You found me! Hetalia oneshot...

Bởi FicWriterAtRandom

299 7 2

I know real original. But I've been dragged into this fandom and here I am.... Also warning there is boyxboy... Xem Thêm

Why Culture Differences? Ameripan
My regrets. RussiaxReader
Romeo and Juliet?
How you met them- France
How you met them- America
How you met them- Canada
How you met them- England
How you met them- China
How you met them- Russia
"How many times?"
How you met them- Germany
Father I love you.
How you met them- N. Italy
Another Chaotic Meeting
Jack and Jill
"Lovino, te amo"

Now you know

16 0 0
Bởi FicWriterAtRandom

(This -if you haven't seen the picture- is a Prucan. But it has an au in it. I think you might like it. It's been on my mind for a while so......enjoy!)

  The pain of it all. God it infuriated him. No matter how many times they saw him. Breathing in out. He was alive right? His brother hadn't forgotten about him? He wasn't surprised. He felt the need to yell and scream. But no sounds would leave his mouth.
This all started in 1525 when a certain Prussian was born.

1731- snow storm.

The world wasn't sure. But hell. It was happening. The small Prussian walked through the snow with an army behind them. Yet it wasn't real. The army wasn't real. It seems the red eyed Prussian dreamed that one day their country could become great. Better then the soon to come countries and the current ones.

It seems it was going to be close to impossible.

Soon the tiny albino found an old abandoned cottage..the country went in and smiles. 'It seems nice and warm here..I just got to get some wood..' Which the chibi child did.

"HAHA EVEN STARTED A FIRE!" The small country heard a noise and turned fast on their heel. 'Schieße who's there..?'

A young man walked in. His hair was a light blond and his eyes were a light grey. The 19 year old looked that of royalty. Though he looked under fed.

Said man looked at the albino and almost shrieked if it wasn't for the Prussians calming. "I'm not here to hurt you I just want to stay safe and warm."

The blond nods.. "where are you from?"

The chibi stood proud....on a chair. "I'm from a beautiful country!" Confusion. "which is?"
"Oh prussia! My name is Prussia!"

The grey eyed man smiles and nods "You look small for someone that's a country.."

Prussia smirks "I'll grow! I'm strong! I started a fire instead of laying in the snow!"

The man laughed "You sound lazy!"

Prussia pouts "I can be but not all the time! By the way what's you name?"

"Frederick the second."

1740- the great battle!

The Prussian was taller now. Sadly though only respected when Fitz was around. Prussia was his right hand man. Always doing as told. Watching the man take over the throne of the country was amazing.
"Congratulations King Fredrick"

Fritz had grown close to the small Prussian. Well taller now.

A formal shirt on to match the dark blue trousers they had on.

Gabriella learned fast that men would do anything to get in his bed.

The Prussian never trusted anyone with anything. "Hey fritz I'm going to retire for the night"

"Be careful Gil..." He was the only one who knew Gabriella didn't feel like herself as well a woman. Her whole personality showed that she didn't act like the pretty princess' she knew. Gabriella always felt like that.

Gabby looked at herself as she undressed. Seeing her chest fall. She stared her body pure. The pale skin soft to the touch. Her body small and frail. "God why am i ugly..?"

Gabby hated how she looked. She could easily get any man to love her. For her looks. She'd be 5'8 fully grown but currently she was 5'4. Her chest was a c cup. But dear lord she'd be a double d by the time she's fully grown.

The thing that struck her with confusion was her light silver hair and ruby eyes. She kept the mess in a braid that fell down her back. Her eye lashes shorter then wanted.

Though no one ever commented on her skin, hair, or eyes she was constantly looking at them. 'They make you look like a demon.' Said a voice in the Prussians head.

Gabby shook her head and undid the mess she called hair. A button up long shirt was put over her exposed body. Then jumped into the fluffy bed wrapping the blankets around her.

1768- Who are you?

Though Gabriella would never admit it. She adored looking at herself in men's clothes. She wore them for work. Being a general was hard. Not to mention she was just told that she would be taking care of her new little brother.

She didn't care if her brother picked on her. She just wanted to raise the boy to be great.

She woke up and wrapped her chest in bandages binding her chest. She liked how she looked and how she was referred to as a man.

Gabby put her pants on tucking her shirt in then looked in the mirror. 'If I didn't have the hair..I'd look like a man..'

Gabriella felt her heart jump from that thought. She was scared of that. She was scared to lose her friends.

The Prussian general walked out and looked around. The sun was slowly rising and she was going to see it. It made her happy.

"New day comes when the sun rises in the east." She stated.

"That it does." The new voice said causing Gabby to jump in her head. But her body showed no physical sign of her being scared.

"who are you soldier?"

The man stepped forward his wheat blond hair falling slightly to his shoulders. But most peculiar was a curl that stuck out and fell beside his face.

The mans skin was light. Once the Prussian looked up to the mans eyes her gaze stayed there. They were purple...

"My name sir is Matthew Williams.."

"Gabriella Beilschmidt."

1786- The kings end..

It sucks when a beloved kings reign ends. Gabriella wasn't having it either. Though her and Matthew had gotten closer, she was considered a slut..a female in a male only army. Gabriella could out drink anyone. Except Matthew and Old man Fritz. Why could she not out drink Matthew it confused her.

Before fritz left Gabriella talked to him alone.

"Sir you asked for me?"

"Yes...I want to ask you....If you feel comfortable." Gabriella scoffed and crossed her arms. "These men are like pigs....No like wolves..always wanting to be pleased. But I can handle a pack of wolves"

Frederick chuckled and turned to his right hand man. "No no no....I mean comfortable as in with yourself?"

Who knew that sentence could shoot an arrow into Gabbys heart and make time stop. She didn't. She looked at the man in front of her, her heart pounding mind spinning.

Did she.....?

1942- Found you.

Since Old man Fritz no one had known that Gabby was a girl. Nor that his name was gabby. He had completely changed his legal name to Gilbert Beilschmidt. As well as made it clear he was male.

Gilbert knew someone would try to find out who he was. But since he put up an act, one all to easy to persuade others with. God he loved fooling the idiots around him. Don't get him wrong they were his idiots. As far as anyone knew he was the loud, beer drinking, and awesome Prussia!

No one asked about his past anymore which lessened the stress on the older country but continued to add more suspicion as at random times he'd have bad cramps and mood swings.

When he joined the Axis powers he didn't expect to have a real job. Till his brother -which was raised only seeing Gilbert as a male and never Gabriella nor female- asked Gilbert if he knew how to fly a plane.

Gilbert loved flying. He adored it. Feeling free for once in the air able to be himself and just....breathe. But this was war. Either way Gilbert knew he'd be flying. Which was good for him.

Gilbert even if he was a full grown woman physically was a man mentally. But this caused problems. When he went to the bathroom he'd hide in the guys stall using it before washing his hands and leaving. It caused more problems when he was out with other countries.

Especially when it was...that time of the month. Gilbert hated that time. It seemed that he had a harder time hiding the fact his body was the opposite gender then what he was.

Binding had affected his stamina. He used ace bandages if not other kinds. He didn't cut his hair because he actually liked playing and styling the long silver hair from time to time. So he wore a wig made of his real hair that he trimmed. He made it to were it was hard to get off but it worked for wars and meetings.

Gilbert woke up one morning at the base he was stationed at and quickly put on his stuff getting a quick breakfast and then getting in a plane for morning routes.

As the Prussian was flying he heard an extra plane. Scratch that a whole fleet of planes that looked american.

Gilbert calmly commanded his fleet to attack and take down that Gilbert would face the general. Only to see a familiar purple set of eyes in a plane. They made eye contact and immediately understood the other.

Once the fighting was done Gilbert told his fleet to go home that he would check for survivors on the ground. They thought this was weird but knew with Gilbert that anything could happen.

The second Gil got out of his plane he was engulfed in a hug by a tall Canadian. "Hello Matthew" Gilbert hugged Matthew back.

Matthew felt how small the Prussian was and the bandages. "Gilbert what have I told you about-" Gilbert interrupted him "how binding was unsafe? Especially with the bandages? I know Birdie"

Matthew blushed slightly at the nickname. "I just want you to be careful ma petite feuille d'érable..." Gilbert wanted to know french. Just so he could understand the tall boy. "Im going to find out what that says one day you know birdie"

Matthew looked at Gilbert them standing a bit away from each other. "Do you really want to know?" The Prussian looked beyond excited nodding.

Matthew moved fast immediately spinning Gilbert and dipping him into a kiss. To which Gilbert responded to immediately kissing back and wrapping his arms around the Canadian.

2020- The meeting room

Gilbert sat right beside his lover. Matthew Willaims. They had been dating ever since that kiss and even had a few kids. Most of them took after Matthew but their first child Ontario took after their vati, Gilbert.

Gilbert constantly put on bindings never taking them off or anything. Stress had severely made the Prussian able to have a dangerous amount of Ptsd.

Only Matthew could help him then.

They were in the middle of a meeting when a few men with guns burst in. The already chaotic room froze. Gilbert was first to run and protect his friends.

But during the men had grabbed him by the hair and yanked it. Gilberts braid fell down his back before he was shoved into a wall. A grunt leaving his lips.

Matthew was ready to kill he was next up a hockey stick coming out of nowhere , which in turn scared even Ivan due to Matthew being quiet and nice.

Matthew growls " Put him down Now!"

The men laughed and patted Gilberts body looking for weapons finding a gun and throwing it to the ground. One felt his chest.

"Hey feel this" all of them did.

Gilbert squirmed "Let me go! NOW!" fear rising in his voice. "Matthew!" the fear made his voice jump octaves from its normal low voice to his old feminine one.

"This "man" isnt a man! Its a WOMAN are you blind?!"

Matthew walked closer and closer not seen till he was behind them and already swinging the Hockey stick knocking the men out.

Gilbert fell to the ground fear corrupting his body. He couldn't breathe. He was so light headed from just the bindings that the panic attack made it ten times worse.

Everyone was shocked at the man who screamed about Gilbert.

Matthew threw the hockey stick and helped Gilbert stand and held him there.

"Tu vas bien ma petite feuille d'érable."

Gilbert was taught french by Matthew so he was happy hearing those words. Before gasping for air. " tight...." The second Matthew heard those words he undid the Prussians shirt and tore the ace bandages the buttoned the shirt back up. To which Gilbert breathed in a ton of air.

Everyone looked shocked.

(So im going to make this a two part thing it really could be made into a story but I dont want to juggle that many stories at once so its gonna have 2 parts and btw I use google translate. Im sorry if it didnt make since but deal with it

Tu vas bien ma petite feuille d'érable.=Your okay my little maple leaf.

ma petite feuille d'érable.= My little maple leaf.

2133 words)

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