~The Puppetmaster~(On Hold)

By Nightstar246

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First time posting so try to work with me people. Error now lives in the Creepypasta AU world after jumping i... More

Puppet Master Story Idea/ Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

3.1K 118 788
By Nightstar246

Chapter 10 people!

Let's see what will happen now.

Warning mention of death, sadness, and with a bit of...hotness. I apologize in advanced if it sounds cringy and such.

Error speaking.

Chapter 10

"Do you understand what I'm asking from you Miss. Black." An older gentlemen sitting down at a small round table. He was very pale with his black hair slide back. Pale gray eyes staring at the young woman. A suit case right on the ground by his feet while a few of the folders lay on the table.

"What it sounds like you just want to go through my personal life." Spirit arm crossed and staring across the man. In her casual clothes a t-shirt and jeans since it was her day off. Said day off being interrupted and now regretting letting this man when he began asking questions. Almost didn't allow him in till she saw the badge.

"I know it may sound like it but this really important."

"Sure important."

Lean back against the chair. "You been a security guard for 3 years is that correct."

"Yes, sir."

"You do a fine well job."

"I have to make sure." Not just her safety but her co-workers. Along with the ones in the cells to not hurt one another, her co-workers, or even herself.

"Now I scene your records. Before that you were accepted in the police academy with quite a few good grades." Lean back. "So, how one does became a rising police cadet to prison guard of a holding cell to problematic beings. "

"It's all in there." Eyes narrow at him and back her old transfer report.

"But I like to hear it from you."

"Hear it from me." Pick up her coffee and took huge gulp. "What will that solve?"

"As much as paper work is useful hearing from a personal source, at least when their alive, make the situation. Better to understand. Especially in this case with this strange occurrence."

"If I wanted to go to therapist I would gone to the ones I see come by at work."

"Miss Black you have to understand the reason."

"The reason? How about it just a rare coincidence. How about it's possible they could have been related? Or that they are not related at all."

"But he was an orphan."

"I'm not saying it's possible or not. But what your suggesting is ridiculous."

"But they look alike."

"They may look alike but there is difference. Small difference and how they act."

"So, you didn't think it was possible."

"I was too busy making sure no crowd would cause the skeleton panic attack to worsen. After that I held it back in till it was over, cried back home and had to remind myself it wasn't him. But someone else." Eyes down a bit at the table.

"This world is full of surprises and wonder. It could be possible- "

Slam her coffee mug on the table.

"I scene enough shit from the place that I work. Yes, there are ghost monsters. There are questionable supernatural beings and the things they done. There are monsters who need a reality check. There are humans that are sick and horrible. There are people who are just insane in the head." Look at him dead straight in his eyes.

"Miss Black-"

"Oh no you asked and I'll tell. So, listen closely because apparently you're not reading the reports. Error String Black, my adoptive brother, been dead for 3 years. By a pyscho who escaped the prison. A pyscho who was my first arrest. Who came after me and ruin my life by shooting Error, my little brother who was using himself as a shield to protect me, in the chest and eye socket. I shot the pyscho 6 times till he was no longer moving while I was holding Error body. My little brother who was dying and bleeding out in my arms while I scream on the phone for the ambulance to get here. They were too late while I was cradling his dead body. 2 days later was the funeral and he was to be cremated. I watch it all. 3 weeks later I transfer to be a Security guard so no one will escape and deal with the same lost I've been through. So, no.  Error Miscue is not my brother Error String Black. "Spirit stared straight at him with a harden look. But her eyes flicker a bit of sadden lost and tiredness. Only for a second.

"Then who is he?"

"The only things I know about him and our little chats is that he owns "The Puppeteer and Sewing", makes adorable plushies and cool clothes, love chocolate, a blunt sense of humor, and has house mates who like to break his house apart.  We only meet up like 3 times, by coincidence at a café to get snacks. Or random texts." Rub her forehead. Gets up from her chair to bring her coffee to the sink. Glance at her two puppets sitting on the counter. Reach out to touch the dark bone one. Then turn back around and leaning against the sink. "I'll say this though brother or not. Whoever hurt him? I wouldn't have let that person survived the next day."

"Noted." Wrote the last thing down and stood up. "Thank you Miss Black this is all I need."

"He not in trouble is he?"

"No, he isn't in trouble just was some concerning question and want to questions rising up."

"Well you better be true or else you dealing with a lot of angry customers including me if we learn he got lock up."

"That will not happen...I'm sorry to bring back memories." Gets ups. "I'll take my leave Miss Black.

"Ill show you out Mr. Tall."

Mr. Tall nods and gets up. As he was being brought to the door he stops. He looks at the wall of the picture he was passing.

It was Spirit when she looks to 18 years old, hair a bit pass her shoulders and no silver dyed tips and smiling happily like nothing matter in the world. Her arm wrap around a younger looking black-skeleton monster who look to be 15, bright mix-match eyes, no scars, chips, and cracks on his bodies, and tear blue marks down his cheeks.

A few seconds later as the scene changes too Error staring across at Slenderman as he finished talking about the report of his investigation. Jeff siting right by him and fidgeting. Like he was tempted to grab his knife and throw it at Slenderman. Or grab him and Error to just jump out the window.

"So, I will ask you again Error. Who are you for real?'' Slenderman sitting at his desk and staring straight at them.

"Im Error."

"I believe that but what else are you hiding from us. Unless your secretly Error Black."

"Im not Error Black." Error mentally cursed in his head. How did he forget to check on himself of all people! Well now knows his counterpart dead. Had a family too as well. That caught him off guard the most.

"Then who are you for real Error Miscue."

"Slenderman he doesn't need to say anything."

"No, Jeff he does. I trust him especially for what he has done for you, for saving Lulu and Ben, and the others around. But does he trust us?"

The last few weeks been very hectic for all of them. Being on alert, staying in pairs for missions, and keeping their guard up for Zalgo. But some good things did come out of it.

The last thing they learn about anything about Zalgo was when Ya Na Twilight called Slenderman and demanded to know why Zalgo was in her forest. He gave her a brief description what happen. In return he learn Zalgo possible have a few permanent holes in his body and spitting up water for a couple of days. Which lighten his mood a little and got a few snickers from his proxies what happen to the demon.

Ben shoulder healed up nicely. Got a cool scar out of it. Able to work again.

Lulu eyes sight been working well. On her own free will, after some practicing, she can make them disappear or not if she want anyone to just see her eye holes. Will still need to use the fog to help her out if she goes that route. But if she uses her eyes when the fog still up the blood stains around her eyes will appear like before. Still working on them as they have enhanced her sight a bit from a distance and could see in the dark when she concentrate. Error was surprised about that since he thought she just will see again. But apparently got a bit more on the deal. So, he been helping her with that on controlling it.

Oh and the two able to go on another date but had to be a double one with Jane and Clockwork. Which they all didn't mind.

Lazari was very sad when she learned what her father did and almost lost them. Nobody, told her or Sally that Error soul was crushed and rather leave it like that for now. The girls wouldn't leave Error, Ben or Lulu sides for week unless missions or work.

How Error survive though is raising many questions in Slenderman head and need an answer now.

Jeff was silent and couldn't answer that.

"I do to a certain extent." Error kept his sight on him. "I will tell you, but not everything. Just like how everyone business is their own. But the thing is will you all listen and believe me?"

"I will listen."

Error stared at him for a long time. "There once was someone name Fate and her oh so favorite child of hers- "

An hour later after a lovely story along with showing him proof.

"So, should we stop him?"

"No, let him drink till he done or drunk head."

Error and Jeff watching Slenderman finished drinking full bottle of whiskey, now on his second. His jacket open up and his tie loose. They watch his face mouth, that open up, and take another swing of the whiskey.

"Deities are such *hic* a holes and j-jerks." Slenderman muttered and took another sip. If any of them try to take Error, they wouldn't last long. Especially that fool Ink! Sounds mostly like a child who spoiled rotten. Oh don't get him started with these judges. Ha! Listen to both side first! Not just one side! The Chara's he felt a bit of pity for and just wanted to take them all in. No, he does not have a hoarding issue Ya Na! This Blue skeleton at least has the decency to stay friends with Error Along with ready to snap and just kill his bother. Wouldn't blame him. At least it explain seeing his puppets along with these "Bad Sans" stories. Sound like a good bunch to enjoy their company then a damn fight break out between all of them.  He doesn't know if he should laugh or cry that his proxies are better than a few of these "good guy". Well a select few to a certain degree.

So, many questions in head, along with crazy thoughts. Will at least he was right on his small theories about different worlds. But to know how far it widen out is insane. He can't even comprehend the idea of a different version of himself! Oh no! The many versions of his brothers! A bit happy he just have to deal with his own.

Yet, Error said there world is actually safe. Well safe is one way to say it if you don't count the madness down here. But safe as in you don't need guardians like Ink and Him. It can create and destroy on its own without anyone butting in.

"Yeah we already established that." Jeff grab a free cup and able to poor himself a drink.

"The others will want to know."

"Error at this point were lucky to get him out the door and have a calm mind of we told them."

"I guess. Huh? "Error was suddenly pulled, straddling on Slenderman lap, with his face pressed against his chest and being cuddle.

"Such a brave m-monster *hic* you are to deal with such morons *hic* so brave. Wo-won't have to any *hic* more. Ours." Slenderman holding Error close and cuddling his face. Error able to not glitch out, but just a bit twitchy and confused at the affectionate behavior.

"Hey! Let go of him!" Jeff growled at him.

"No! M-mine!" Slenderman growled back and tentacles out ready to strike.

"Did you just growl at me?" Jeff gap at his boss behavior. He knows Slendass can be emotional along with affectionate when he drunk. But this was new. Then remember what he said. "What the hell you bastered? Error is not yours!"

"N-not *hic* yours either or the o-others." Slenderman kept nuzzling Error and holding him close.

Jeff is ready to kill his boss.

"Um am I missing something here?" Error just confused a bit. Oh he knows Slenderman drunk what he talking about is quite confusing. Pull back a bit and was looking at Slenderman face and damn he has some sharp mouth teeth.

"You're quite *hic* pretty."

"Say wha-"Error didn't finished the rest of his sentence as Slenderman mouth was covering his own mouth.

Slenderman is kissing Error.

Error eyes widen being caught off guard at the situation. His mouth still open up as he felt Slenderman tongue taste around his mouth awkwardly. Till it explore, taste, and caress every part in his mouth. Wasn't using his hands to push him away as they frozen and comprehending like his body what was happening. His magic may not be formed but can still feel the strange sensation in his mouth. He was kissing him deep, want with a fervent urge need he never known before. Yellow-blue hue around his cheek bones brighten up from the heat and reaction.  

Slenderman enjoying his time getting to finally kiss him. His left arm wrap around his body keeping him pressed close. While his other hand was holding on to his shoulder to hold him close. Not stopping and felt like it will never be enough as he kisses the small skeleton. Let loose a low hungry moan in the kiss.

Jeff gap, if that was possible, at the sight. 

Error began to glitch up and twitch. His eyes sockets now filled with static and error signs. Not use to this kind of touching. He heard him moan! Let alone someone actually wanted to kiss him drunk or not! Try to understand but then it was too late. He crashed during the kiss.

Slenderman pulled back and held Error slump form. Error twitching, eyes static up, a bit of saliva on his lower mouth, and the yellow-blue hue still on his dark bone face.  Tilt his head at the sight. "I m-must be *hic* a g-good kisser?"

Jeff knock out Slenderman with the handle of his knife.

Next morning.

Slenderman groan as he finally began to wake up. Cover his face from the light above pouring down at him. Why does he have such bright lights? Why does his head hurt? Usually doesn't throb this much, especially around the back. Wait who or what is he holding? Look down and freeze.

He was on his back on the ground, holding Error who is passed out on his chest.

"What did I do? "

"You lucky you just kissed him. But he still rebooting."

Slenderman turn his head and see Jeff sitting on the couch. He looks quite annoyed as he was cleaning his knife. Why was his plushy version of him right by him...Along with tied up with Jeff plushy pointing a knife at tied up him. The goopy Nightmare on the other side like his tentacles ready to strike his head.

"Wait did you say he still rebooting?" Look down at Error and notice his eye sockets better that were still glitch. But heard the small noise.

Reboot 96%

"He been rebooting for 5 hours now."

"What?" Almost shouted but lower his voice because one a bad headache, two for Error to not start over on the reboot, and three not alert anyone in here. "5 hours?"

"Yep. One time he told me he had to reboot for like a week because the damaged was very bad and it felt like he was still being beaten up even though he was away from them for a long time."

Slenderman was silent taking in the intel. Then it hit him what happen a few hours ago. What Error told him of his old home, a force destroyer, the balance and jumping to the void and brought here instead. Then remember a lot of alcohol to process it all when he saw the proof of Error checkpoint to his soul. Got a bit foggy after that. But Jeff said he kissed him.

Memory returning back of him holding Error in his lap, cuddling and kissing him.

"What have I done?"

"Kiss Error which by the way thanks a lot asshole."

"Lower your voice Jeff." Slenderman hissed and rub his forehead.

"Whatever. But now can you stop holding him?"

"Why didn't you separate us when I passed out?" He did pass out right? Move a bit and to lean his upper body up with his elbow. While his other arm still holding Error.

"Your tentacles tried to stab me if I got close to you or Error. So, blame yourself for that."

Well that makes sense. "Has anyone come by?"

"Nope. Everyone either still out or own a mission." Jeff look at Slenderman and point his blade at him. "You're going to make Error tell the others?''

"No...not yet." Slenderman did this investigation privately. With the intel he had now learn it was best to not tell them yet. Now former destroyer or not they'll accept the skeleton still. Heck probably a few them will admire, in different way, even more. But till Zalgo situation calm down its better for them too just know.

The last time when they dealt with Zalgo was 2 years ago when he demanded his daughter be given to him. Well it didn't work out well and even disowned Lazari right in front of all of them for choosing Slenderman group. Almost lost Masky, Painter, Kagekao, and Clockwork that day fighting against that demon.

Now though it seems like Zalgo will have a challenge if he comes across Error again. What Slenderman wants to know will Error get rid of Zalgo for good? So, many questions, along with a headache. But many to be answer later.

Another question he can asked though.

"Why is my plush me tied up?"

"Crimes against what you did and getting their head cut off."

"Don't you dare you damn brat!"

"Oh no I'm not doing it little me and goopy are. Plus, I'm not a kid!"

"Still annoying brat!"

Jeff gave him the middle finger.

Before Slenderman can do anything, really was going to use his tentacles to reach out and smack the back of Jeff head, a sound stop him.

Reboot 100%

Error let out a low groan and rub his head. What the heck happen? Shake his head as his mind began to clear up. Move his head a bit and notice he was staring at a clothed chest. Wait what? Look at the position he was in and still being held. Then move his head up too and was looking up at Slenderman, no mouth, face.

Then it all came back what happen.

Stop himself him in time to not glitch out again. Nope doesn't not need that to happen again.

"I'm sorry for my behavior when you saw me under the influence of alcohol." Slenderman apologizing immediately.

All he got in response was Error blinking at him and tilt his head.

"It's...It's okay alcohol makes you do some weird things." Witness that too many times that for sure. It was just really weird and glad he couldn't get drunk. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone what happen. Same with Jeff."

"Oh don't worry I won't." Still trying to get that out of his head.

"Yes, um again I apologize for that and kissing you."

"It's alright. But you did asked what I do. When I told Jeff he went out for a while and came back bloody...Can I get off you lap now?"

"Oh yes of course." Let's him go and Error got off his body. Gets up next, slowly using his desk, and stumble a bit.

"Jeff how long you been here?"

"The past 5 hours till you both wake up."

"What!" That startled Error a bit that took him that long to reboot just from a kiss. He kiss before but too see what the big deal was. It was a simple kiss. All that happen to him was being glitch but other than that the kiss was nice. One of the rare kind of affections he was given. But the kiss with Slenderman didn't feel bad, but being held and the surprise did caught him off guard. Okay all of it caught him off guard. Blush a bit and shake his head. Stop it. It was just a onetime thing.


"And you couldn't separate us Ronald?"

"His tentacles kept trying to stab me if I come close to either of you pile of bones!"

"Will you two lower your voices?" Slenderman sitting down in his chair and rub his forehead.


"Why are the plushies ready to decapitate Slender plush?"

"Punishment for his crimes. But since he was knock out Mini-him became the substitute-Hey give them back!" Jeff try to get Slender and Nightmare plush back but a tentacle grab them.

"Be happy I'm not throwing you're in the fire pit." Slenderman place them back on his desk. Focus on getting the rope of his plush version to get his mind back in order. Along with forgetting about the awkward tension of what happen.


"Anyway." Slenderman look at Error, who still a bit out of it, and spoke. "Jeff and I believe its best the others don't know yet. Till we know Zalgo won't come back."

"Okay." Doesn't mind that at all but prefers if that happen everyone listens. He doesn't want to keep repeating the dang story. But then again all of them might be doing something different after the aftermath. Jeff killed a few people to let out his frustration. Slenderman drank and kiss him. What the heck would everyone else do?

Will regret asking that question when the time comes.

"For now um you are excused. I have some work to do. Jeff come back in 2 days so you can patrol."

"Yeah, yeah."

Error and Jeff left Slenderman office. Jeff close the door a little too loud but didn't care.

"Hey Error?''


"Are you okay? Like with what happen? The kiss?"

Error think it over a bit and shrug. "Honestly I'm not sure. I like it but I was so confused what was happening and then I crashed. I was kissed before but nothing like that. And well it was the alcohol fault."

"Yeah alcohol." Somewhat blames that. Look away for a bit.

"Not like I'll be kissed again."

"Do you want to be kissed again? Like under different circumstances."

"Like what?"

"I don't know like oh spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven, or heck a date if it goes well."

"The first two I'm not sure unless it's not mouth or just a peck. The last one yeah right." Chuckles. "Who wants to date my glitch ass and I'll probably decline anyway."


"I still have a lot of issues to sort out. Plus, now with this Zalgo issue I wouldn't want him to use my partner as bait. Or use me as the bait at all. A relationship I'm just not sure yet. Heck I'm just surprised I have friends like you and the others. But who knows maybe I might be lucky to not mess up and find someone. Once this cools over. But right now I like where I'm at."

Jeff stared at Error and wrap his arm around his shoulder. "Good. I like where you are at too. With us."

"Someone getting emotional. Does that mean you and Jane will finally be best buddies?"

"Fuck no you pile of bones." Snarled at the laughing skeleton. Face slightly soften a bit keeping Error close as they walk out the mansion.

He can respect that. But will the others be the same? His other hand still in his pocket and clench the knife. If they have an issue with that he doesn't mind putting them in their places.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well that was fun!

Will Zalgo come back for revenge since he a sore loser?

Will the plushies ever get to decapitate Slender Plushy?

What other new abilities Lulu gain now?

Will Error always crash if he gets kiss like that again? Or would it be crazier later on if it happens again?

Will there be future kissing games?

Who was Error first kiss? (First person to commit it gets to pick who!)

So, many questions I'm just randomly putting down.

Yes, I gave Error the last name Miscue. Could have use Erratum but decided not to.

Mr. Tall was Slenderman just in human disguise form. That was the only name I can think of too.

OC characters belong to the following who was used and mention

Spirit Black SpiritBlackPaw

Ya Na Twilight winterlight4407

Until next time everyone!

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