Under the Sign of Winx

由 Charminmoonlight_

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Yep, it's back!!! The Winx girls are back for the excitement of a new school year!!! Things are looking up fo... 更多

29 pt 1
Not an update but I'm upset
30 pt 2
Im sorry for not updating
33 pt 1
34 pt 2
The Finale Part 1
The Finale Part 2
The Finale, The Final Part
Under the Sign of Winx Q & A + We Are the Winx Synopsis
We Are The Winx is Here!!!
D & J Baka Animations Podcast Announcement


915 29 28
由 Charminmoonlight_

A/n: I want to thank you, lovely readers, for getting this story 5k reads!!! 💕💓🎊🎉 I couldn't get this mean reads from this story without you guys! I'm glad you guys love the story, which makes me happy to write for you guys! Also, can someone please tell me why when I paste a sentence or a word from the chapter in a different spot, my words turn black? So enjoy this chapter of the Winx Club 😘

Headmistress's Office: Headmistress Faragonda

My magic mirror showed me the image of Bloom sitting down on the cliff with the view of Alfea in her sight. Flying in circles around Bloom was Lockette as she was playing with the strands of Bloom's long fiery hair. Bloom had trouble looking in her eyes, but she smiled when Lockette came to the side of her grabbing another new strand of hair. Then my magic mirror showed me, Emalia, as she was by the lakeside of Lake Roccaluce. Emalia's eyes were closed as she was sitting on the sands of the lake with Serenity on the side of her with her eyes closed too. Kekipi was taking a nap in Emalia's crossed legs as he snuggled in a tight ball. Serenity and Emalia were mediating soaking in the sun if the beautiful day.

"Poor Bloom, I wonder what's bothering her?" I spoke to myself.

"You should be saying 'Poor Emalia, how can we get you the help she needs'" Lady Griffin declared, coming out of the shadows of my office in the corner.

"What do you mean by that, Griffin?"

I turned away as my magic mirror vanished the image of Emalia, Kekipi, and Serenity to show myself. Griffin's arms were crossed, and she wore this relaxed, but the tense look on her face.

"The last time I saw her, Emalia was doing fine, and now I can see through your mirror that she is going to lose control again sooner rather than later!" Lady Griffin explained, stating her thoughts.

"Well, I have Serenity, her bonded pixie, and Professor Avalon working with Emalia to balance out her powers so they can emerge as one again," I replied with my arms behind my back, hoping Griffin won't get to the topic I never wanted to discuss with Emalia.

"Did you tell Emalia why her powers were spilled in the first place?"

My body tensed, and I turned sharply at Griffin as her dark violet lips sunk. I sauntered over to my desk chair, falling into the cushion seat.

"You never told Emalia about the existence of Lord Darkar?" Griffin asked, placing her hands on my organized desk.

"No, I never got the chance to tell Emalia after she woke up from losing herself within her powers, if I had told her of the existence of Lord Darkar then she will further think she is a monster," I replied with my elbows resting on my desk with head down. "I can't have my student breaking down from that thought like that,"

It was silent in my office, Lady Griffin or I spoke a word. I felt the weight of my decision of not telling Emalia grew heavier. I know at some point I have to tell Emalia about her powers, but when is the right time to tell the young fairy?

"Darkar will target Cloudtower next for the piece of the Codex," Griffin sighed, getting off the first topic we spoke about.

I know Lady Griffin changed the subject of Emalia and her connection with Lord Darkar, so I wouldn't feel too bad for not telling my fairy student.

"If my fairies and your witches work together, they can protect the Codex," I played along, letting the previous conversation slip from what we are talking about now.

"You maybe right, but still no witch likes the idea of working with a fairy, including myself," Griffin declared, pointing at herself. "I'll cam handle working with Emalia,"

"Is it because she's one of the dark fairies of Ikaika?" I gave Lady Griffin a questionable glared. "Well, we've got to find a way to put aside our differences,"

"Yes for that particular reason Faragonda, but I know who to ask,"

Lady Griffin had dark electric bolts formed around her. Lady Griffin turned her back to leave my office magically, but she stood there by the window and looked outside. Lady Griffin shifted her head to the side so she can see me from over her shoulder.

"While Emalia is in my care at Cloudtower, I will make sure this Professor Avalon of yours is doing his job to suppress Emalia's destructive powers," Lady Griffin informed me before she magically vanished from my office.

A few minutes later

"What?" The Winx girls questioned as one.

"We're to study at Cloudtower?" Bloom asked with her hands on my desk.

"You can't be serious?" Aisha (A/n: I almost said Layla 😂) had a deadpanned look on her face.

"No way I'm wearing those tacky witch outfits!" Stella demand a smirk, probably thinking of herself in those witches outfits.

"Come on, Stella I'm sure you will look great in them!" Emalia joked, snickering.

"Ye- are you making fun of me, Emalia?" Stella barked at Emalia.

"Calm down, girls, you know we have to protect the Codex at Cloudtower," I reminded the Winx girls of their mission.

I watched the expression on my fairy students' faces. They all had that same look of uncertainty. I can understand where it's coming from due to a fairy and witch relationship not going well since the beginning of the Magix Dimension, but we both, fairy and witch have a common enemy which is Lord Darkar.

"There are absolutely no records of witches ever asking fairies for help," Tecna declared, resting her bottom on my desk.

"And that's where Mirta's advice has been most helpful!" I smiled, introducing Mirta in the conversation.

"The witches at Cloudtower think that the Alfea fairies have it easy," Mirta declared with a smile.

"Wait till they see our assignments," Emalia grumbled, causing the other Winx girls to smile and giggle.

"And all the teachers say that fairies wouldn't last two days if they were to take their classes," Mirta chimed.

"The one that will last more than two days is Emalia," Flora pointed out.

"So, we have to swallow our pride that it?" Musa asked, sounding surprised.

"Fairies aren't slaves to pride like the witches are correct?" I asked my fairy students.

My students hummed while nodding their heads. All their faces held a tight-lipped smirk.

"Then it's settled if you're willing to take classes at Cloudtower, Lady Griffin is willing to ask for your help against Trix!" I smiled.

On the way to Cloudtower: Musa

The Winx girls and I walked the long death-dropping bridge to get to Cloudtower. The mountains surrounding the school could be seen, but the bottom of the mountain and even the ground, which I wonder if there is has disappeared in the murky gray-green clouds. The girls and I didn't say a word nor made a sound. The uneasiness of the Cloudtower felt intenser since the last time the girls and I had to come here. I heard a light hum of wonder coming from Flora as I glance to see that she was looking down the stoned path bridge to the witchery school. I guess Flora was curious about the bottom of the bridge too?

"I wish Piff could come along," Aisha wished as she gazes up at Zing as she transformed her bug outfit into a witch outfit.

"I'll get you my pretty and your little Piff too!" Zing replied in a high pitched witch voice as she was 'flying' on the broom.

"She wouldn't be happy Cloudtower's energy is too negative," Tecna declared.

"Yeah, it would give our Pixies massive headaches," Bloom chimed as she was leading the walk up to Cloudtower.

"And I have a massive headache from being near this school where the Trix used to walk the hallways, let alone the path to the school," Emalia declared as she was pretending to have a headache.

"Speaking of a Pixie, Zing seems fine!" Aisha exclaimed with a smile.

"Don't worry, Aisha I'll save you from the dark magic!" Zing said, still in her witch's voice.

I eyed Zing as she still had her witch costume on. Zing was kicking and punching an imaginary enemy that was in her way. I chuckled and playfully turned my head. Of course, Zing wouldn't have a problem with this place, probably being the only Pixie to tolerate this much negativity!

"Yeah, she's kind of ..." I was trying to find the right word to use, but couldn't due to Zing still fighting the imagery enemies.

"Crazy!" Stella finished my sentence as I giggled.

"Come on, guys, we need to think about working together with the witches," Bloom declared.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that there is no way I'll be working with a witch. After last year, I've made a rightful decision never to be friends or near them for that matter. I thought not all witches were bad like the Trix, but I couldn't be wrong after they tried to use their powers to beat me up trying to impress Stormy and Icy.

"Yeah, right, I don't even like being in a crowd where there is a single witch," Stella proclaimed unhappily.

"But they did help us fight the Trix last year," Bloom tried to argue which made Emalia shook her head.

"Yeah because they had their teacher locked up and overran Cloudtower itself to the point they were scared of them, if the Trix didn't do that then Lady Griffin and those funky witches will be on their side and who knows what would have happened to Magix if the Trix didn't do what they did to the witches," Emalia stated her idea which I can agree on.

"I agree with Emalia another fact point we need to mention since you seemed to forget is they did help the Trix to fight us which pairs perfectly with Emalia's what if prediction," I argued.

"Musa, did the witches did something to you?" Aisha asked with worry.

I couldn't help but replay those events of running away from the witches as they were chasing me. I could hear the zaps of their magic as they tried to hit me with it like I was some kind of hit the target game. Then I feel the sudden rush of emotions of being trapped thanks for me taking the wrong way. The burning holes the witches were imaginary burning into my skin as they smirked at me, knowing that there is nowhere to run and hide.

"Most witches want nothing more than to prove themselves better than a fairy," Mirta explained to the girls and me.

"Well, I hope they realize that stopping Darkar is more important?" Bloom questioned.

Bloom will be surprised when the witches won't realize the danger. Maybe the witches are working with the Trix to take the Codex for themselves. I heard that Earth saying Emalia told me one time during the summer break 'birds with feathers flock together' and that's what these witches are doing.

"Don't you worry yourself about that little fairies," An accented lady told Bloom as we finally reached the front entrance of Cloudtower. "We are just as capable as you of understanding the situation,"

I think not.

"Even more I say," The other accented lady chimed with her arms crossed, but her voice was somewhat lighter than the other lady that stood by the doors.

"If I can say we were talking about your students understand the situation, and it seems to me by the way you're so confident about understanding what predicament we are in, I'm taking it as they let alone you two are far from understanding!" Emalia smirked.

"I am Professor Ediltrude, and this is Professor Zarathustra. We're here to escort you, but before we can do that, what is your name, little fairy," Ediltrude asked, pointing her long thin index finger at Emalia, who was smirking. "I think I remember you from somewhere?"

"I'm Emalia, the fairy that is going to one cave this school in or just destroy this school piece by piece whichever one excites me the most!" Emalia grinned, showing off her pearly white teeth.

"A mindset of a witch, I like this little fairy!" Zarathustra smirked at Emalia then shifted back to her standard blank look. "We've been told you'll be staying with us until the dangers pass,"

"Or until our classes become too much for you, whichever comes first!" Ediltrude chimed along with laughing with Zarathustra.

These witches are something else! I wished I could use my Sonic Boom magic and blow their ears out of existence!

"So, will you be showing us around the building?" Bloom asked politely.

"Cloudtower is not your typical building," Ediltrude stated, giving a weird background of this school.

"It's a living creature with roots and branches," Zarathustra chimed as I realized these professors will always do this call and response thing back and forth.

"Roots and branches?" Flora questioned like she was in disgust.

"Yes, Flora roooots and braaaanches! Hahaha, haha!" Emalia said, standing on her tippy toes with her arms reached out in a horror position in the same accent as Zarathustra, which was funny to mock.

"It's a magical entity created by ancient witches," Ediltrude chimed after Zarathustra.

Stella was gagging, holding her stomach in disgust. I couldn't blame Stella for acting like this, and I didn't want to be here any more than these teachers wanted us fairies here.

Rudiments of Dark Magic class: Emalia

All the freshmen witches piled in the used to be empty classroom. Eyes have been on the girls, but mainly me the whole time. I heard the witches whispering, and I saw a few of them point there fingers at one of my friends. I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs. I tuned out the whispering and the staring of the witches surrounding my friends and I. I was in la-la land wondering what I could be doing at this time in Alfea? I could be playing with Kekipi and Serenity! Practicing on the magic lessons and learn some more magic from Professor Avalon. Or I could have a relaxing alone time walking on the side of Lake Roccalue? I can have an amazing lone time with Falen maybe have a picnic with Serenity and Kekipi and play with them! Those sound like some excellent ideas!

"Emalia, why are you smiling so dreamingly for?" Bloom asked me in a whisper.

"I thinking of pleasant thoughts!" I sighed with pleasure.

"She's probably thinking of Prince Falen!" Stella joked, causing the others to giggle.

"How do you know?" I snapped my head over at Stella, which is across from me on the second level of the row.

"I always have my ears to a potential gossip!" Stella smirked, tapping her ear lightly.

There was a flash of violet bolt flashed the peripheral vision of my eye. I covered my eyes with my hand, turning to the front of the class to see who is the cause of the bolts. Stepping forward with the bolts flashes disappearing from the owner's body, it was Griffin. She wore the usual scowl on her pale green face. Her eyes moved around the filled class like she was studying the witches that were seated. Her eyes quickly moved down as she was examining my friends, then her eyes stopped on me. Griffin smirked at me as I can see the bolts flashing in Griffin's eyes. I must pique her interest!

"Welcome to Basic Witchcraft 101, the objective of this class is to teach beginners and honor guests the rudiments of dark magic," Griffin explained the class course.

"This is embarrassing!" Musa whispered.

"Ever since we got here, the witches have done nothing but stare," Aisha glanced around the row behind here and saw the young witches staring back at her or the rest of us fairies.

"They're jealous of our sense of style, that's why!" Stella confidently grinned with her legs crossed.

"We'll begin with a simple exercise producing energy by conjuring up dark images," Griffin explained to the class, and her eyes were on Flora. "Flora, will you start us off?"

Why did Griffin ask Flora the fairy of nature to try and conjure up energy using dark images? That's not in Flora's nature to do something like that! Griffin should have asked me to do it. I leaned forward in my chair to see Flora down the other end of the first row on the floor. Flora's hands were nearly touching each other like what happened outside with those professors waiting for us outside Cloudtower. I can tell Flora was nervous, especially being put out there on the spot on something she's not good at.

"Are we going to divide up in groups and practice?" Flora asked, searching around the classroom to see no one is joining in groups as we would do in Alfea.

All the young witches behind us started laughing at Flora. I can see Flora putting her hand on her head like she was mentally slapping herself for saying that out loud. I gritted my teeth at the young witches; there's no need to laugh at my friend for saying what's on her mind.

"Witches working in groups?" Griffin asked as her scowl turned into a glare, and she pointed at my friends and me. "Listen up fairies; team members can betray one another that's why a witch depends on no one but herself!"

"Yes, but I mean yes ma'am, if that's how witchcraft works," Flora submit as she held her head down slightly, still embarrassed.

"I had enough of this crap!" I stood up, gaining the attention of all the young witches, my friends, and even Griffin.

I held my hand out, and I made a purple energy ball using the dark images I can think of. The dark images of last year folded my mind: the Trix taking over my body, Mystic having his turn controlling my body, being trapped in my thoughts by my powers, Falen nearly getting destroyed on my watch countless of times trying to save me, and many other things that happened to me. A wave of gasps formed when they saw I mastered this energy ball. My eyes glared right at Griffin while she stared back at me with dark amusement. I slowly sauntered to her as I felt this dark malice energy forming around me.

"I will have to disagree with you, Griffin, if witches depend on themselves and don't work in a group, then why does the Trix work together? And did you allow the Trix to work together, Lady Griffin?" I asked Griffin as her face turned to a paler green.

Whispers of the witches silently filled the room. I can feel the dark energy growing inside of me, along with the feeling of breaking something. I was still a few meters away from Griffin, and I was slowly coming close to her personal space. The energy ball was slowly shifting black. I felt my black round eye pupils change into slits as my vision was narrow, but I can still see around me if I dart my eyes in the other direction.

"Go ahead, Emalia, get madder!! You're going a good job!" Mystic spoke to me in my thoughts.

A/n: This Mystic

"I don't appreciate it that you call my friend Flora to do something she is not able to do, and when she asked a question, you and your young witches laughed at my friend while you dismissed her rudely having her feel humiliated about what she said! Next time don't call on my friends to perform an exercise for an example; if you want a fairy to do it, then call on me. I'll be happy to show your witches how to do it properly, and maybe my friends and I will also show your witches and yourself, and your staff how to work together as a team to get a job or task done!" I said in front of Griffin's face as she was shocked.

The whispering witches were quiet. I'm pretty sure they are surprised someone other than the Trix could quiet down their Headmistress. The black ball of energy was more significant than how I first started. The sphere was almost as big as my head, and the sphere popped, which jolted the whole class even Griffin to jump out in surprise. The energy ball disappeared from my hand, and I felt my slit pupils turning back to around full pupils. Falling from around Griffin and I was colorful confetti streamers. The pale green hue of Griffin's skin returned as I turned around and strolled back to my seat. This anger is not good for me, and I need to calm down.

"WHY DID YOU LET THAT ANGER GO????" Mystic asked me highly upset.

"Miss Emalia of Ikaika meet me in my office after my next class is over," Griffin declared.

"Alright," I replied.

Griffin continued with her lessons, and she had all the witches, my friends, and myself stand up. I was nearly tackled back into the seat if it wasn't for me quickly finding my footing. I noticed long, light brown hair covering my vision and knew it was Flora who nearly knocked me down.

"Thanks, Emalia! You really didn't have to do that for me!" Flora cheered as she hugged me tighter.

"Easy there, Nature Girl, you about to crush me to death!" I hugged Flora back with a smile as she suddenly let me go. "But it's no problem, and I had to do something I didn't like how those witches nor Griffin was treating you!"

"You showed Griffin and those witches fairy magic!" Musa grinned.

"I bet the next time they try us, they will think twice after this moment!" Aisha laughed.

"But know you have to visit Lady Griffin in her office after her next class, do you think you're going to be okay, Emalia?" Tecna asked me with worry.

"I'll be fine, Tecna; don't worry about me, tech wiz!" I smiled. "Let me show you, girls, how to do this energy ball!"

Cloudtower Library: Bloom

Lady Griffin's Rudiments of Dark Magic class is over. Before my friends and I could leave the classroom, Griffin calls her second-year witches to help us. Lady Griffin said the witches she assigned would meet us in the Cloudtower library. The Winx girls and I waited in the library for the witches to meet up with us. The witches walked in the library, and I noticed Mirta's witch friend Lucy as she was the second to last person coming inside. Lucy was also the one competing against Stella in that beauty pageant the previous year with the help of the Trix, making her beautiful. Still, the Trix did humiliate her once they took their magic to make Lucy attractive away.

"Lady Griffin said I could count on all of you, and we need to stop the Trix from getting into Cloudtower," I informed the witches were gathered in a semi-circle around my friends.

"Based on previous patterns, they'll make their move any day now," Tecna clicked a few buttons on her device, then a neon green-ray popped out the invention showing the picture of Icy, Darcy, and Stormy.

"We can stop them on our own!" One the witches with red hair barked. "We don't need you!"

"Bloom, why bother? Let's just do it ourselves," Stella proclaimed, stepping forward in my vision to block the witches.

"Stella, you're as bad as the witches!" Musa exclaimed.

When Musa said what she said, I knew this is not going to be a good meetup to take down a common enemy. I thought we could have at least a good talk between a fairy and a witch to see how we can work together.

"Hey, take that back!" The witch with red hair demanded.

"Everybody just calms down!" Aisha ordered as silence quickly fell.

"Let's just keep our eyes open for now, and if you know any secret entrances-" I was cut off by Lucy speaking as she had a scowl on her face.

"We wouldn't tell you about them," Lucy snarled.

"Listen here, Beauty and the Beast we came to your cobweb school to help protect it," Emalia glared at Lucy as she gasped in surprise. "You know what Bloom Stella is right we can have Tecna look up the secret entrances of the tower,"

"You witches don't want to help fine then make sure the witches don't use them you're okay with that?" I declared.

"We'll stop them!" The witch with red hair exclaimed.

"Not that you know how to do that!" The witch with long pale red hair held into a ponytail.

"So, you witches did depend on fairies to clean up your witchy mess!" Emalia smirked. "Are you guys sure you weak second years can handle the Trix?"

"Well, you guys did lose to them twice already!" Lucy chimed to the other witch.

"At least we stood up to them!" Aisha snarled.

"That's way more than you witches ever did!" Musa pointed out while pointing at the witches.

Lucy crossed her arms as she was smirking. She had the look of someone who knows they were going to win.

"Rumor has it that Bloom and Emalia gave them what the Trix wanted!" Lucy grinned evilly.

I held my head down as I thought about last year. That was one of the worst/happy years of my life. The worst was when the Trix took my magic and used it to raise the Army of Decay. I heard a growling in the back; it was coming from Emalia. She was being held back by Flora and Musa.

"And rumor has it that the Trix used you like a little entertainment show at the beauty pageant last year against me, so I suggest you be quiet," Stella growled. "How dare you say that to my friends Emalia and Bloom.

"Technically, it's true," Tecna pointed out.

"Whose side are you on!" Stella exclaimed at Tecna as she had a blank look on her face.

"See that fairies can't even agree with one another!" One of the witches snarled.

"Shut up, we are arguing because of you witches!" Musa barked.

Then the door to the library stopped all the arguing the witches and my friends, and I was having. Everyone stared at the entrance to see it was Mirta that was the one to break the arguing. Mirta had a look of disappointment as she walked towards the witches, my friends, and me.

"What are you doing?" Mirta questioned glance at the witches, my friends, and I.

"Collaborating isn't that obvious?" Stella replied, rolling her eyes in a duh manner.

"You're arguing, so whose watching for the Trix?!" Mirta panicked.

"Mirta's right, we must get to work!" Flora let go of the now calm Emalia and stepped forward to get her point across.

"Yeah, well, I'll listen to Bloom before I listen to that traitor," one of the witches with swirly hair barked.

"If the Trix win  cuz you didn't cooperate, what do you think Griffin is doing to do?"

Mirta asked that question to the witches. The witches' backs straightened, and their teeth fatter with fear. I felt like this was my chance to take the lead and get the group back together. Everyone had the look of determination, and they were all quite ready to listen to what I have to say.

"Okay, everyone, this is our chance to stop the Trix before they get enough power to threaten all the Magix Dimensions!" I started my encouragement speech. "Let's make Griffin and Faragonda proud!"

The witches piled their hands in a pile, and one of my fairy friends joined their hands in the collection, and we raise our hands in the air. Maybe this will change the history of witches and fairies, not getting along to get along with each other.


After my meet up with Mirta talking about the good old days when we're together. Mirta said she has to go off to see what the Winx fairies are doing. Before I left the room, I took one last picture I had of Mirta and I when were little girls. I smiled and walked out of my now single dorm room. I walked down the hallways of Cloudtower. I stopped when I felt this eerie feeling bouncing off the olive green wall of Cloudtower. On the right of me, I saw Icy phasing through walls as she was smirking.

I rubbed my eyes as I thought I was dreaming. I turned to the left of me, phasing through the left side of the corridors is Stormy. I turned to run away and call for help, but I stopped when I saw the last member of the Trix, Darcy phasing through the left side of the wall behind me. Icy on the right side, Stormy, on the left, and Darcy behind me, I'm trapped on all sides of me. How did the Trix slip through the school without anyone or Griffin noticing?

"Well, well, well!" Icy smirked, glaring at me.

I walked back, trying my best to put a considerable amount of distance between the Trix and me, but I accidentally bumped into Stormy.

"What have we here!" Stormy grinned with a creep teeth smile while pushing me forward towards Darcy.

"It's our old friend Lucy!" Darcy announced walking circles around me, picking up pieces of my green hair in her hands then walking back to her spot in front of me.

Icy glides over to me. Icy was close to my face as  I realized that Icy has me back up against the wall, where I literally can't run anywhere to get help. I shivered in fear, maybe even coldness radiating off of Icy. I wished I would have left with Mirta and went to see the Winx Club. But I need to find a way to get myself away from the Trix, but close to someone who can handle them on their level.

"You are going to help us, right?" Icy questioned, pointing her long blue nails at me.

I heard the sound of a bug's legs scattering from the wall. I quickly glanced to the right of me and saw the bug. I figured I could use the bug as a distraction.

"W-w-why don't you just leave me alone?" I asked the Trix as they floated in for the of me while I felt powerless against them.

Stormy leaned forward, almost like she was towering over me.

"Because we know you, Lucy!" Stormy declared with a scowl on her heavy makeup face.

"Will you help us, yes or no?" Icy demanded an answer out of me.

I saw the bug I heard from the wall as it was now in my line of sight. I pulled out my palm as my body glowed green. I yelled no to the Trix and shot my magic to make the bug grow a more significant human-size body. Then I noticed that the Trix focused their attention on the bug that landed on the ground. I used this as my chance to attack at least one of the Trix. I used my other free palm and aimed my green magic at Icy. I hit her glowing amulet necklace as Icy gaze down at her necklace. My magic didn't do anything to break or at least malfunction Icy's power necklace.

"How dare you attack me!?" Icy proclaimed in frustration.

"Hey, Stormy, I think Lucy needs to be reminded of what happens to those who try and fight the Trix!" Darcy smirked while I shook my head, no fear of what they are going to do to me.

Stormy used her thunderbolt magic and aimed it at me. Stormy's magic pushed me hard against the olive green walls as I slumped down the hallway.

"I'll do whatever you just don't hurt me!" I told the Trix with a hurtful look on my face as I was beaten.

"That's more like it Lucy, now here's what we need for you to do!" Icy grinned, picking me up by my white top.

Headmistress Office: Lady Griffin

There was a knock on my door, and I pointed my index finger to open the door. I heard the footstep, and I glanced up from my papers and saw it as Emalia. She stood with the weight of her body with her left leg. I placed my articles on my desk, and I studied Emalia as I see her levels of unbalance have gotten more potent than it was before. I witness what could happen to Emalia if she succumbs to her powers. Faragonda already told me that she already hit stage one of losing herself. So the slit pupil eyes are her second stage.

"What did you call me in here for?" Emalia asked, rolling her eyes.

"I called you in here because of your powers," I replied, snapping my finger magically moving the chair to Emalia so she can sit down.

"What do you mean?"

"You almost succumb to your powers in class earlier, and I want to know, do you know why?"

Emalia sat down in the chair with her legs crossed and her arm hanging from the side, thanks to the back of the chair. Emalia's attitude instantly dropped when I mentioned her powers.

"No, but I'm pretty sure you know, or at least Faragonda knows, am I right?" Emalia questioned.

"We do, but Faragonda is too scared to mention this to you, but I will tell you since you need to know, and you nearly tore down Cloudtower," I proclaimed as I got out of my desk chair to lean against the front of my desk.

"Why are my powers like this?"

"Emalia the reason is your powers are connected with Lord Darkar,"

Emalia's eyes were wide with fear. Her body lost all her muscles in her body as she seemed like she turned into a goop.

"You mean Lord Darkar, and I are the same?" Emalia asked with worry.

"No Lord Darkar has a portion of your magic that can make you whole again, but he that power into his own," I replied.

"But, I thought I was on a good track of being balance again with the help of Serenity and Avalon?"

"Serenity can help to mediate a must for you, but what does Avalon teach you to be balanced?"

Emalia explained to me her first lessons with Avalon. And it seemed to me he just teaching her destructive dark magic than magic that helps her balance out her unbalance.

"Learning those spells won't help you balance your powers, you need to absorb Lord Darkar!s magic and take what belongs to the Mystic Dragon Flame back,"

"Can you tell me how that happened how Lord Darkar and I are connected?" Emalia questioned me with a sad look in her eyes.

"I won't be able to tell you, I feel like it's very appropriate for Faragonda to tell you the story, but while you are under my care if you feel the need to talk to anyone about the balance of dark magic come talk to me personally,"

Emalia nodded sadly as she got up from the chair. She told me goodbye and left my office. I popped myself from the desk and went over to the window. I gazed out to see the gray-green clouds and gloomy mountains. Faragonda, your student Emalia is in big trouble, and you need to take hold of it before it gets too out of hand.


Bloom, Mirta, and I were walking out of the library after we were done with our class with Professor Zarathustra. We were all talking about ways to track the Trix. The light stomping of shoes vibrated up the hallways as  I gaze down the hall and see Lucy running down the hallway. She was sweating, and she was panting like she saw some monster. When Lucy caught sight of Mirta, Bloom, and I, Lucy stopped running and held her hand on her head. Lucy raised her hand in the air like she was suffering in agony.

"Lucy, what's wrong? Lucy?" Mirta called Lucy, shouted in pain, and fell to the floor.

Mirta slowly pulled Lucy's upper body from the ground as she didn't want her to feel too sick or too dizzy when she ultimately got up from the floor.

"The Trix is already here," Lucy proclaimed, which had Bloom and me by surprise.

"What?" Mirta questioned, not understanding what's going on?"

"No!" I exclaimed in worry.

"They're after me!" Lucy panicked.

Bloom got on the floor with Lucy and Mirta. Footsteps were coming out of the library, and I turned my head to the side and saw that it was the Winx girls. They came out one at a time, and they all looked worried.

"Hey, what's going on?" Musa asked concern about this little scene.

"The Trix are already in the tower!" Bloom informed the girls.

"Let's get em!" Aisha chanted.

"Mirta, I really think you should stay with Lucy!" Bloom smiled at Mirta. "Everyone else, let's go and find those Trix!"

We had a determined smirk on our face as we knew the Trix are going down this time. The Winx girls and I ran down the hallways of Cloudtower.

"Good idea Bloom lets go and find those Trix, how are we suppose to do that?" Stella mocked Bloom.

"I'm open to suggestions!" Bloom hollered back.

"I know, based on past evidence, we can't beat the Trix at their own game!" Tecna smiled.

"Wow, you have so much faith in us, Tecna!" Emalia mocked.

"Nice way to say we already lost," Bloom replied, taking the lead.

"If we wait for them in their destination, we'll get the jump on them!" Tecna beamed.

We can't get the jump on the Trix; if anything, they are going to get the jump on us since we are in their old school. If we were A, tea, then it would be a different and better idea.

"But their afternoon, the Codex!" I told Tecna running after her.

"And we don't know where it is!" Aisha exclaimed as I glance over my shoulder at her.

"I'll calculate the most probable location, and we'll wait there!" Tecna pulled out her device as she was about to punch in some buttons.

"Tecna, that will not work, it would be somewhat different if the Trix weren't here. If we track the Codex's location, then by the time we get there, the Trix could already be there or already took the Codex and leave Cloudtower!" Emalia explained as she did have a point.

"Plus, I'm not going to rely on your dorky computer!" Stella exclaimed, sounding rude as always.

"Emalia has a point; it is too dangerous leading them straight to the Codex!" Bloom informed Tecna.

"We're not getting anywhere I bet you the witches are hiding the Trix we can't trust them!" Musa shouted.

I thought we were all on good terms with the witches since they promised that they would help us find the Trix? I guess Musa still can't get over the fact the witches were going to attack her all at once with Icy and Stormy leading the charge.

"Wait to go; tough girl goes take up some witches till they tell you where the Trix are!" Stella exclaimed as she shouted down the line to Musa.

"Wait up, Stella, it's not like you've got any better ideas!" Aisha fired back.

Why are we fighting all of a sudden? It's not like us to fight all at once. Is it Cloudtower making us go against each other?

"Fine, think you can find them without my help go right ahead!" Stella declared angrily.

Stella ran down a separate hallway opening, then the other girls and I. Bloom called out for Stella, but being the stubborn girl, Stella is, she kept on running down that hallway into a different part of Cloudtower.

"Well, I'm going to look where Lucy last saw them come if you want," Bloom offered while she walked away.

Emalia and I walked up the corridors following Bloom. We left Tecna, Musa, and Aisha behind, and I glance back to see the girls going their ways.

"Emalia, do you think we'll ever work as a group again?"

"I-I don't know Flora, but I hope we do," Emalia replied sadly, but I can tell she was sad about something else and not the problem at hand as she jogged to catch up to Bloom which is standing in front of a wall with black scuff marks.

Bloom touched it, and she gazes to the side to look at Emalia.

"Emalia, do you think you can feel for the Trix through this scuff mark?" Bloom asked Emalia.

"Let's see if I can," Emalia stepped forward, and she placed her hands on the scuff mark. "Yeah, the Trix was here alright Icy and the other rhyming witches,"

"Do you think you can lead us to them?" I questioned with worry.

"O-of course I can, but now I sense them everywhere around Cloudtower; it may take a long time I'll try to track down their most recent locations, and we can see if they are there," Emalia closed her eyes and lead the way.

Cloudtower Library: Darcy

We followed after that dorky fair of the Winx Club back into the library. My sisters and I thought it was funny to see those pesky fairies argue with each other as they ran around, trying to figure out a plan to stop us. They should know that there is no stopping the Trix from getting what we want. We want the Codex, and I told the girls the idea of following Miss Know-It-All. Tecna pushed buttons on her pixie machine and a hologram picture of Cloudtower. Red lines flowed to the center of Cloudtower, which is the Heart of Cloudtower. I snapped my finger as an opening in the wall ajar, causing Icy, Stormy, and I to slip through and reveal ourselves to Tecna.

"So, you found the Codex!" I grinned as I floated in the air with my witch sisters by my side.

"Now tell us where it is!" Stormy demanded as her voice gotten lower.

Tecna walked forward, protecting the hologram picture of Cloudtower from my sisters and I. Do she think Tecna can take us on all on her own without the help of her friends? This is going to be a fun time blasting her around like a rag doll!

"Not in a million years!" Tecna barked.

Tecna floated in the air as her body was glowing a green outline. Tecna has a stern look on her face.

"GLACIER SLEET!!" Icy cast her magic and freeze Tecna in an ice casing. "Too slow!"

Well, what have we here?" Stormy explained.

"I'd say we found the spot!" Icy declared clawing the hologram picture of Cloudtower. "The Codex is ours!"

We left Dorky Tech pixie in Icy's ice spell. We took to the short of the wall so we can get to the Heart of Cloudtower. I raised my right arm as waves of my illusion magic appeared from my magic boost bracelet. The wall to the central room wasn't working due to it being under Griffin's control.

"What's wrong, can't you reach that central room?" Icy questioned unhappy about not breaking down the wall.

"No, Griffin has total control of that area of the tower," I explained to Icy and Stormy as Stormy grumbled.

"What a pain!" Stormy rolled her eyes.

"Of course, she set up her strongest shields around the Codex!" Icy growled.

"If we get near it, we'll lose all control of the tower," I chimed, trying to come up with another way to get the Codex.

"Then we'll steal it the old fashioned way!" Icy smirked.

"With brute force!" Stormy roared with evil excitement.


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