[Girls frontline] Escape from...

De mithril124DD

1.9K 67 20

At the ruined city of Petrengrad now Sector 23, the former citizens whether human or a doll now scavenging fo... Mai multe

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

1.1K 30 5
De mithril124DD

Scav run

"It all started when they bomb the city to smithereens, they thought they could stop them but it didn't. Half of the city population either killef or evacuated, the remaining citizens were trapped and was hunted down. We did not yield and we adapted, scavenging is now a livehood here, whether your a rich or poor before this shit happen, it won't matter because now. You will get your hands dirty or die"


The girl wake up and yawned, she looked around on her room and scratch her head. Then she walk towards the bathroom and open the faucet then she splash herself and rubbed her eyes. Then she take off her pajamas and take a shower, after several minutes she take wrap herself with a towel and heads back to the bedroom. After changing her clothes she head to the dining room where she was greeted with a hug

"Irina your awake, want some french toast?"

"Thanks Brandon, i will have some of your world class french toast" Irina kiss his lips and sat on the chair as Brandon prepare the food

"Did you send your form at the recruitment office?" Irina asked him as he pour coffee on her cup

"Yep and im awaiting for their reply, how about you did the navy accepted you?" Brandon sat on the chair as he began to take a bite on the bread

"Not yet but im not yet discourage and i will never stop until they accepted me" Irina said as she sip her coffee making Brandon chuckle

"What's wrong!" Irina glare at him as he continue to chuckle

"Good girl, thats why i love you..either way i good luck on your career as a naval officer Comrade Irina" Brandon pat her head making her at ease

"You too Comrade Brandon" Irina smiled at him when suddenly a flash of light blinded her and a loud explosion, darkness envelope her and she sank to the darkness, she tries to reach move around but to no avail. Then she felt a touch on her forehead and opened her eyes only to see a pipe dripping out droplets of water to her forehead

"...Another dream..." Irina muttered as she rose up and rubbed her eyes when a knock on the door alerted her

"Introduce yourself!" Irina then quickly grab her weapon and pulls the charging handle making it ready to fire in any moment

"It's me Natalya, a friend and your personal combat assistance Doll that you, my boss saved my life and please don't use that poor old AKM that is about to be dissasmble by itself!!" Natalya yelled back as she opend the door

"I know...where did you go?" Irina put down her weapon and grab the bottle of water lying beside her and drink it

"I scouted locations for our scav run today and it seems i found a location not yet touched by the others" Natalya show the hand drawn map to her, Irina observe the location and looks at Natalya who is excited waiting for her whether she approve it or not

"Seems good but are there any enemies in that area?"

"There are Sangvis scouts flying overhead every 1 hour and 5 minutes after the scout pass there will be a standard Pacification patrol numbering 5 Vespids, 6 Aegis, 4 Guard, 3 Jaeger, 8 Dragoon and 2 striker. All working in concert and they left the area ten minutes ago, so we good?" Natalya waited for her reply

"This place is too precious to be ignored so yes, it's a greenlight and let's scavenge those precious stuff" Irina grab her backpack and her weapon while Natalya hurriedly go to her bed and take her backpack and the MP153. Irina wear the hanging coat made from various clothes, they both head out the room of the bomb shelter where they are greeted by several people passing them as they walk.

"Humans and dolls bringing the things they scavenge and selling them to the stall known as the 'mall' where various traders determine the prices, other than the Mall there are shops that is selling weapons, accesories, armor, food or body parts for the dolls and the blacksmith shop where sometimes destroyed dolls where strip for parts and being sold plus some weapons that are damage and can be repaired for a price. Weapons is varied from standard Russian weaponry that is plentiful to Western weapons that was captured during ww3 on some old armories stored away. Lastly particle based weaponry from Sangvis ferri dolls, downside is that its more expensive and difficult to wield, few practices and the weapon will be useful. Ammo can be scavenge from military vehicles, armory of the police station, the FOB set up by the military at the industrial district or the dead scavengers if you are lucky. Also ammo of all types can be bought from the shop which is made from scraps so the quality is not good but cheap, weapons are sold at the fair price but magazines have to be bought separately.

The law of the shelter 110 is that no fighting and killing is allowed inside the shelter and peace must be maintained whether your a doll or a human. The leadership of the city is split to three groups known as the Order faction, the Resistance faction and the Scavenger faction. The order holds most district of the city that houses several large bomb shelter except the residential district, the order prefer that law and social status should be in order to prevent dissent and chaos. They are considered as people who are city officials who remained and maintain the peace of the shelters, they are the primary source of weapons, supplies and food being distributed among the shelters and hold the most surviving police force known as 'Politsiya' also including the OMON and SOBR plus some specialized armed dolls. Even though powerful they did not engage in direct confrontation againt the Sangvis Ferri instead as a self defense security force of the shelters. Then the Resistance faction also coined as 'Partisans of Petrengrad' is a underground movement aiming to fight Sangvis ferri, most of the resistance is located at the residential area and controlled the Red star bomb shelter which is one of the biggest shelter in the city. Most members are civilians and dolls who take arms and few are experience such as veterans and the survivors from the military garison. Even though well equiped they lack sufficient training and thus suffer heavy casualties in most engagements against Sangvis Ferri and the Order faction itself. Lastly the scavenger faction known as 'Scavs' for most, they are people who scavenge for any material that can be used for anything and selling it to the market. Some of the scavs act as a trader to the Order and the resistance, scavs can be seen around the city and were mostly lightly armed and there are several groups in the Scavs as well. Though they are many groups but few standout such as the Mafia who were the boss is a Tdoll known as 'Balalaika'. The role of the dolls in the city is the same as humans as well, they have basic rights and have a free will to choose which is the best for them and thus they are treated as equal beings" Irina's mind clouded with the information

"Hey you been quiet for sometime?" Natalya asked her as they pass through the crowd

"I just have a dream again..makes my head hurts you know" Irina replied but suddenly a big guy bumpednyo her making him look at her

"Are you blind lass!?" The man growled at her

"I'm sorry, i did not look where i was going" Irina apologize to him but the man ignored her answer

"I said are you blind answer me!" He yelled again to her only to make Irina clench her fist and suddenly Natalya intervined

"Hey don't yell at her! She even said sorry to you!" Natalya shielded her and tightly grip her weapon

"I don't fucking care doll! I'm asking her and its not your business!" The man yelled at them gaining the attention of the people when suddenly the stall attendant break the commotion

"Knock it off Alexei, don't be such a hot headed blyat and if you want to make a commotion and my business get shutdown, i will fucking kill you"

"Tsk! Your lucky" The man left leaving the both of them and Natalya sigh in relief as the crowd disperse

"Thank you for saving our ass Nina" Irina thank her as Nina pat her head

"No problem, your our customer and i don't want my shop to be closed too" Nina chuckled as Natalya shake her hand

"Don't worry, we will give you good stuff after we loot and we have to go now" Irirna said to her making Nina curious as Natalya let go of her hand and wad carried away by Irina

"Your making me excited and good luck on your run!" Nina waved at them as they left

"That guy is a jerk but Nina saved us from that mess" Natalya said to her

"Its not a big deal and i can defend myself..but you intervine and Nina too" Irina said to Natalya making her laugh, they approach the massive door of the shelter guarded by a squad of security with the patch of russian politsiya,then Irina showed her card to them and the door opened

"Good luck outside comrade" The police officer said to them as they exited, they walked for several feet and the door behind them closed as the light opened and show the underground railway route. They walked and get off the platform where they spot several armed soldiers and dolls guarding the shelter door camped up outside with sandbags and pass the first checkpoint where the doll manning a DHSK heavy machine gun and three soldiers let them pass since they recognized her. They walked for several minutes and finds the station, Irina and Natalya vaulted on the platform and goes to the stairs where a rubble block the corridor. Then they took a right turn and entered the maintenance room where a hole to the other side of the rubble, they walk to the exit where they stopped and briefly looked at the ruins and abandoned buildings.

"How many shotgun shells you got?" Irina asked her as she check her weapon

"Eight buckshot shells, five slugs and three birdshots in summary sixteen shells. How about you?" Natalya wears her shell belt

"One reserve thirty round mag and one is in use" Irina replied as she check her pocket and put the reserve mag

"I guess once we go back we should buy ammo and extra mags" Natalya said to her as she sling her weapon and walks

"If the run today is good i will buy another two" Irina followed her as they walk through the buildings quickly, she recalls that there are several more enemies in the city other than Sangvis Ferri. ELID infected citizens are a threat even if you are well armed due that the skin is hardened and they are rather quick as well, there are types of infected such as the normies, soldat, smashers and lastly the abomination. Normies is a slang for ordinary infected and can be taken down easily if you aim for the head, downside is that they are mostly in a group walking around the city but luckily the engagement can be avoided easily. Next is the soldat or soldier infected, these guys is almost the same as the normies but more dangerous since they can use weapons, good thing is that accuracy is random and most shots are just spray. They have also a disadvantage where you can make them runout of ammo and escape since they can't reload. Then the smasher who are massive infected that resembles a body builder but more taller and massive, they are tough to kill and strong that they can hurl vehicles and stones. Good thing is that they are rare to see and it was instructed to avoid them if they see one because if you decided to pick a fight with a smasher, your a already a dead person. Lastly the Abomination which is a variant of the smasher but more bigger and powerful, stories at the shelter claim they saw one and can wiped out a platoon of infanrty but this variant is not yet confirmed and thus remained as a urban legend. Other than infected sometimes there are bandits and insurgents who are conducting chaos in daily basis making them a threat to most citizens

"How far is the location?" Irina asked as they walk carefully on the side of the streets

"Four blocks on the right, next to the parking lot of a hardware store" Natalya replied as she lower her head to avoid the lying metal bars as Irina duck and continues to follow her, several minutes of walking they entered a alley then goes inside the door where they stop inside the retail store and across the road they saw the location where it was a postal office next to a hardware shop

"That's the target" Natalya point it to her as she take her weapon while Irina looked at both sides of the road and makes sure it was clear. Seeing no enemies Irina and Natalya sprinted across the road and stop at the door of the post office then Irina unslung her weapon and signals Natalya for a breach, they kick the door and both raise their weapon. Seeing no response they lowered their weapons and walks inside where they saw heaps of boxes

"This place is primo" Irina muttered as she closed the door while Natalya explore the office and found the storage room. Then she entered and found a box which she uses a knife and opened one box nearest to her

"Look at this, a water filter for survivalist and it still on the plastic" Natalya put it on her bag as Irina opened a box

"This box has computer parts and was about to be delivered but sucks to the office that they won't be able to deliver it" Irina chuckles as she put it on her bag while Natalya opened several boxes and put the contents on her bag. Irina did the same and found some medications and medical equipment

"I think this one is a patient that is discharge, look at these stuff" Irina put them on her bag, after several minutes they zip their bags and ready to leave when Natalya looked behind at boxes that is not opened yet

"I think we should come back in next few days" Natalya said as Irina think for ideas

"I guess your right, next few days we will return but this time with someone else" Irina replied making Natalya suprised

"But we found it first" Natalya tried to reason to her

"I know but think of the future, everyone will respect us and we will gain more favorable deals. Remember our first run where Nina told us that Pharmacy" Irina replied to her

"I see, but we will leave a marking so wait for me" Natalya goes back and wrote on a piece of paper. Then she posted it on the window and regroup to Irina

"Done and they will know it was us who found it first" Natalya brags as they walk across the road then they re entered the retail store and exited at the alley. Where they used the same route and passed the robbed jewelry store which they marked it as a landmark. Few minutes of walking at the side of the road they were suddenly opened fire and they both take cover behind a flipped out vehicle

"Fucking Bandits!" Natalya yelled as she return fire while Irina takes a deep breath and return fire as well before reloading

"Ditch the backpack since its too heavy" Irina signals Natalya and they began to take off their backpack. Then the shooting stopped and they waited which they saw three lightly armed bandits emerging from cover and advancing to them

"Three to two, that's fair. Natalya kill the nearest one then i will engage the other two, after killing him move to that trash bin making them distracted. Once they are distracted i will sprint to their cover, got it?" Natalya nods while Irina check her magazine and tap it on the ground realizing that it was half full then she reinserted it and signals Natalya. As the nearest bandit closed in Natalya emerge and fired her shotgun killing the bandit in an instant while the other bandits where about to react only to be fired upon by Irina as Natalya sprinted to the trash bin making the other two take cover hastily on a store. Irina then sprint to the store where the two bandits is hiding while Natalya suppress them before reloading making a opportunity to Irina as she jumped right at the bandit who is about to draw his weapon only to be tackled and Irina shot the bandit dead at point blank. The last bandit confused open fire with his pistol grazing Irina on the right hip, Irina aimed her weapon at the bandit and press the trigger only to click realizing that her weapon is jammed. Instead she picked up a empty bottle ran to the last bandit and smash him with a bottle knocking him on the ground, seeing for a kill Natalya repeatedly stab the bandit at the neck. Natalya then ran towards the store only to see her stabbing the bandit to death

"Irina stop he's dead" Natalya cautiosly approached Irina and she grab both of her arms

"...He's a threat..." Irina breathes heavily and sweating due of exhastion, after calming down she stand up and picked up her weapon and sling it. Then she stripped of the weapons of the dead and anything valuable while Natalya returned holding their bagpacks

"Let's call it a day shall we?" Natalya gave the backpack to Irina and she nods

"I guess so...lets sell these tommorow cause i want to take a breather..also we need to leave before the Sangvis QRF arrived" Irina take out her pack of cigarretes containing two, she take out one stick and light it as they walk back to their shelter


Hello there and thank you for reading chapter 1 of the Escape from petrengrad and i would like to thank several people especially Javlarvafan for making the cover font and for the update schedule well i will focus more on my SOD story so this story might get updated once every two months maybe. Lastly stay hydrated and don't be sick cause daddy Veylok will slap some 45 cal to your head XD

Also Veyverse pffft!

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