They Call Me Foxface

Por Ravenger

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*Really Slow Updates Due To Life* Hello, my name is Finch, but call me Foxface, everyone does. If your re... Mais

A Death, A Liar And A Questioner
Do It Some Justice
Dirt on the President
Training Day One
Training Day Two
Not Every Plan Works Out

The Reaping.... My Reaping

385 26 3
Por Ravenger

Chapter 2;

The Reaping..... My Reaping....


I quickly collected Raven Oriel and Jay from the cell.

I noticed my mothers body was gone and felt a tugging on my heart. What had they done to her body....? I knew she was dead..... But I would still like to give her a decent burial.

I push the thought out of my mind and started guiding my sobbing sisters towards the entrance of the justice building, all the while trying to avoid the painful thought of how I had completely ruined my mothers name.

But she was dead now, and me Oriel, Jay and Raven were alive- along with our father wherever he is.....

I pushed the huge doors of the justice building open, imminently feeling a cool rush of breeze in my face.


I looked down at Jay and Oriel who were both sobbing.

Jay had stopped and looked up at me, tears were running down her red face.

"Yes...?" I said wiping a small tear that had found its way to the corner of my eye, I couldn't cry now, I had to stay strong for my sisters.

"If I die, will I see Mommy and Robin again?" Her eyes were sad and innocent, no seven year old should have to go through this.

I knelt down, dimly aware of the cold justice building steps hurting my knees.

"Of course you will, don't you ever dou- JAY!!!!!" I screamed as my sister flung herself sideways down the justice building steps.

Panic overwhelmed me.

God no!!!

My arm shot out in a desperate attempt to save my sister.

My hand brushed the fabric of my sisters shirt....

I grabbed it, bringing my sister to a halt.

I pulled her small skinny body into a desperate hug.

"LET GO!!!!" she screamed struggling desperately

"NO!!!! DON'T YOU DARE KILL YOURSELF!!!" I screamed clutching her to me.

"PLEASE!!! I just w-want to see Mommy a-again....." she went limp and began to cry histerically

I looked up at Oriel and Raven who were staring at Jay in shock of what had just almost happened.

I looked back down at Jay, and pushed her out to arms length.

"Look at me Jay." I say a little harshly

She looked at me her eyes watering.

"If you kill yourself. You will never go to heaven with Mommy." I felt bad for being so harsh with her- but she had just attempted to kill herself, I had to get through to her!

Her eyes widened with fright.

"W-why?" She stuttered

"Because......." I thought for a moment "You have a purpose Jay, we all do. We all have a mission to accomplish in this life..... And if you kill yourself then you are turning down the mission God gave you and he will be angry."

"But Mommy said God loves me no matter what." Jay said

I sigh unable to think of a good argument. "Just don't kill yourself Jay. Never kill yourself." I say as I stand up.

I begin to walk down the steps, careful to keep a tight grasp on Jay's hand incase she was to try anything, but I think I scared her enough so she won't do that again.....

But it never hurts to be safe.

"Finch!!!! FINCH!!!!" an all too familiar voice squealed as soon as I dismounted the last step from the justice building.

Mrs Baker.

I looked reluctantly in her dirrection, the bone thin woman was waving frantically in my direction.

I knew what she wanted- but it was last thing I wanted to talk about right now.

I briefly considered running the other way, but decided against it due to the fact Mrs Baker was about as smart as the average pile of rocks, she would probably chase us.

I reluctantly let go of Jays hand, and turned to Raven

"Wait here," I said then leaned into Ravens ear "Watch them, especially Jay."

A worried look crossed her face, but she bit her lip and nodded.

I turned and walked to Mrs Baker, who smiled at me warily.

"What?" I growl

"It's been a while since you brought us a shipment......"

"And? It's reaping time. The security is especially high. It's not wise to steal from them until they are preoccupied with the games......In theory." I say

"I know it's just my children are starving again," she looked down guiltily "You know what you do for us is .... Really amazing I guess. Nobody ever thanks you for it. I mean you and your group risk your lives so nobody in district 5 goes hungry and we can pay our taxes.... Like a modern day Robin Hood." she chuckled and turned her back to me and walked away......

I smiled, it felt good to get a little praise..... Don't get me wrong, I wanted to help people, just sometimes it felt like my work went unnoticed.

I walked back over to Raven who (thankfully) had both the twins at her side.

"What time is it?" she asked as if I would know

I knew she had a point.... We had to be at the reaping later, it was hard to even conceive that we had to be at the reaping soon, and we weren't even close to being presentable.

I bit my lip as I often do when I'm trying to think.

Turns out I didn't have to think.

"Your going to the reaping dressed like that?" A startled voice came from behind me.

I turned around, my two best friends stood behind me with concerned looks on their faces.

"Oh, my dear CRAP Finch!!!! You were cry'n!!! What the heck happened!!!!" Sunny screamed and pulled me into a deadly hug.

Blank, the more reformed of the two brothers, didn't attempt to murder me in a bear hug, rather just said "What happened, are you OK?"

"Mommy died......" Oriel said as she started to tear up again, even I had to hold back after the painful memory was resurrected in my mind.

Both of their jaws dropped, "What?" they asked in unison

"It's a long story.... I'll tell you after the reaping.... How long do we have till that starts?" I asked

"15 minutes." Sunny said so quickly, I could tell he was anxious.

I bit my lip, I guess we were going like this.

"Look, you guys we might be a minute go ahead of us." I said

Sunny took off imminently, but Blank lingered a little, "Are you sure you don't need help.....?"

"BLANNNKKKK COME ONNNNN!!!! If Finch says she doesn't need help, then she doesn't need help." Sunny yelled already 4 houses away.

"He's right." I smirked

Blank nodded and waved goodby, then took off at a run to catch up with his brother.

"You know," Raven said with a devilish smirk on her face "They're both kinda cute. Shame you can't tell them apart."

I flashed my sister a horrified glance, 12 was too young to be having hormonal interests!

Her smirk only grew bigger.

I rolled my eyes, I could always talk with her later.

I knelt down, it had rained last night and the ground was covered in puddles. I scooped a little in one hand and beckoned for Oriel to come over to me.

During our brief time in the cell her face had gotten incredibly dirty and I began to clean it.

Raven rinses her face then helps Jay.

The grime washes away fairly easily and then I splash the cool water on my face.

I spot some wild flowers growing on the side of the road and I quickly go over and grab a handful and aware that I didn't have much time left, begin to rapidly tangle them in my sisters hair.

Oriel smiled for the first time since mothers death and said "We look like flower princesses."

"Yeah..... Kinda." I said with a small smile on my face, placing some light purple flowers I identified as katniss in my messy red hair.

"Come on." Raven said "We can't be late for the reaping, I hear they purposely reap kids who are late."

Horrified looks crossed Jay and Oriel faces.

"Raven, you know that's not true, you just want to get this over with."

"Can you blame me? I'm scared Finch, I've never been in a reaping before. I-I-I " She brushed a strand of the jet black hair out of her eyes, then burst out crying.

I went over and hugged her.

"Relax. There's hundreds of kids in this district. They won't pick you. I promise." I say, not only trying to convince Raven, but also myself as well.

The thought of Raven getting reaped was inconceivable.

It was possible I suppose.....

What would I do if that happened?

What could I do?

Calm down Finch, you won't need to do anything, because your sister is NOT going to get reaped, I told myself.

I guessed it had been at least 10 minutes since Blank and Sunny had left, we were cutting it close.

"Guys we really gotta get going." I said, Raven clenched her jaw and nodded bravely

Oriel and Jay were both shaken by my sisters outward display of emotions, and were on the verge of tears as we dragged them into the square.

I saw the registration table, the line was short, as most of the children were already inside.

I looked around for my father, he generally met us here for the reaping.

No one.

I prayed he was ok.

A peacekeeper I didn't know came up to us and frowned.

"Waiting for someone?" He asked as he noticed the twins.

"Yes, our father." I said glancing over his shoulder to see if he was here yet.

"Look, you two need to get into the reaping. There's a special area where your sisters will be taken care of by a nurse, I'll take them there." He said smiling as if this 'special area' was candy land or something.

I looked down at my sisters knowing that I didn't really have a choice.

I looked around the square one last time to see if my father would show, then knelt down to Jay and Oriel.

"Look, Raven and I have to attend the reaping, your going to go with this nice man to a place you will stay until after the reaping, ok?"

Oriel nodded and curiously walked over to the man, but Jay looked at me sadly and hugged me.

"Please don't go away like Robin did. Please." She whispered in my ear.

"I would never leave you." I smiled and kissed her forehead "The reaping will be over before you know it, and me and Raven will be back."

She nodded and went over to the peacekeeper who led both girls away, I watched for a second then turned to Raven.

"Come on, it will be fine." I said

The line had almost completely diminished in the short time that we had been talking to the peacekeeper.

I walked up to the woman sitting at the desk, she was dressed in the white uniform of the peacekeeper, all the same she smiled kindly at me.

"Hello Finch, glad you could finally show up. I was getting worried you wouldn't show." she said as she pricked my finger.

I didn't know this woman...... How did she know my name?

I must of given her a puzzled look because she said "Oh, I know your father, I generally oversee the department that he works in..... Nice man, he always is talking about you and your sisters."

I narrowed my eyes.

I didn't like the way her eyes looked when she mentioned my father.

Well I suppose I could look into it later......

"Ok Finch, the 15 year olds pens are right over there." she pointed to the left and I nodded.

Raven who was right behind me walked up to the desk and began to talk with the woman. I scowled openly and went over to the pen.

It was crowded as I nudged myself in. Being short I could barley see around me, but I heard the tributes escort walk onstage. Her high-heels clicked loudly as she strided over to the microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," a woman's I pitched voice rang out over the crowd " Today we will select the 24 tributes, which will fight for their lives and their districts to win the 74th annual Hunger Games. I'm happy to be here and so should all of you, too. Our land wasn't always happy though....

A long time ago, the old nation had to stand earthquakes, floods and storms, and the old nation was destroyed. Humanity was scattered and weak, we were nearly extinct. Then, out of the dark, Panem grew from the ashes, saving humanity and restoring order. The Capitol and its 13 districts, which are surrounding grew and prospered until the districts became greedy and rebelled. A long terrible war raged until the capital finally triumphed. District 13, the leader of the rebellion, was destroyed. In order to repent for their wrongs, the districts offer up one courageous young man and woman between the ages of 12 and 18 to compete in a sacred ritual known as the Hunger Games. Each year one tribute is spared, and showered in gold and riches as well as his/her district, as a symbol of the capitals kindness and generosity."

I thought I heard the escort sniff as if on the verge of tears.

"Now, district 5, the time has come to determine our champions..... Ladies first!"

I heard the escort walk over to the bowl.

I held my breath.

The district held its breath.

"And our female tribute is......."


Time stopped.

People turned and stared at me.

I look around.

Is it true?

It can't be true.


There must be some mistake.



My hands begin to shake as the initial shock wears off.

I look around for some escape, but I stop.

If there is one thing I'm not about to do, it's look weak in front of the world.

I clench my jaw.

I face the stage.

I walk forward, into the jaws of the shark.......

To my passage to death.

Our tribute escort smiled and pulled me onto the stage.

I am dimly aware of Raven screaming.

But I don't look, I can't.

"Do you have anything to say to your district?" she cooed, holding a microphone to my mouth.

I forced myself to look into the crowd.

I knew most of them.

I risked my life to help them.

They just stared at me helplessly, some cried, some didn't look at me at all.

"I'm sorry."

The words slipped from my lips, even though I knew I had nothing to be sorry for.

Our escort smiled and hugged me. "Now onto the boys!!!"

I watched numbly as she plunged her hands into the bowl, dramatically picking one, then read it aloud.

My blood ran cold.



I looked out into the crowd, searching for Blank, he wore a horrified look on his face as the crowd slowly pushed him forward.

Our escort helped him onto the stage.

"Well, Blank, do you have any parting words to say to your district?"

"I-I-" he stuttered into the microphone, then I saw a spark of his old courage come back to him, he narrowed his eyes and spat at the escort. "Go rot in hell."

This got a round of applause from the district, that was quickly silenced by a sharp glare from the escort.

She turned and smiled at us.

"Now shake hands, and wish each other good luck. After all, only one of you can return......."


Ok sorry this chapter took a little longer than I had planned on it taking, LOL but life happens, right?

Ok so tell me what you thought!!! Please!!!!

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