Billie and Brandon: Unpredict...

De SevenandBillie

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When Billie falls pregnant as a seventeen year old in high school she is forced to make decisions about her l... Mai multe



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De SevenandBillie

"So...You excited for your really late birthday date?" Drew asked, trying to apply some mascara on Billie's eyelashes.

"I guess." Billie tried to feign indifference, but she was actually really happy that she finally had the chance to celebrate her evening with Brandon.

Billie smiled, laughing to herself as Drew frowned when she blinked and impeded Drew's work. After she'd told Brandon that she hadn't been to Santa Monica Pier in 5 years, he'd taken it upon himself to take her for her birthday, since they never truly got to celebrate as he was in New York. Then she was spending the night at his place.

Two weeks had passed since Brooklyn's offer of an open home. Though Billie hadn't necessarily wanted to up and move into the Adam's place immediately, after much deliberation and several long, long discussions and debates with Derek (who was staunchly against her moving out and living with the boy who impregnated her), they'd finally come to an agreement that she should eventually move in with the Adams once she reached thirty weeks. Honestly, they would have more room for her, especially as her due date approached, not to mention Billie's part time was closer to the Adam's than to Drew's house. It just made more sense.

At the moment, she occasionally stayed with Brandon if she really wanted a cuddle buddy (or her hormones were haywire), but Billie had promised Drew that despite the fact that she wouldn't live with Drew anymore, she would still spend time at their apartment because she couldn't physically go without Drew for too many days without withdrawal symptons showing.

But other than that, her day had begun swimmingly. She woke up energetic and feeling better than she had in a long time. No bloating, no rush to the bathroom lest she spill her pants, and no raging horniness that needed immediate taking care of. It was a surprisingly great morning.

School had been good too, although Brandon (being an asshole) had taken it upon himself to rile her up with small touches and barely there kisses every time they passed by each other in the hallway. And then in the middle of biology, she'd had to leave to take care of herself because Brandon had given her an absolutely vulgar kiss right before class. Nothing Mr. Green had said all class had made sense because she'd been way too flustered next to Brandon and unbelievably fucking horny. He thought her horniness was amusing and had been teasing her for the past two weeks and making it that much harder for her to pay attention in school. She hated it, but at the same time, she loved it.

Drew was currently trying to fix her makeup before she went out with Brandon for her late birthday date.

"Alright" Drew said, smiling triumphantly, "I may have outdone myself with this. Turn around."

Billie turned to face Drew's body length mirror and her eyebrows lifted, honestly surprised by the outcome. Drew had layered her eyes with a little of bronze and a hint of gold and brown to give her a very light natural smokey eye look. Matched with her green freak city sweatshirt and sweatpants. Billie smiled, she felt and looked great. It was the first time in a while that she had gotten dressed and hadn't felt crappy.

"Drew don't you think you went a little overboard with the eyes?" Drew chuckled.

"No way. You have to look beautiful today."

"We're literally going to the Pier. Looking great isn't that big of a deal."

"Still Billie. This is your first date with Brandon. It has to be perfect."

And Billie realised that technically, it was her first date with Brandon since they had finally made things official. They were both very busy on a day to day basis. Billie had to take a day off of work to even celebrate her late birthday, and Brandon was generally busy with his pre-season Basketball workouts. This was basically going to be her second birthday.

"Huh. I guess this is our first date."

"Right!" Drew chirped "So I have to make sure you look amazing for it. Not that you don't always look amazing anyway."

Billie turned around and hugged Drew tightly. "Thank you."

Billie's phone pinged with an alert for a text and she knew that was Brandon letting her know that he had arrived.

"Well. There's my date."

"Your boyfriend." Drew corrected with a grin, "I'll see you tomorrow?"


Billie gave Drew one more quick squeeze before she tugged on her jacket and snatched up her overnight bag before racing out of the room. She bid goodnight to Derek and Sarah watching TV on the couch before leaving the house and heading down the driveway.

She walked up to him waiting by his car. "Brandon."

He looked at her with a smile, his gaze dropping down her form with a look of surprise. She took pride in the fact that he looked a little speechless. But she wasn't even dressed up. She walked down the steps and took his free hand.

"Want a napkin for that drool?" she said smugly, tossing back something he'd said to her months ago.

Brandon chuckled, "Can't help it. You're beautiful, Billie."

Dammit. She hated how he always turned around her jabs and made her feel flustered.

Billie fought her blush and averted her gaze to the gift bag he was holding in his other hand. It had decorative tissue paper bunched at the top. No doubt it was a gift of some sort.

"What's that?"

"I'll show you later." Brandon said, though his expression had taken on something of an odd look for a split second. Billie wondered if she had imagined it, but he had looked uncomfortable. And not the slightly embarrassed kind of uncomfortable but actually worried kind of uncomfortable. Come to think of it, he looked a little worried in general. But she pushed the thought away. "Ready for our date?"

"Yeah. Let's go. This is the first time I don't feel absolutely disgusting, so I want to enjoy today."

"Alright, but I think I forgot something."

She frowned, "What'd you forget?"

Brandon leaned down and kissed her softly, gently cradling the nape of her neck. When he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against hers affectionately, his thumb caressing her jaw. She held his warm gaze, her heart racing uncontrollably. She couldn't contain the happy grin that came to her lips.

"Okay. Now let's go."


"Feeling any morning sickness?" Brandon asked, leaning next to her as they walked down the boardwalk.

It was very peaceful on the waters edge. The light breeze, the calming music in the background, the beautiful lights of Venice beach. The small waves and ripples made the water look like it was glittering. It was magical.

"No." She smiled up at him, "I love this. It's gorgeous."

"That's good. I'm glad."

Billie stared up at him, a little bit enraptured by his profile. His curled hair lightly blowing in the cool breeze, the lines of his jaw, his soft gaze as he stared up at the sky. She felt kind of anxious, butterflies dancing wildly in her stomach. It was hard to describe this intense elation-almost euphoria-that made her heart jump in her chest.

Blinking rapidly, a slight blush on her face, she turned back and stared at the sky, a little shaken up by how happy being with him made her feel. She'd been feeling it a lot lately, at the most random of times. Even for simple things like holding hands with him, fingers laced, her smaller hand almost engulfed by his or the little kisses he kept sneaking when she was trying to go to work. The happiness she would get was a little frightening, seeing as how Billie could never remember a time when she'd felt that way.

"Billie..." Brandon said with a sigh, turning to face her after a few moments of comfortable silence, "I need to tell you something."

She glanced at him, a little alarmed by the guilt in his voice.

"What?" she said, stiffening.

"I ran into your mom a couple days ago. And we talked."

She almost felt relief-almost-at the fact that it hadn't been as bad as her mind had been jumping to conclusions, but then she realised what he had said.

"I don't want to know." she snapped.

"Billie. I think you need to know this."

She turned back to face the water, crossing her arms over her chest. "I told you I wanted to enjoy today. Talking about my mother will have the opposite effect."

"She asked about you, Billie." He continued, "She asked what Jellybean's gender was. And how you were doing. If you were eating enough, how tired you were, what your cravings were. She said she had ketchup cravings too."

Billie glared out at the water, unmoved by his words. "I don't care. She would have just come to Drew's to talk to me if she really wanted to know. But she didn't. And she hasn't."

"I think she's scared to talk to you. She probably doesn't know how to approach you anymore after the blowout you two had. She might not know how to start a conversation with you."

"She can start by apologizing for kicking me out when I needed her. She can start by apologizing for forcing me to choose between her or Jellybean." Billie spun around to face Brandon, fighting the pain that was tugging at her heart. "But even that won't be enough, because I'll always remember her words and the way she looked at me."

"I know you're mad at her. I can't even begin to understand the hurt she caused you, but Billie, without a doubt, she still cares about you. I saw something in her eyes when we talked. I think she needs you just as much as you need her."

"I don't need her!" Billie shouted, taking a deep step back from Brandon, "And I can't believe you would even consider bringing this up now when you know how much it hurts!"

He frowned, "I know. It's terrible. But I'm doing it anyway, because you need to see this."

Before she could even retort, he had her wrist in his hand and all but forced her to take the handles of the gift bag. Billie felt anger build up in her. She was fixing to toss him over the boardwalk into the damn ocean if he didn't stop pissing her off.


"Would you just listen to me?! Your mom asked me to give this to you, Billie."

"I don't want her shitty present!"

"Yeah? I don't care." He asserted, loosening his grip on her wrist, his expression somber. "Billie, at least open it."

"I don't want to..." Billie said quietly.

"Billie." Brandon reached up and wiped a tear Billie hadn't even realised was falling down her cheek. "Just open it."

She stared at the paper at the top of the bag, her heart racing a mile a minute. She didn't know what was in the bag, but she was terrified about what she would find. Billie was trying not to think of her mother at all. She was trying to shuck he from her life, just as Maggie had shucked Billie from her own, but when her mother did things like this-things that only made Billie wish she had her mother to support her through the pregnancy-it made it difficult.

"Screw you..." she said, sniffling slightly though there was no malice in her words. "You're ruining our date, you asshole."

"I know. And I'm sorry." Brandon smiled. "But it was a risk I was willing to take. Because you need to see this."

Billie wiped her eyes and reached into the bag with a roll of her eyes, somewhat expecting it to be something stupid that wouldn't make up for anything. She was fairly certain whatever it happened to be, she would end up tossing it over the side of the Pier into the water. She meant what she said. She didn't want anything from her mother. It was pretty clear to her by now that Maggie had no intention of taking her back. So Billie was protecting her heart.

The object she pulled out made her breath catch in her chest.


Billie stared at it with wide eyes.

It was Woody, the stuffed bear from her childhood. The stuffed bear she had outgrew pretty quickly. Billie thought Maggie had donated it or given it away the whole time. But all these years, she had kept it.

"She said she's sorry about not being able to buy anything new, but she wanted you to have your bear back to give to Jellybean."

Billie stared at the toy. He was in perfect condition. He was washed, his once matted fur was fluffy again, the patches of dirt gone from the faux fur. The tear on the right arm was sewn together and a plaid heart patch was stitched over the chest where Billie had once scribbled on him with a permanent sharpie. Maggie had restored him back to the way he looked when Billie had him as a baby.

And Billie's vision blurred as fresh tears welled in her eyes.

This was the first time her mother had ever acknowledged Jellybean. The first time she had acknowledged the fact that Billie was going to keep her baby, regardless of Maggie's words.

And suddenly, Billie really wanted to see her mother.

"Fuck..." She let out a breathless laugh as she stared at her childhood toy. "And just when I thought I was over my mom. She goes and does this."

Brandon pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head as he rocked her gently side by side. Billie clung to him, her arms wrapped around him as she let the few silent tears drop from her eyes.

It hurt. But not as much as it did anymore.

And even though she was a little upset, she felt happy.

"I'm sorry I had to do it this way. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You're still an asshole." Billie leaned back and gazed up at Brandon. "But thank you for making me to open it."

She rose up on her toes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips before smiling contently.

"Excuse me?" A lady stopped by them with a dopey smile on her face. "If you don't mind me asking, how many weeks in are you?"

"About twenty" Billie responded.

"Well you two are just the cutest couple" she gushed, "Babies are a blessing. Congratulations."

She meandered on and Billie and Brandon stared after her, both a little surprised.

"She was drunk, wasn't she?"

"Most definitely."

It didn't matter to Billie, regardless. But it did bring a smile to her lips. That had been the first time since Billie started showing that an adult hadn't given her a dirty look or made a degrading comment for her very obviously being a pregnant teen.

Billie sighed happily and shifted in Brandon's arms, turning to face the water again. Brandon held her from behind, one arm gripping the railing, the other wrapped around her, his hand massaging gentle circles on her abdomen. He leaned down and kissed her cheek before resting his chin on her head. She leaned back into him, closing her eyes and just enjoying the relaxing atmosphere.

Billie wasn't one to have a lot of hope or faith in the future, but she would be damned if she didn't feel like things were finally starting to turn around for the better.


Brandon shoved open his apartment door, dragging Billie in after him as she tugged him closer by the shirt, trying to keep the connection of their lips despite the fact that it was terribly difficult to walk. He reached out and flicked on the dimmed lights of the living room before sliding his arm around her waist. She kicked the door shut, rising to her toes and wrapping her arms around his neck as he kissed her senseless.

"Where's your..." she asked, her breathing a little shallow as he nipped at the skin on her neck. He was making it hard to think, "...Your mom?"

"She's staying with a friend tonight."

"Wait? So we're alone."

Brandon smiled a little mischievously and then let go of Billie, taking her hand and bringing her to the sofa. She sat down, dropping her overnight bag and the bag with Woody on the ground and staring up at him in slight surprise, wondering what Brandon had to barter with Brooklyn to convince her to let them be in the apartment alone. Billie knew where this date was headed. And no doubt, Brooklyn did too. But it was a school night. Brooklyn was pretty strict about her rules.

Which meant that Brandon had to have done something pretty spectacular for his mom to even consider it.


"I told her we were celebrating your birthday."

Billie brows furrowed as Brandon made his way behind her to the kitchen.

"Really? And she's okay with us being alone here. On a school night. Alone."

"She really loves you."

Clearly, if she was willing to let a boy with a very intense sex drive and a horny pregnant girl spend the night alone in an apartment. It warmed Billie's heart that Brooklyn was so kind hearted and friendly with Billie. She always enjoyed her stays at the Adam's because Brooklyn was so accommodating and made sure everything was perfect and comfortable for Billie.

(Also, Billie was pretty damn sure Brooklyn knew what went on behind Brandon's closed bedroom door when Billie stayed over, but she'd never brought it up which Billie was grateful for.)

"Alright, close your eyes." Brandon said from somewhere behind her.

Billie shut her eyes and waited patiently as Brandon's footsteps approached. He walked around the side of the sofa and in front of her before she heard his steps stop.

"Open them."

She opened her eyes to Brandon crouched in front of her on his knees, holding a red velvet cupcake. It was immaculately frosted, swirling gently into a peak at the top where a single candle was lit. There were little sprinkles dotting the frosting.

"It's not even my birthday. Did you make this?"

"Yeah, it's vegan. And it is your birthday for me." He grinned, "Make a wish."

She looked over the flame into the sparkling hazel eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. There was one wish she wanted to make, but she felt a little awkward thinking it all.

So she closed her eyes, but didn't wish for anything in particular.

Thank you, Jellybean, for surprisingly bringing some happiness in my life.

She blew out the candles and then bit her lower lip as she smiled. Billie dipped her finger into the frosting and tasted it. It was amazing. Smooth and creamy and rich and just the perfect combination of sweet and slightly buttery. She'd been craving something sweet for the past hour or so, and her tastebuds felt so alive after trying it. Fuck, Brandon could do everything.

"How is it?"

"It's pretty good, Kane. Try some."

She scooped up some more frosting and held it out to him with a flirtatious little smile. Brandon rose a brow and set the cupcake on the coffee table before taking her finger in his mouth and licking off the frosting. Billie felt pleasure shoot all the way down to her toes when his tongue made contact with her skin. She took in a sharp breath, her gaze locked with his when he took his mouth off of her finger. They stared at each other silently for a few moments, Billie feeling heat run down her body.

"So are you going to kiss me any time soon or.." Billie asked, a brow raised playfully.

His gaze darkened the slightest bit. "I want to. But I know I won't be able to stop."

"Maybe I don't want you to stop."

"Not before I give you something." He pulled away from her reluctantly and rose to his feet. "I have something for you. Hold on a second."

"Brandon! You already got me something!" She moaned after him.

But he walked away further into the apartment, and Billie groaned in annoyance that he was stalling the inevitable. What could he possibly have for her that he would purposely stop where things were clearly headed. He was cockblocking himself and her, and she was horny dammit!

"Hurry up Que." Billie called out, "It's only my fake birthday for another thirty minutes. And then I can't order you around anymore."

Brandon chuckled as he came back to the living room, walking around the sofa and sitting down next to her. He had a mid sized square velvet box in his hands and Billie stared at it, her brows furrowed anxiously.

"Brandon...what is that?"

He smiled as she reached over and opened the lid. It was a gorgeous silver chain with a small locket on the end. Her brows lifted in surprise as she gingerly took it out, her fingers shaking the slightest bit. She'd wanted one of these since she was young, but had never been able to afford one.

"You said you're always wanted one, Billie. A locket to put a picture of your family in." Brandon said softly with a smile, "And I know I can never take the place of your family, but I want you to know you have another family of your own too. You, me, and Jellybean."

"...You're going to have to work really hard to top a present like this in the future." She joked, though her voice cracked and she could feel the back of her eyes stinging with tears.

Billie handed it to him as she turned her back on him and Brandon gently brushed aside her hair, wrapping the chain around her neck before clasping it shut. Billie stared down at it against her chest, touching it lightly and knowing she was a few seconds from bursting into tears. She was unbelievably lucky to have Brandon. So unbelievably lucky that he cared about her. That he was sticking around with her.

Her heart lurched in a maelstrom of emotions as she turned back around to face Brandon. His smile was warm and his hazel gaze was loving and affectionate. He was watching her like there was no one else in the world he would rather be with, and something in his gaze lit her heart on fire.

He meant the world to her. He really did.

Billie took his face in her hands and left a lingering kiss on his lips, her cheeks wet from the trail of tears that were tumbling down her face.

"Thank you. Honestly." She smiled against his lips.

Brandon cupped the back of her neck, leaning forward and deepening the heated kiss. She sighed into his mouth, sliding her hands into his hair as he slowly drove her mind to an insatiable need to be fucked. Their short, languid kisses all melded and blurred into one to the point where Billie wasn't sure which one ended and which one began. She climbed on his lap, moaning as his tongue caressed hers, causing fire to pool low in her abdomen. His hands trailed up her thighs, gripping her ass over her sweatpants and pulling her flush against him.

Billie felt like she was free falling. She felt weightless, like that moment right as a rollercoaster dropped. It was a terrifying feeling, and she held Brandon tighter, loving the soft groan he released into her mouth as she pressed against his erection. She wanted him so badly, her head was dazed and swimming in a haze of lust.

He toyed with the strap of her panties, sliding his fingers underneath the fabric, tugging slightly. Billie squirmed in is lap, the grazing of her panties against her sensitive area causing a jolt of electricity to shoot to her core.

Billie broke the kiss, panting slightly against his lips, her body craving more attention between her legs.

"Brandon fuck..." she said breathlessly when one of his hands slid into the front of her panties and he stroked her languidly. "Wait. Hold on. Let's change positions."

"Why?" he muttered, his gaze crackling with heat as he watched her reaction to his teasing.

"Your legs will get tired. I'm heavy. And gross."

"You're not. You're not heavy, you're not gross, you're not anything you're thinking right now." He stopped his motions and watched Billie seriously. "I told you already. You're beautiful, Billie. You always have been, and you always will be."

Her heart skipped a beat.


He smiled deviously against her lips, capturing the gasp that she let out when he hooked his finger inside her.

"Happy belated birthday, Billie..."

She moaned and captured his lips again, silencing any other words he might have had with a filth, tongue filled kiss.

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