn that means neither did the Walmart’s down the street.

Grass- Yes, Let's go.

-We all walk out the front door and shield our eyes from the brightness-

*Growling noises and people screams*

Grass- Who is that?

-Grass points to a man bent over HB’s Dog-

-The man stands up and turns around showing us his bloody bleeding face and his burnt skin-

HB- Oh. Shit.

Larry whispering- Everyone go back in the house. Slowly

-Everyone walks back into the house without taking their eyes off the man-

*Door closes behind them*

Larry- Don't you have machetes under your bed.

HB- I have everything under my bed.

-Everyone walks to HB’s room-


-Murderface grabs the mattress-

-Larry starts handing out weapons from HB’s Bed-

Larry-Here, For HB, Your machete. For Grass, this 1911. Theodore gets the other 1911. HB, Hand that to Theodore. Murderface, This murderblade is for you.

-Larry hands Murderface an old japanese tanto dagger-

Larry- And me for me. The Gladius.

-Larry starts trying to dig in the back of the box under HB’s bed-

HB- What the fuck is a gladius? I don't even have one of those.

Larry- I told you to hold it one day when we were all super drunk and you said okay and threw it back there.

HB- I guess I forgot.

Grass- Oh is that the roman thing you said hunter was holding for you?

Larry- It is exactly that.

-Larry pulls the gladius from the box and sets the mattress back on it-

Grass-Okay. Let's get going to Walmart to get some supplies before someone else realizes what happened.

HB- People most likely are already there we live in a city of tweakers.

Larry- It's all good. Well kill them and steal their supplies.

HB- Good point.

-Everyone has their weapon and walks towards the door-

Larry-Okay. There's a guy out there and im pretty sure he's a zombie so we're gonna have to kill him.

Grass- He's a zombie?

Larry- Im pretty sure. He killed a dog and ate him.

HB- Yeah. He's a zombie. Let me get this one though. Hes zombie ass ate my dog.

Larry- Yeah its the right thing to do. Let HB kill this one.

Grass- Okay.

-Murderface and Theodore ,scratching their heads, get their weapons ready-

- I open the door for HB to go first-

*door creaks*

-HB walks out and we follow behind him-

*Machete Slashing noise*

Larry- That looked extremely easy.

HB- This Machetes so sharp for real.

Larry- We forgot to get Yodz a weapon.

Grass- I’ll run inside and get him the baseball bat with nails in it.

HB- Yes. He will kill all the zombies with that thing. It's so savage.

- We all start walking towards Yodz house and grace trails along behind carrying Yodz bat-

Larry- Oh shit theres another.

-Murderface runs at the zombie and stabs it through the throat-

Murderface- GOT IT!

-Larry and Grass both signal him to be quiet-

Murderface whispers- Oh my bad.

Larry- So what are we gonna get once we get to walmart?

HB- I don't know about you guys but im going to the sports section to get some knives and a couple guns.

Grass- Im gonna go get all the Twinkies.

Larry- Well is there an alarm that goes off if you break their glass?

HB- I don't think so. Why?

Larry- Imma take every pack of smokes in there.

HB- Yes I get all the Pall Mall Reds.

Larry- Deal. Im taking the menthols

HB- Ill burn you gay menthols. Smoke real cigarettes.

Larry- Menthols are real cigarettes.

HB- Well I don't care. I'm not smoking any of them. 

Larry- Perfect. I'll smoke them all.

Grass- Yo. You idiots were about to walk right passed his house. Yodz lives right here.

HB- Oh. Woah. The fire burnt the entire left half of his house down.

Larry- That's the side the drain he hiding in is on. 

HB- Oh fuck.

Larry- Stay here. I'll run inside and get him.

-Larry runs through the front door of yodz house-

Larry- Yodz!

Yodz- Larry?

Larry- Yes. I'm here to get you out.

Yodz- Thats good because HB told me to pull the dryer over the hole and now its stuck.

Larry- Im gonna ram into it. Step back.

-Larry rams into it with his shoulder-

Yodz-Thank god man.I was running out of air in there. It was so hot.

Larry- Yeah man. We wouldn't leave you in there. 

Yodz- We?

Larry- Yeah, Everyone else is outside. We brought you the bitch killer.

Yodz- Don't you mean “My bitch killer”?

Larry- Yeah but now i think we're gonna have to change the name to “Chomper Beater”

Yodz- What do you mean?

Larry- Me and HB think the blast turned people into zombies. It also deafened Murderface and Theodore.

Yodz- For real? Thats fucking savage. I've been waiting for my entire life to see a zombie. Have you seen one?

Larry- Yeah, One ate Ghost and HB killed it. There was also one on the walk over here that Murderface stabbed in the neck and killed.

Yodz- So this is actually happening?

Larry- Yes. Now go get your chomper beater from Grass and Im gonna grab Comptons keys so we can take his minivan to walmart for supplies.

Yodz- Fuck yes.

-Yodz runs outside and tells everyone to get in the minivan-

- I come running out after and throw the keys to HB-

Larry- Yo, HB you have to drive.

HB- To Walmart?

Larry- Yeah and after Walmart we need to go to the gas station and fill’r up.


*Van engine turns on and we start diving*

*speeding and slowing down noises*

*zombie growls*

-Theodore rolls down his window and points his 1911 at a zombie-


Theodore- Oh fuck.

Grass- What?

Theodore- That shot opened my ears back up. I can hear again.

Murderface- Yeah, Me too.

Yodz- Damn Theodore, Your gonna be talking again? I wish i was here when you weren't talking.

Theodore- What is your deal with me Yodz?

Yodz- You still owe me money from that time I sold you weed.

Theodore- Money means nothing now Yodz. We can have anything we want from Walmart.

Yodz- Your right man. What are you guys getting from Walmart?

Larry- I already asked them this. Everything. No I'm joking. HB is getting weapons. Grass is getting food and Im getting cigarettes. You, Murderface, and Theodore can grab anything you see. 

Yodz- Were throwing it all in the back of the van?

HB- Were gonna make another trip after we get gas on the way back.

Larry- Yes. Were getting the most savage shit.

Murderface-...And after we go here we also have to go to the lumber store but were taking my truck. Its at my house.

Theodore- Yeah, We have to board up the windows and stuff.

HB- Good thinking.

Murderface- I also have a thing i have to get there and they have weapons too.

-We pull up to Walmart-

Grass- Oh fuck.

HB- It's all good. We can take four zombies.

Yodz- Hell yes. Let me take one to test how good the Zombie Beating Bitch Killer is.

Larry- Okay. HB don't even stop the car yet just slow down and Yodz and I  will open his door and jump out.

HB- Why?

Larry- Go park up at the doors so we can just run supplies out real fast.

Grass- Can the both of you get two zombies each. 

Larry- Easily.

HB- Okay.

-Van doors open and Yoda and Larry both step out-

-Larry points up to the main doors implying for HB to park up there-

Yodz- Larry come get these fuckers.

Larry- I'll take the two wearing jackets, you get the other two.

*Smashing bloody sounds*

*slicing noises*

Larry- I chopped mines heads off.

Yodz- I'm still working on my first one. 

Larry- Your bat might need more nails. Well get some inside.

-Larry decapitates the last one of Yodz’s-

Yodz- Yo. That one was mine.

Larry- It's all good man. There's literally a billion other zombies.

Grass- Guys c’mon.

HB- Stop yelling Grass. Your gonna attract more zombies.

Murderface- I've been thinking and if the blast made me and Theodore Deaf a little bit then the people that were outside might be permanently deaf.

-Yodz and Larry run up to everyone waiting at the van-

HB- Everyone check your phone. Its 3:46 right now. If you don't want to get left you better be back here at 4:50. You can make as many trips back to the van to fill it up with supplies as you want but if your not back in an hour your getting left.

Murderface- Okay. Me and Theodore will be grabbing random things we see.

-Murderface and Theodore start walking into Walmart-

Larry- Okay everybody. Get everything we need and well drive it all back to HB’s

=1 Hour later=

Larry- Where is everybody else?

Grass- I don't know.

Larry- Its 4:45 and no ones here except me and you.

Grass- They were here. You can tell by all HB’s zombie killing supplies.

Larry- Yeah and Yodz ‘s trash bag full of red bull

Grass- I don't like red bull.

Larry- You eat white people food Grass. What did you get anyways?

Grass- All the essentials.

-Grass grabs two trash bags from the van and opens them-

Larry- You got junk food?

Grass- Yeah.

Larry- Thats fucking savage. I got canned spaghettios, cigarettes, and all the flannels. 

Grass- You and ryan are exactly alike. He wouldve got the exact same things.

Larry- Ryan Bryan?

Grass- Yeah.

Larry- Well duh, Were twins.

Grass- Your not actually twins. You guys are brother but you have diffirent moms.

Larry- Were born two months apart. Were pretty much twins.

Grass- We should probably find Ryan.

Larry- Yeah, but after this supplies run. Well head out at 5:30 to go get him.

Grass- Do you even know where he's at?

Larry- Yeah. The feds send him to a psych hospital for biting a cop three weeks ago.

Grass-How far away is he?

Larry- The hospital hes at is only 40 minutes away.

Murderface- Yo! 

-We turn around to see Murderface and Theodore driving a forklift loaded with random stuff-

Larry- Where are we gonna put all of that?

Theodore- In the van?

Grass- Where will we sit if the van is loaded?

Murderface- We can all sit on top and just let HB be the only one inside.

Larry- I guess.

Grass- What will Yodz say?

Murderface- Yodz will say “Hell yes”

-Yodz and HB start walking out the other door carrying two trash bags each-

HB- What the fuck are you doing Murderface?

Murderface- Were loading the van.

HB- The flashing lights on that forklift brought like ten zombies our way.

Larry- Oh shit. I didnt even see those.

-Yodz runs to the minivan with his trash bags-

Yodz- You get them larry. Don't let them take my cigarettes.

-Murderface and Theodore climb out of the forklift-

Theodore- Woah. Yodz now you sound like Jeff.

Yodz- Never say that. I'm not like Jeff.

Murderface- I’d slam Jeff so fast.

Larry- Wow. Murderface that's my sister.

Grass- Yeah, mine too.

Murderface- Take it as a complement my friends.

-Grass shoots a zombie-

*slicing noises*


Larry- Do you need any help ive already killed two 

*2 gunshots*

Murderface- Jeez man. Only two? Me and Theodore have already killed 3 each.

Grass- Help me!

*clean slice noise*

HB- You good?

Grass- You helped me?

HB- You were gonna get bitten.

Grass- You care about me.

HB- I don't care about anyone. Even if you are my girlfriend.

Larry- What are you walking about you care about all of us.

HB- I dont love anybody.

Larry- You love all of us homie.

HB- You know what i mean.

Murderface- Did yall clear a spot in the van for my supplies.

HB- Grass put down the seats.

Grass- Okay. Larry help. Get those middle ones.

Larry- Okay

*Seat noises from being put down*

Larry- Load it up Murderface.

*forklift noises*

Murderface- Its all good to go just close the trunk and lets get going.

HB- Okay. everyone climb on.

Yodz- I call sitting on the front of the roof.

HB- Everyone just sit anywhere. We have to get this home and we dont have much gas.

-Van starts up and we start driving away- 

Larry- me and Grass were talking and we decided once we get this supplies home and get gas in the van were gonna start going up to the city and get Ryan.

Yodz- Yes. We need Ryan in the crew

Larry-Then it's settled. Well go get Ryan before tonight.

Theodore- Where is Ryan?

Larry- He bit a cop and they had to test his sanity.

Theodore- Oh so he's in a psych ward or something.

Larry- Pretty much, He's in a psychiatric hospital.

Theodore-Is it his first time?

Larry- Yeah, But he's been in there for 3 weeks. 

Theodore- I was wondering where he was i just didn't feel like asking.

Larry- I'm pretty sure we’ve told you before where he is.

Theodore- Maybe.

Murderface- Theodore has a dissociative disorder and he’s schizophrenic. He most often forgets things you tell him if he's not calm enough to register it.

Yodz- I thought Theodore had autism.

Murderface- Everyones pretty sure he does but it hasn't been diagnosed.

Grass- Now it won't be diagnosed ever.

Murderface- Yeah, Your right, Because there are no doctors.

Larry- Murderface, Your pretty much a doctor, just diagnose him with autism right now.

Murderface- Okay. Theodore, Your are hereby diagnosed with autism.

Theodore- Great now i'm more different.

Grass- It's okay. Larry is bipolar, depressed, and has anxiety.

Larry- Aye. Everyone already knows this.

*Everyone on top of van laughs*

-Van pulls up to HB’s house-

HB-Okay everyone, Just take all of the stuff out of the van and sit it on the ground. Once its all out of the van i'm gonna go and get gas.

Larry- Okay. No body set anything in the mud

Grass- Well duh. What do you think we are? Were not stu-.

-Diabetes walks out of the front door-

Diabetes- Whats up fuckers.

Yodz- Holy shit man you scared the fuck out of me.

Diabetes- Do you guys know what this is?

HB- It's the apocalypse.

Diabetes- For real?

HB- Yep.

Larry- Diabetes, Stay here with us and help us unload all this stuff. We went to Walmart and stole all their supplies.

Murderface- You all can thank me later. I know how there are only three beds in HB’s whole house so i grabbed 5 portable army beds.

Yodz- I grabbed one too. I forgot about you guys needing a bed.

Diabetes- Do I get a bed?

Larry- Yeah.

HB- Is everything out of the van?

Murderface- Yeah but take me with you to drive over to my house and get my truck.

-HB starts the van-

HB- Hop in.

Murderface- I have to get some wood to board up the windows and to fix your ceiling.

HB- Okay. Is your truck at your house or your dads?

Murderface- its at my house.

-HB and Murderface drive off-

Larry- Okay everyone start taking stuff in and ill be inside putting it away.

-Larry grabs 2 army beds and walks inside with them under his arms-

- everything gets put up, including the cans Murderface threw on the ground-

Larry- Hold up guys. I got one more thing. Come outside

-Larry hammers a sign into the front door-

The sign- “HB’s TrapHouse”

-Video zooms out-

(To Be Continued)

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