Regal Academy - love is not...

By halna11

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Hawk tries to admit his feelings to rose but something terrible happens, that leads to hawk and rose to datin... More

Chapter 1 - Back to school
Chapter 2 - New-old students
Chapter 3 - Not part of the plan
Chapter 4 - Sleepover
Chapter 5 - mixed confessions
Chapter 6 - Over Him
Chapter 7 - One Long Plane Ride
Chapter 8 - Holiday
Chapter 9 - The New Normal
Chapter 10 - The Start of a Problem
Chapter 11 - Not in a Million Years
Chapter 12 - Not Going to Happen
Chapter 13 - Meet my Family
Chapter 14 - Evil Wedding Plans
Chapter 15 - what to wear to the ball
Chapter 16 -The Ball
Chapter 17 - The set up
Chapter 18 - True feelings
Chapter 19 - The Wedding
Chapter 20 - The Big Battle
Chapter 21 - The Truth Comes out
Chapter 22 - The Letters
Chapter 23- The Start of a New Journey
Chapter 24 - A Visit to Another Relm
Chapter 25 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 26 - False Hope
Chapter 27 - The Reunion
Chapter 29 - Graduation part 2 (final)

Chapter 28 - Graduation part 1

947 15 4
By halna11

5 Months later

3rd Persons POV
A lot has happened in the last 5 months, school closed to give the student time to prepare for graduation and decide what they are going to do in life. All of Hawk and Rose's friends got married on their 18th birthdays which all happen to be in the span of these 5 months.

Rose had gone back to being clumsy and energetic. SnowWhite had started ignoring her, which she didn't understand but she shrugged it of.

Graduation was just round the coner and everyone was contemplating on what to do with their lives. The regal team + Esquire and Shawn had decided to all become teachers in regal academy so they would all work together and be able to spend more time around one another, and hopefully one day they could teach their own kids at Regal academy someday.

Rose's POV
I was over the moon tomorrow was graduation, our last day as students. (It is still morning btw). Today we were going to have a picnic with our friends , and after our picnic us girls would have a sleepover and the boys would have a boys night.

Our sleepover happened so often they became part of our schedule, we would have them every week alternating who's castle we would have them at. Last weeks sleepover was at LingLing's and Travis's castle. This time would be at Snowrella castle, although me and Hawk weren't married we still lived together. (I'll put pictures of the castles at the bottom)

I glanced down at my phone and checked the time, my eyes nearly popping out of my eye sockets I was 45 minutes late uh oh. I ran to the park to see everyone scattered on the picnic blanket. Me being the clumsy person I am couldn't get there without tripping.

Sprinting towards the team I tripped over a small rock, face planting towards the floor. I screamed gaining the attention of all our friends.  "I'm okay" I shouted putting a thumbs up, I heard a light hearted chuckle and looked up to see Hawk. Up until then I hadn't realised I fell on him, I turned over so my head was on his lap "Thanks Hawk" I exclaimed before sitting up.

"Sorry I'm late" I say apologetically, "it's fine, anyway where is the food" Fala asked, me and Hawk snapped our fingers and all sorts of confections made of apple and pumpkin appeared. My eyes glistened as I looked at the confections just like a kid in a candy store.

"Any interesting things happen recently" Astoria asked starting a conversation "Well we are starting a boy band" Travis said proudly. "Our big debut is on graduation we play after you guys" Isaac added happily, "Ooh that's great maybe we could preform together someday"I exclaimed.

"So when are you guys going on a honeymoon" I asked "idk"Joy replied "I still can't get over the fact that all of you are married" I said in disbelief. "Are you jealous" Fala asked smirking "to be honest the thought of a wedding scares me after what happened last time" I answered truthfully.

"Yeah that's true Hawk has the worst luck in weddings" Travis said shocked that someone could have worst luck then him, "remember when Ruby tried to marry you" LingLing added. "Don't remind me" Hawk said shivering at the memories. All of us except Fala, Isaac, Esquire, Shawn and Hawk burst out laughing "it's not funny"Hawk whined but that just made us laugh harder.

After we calmed down Esquire, Shawn, Isaac and Fala looked at us confused "Wait Hawk had another wedding and no one told me" Fala screamed, "oh yeh I forgot you guys weren't there when it happened" Joy said smiling. "You know Ruby right, she kidnapped Hawk and forced him to marry her" Travis replied.

"You mean Ruby stepsister, your step cousin"Fala asked pointing at me "the one and only" I replied casually. "So how did you save him" Esquire asked intrigued, "SnowWhite got invitations and we went and crashed the wedding" LingLing replied casually as if we normally did that sorta thing. "But you should've seen Ruby's face it was priceless" I added trying not to laugh remembering her face

"Noooooo it was supposed to be my big day" Travis imitated even remembering to add fake crying, after the laughter died down I recalled SnowWhite's peculiar behavior. "Anyway talking about Professor SnowWhite I think she has been ignoring me, did something happen that I didn't know of" I asked confused "yeah she is just guilty" Fala replied smiling.

What did she mean by guilty, I had no idea so I shrugged it off as per usual. "So guys I can't wait for tonight" I exclaimed "yeah me too so what time should we come to your castle," LingLing asked. But before I got the chance to reply Hawk turned to me and asked "Wait did she say our castle" I nodded slowly waiting for a reply.

"Great we were having boys night there but now we can just all have one big party to celebrate our graduation" Hawk said happily. "That's amazing I can't wait" I exclaimed. I leaned my head on Hawk's shoulder and we both smiled as he played with my hair.

"So, circling back to the honeymoon question" Astoria said smirking "we were planning to go to earth together" LingLing continued, "but someone won't get married already" Fala finished eyeing me and Hawk. I held back the urge to roll my eyes knowing it wouldn't make a difference.

"It doesn't make sense, you guys clearly love each other, you act like a married couple and you already live together why don't you just get married already" Fala said annoyed, I simple shrugged but that just irritated her even more. The real reason I didn't want to get married was that I didn't want to become queen, the job came with too many responsibilities.

The weight of the whole realm placed on your shoulders, one wrong decision could start a war. I was tempted to ask SnowWhite if I could resign as Queen but she was still avoiding me. Hawk was having the same problem, SnowWhite would listen but not give an answer.

My dreams of living a normal life would be crushed. I knew being born into a royal family would somehow come to this, but not in the manner that I expected. Sure I wanted to rule but, no one was there to help me I mean there was always Hawk but that was different.

Time Skip to Night time at Snowrella castle

Hawk's POV
Me and Rose had finished decorating and our friends had started arriving. *everyone is here now* they are in their hangout

This is the rooftop patio where they are staying.

"So if we are all going to be teachers what do you want to teach" Astoria asked. (Ok so I'm gonna put a list because I can't be bothered to write this as a conversation)
Astoria - poetry and literature (this is what magister rapunzel does
Shawn - Magic items class
LingLing - ballgowns 101 (the one that Rose's mum teaches
Travis - painting/arts (the one that arts master busty teaches)
Fala - cooking/ backing (idk what it is called)
Issac - self-defense (different from heroism, like using arrows and things without magic)
Joy - dance
Esquire - potions class
Hawk -Dragon riding -heroism
Rose - Music - heroism

So They all teach ceremonies together, and Rose and Hawk teach heroism together.
Back to normal conversation

"I am so excited for graduation tomorrow" Travis exclaimed, "oh no we have nothing to wear, let's go shopping" Rose squealed. "Can't you just wear your ballgowns" Isaac suggested. "No, because it is earth themed so we have the normal black graduation gowns and 5hat would look terrible with a ball gown." Rose replied casually, everyone started at Rose shocked except me of course. "How do you know so much" Astoria asked "she liked eavesdropping on her granny" I replied casually.

"Anyways Rose is right we need a flat dress or a jumpsuit" LingLing added. "Yeah let's go" Rose said happily "honey it's 1 in the morning I doubt anywhere will be open" I replied. "Don't worry we will just go to earth, the time zone is 5 hours behind so we're fine let's go" she replied and with that, all the girls left the castle.

Ok these are the castles

LingLing and Travis

So this house is half modern because Travis is from earth but it also still has the properties of a normal castle like the towers.

Astoria and Shawn

I feel like Astoria would like a traditional castle, and Shawn would like whatever Astoria wants.

Joy and Esquire

They are both frogs that is why there is a lot of water.

Fala and Isaac

Idk why but it reminded me of Fala when I saw it I think because it is blue at the top.

Hawk and Rose

I just wanted them to have a modern house don't know why.

I'm so sorry this was supposed to be longer but I got sick so I will publish part 2 in a few days. I am sorry  for the really late updat I was meant to update 3 days ago. I hope you enjoyed this part of the chapter. Comment any questions or improvements 1563 words

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