Los Santos Adventures

Bởi DrexhunterCross

34.8K 1K 518

Hey guys here's another chapter. Now i know it's out of the blue and it seems kind of odd. But have a read an... Xem Thêm

Los Santos (Ch.1)
Business (Ch.2)
A Job for Three (Ch.3)
Michael De Santa (Ch.4)
Preparation (Ch.5)
Jewellery Heist (Ch.6)
Race Spot (Ch.7)
Alexa (Ch.8)
Training (Ch.9)
Lamar's Heist (Ch.11)
A New Player (Ch.12)
Choices We Make (Ch. 13)
Crew (Ch. 14)
Patching things up (Ch. 15)
Prison Break (Ch.16)
The Mess (Ch.17)
Military problems (Ch.18)
Business Plans (Ch.19)
Sandy Shores (Ch.20)

Racing Off (Ch.10)

1.3K 49 11
Bởi DrexhunterCross

[Y/N Pov]

Y/N: "So... Who's the guy I'm racing?"

Izzy sat beside me as we wait near my car. We were near the outskirts of the city this time around. Izzy wearing a suit, while I wore a white shirt with a waistcoat hugging my sides.

It wasn't my choice. I would've come in my jeans and a top. But Ms. Molly thought it fitting since we're now placing massive bets on my races.

Izzy: "Not too sure."

I turned to Lucky, he's smoking a cigar, and hands it over to me.

Lucky: "Oh, you're going to like this one."

I took a quick puff of his cigar and handed it back to him.

Y/N: "Well... He's not late like the other one at least."

On cue a car comes speed around the corner, it was a Benefactor Schafter. 

Having a nice orange/red scheme with its color and as the cool pulled up. I smiled amused, seeing a kid no older than seventeen.

He waves at us and I looked to Izzy as he chuckles. I punch him and stand up, walking over to his car. He had his window closed and tapped on the wind asking him to open it.

He slowly opens the window, only halfway and coughs.

???: "Hello..."

I nod.

Y/N: "Hey. Names Y/N. You?"

He chuckles looking the other way.

???: "Ah... I'm not allowed. I mean, my name Ricky."

I open his door and he steps out, I held my hand out to shake his hand.

Y/N: "Nice to meet you, Ricky."

Ricky: "Yeah... Um. Same."

Y/N: "So what's a teenager doing here?"

He looked away and I touched a never, as I tapped his roof.

Y/N: "Reminds me of my old car when I was in school. Hope you've got the power to keep up."

He nods and smiles.

Y/N: "Good... I want a good race."

He grins and I tap his shoulder.

Y/N: "Good... Good... Alright then. Lucky if you'd be so kind."

Lucky walks over with a small camera crew, I turn to them and I pointed to the cameraman.

Y/N: "You better fucking, blur his face."

He gulps and nods.

Lucky: "Alright boys, you know how this works, it's not only titles in this race. But your cars, are you both ready."

I hand my pink slip to Lucky and watch the kid dig it through his pocket then hands it to Lucky.

Lucky: "Alright then gentlemen. Get to your cars."

As I'm about to walk off Ricky, turns to me.

Ricky: "May the best man win."

I nodded and shook his hand.

Y/N: "May the best man. I expect to see you at the bottom."

Ricky chuckles and steps into his car. While Izzy walks with me.

Izzy: "Reminds of you on your first race."

Y/N: "Yeah... Remember that guy, three times my size, and nearly killed me when I won."

I stepped into my car and Izzy taps the roof.

Izzy: "See you at the bottom."

Starting my car, I made my self to the makeshift starting line and waited for Lucky.

Lucky: "Ready... Set... GO!"

[Time Skip]

We raced down Los Santos roads, we were neck and neck most of the time, Ricky was living up to his 15th spot and I smiled pleased as I take the corner, with him now finally in my rear-view mirror.

Y/N: 'Come on kid... You can do better than that.'

I watched him take the corner narrowly missing an oncoming car, he speeds up and I turn drifting into the corner.

Then I spot the finish line two roads down, it wasn't a test or lucky that was keeping me ahead of the kid. It was skill and years of experience, as I drift into the corner and speed up to the finish line, I come in first with Ricky, only a few seconds after me.

The crowd cheered and I stepped out of the car, throwing my fist in the air as people cheered.

Lucky: "And the Newcomer has come in first again, now getting the 15th spot. Let's give him a round of applause ladies and gentlemen."

The crowd cheered and I smiled, then walked over to Ricky, he was pinching the bridge of his nose and I opened the door.

Y/N: "Come on kid, step out with me."

Ricky: "But i... I lost."

I nearly pulled him out of the car and held my hands out. As Ricky stood beside me, he was shaking and I placed my arm over his shoulder. Then pointed to him...

Y/N: "Look at this kid... He's going to be something else in a few years. Ain't that right people!!!"

The crowd cheered and the kid looked at me as I picked him up placing him on my shoulder. Then I started to scream at the crowd.

"Y/N: "Kid! Kid!! Kid!!!"

Crowd: "Kid! Kid!! Kid!!!"

I put the kid on the floor and chuckled, as his fear seemed to wash away. Then I watched Lucky come over with the pink slip for his car and I took it, then turned to Ricky holding my hand out for a shake.

He shakes it and when it was done, I held out his pink slip.

Ricky: "What-"

Y/N: "Keep racing kid."

He takes it hesitantly and I point to the kid, making the crowd scream. Then give the kid a quick bro hug.

Y/N: "Well kid it's been fun."

Ricky: "Yeah... Thanks, Newcomer."

Y/N: "Don't mention it... We should give you the name David, like in the old bible. Cause in a few years you'll be knocking out giants."

He grinned from ear to ear, shocked by what I just said and I turned to the crowd.

Y/N: "David! David!! David!!!"

Crowd: "David! David!! David!!!"

He looked at me and I chuckled, pulling him closer into the camera.

Y/N: "This is the Newcomer and-"

Ricky: "Um...David."

Lucky: "And that's our race."

[Time Skip]

After the race, I spoke to Ricky for a bit, he was young. Actually seventeen and was in high school. When a few guys offered him drinks, I told them to piss off. Knew to many kids that thought they'd be fine driving while drunk. Plus I'm included in that, accidents happen.

Through most of the evening, Izzy and I looked after the kid, he was very freaked out when he went to the secret club and didn't feel like he should be here. So, when it came to 11 O'clock we walked him out. Watching him drive off, pleased to still have his car.

Izzy punched my shoulder playfully.

Izzy: "Well, wasn't this cute. Now we don't have a car to sell."

Y/N: "We'll get more chances later on. Besides the kid doesn't look like he can afford another car anyway."

Izzy nodded.

Izzy: "Ain't that the truth..."

He downs his drink and I shake my head, walking over to our table in the VIP section.

Izzy: "Well this was fun. What next?"

I simply shrugged my shoulders.

Y/N: "Yeah... That's true."

I got up from my seat and looked to the stairs.

Y/N: "Want to have a lookup there?"

Izzy: "No thanks... I'm good here."

With that, I walked up the steps and stepped into the crowd of people. With the same sense of madness as before, as dancers and club members carry on. However, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I was already knew something bad was about to happen.

But when I turned around it was... Emily... Alexa's friend and her boyfriend standing right behind me.

Emily: "Hey um-"

Y/N: "What are you guys doing here? Where is your blond friend? Is he going to try another sucker punch or should I be ready for the knife? this time around?"

???: "No... No... Lucas is um, somewhere and we were-."

I blew out my cigarette smoke to the side and looked at them, listening to this guy go on, I can see Emily staring at me and I turn to her.

Y/N: "What?"

Emily: "You're a real asshole!"

I look to her.

Y/N: "Well darling, when someone pulls a hammer on you and starts breaking your shit. Call me and tell me how it feels."

Emily: "Mmmh. Like you weren't threatening enough as is!"

I grabbed the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath.

Y/N: "I'm not in the mood for this crap... Why are you here if you're only trying to cause a fight?"

Her boyfriend whispers into her ear and thanks to the sound of music. I had no idea what they were talking about. Emily gives me this look and I just watch her as she mouths something to him.

Emily: "Fine!"

She looks at me and speaks up.

Emily: "I'm sorry... We're all sorry."

I rolled my eyes, then just examined her. She may have said sorry. But, her body didn't exactly portray that. Taking a puff of my cigarette and blow it to the side. I finally speak up.

Y/N: "Thank you and I'm sorry too. Now, can I please go before you two try to kill me or whatever you want to do."

I was already reaching for my glass and heading for the bar for a refill when my arm is grabbed.

Y/N: "You better let go of me... Or, you better have a good reason to be stopping me."

Emily: "Did you touch her!?"

I turned around and looked her dead in the eyes.

Y/N: "My god... You really think, I'm the freak. No... No, I did not. I've said this close to five times now and if you don't believe me, then your clearly deaf."


I turn to him.

Y/N: "And she's holding my arm... What must I do here buddy? Heck, what do you even want?"

Emily finally let go of my arm and I marched off, heading for the bar. As I'm standing in front of Juliet, she could tell I was angry.

Juliet: "What's wrong?"

I hand her my glass and she gets me a clean one.

Y/N: "Just a bunch of kids acting like police officers!"

I down my drink and she pours me another and I down a second one.

Y/N: "Fuck this... Not even two minutes up here and I'm ready to get into a fight."

Already grabbing my VIP card ready to leave. About to reach the VIP door, about to walk down the stairs. I feel someone grabbing my arm now and I'm ready to lose my shit.

Y/N: "Listen... I don't know who you and if you ask me to take another damn photo or something. I will- Alexa..."

I had turned and remained silent.

Alexa: "Hi..."

Y/N: "Hey..."

I peeked around the music-filled room. Not spotting any of her friends, I grab her hand and turn back to the bodyguards.

Y/N: "Hey this is my guest... She's got a few friends with her. If they're looking for her, send them down."

They look at each other and shrug their shoulders allowing it, barely. But I brought her downstairs, Izzy looks at me.

As we sat across from one another, Izzy looks at me than the bar.

Izzy: "If you'll excuse me for a moment."

He walks off not even want to hear an answer and I look to Alexa. Scratching my chin in thought, not sure what to say.

Y/N: "Are you alright?"

Alexa looks up.

Alexa: "I'm, sorry for what my friends did."

I chuckled and she finally broke a smile, even if she seemed down.

Y/N: "It's fine... It's not the first time someone's attacked me with a hammer, as odd as that sounds. I've faced much worse. So how have you been?"

She grins and I could feel my smile coming back on.

Alexa: "Well... I've been at Vespucci Beach. I was hoping I could phone you and say sorry. But... We never exchanged phone numbers?"

I scratched the back of my neck.

Y/N: "Yeah... That was definitely my bad."

She nods and a girl comes over placing two drinks on our table.

Server: "For your guest sir."

I look to her, then Alexa.

Y/N: "Uh, thank you."

She nods.

Sever: "Anything else to drink or eat?"

I looked at Alexa and she shook her head. I took a moment and smiled.

Y/N: "Can we please get... A large plate of Nacho's and can you also bring this lovely lady a Margarita."

Sever: "Of course, sir."

She walks off and Alexa smiles.

Alexa: "You remembered."

Y/N: "Of course... I don't want to forget that night, so... I made sure to make mental notes on the things that we ate that night."

Alexa blinked taking a moment.

Alexa: "What, why?"

Y/N: "Because, if I ever got a second date with you. I would want to know where I can take you. So we can go to the best. Sushi restaurant in town."

Alexa: "I never met anyone who thinks like that?"

I shrugged my shoulder, picking up the free drink given to us.

Y/N: "Maybe, I'm just strange." I raise my glass "Too?"

Alexa: "Our, second date."

She taps my glass, I looked flushed and happy. I glance over to Izzy giving me a thumbs up.

[Time Skip]

We didn't stay up all night like before. I learned my error. After our starters and Alexa's main drink. She got a message from her friends. She went upstairs and brought them down.

They were kinda shocked when they got into the VIP room. I thought we might have another fight break out. Like before. But, Alexa calmed them down and we all started drinking. Even Izzy seemed to be having fun.

I'm pretty sure we were the loudest table there. I didn't care one bit though, these were a bunch of rich people and they didn't know how to have fun like this.

As the night went on Alexa slowly made her way towards me with ever free space found. At some point, I just remember her leaning into my chest with me holding her. As we drank the night away.

A few hours later, we're all grabbing cab home. Even when I'm shit faced, I know... I shouldn't be driving. So I parked my car around the corner in a mall area. Then I got into a van with Alexa, by my side was Emily.

The drive felt like a moment in the van and as we finally got to Alexa's place. I'm ready to say goodnight and use the cab to go home like Izzy. However, Alexa leads me upstairs the stairs to her place.

When I stepped into the condo I was personally surprised, It was small, yes. But for the four of them. They were doing well, two rooms and two bathrooms. Plus, a small kitchen.

Alexa told me they were all friends from high school along with four more on the opposite side in a different condo. Every summer they would come to Los Santos as kids. Now they come here as grownups.

She brought me to every room, her words were slurred due to the alcohol and I tried my best to hold back my laughter. When Emily and Jason finally came out of their separate rooms. They were shown in their underwear and tired.

Jason: "Alright, you two come on, it's nearly four am. Y/N you can chill in our room."

Yet, Alexa held my arm.

Alexa: "No he's staying with me~"

I chuckled and Emily spoke up.

Emily: "You don't have that kind of room here and I'm not going to listen to the two of you go on and on, all night long."

Alexa: "Your just suspicious~"

Jason and I saw a fight about to break out. So we stepped between them.

Y/N: "It's not a big deal."

Jason: "Baby, you know how she is when she's like this. It will be fine."

However, Alexa spoke up.

Alexa: "But you guys only have two beds and there aren't any other beds here, where is he going to sleep?"

I turned to Jason, who shrugs his shoulders and I look at him.

Y/N: "I am not cuddling you dude... How about the couch."

Alexa: "Perfect~"

Emily had come over and was pulling her into the room.

Emily: "NO... NO... NO!"

She locked the door and I turned to Jason, I could feel the alcohol effects wearing off.

Y/N: "Listen, I'm pretty sure I can catch a cab. Back to my place so-"

Jason: "No ways dude. You're staying here. Let me get you a pillow and a blanket."

He walks off and I lay down on the couch. It was comfortable and big enough for me to lie down on with my feet not hanging over the edge. When Jason finally came back. I was close to passing out and just slept.

[Later in the Morning]

[Jason Pov]

The condo was silent. It was probably two in the afternoon, was anyone awake in this little group? Ahhh...


But, Jason was the first.

He had sleep in his eyes and was drained. The only thing he had on was his glasses and last night's underwear.

Jason raised his arms and stretched as he walked over to the kitchen.

Jason: "Water... Need... Water."

He's walked past the living room and was in the kitchen. He's grabbed a bottle of water in the fridge and quickly downs it. He sighs feeling the pain from last night's drinking session subsiding. He's reaching over and grabs an apple from the stacks of fruit they bought the day before.

Jason took one deep breath and smiled.

Jason: 'Good morning...'

He started at the coffee machine, hearing it boil away. Taking another bite from his apple. He notices his guest's clothing on a chair hanging. He laughs mentally.

Jason: "Poor dude, still out cold."

He got an evil idea believing it would be fun to mess with his guest. He quietly tip-toed to the edge of the room, where he had closed the blind so no sunlight could come in.

He chuckled as he opens the blinds and spoke.

Jason: "Morning! Sleeping beauty!"

As the sunlight filtered in and my very own eyes finally adjusted. He looked down at his new guest and a possible new friend. He remained silent as the light gleamed onto his face.

Y/N: "Four more minutes, please... I swear I'll get ready for school."

Jason chuckles, turning to the guy and notices a third arm sticking out smaller than his, the cover slowly rises, a strip of blonde hair is shown. Alexa finally poked her out of the cover.

Alexa: "What are you talking-" 

She had rubbed whatever little sleep out of her eyes, then sat up to see Jason staring at her with his mouth dangling in shock. She looked down and finally noticed she was topless.

Alexa: "AHHHH!"

The scream was so loud it woke everyone up, especially Y/N as he grabbed his ears in pain. He looked up to see Alexa's perfect breasts and his eyes shot open.

Y/N: "What the-"

Alexa had quickly wrapped them, with the blanket, then turned to Jason.

Alexa: "JASON!!!"

I finally got the message and covered my eyes as I hear everyone running out of their rooms.

Emily: "What wrong!?"

Lucas: "What happened!"

[Y/N Pov]

I sat up and finally realized where I was. I saw Alexa right in front of me and was watching me. I had caught only a snippet of her naked body. But that wasn't the question on my mind.

Y/N: "When did you move?"

Alexa: "Stop staring!"

I reached over and grabbed my shirt quickly covering her. I turned back to the group.

Y/N: "Can we all please close our eyes for a moment."

They quickly did and I do the same. I felt Alexa quickly change beside me and only ever opened my eyes until she told us we could.

As I opened them. Alexa was staring into my eyes.

Alexa: "Ahh, good morning, how did you sleep?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

Y/N: "Good... Although I remember going to bed alone."

Emily slapped her head.

Emily: "She took the keys in her drunken state."

Jason: "Yeah... That sounds like drunk Alexa."

Alexa: "Can we all stop talking about drunk Alexa and me like we're not the same person!"

I slowly got to my feet and yawned.

Y/N: "Yeah... I'm fine with it, besides my pants are still on so nothing happened." I yawned into my hand and looked at all of them. "What are you guys staring at?"

Jason: "Dude..."

Lucas: "What the hell..."

I look down and can still see my pants on, plus I didn't have a boner so I didn't see the problem.

Y/N: "What? What's wrong?"

They were all silent and I grabbed the side of my head.

Y/N: "Sorry, can I please use your bathroom."

Emily: "Seco-"

Y/N: "Second door on the right, I remember."

I had walked past them and had locked the door behind me.

[Jason Pov]

We were all silent. I looked to everyone kind shocked and unsure of what to say.

Jason: "Ahh, did we just see that or-"

Lucas: "Shit..."

Emily: "Wow... He's got some stories to tell, ain't that right Alexa~"

However, Alexa was silent as she was blushing from ear to ear.

Alexa: "Wow~"

[Y/N's Pov]

After a quick shower.

I heard a knock at the door.

Alexa: "Hi, so I've got some clothes for you, i-"

I already opened the door and see Alexa waiting outside.

Y/N: "Thanks is this-"

Alexa: "Jason's he thinks they'll fit."

Before I can even tell her it's fine, she's already going for the other bathroom and I sigh. Closing the door and put the stuff on.

It was odd wearing Jason's clothing. Mainly because he was wrong about the size, he was smaller than me. He gave me a pair of jeans. A black T-shirt and some socks. But they were all tight.

Y/N: "Did I get bigger or do I need to lose some weight?"

I turned to my body in the mirror. Studying my body. I was fit and built, and yes, I do train every second day. It might be for a few hours. But, well the reason was simple, I either had nothing to do or just did it. It was something I did in prison. Plus, it just seemed right to carry on training and having a regiment like this

My hands grab my stomach and chest, trying to tell if I've picked up weight and I nodded.

Y/N: "Yeah... I think I need to go to an actual gym. Doing it at the shop isn't kicking it. Not anymore, or I should probably stop eating take out."

With that, I strolled out of the bathroom. Greeted by Jason and Emily as they see me. Still staring at me.

Y/N: "Not to be rude Jason. But I think you're maybe a size smaller than me?"

He chuckles and nods. I glance at my bed from the previous night and clean it up. Then found my phone on the coffee table. I had two missed calls. Both from Lester.

I bit the bullet and call Lester.

The phone rings for a moment and he finally picks up.

Lester: "Where the fuck are you?"

Y/N: "Good afternoon to you too. What's wrong?"

Lester: "The job... It's changed were doing it tomorrow."

I looked back at Jason and Emily as they slowly cut up some fruit. I lower my voice.

Y/N: "Alright, I'll be there, anything else?"

Lester: "Not at the moment... Just hope your new blood is ready."

I scratched the back of my neck.

Y/N: "Yeah... Same. Talk later, Lester."

Lester: "Be at my shop an hour before the job."

Y/N: "Got it."

He hung up and I pocketed my phone. Rubbing my eyelids and face.

Emily: "Still sleepy?"

Y/N: "Yes... Coffee please."

I got to my feet and looked at the couple, they pass me a cup and I sit at their table on their terrace. I didn't want to stay for long, but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to Alexa either. I light a cigarette and stared at the beach for a moment, pleased.

Y/N: 'I'd like to have a place here... On the beach. Should look into that.'

I looked at my phone, making a quick note and heard the glass door open, finding Lucas staring at me.

Lucas: "Oh... Your awake."

He said that in a tone, that it be impossible not to hear it.

Y/N: "Good morning to you too."

He sat opposite to me and stared at the cigarette in my hand.

Lucas: "Smoking is bad for your lungs and health."

I looked at him and took another puff.

Y/N: "So is worrying and fatty foods. So what's your point?"

Lucas looked at me and looked the other way, I stared at him and took another puff of my cigarette.

Y/N: "Why so much hate for my anyway?"

Lucas: "I don't know... Maybe because Alexa likes you."

He crossed his arms over his chest and I shook my head.

Y/N: "Really..."

Lucas: "I know her better than you."

I nodded.

Y/N: "Of course you do... You've known her for years, while I've had two days."

Lucas: "She'll leave you... Soon enough... and I'll be there to pick her up after you break her heart."

I looked at my phone, it was a message from Izzy and a car he needs me to find for the job with Devin Weston.

Y/N: "Speaking from personal experience or was that when she put you in the friend zone?"

I took a puff of my cigarette as

Lucas glared at me and I rolled my eyes. Lucas is smaller than me, having no real muscles on him. Except I was maybe shorter by a head or so compared to him

Lucas: "It doesn't matter what you say. You know I'm right."

I glanced at him and scratched my temple for a moment.

Y/N: "You've got a real sense about you. You know that."

Lucas: "At least I have an honest job, unlike you that needs to gamble it all away in stupid races. What kind of life can you offer here."

I looked at Lucas and glanced at my phone, this time it was Franklin. I sent him a message about a gym or a place to work out. He's got a number for me to call.

Y/N: "Why don't you mind your own business and deal with your own problems."

Lucas: "You are my problem."

I looked at my phone and typed the number down.

Y/N: "If I become your problem... You wouldn't be talking."

I put my phone to my ear. Quickly looking at Lucas.

Y/N: "If you're really as good as you say, you wouldn't be looking for a fight with me or would have dented my car."

Lucas: "Fuck you!"

I tilted my head to the side.

He stared at me and I killed my cigarette in their ashtray, then got up from my seat. As the phone started to ring

Y/N: "Your mother tried. I said no, didn't want to become your step dad. But it's been fun Lucas."

At that second the door opened and I finally got a hold of the gym.

For the next few minutes, I ask them where they are set and I learn that they are actually on the beach, something of an open gym for the public. Having classes and such for certain days, when i was finally done Alexa walks over to me with a bowl of freshly cut fruit.

Alexa: "Morning."

Y/N: Morning."

She leaned kissed my cheek and took me outside where we sat on the terrace.

Alexa: "So... What do you think?"

Y/N: "About what?"

I ate a red grape in hand.

Alexa: "About our second date."

I titled my head to the side and chewed on the grape for a moment.

Y/N: "It was... Amazing as usual."

Alexa giggled and I stared at her for a moment. Then I saw a message on my phone, then sighed.

Alexa: "What?"

Y/N: "No... I've. Well got to get to work."

I kissed her lips and spoke up.

Y/N: "Talk later?"

Alexa: "Sure."

Y/N: "Alright, stay safe, and." I looked up at every one I've met. "Thanks for the food and letting me sleep here."

Jason: "No problem."

Emily: "Don't be a stranger now."

Lucas sent me a glare and I chuckled.

Y/N: "Stay safe."

With that, I walked out of the condo and pulled out my phone.

Y/N: "Alright, I'm here Izzy. What do you need?"

Izzy: "The car's in Brockford hills at house 54. On 7th Avenue."

Y/N: "Consider it, done."

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