Soul Reactor

由 horhecoolz04

379 189 62

Josh Mavric, just an ordinary guy, had an accident that one day changed the course of his own life. First, he... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

23 15 5
由 horhecoolz04

"were now here mark, back to civilization." josh said as they landed on the port of caraga in davao oriental

They were both now at the port where the port officials all wonder what happened to them. It was already about 6pm as josh last checked his watch.
"its josh mavric!"

"yes, it is! What are you doing here?! and all wet!"

"i was just rescuing this boy from certain doom in the seas." josh said as the port officials all have no comment. "For now, can I go towards a hotel where we can have a nice shower?"

"y-yes! Of course! But you must also explain to us what just happened along the way."

"sure, thats no problem." josh said before they all go towards a car

Inside the car, josh explained everything that has happened during his trip to the pacific ocean, which the port officials have no comment on aside from sadness. Even as they left josh with the boy in that hotel, as the boy wouldnt leave his side, josh booked a room for both of them on that hotel.

"hey mark, can you wash yourself by the way?" josh asked mark when they got inside the room

"yes, I can." mark said as he sat on a bed

"good, though we have to also dry up what your carrying right now. Can you give it to me?" josh said as mark nears him

As josh looks closely at the boy, he was like an american kid, right about 8-10 years old.

"can you promise not to take this away from me?" mark

"sure, I wont. Im just gonna dry that as well." josh

"what about you mister? When are you going to get a bath?" mark

"after you mark, besides, I can dry myself a bit." josh said laying his hand out

"alright then, here it is." mark said as he gave to josh the remote control of the drone

"this is like a remote control of sorts for a drone! This is what that idiot boss left for his only child?" josh said as he gripped the handle of the remote

"dont be mad mister." mark said comforting josh
"the name is josh kid, josh mavric, remember that." josh said patting marks head

"my name is mark skipper by the way! Say, do you know where dad might be?" mark

"im afraid that hes long gone mark, im sorry." josh

"its alright. He was a good dad to me, and taught me many things. Though he was still very busy with his work." mark

"what was his work by the way?" josh

"his normal work is being the head professor at an english university. Though I don't go there, they say that my dad was meant for great things." mark

"and where is your mom?" josh

"my moms dead, giving birth to me." mark

"oh, alright then. Can you take a bath for now?" josh

"ok." mark said as he heads towards the bathroom

"please put your clothes on your bed later so that I can also dry them!" josh said before mark agrees

While mark was also bathing, josh turned on the remote for the drone to see what was captured. After a few minutes of watching, he saw what might be signs of a lost city under the sand, all before the drone itself was crushed due to pressure.

"this really is the find of the century. I have to report this to general cesar." josh said being surprised and all

as he also dries his phone using the hair dryer that he asked from the reception, 2 souls came to him.

"thank you." the souls said before they vanished

"hahh.. if only the father hadnt gone to this adventure of his, his son would still have a father to look up to. Hahh.." josh sighed at the thought

After finishing the drying of his phone, he checks if it still works before making a call to president dutuer

"hello sir dutuer! Its josh speaking!"

"oh! how has it been josh?--"

"im fine, but please listen to what I have to say."

"is it an emergency?"

"no, but I just have to report to someone for this."

"alright then, let me hear about it."

Josh then told his report about his mission in both libya and the pacific ocean.

"i see. So, where is the boy now?"

"hes with me in a hotel. Im planning to head for manila by tomorrow."

"dont bother. i will have someone come to you instead."

"really? Thank you mr president."

"no need for thanks! You have saved me a lot of trouble with the drug problem. If only you would also help with my problem with the communists."

"like I said, the problem with the communists lies not in violence, but more on how to prevent them from recruiting more young soldiers for their cause, which makes it seriously complicated to handle."

"even you cant handle such a task huh."

"yes, since I really don't know the solution to the communist problem, I can only assume to for you to stop them from recruiting more rebels from their means like hypnotism and such."

"yes, right. Anyways, I will contact the US president myself for your report on your mission to monitor both parties of treasure hunters."

"yes, they were really a handful."

"thank you for that mr president. And thank you for tomorrow."

"save it for tomorrow josh, and good night." dutuer said before he cuts the line

"hey josh! Im done!" mark said right after his phone call was finished

"good. Now its my turn to wash." josh said as he grabs his towel

After a nights sleep at the hotel, they were then accompanied by military personnel in the morning, back towards davao city where the mayor was waiting in place of the president.

"glad to finally meet you josh mavric, im shara dutuer." shara said reaching out her hand

They were now at davao airport where josh was scheduled to be picked up by a helicopter, towards manila. Where josh things were also picked up from the previous hotel that he stayed.

"yes, glad to meet you too miss dutuer, and thanks." josh said shaking her hand

"you know my dad, just call me shara." shara

"alright miss shara, and may I ask on what business would you have for me?" josh
"well, lets talk over a drink of coffee at mcdonalds." shara

"oh, I don't drink coffee anymore. My mom is very pesky when it comes with me and coffee." josh

"alright then. I will treat you to a burger and fries, you have travelled a long distance from caraga have you not? And I also want to hear from you your adventures." shara

"sure, its no problem right mark?" josh said to mark

"yes, I would like to eat now. Im starving." mark said with a smile

They then ate at mcdonalds where josh told shara of all his adventures.

"please do make sure to not tell anyone else about my adventures or missions, alright?" josh

"yes, yes. I get it. Dad wont even tell me what your adventures were like." shara

"well, is it time yet?" josh

"oh, its already time now. Well, glad to have spoken with you josh." shara

"no, it was my pleasure." josh said as they shook hands again

With that, they parted ways and josh flew towards manila, just to meet with president dutuer at the malacanang for a meeting.

"say josh, did shara say anything to you?" dutuer

They were now at dutuers office where they held a small meeting

"nope, its only that she wishes to hear all about my adventures, and the truth behind them." josh

"i see. Hahh.. anyways, can I also see the whats in the video?" dutuer said to mark who was still the one holding the remote for the drone

"sure, though what are you going to do with it after watching?" mark

"we are just going to take the memory card and give the remote control back to you." dutuer

"nope, I want both. Its a reminder of what i had before all this." mark
"sir, how about just copying the memory card?" josh

"that sounds fair enough." dutuer

"if I will still have both, then I agree." mark said as he hands over the remote control of the drone

"say, is this battery operated?" dutuer

"the last time I checked, its batteries are built in. And the batteries are currently low right now. So its better if you just copy the memory card before viewing it." josh

"alright then." dutuer said as he signals for his secretary to buy another memory card

After a while of josh reporting or telling dutuer about all his adventures, buying a memory card, and copying the contents, dutuer was finally able to watch the video from the remote control.

"like, wow. I cant believe all that is just under the sea!" dutuer

"yes, I would agree." josh

"whats more, you have also directed others towards the direction of 2 other lost cities. Its certainly the discovery of the century!" dutuer

"Yes, I know." josh

"josh, you should really ask for more secrets to the souls. What secrets would those souls have about our past." dutuer

"sir, some things are more important than the past or any other treasure in the world, so I would like to have you remember that." josh

"ah, yes. Sorry I lost my cool back there." dutuer

"anyways, what should we do with mark here?" josh

"as for that, I already have a plan. In fact, can I ask if you have a suit?" dutuer

The next day, josh was sent to england by dutuer as the temporary guardian of mark, and for another reason. As josh and mark arrived at the london airport, they were both greeted by a man in black, who drove them both towards the royal palace.

"Ah! There is josh mavric!" The queen said

They were now at the dining room where josh was taken to for lunch. There sitting beside the queen was a girl and a man.

"Greetings your majesty, queen mary jewels, on what occasion do i owe the pleasure of you calling me?" Josh

"I have heard all about your exploits, or your latest mission, and decided to give you an award for saving that dear boy." Mary said as she stood up from the table

"Oh? From where have you heard?" Josh said as he nears the queen

"From president dutuer of course, he intended to call the americans first, but called me instead as the boy is a citizen of england." Mary

"I see. And who might these people be?" Josh

"This is edward, the first prince and his daughter, eliza jewels." Mary said as she points to them

Both of them stood up so that they can go to josh.

"Edward jewels, first prince. I have already heard a lot about you josh mavric, and saw what you did at america. I even thought that it might be the end." Edward

"Yes, if you werent even there, it would have been. Eliza jewels by the way." Eliza said doing a curtsy

"Josh mavric, just your ordinary soul warrior, at your service." Josh said as he also bowed like a gentleman

"You call yourself ordinary? What jest!" Edward said laughing

"No, i mean it! My gifts were all given to me by the gods, and death itself, so im only a regular soul warrior." Josh

"I see that your humble, i can see that. But too much humility is like bragging, so just believe if we say that your not ordinary." Eliza

"Alright then, i will accept that as a compliment." Josh

"In any case, care to join us for lunch josh?" Mary

"Sure, it would be my pleasure." Josh

"Josh mavric, care to join me by my side?" Eliza said offering her hand

"Oh? Your quite the daring lady." Josh giving his hand

Both of them then goes to the queens right side to be seated.

"So you know your manners, thats good." Edward

"Yes, aside from anime, i did also learn from movies." Josh

"Anyways, as we eat, care to indulge us with your stories?" Mary

"Are you sure? You are one thing, but are you sure they can also listen?" Josh

"Can we mother?" Edward said as mary was thinking

"Alright then. As the next in line, you should also know this." Mary

"And what about me grandma?" Eliza

"Well, if you can keep your mouth shut on this, then you can listen as well." Mary said with a smile

"Yes!" Eliza said under her breath

"Haha, alright then. I will tell you guys everything." Josh said before the story telling started

Josh then told all about his adventures in a wholesome manner

"Like, wow. That was some kind of adventure you have, and in just a matter of how many months!" Edward said by the time josh finished

"Yes, but im afraid that im still far from my goal." Josh said as he finished eating

"And what is that?" Edward

"To correct the balance of the world, which also would mean that i would also need to eliminate wars eventually." Josh

"I see." Edward

"But no one can always eradicate wars josh, what your aiming is like a frog wanting to fly." Mary

"Yes, were all sinners in a way. so we cant eliminate wars as long as we stay self centered upon shallow ideals such as winning and losing, specially with pride." Josh

"So its true, that you are wise as you are intelligent." Eliza

"It just depends on the situation." Josh

"So how does one become like you josh?" Edward

"Now that, i will keep as a secret. I dont want just anyone to make a soul warrior as they please, it would be chaos!" Josh

"Oh, come on josh. Your goal is still far from reach is it not? Arent you tired already?" Edward

"No worries, my parents understands and fully supports me in my efforts. And i can always make more soul warriors myself, but without proper training and mindset, its just like giving an armed nuke to a baby." Josh

"But you also said right? With great power comes with great responsibility and sacrifice, so making soldiers--" edward

"Like i said sir edward, i wont tell." Josh

"Hahh.. fine, though can you just tell us, as a form of trust?" Edward

"And isnt holding unto such a big secret like a burden to you? Specially when you always need to tell the truth to the public. You also said that ignorance is bliss." Mary

"Hahh.. Alright then, though you must not dare tell anyone else about this, alright?" Josh

"Yes, we wont." Mary said as they all agree

"I will still mention this, even though i have already stated it in my interview the other time. Ways of activation: be activated by me, be activated by those activated by me, years of practice after activation of third eye, near death situations which activates the third eye, be activated under the same conditions as me, and be activated injecting the blood of soul warriors." Josh

"Wow, thats quite many." Eliza

"Yes, even though many, the chances of success are very low." Josh

"I see. If it was just that simple, why didnt you--?" Edward

"Like i said, its like giving an armed nuke to a baby. Also, havent you forgotten what hapoened in america?" Josh

"Yes, sorry for all his questions josh. Hes just very curious about you, thats all." Mary

"Mom, even though i maybe curious of josh, it doesnt mean im already a fan." Edward

"You arent? You always like to watch the news on how josh fought the elementals." Eliza

"Hahh.. why are you two ganging up against me." Edward said as both eliza and mary looked at each other smiling

"Thats the fate of men sometimes sir edward, you cant evade it. Just like with me." Josh said with a gesture

"A-anyways, we should be going now. Its already time for our next appointment." Edward

"Your right, its already 15 minutes past 1! We have to go now dad!" Eliza said standing up

"Alright then, you can both go now. Tell your wife my regards." Mary

As edsard stood up, eliza gave josh a kiss on the cheek before both of them exits the room.

"I still have my doubts about sir edward, your majesty. He seems like very eager to do something with that info." Josh

"Dont mind him, i have always known him and he will keep your secret just fine. Though i do worry about him sometimes, which is why i wont step down from my position just yet." Mary

"I see. If i may say something, your hunch might be on the spot. Since thats what my hunch is also telling me anyways. Oh, and im also leaving mark here with you." Josh

"oh yeah, I almost forgot about the boy. don't worry, my men will take care of him." mary

As mark was also sitting beside josh, he just agreed and didn't say anything due to many sudden events that he cant keep up.

"In any case, i will just contact you as well on the details of the awarding ceremonies. It was nice chatting with you by the way." Mary

"You too your majesty." Josh said before he stood up

With that, he exits the palace and into his hotel, where he did nothing but watch the news and watch anime.

"Hahh.. im bored." Josh

Josh just got done with the shower where he is going to change for the night.

"Do becareful what you wish for partner." Gilgamesh

"Yeah, i know." Josh said with a smile

*Doorbell rings*

"Whose there?" Josh said before he opens the door

As he opened the door, it was eliza which has visited him.

"Hi." Eliza said with a smile

"Oh boy." Josh said before he slowly closes the door

"Hold on there josh, cant we just talk?" Eliza said preventing the door from shutting

"Hahh.. fine. Come on in." Josh said walking towards his bed

Eliza then happily enters the room and closing the door behind her.

"Are you happy that im here right now?" Eliza said smiling

"Yes and no. Yes, im happy that you came, and im not because this might cause a ruckus." Josh said as he sat on the bed

"What kind of answer is that? Anyways, you dont have to worry about anything. No one has followed me here." Eliza

"Alright then, what do you want?" Josh

"Im kind of infatuated with you, you know. You have all that power and yet you just want to be lazy all the time." Eliza said as she sat beside josh

"Whose even lazy? Im working here for a living you know. It just happened that i need to deliver the boy to complete my mission." Josh

"Calm down, i get it. You already told us all about that, though i wonder on what really drives you to be a hero josh." Eliza

"Well, its just that the gods have given me a second life, which they chose me to bring balance to the world." Josh

"Based on your story, i thought that astral projection is kind of an easy teachnique or something that they always say on social media." Eliza

"Nope, there are always no shortcuts in life, which is why astral projection is kind of dangerous. One wrong step and your soul might never come back." Josh

"Oh, ok. No comment about that. Anyways, can you make me a soul something?" Eliza

"Huh? What brought that up? And why?" Josh

"You know, im friends with sara fujisaki, and she always tells me about you in our chat." Eliza said with a chuckle

"Oh, so what did she say?"

"She always said that you were the perfect person and the perfect teacher for her, though i wonder about that."

"Hey, im just an ordinary per--"

"Save that line for peoplewho dont know, like i said before, too much humility is like an insult."

"Pride is nothing compared to doing the right thing." Josh said as he patted her

"Hey, stop that. Your embarassing me, and you also dare touch a princess?"

"Haha, right now, only i have the power to do so. You already know dont you?"

"Yes, yes. I know. Well, your also kind of handsome and cute so i will let it slide. You can always pass off as an asian artist you know that?"

"Yes, i know. But i refrain from being like that and all, since getting attention in all places is quite troublesome as it seems."

"Your right about that. I even hope to become a soul something so that i can basically travel and see the world, just like what sara is doing now."

"A soul warrior miss eliza, but whats wrong with your current life?"

"Just call me eliza. And its just that i want to be free, free enough to gain more knowledge."

"You know eliza, your like me in the past, before i had work. Though the outside work is really not something anyone always expects it to be, which is why i was betrayed in the first place."

"I can see that. Even still, i wish to know more, and feel more."

"So your basically prepared no matter what it takes then?" Josh said as he stood

But as he stood up, his towel got loose and she ended up seeing his manhood.

"Whoa! Sorry about that!" Josh

"no worries about that, sara did also say that you were also amazing in bed." eliza said as she stood. "lets see about that." she said as she also put her arms on his shoulders

"whoa, arent you speeding things up?"

"i like it this way. don't worry, I wont regret ever giving my virginity to someone so very sexy and wise." eliza said as she closes in to kiss him

"oh boy." josh said as he was kissed

"can you lead the way? My super hero." eliza said as she gives a small laugh

After that, they then enjoyed the night where josh gave her loads of love and passion.

"hey josh, what will you do until you get the schedule for the awards ceremony?" eliza said on the bed

It was now early morning and both of them just finished bathing.

"nothing, maybe just eat and sleep here in the hotel. How about you? Wont sir edward be very concerned where you are?" josh said as he change into some clothes

"dont worry about that, I told him that im sleeping over at a friends place. Oh, by the way, can I have your autograph?" eliza

"whats that for?"

"its for my friend, since im using her as an excuse to see you."

"i see. Alright then. Where do I sign?"

"there is a pen and paper there at the desk right? You can always use that."

"oh, alright then." josh said as he went towards the desk to get that piece of paper and sign

"umm.. if you want, since you have nothing better to do today, we can always roam around london for the day, since its a Saturday."

"are you sure about that? But what if word from the queen gets late?"

"then I remind grandma about it. If still no word, we can always go again on a trip the next day."

"dont tell me, you intend to repeat the process until I get that schedule right?"

"yup!" eliza said with a smile

"hahh.. alright then. Though I doubt that schedule for the awards ceremony wont be long."

"just why do you say that josh? don't you want to go out with me?"

"i like to, but wont that cause trouble if your seen on public?"

"well, I have you anyways, so I know I will be safe no matter where I go."

"hahh.. fine. Get dressed already eliza, we cant be late for the trip." josh said throwing her shirt on the bed

With that, they then got going, where josh "visited" their mansion as per elizas excuse plan.

*doorbell rings*

They were now at the front door of elizas mansion

"why, its my lady. How was your stay at veronicas?"

"it was the same as ever, though I just happen to bump with josh mavric along the way and invited him here." eliza

"i see, so this is the josh mavric that master edward is always talking about. Im rudolf shush, pleased to meet you mr josh." rudolf said as he reached out his hand

"pleased to meet you as well." josh said as he shook hands with him

"Anyways, where is dad?" eliza

"if your looking for master edward, hes gone on a business meeting early in the morning." rudolf

"oh, I see. Anyways, josh, don't you have something to say?" eliza

"haha, you say it." josh

"well, its always for the gentlemen to ask the lady am I right?" eliza

"well, you were the one who suggested it, so why don't you just tell them already?" josh

"whats really the matter my lady?" rudolf

"hahh.. fine. I invited his sorry butt on a trip around london since he sounded all lonely after all." eliza

"it was true I was kind of lonely, but--" josh

"no buts! You have just been invited by me right? So get it together!" eliza

"hahh.. fine. sir rudolf, can I borrow this girl of yours out for a trip?" josh said with an irritated smile

"rudolf is fine. My lady can really be like that, but shes kind at heart. so if you can get along with her--" rudolf

"i know. Shes kind, yet arrogant. and I will get to know her still along the trip." josh said as eliza smiled

"oh, your kind as well sir josh. Anyways, care for breakfast before your trip?" rudolf pointing towards the dining room

"if you insist, then so I shall." josh

After breakfast, they then go on a trip around london, with rudolf driving the car. In the meantime, where edward was heading to was at a secret location where only members are allowed to enter.

"is this everyone already?"

They were now at an underground dungeon inside a castle, where they were walking towards a certain room, 8 people in total including edward.

"yes sir jack."

"thank you miss ella. How is the security around the area?" jack

"all green."

"thank you sir william, we don't want any other distractions after all on what we are about to do today." jack

"and thank you sir jack for lending us your castle for what we are about to do now." ella

"no problem at all! In any case, sir edward here has been kind enough to provide us with the necessary materials for this experiment, which saves us the effort of taking some homeless guy from the streets." jack

"yes, we all thank each other. And most important of all, I provided all that is needed in our experiment. So, am I now included in your circle?" edward
"yes, after the experiment works anyways." jack said as the others agreed

"were here." ella said as they stopped at the room

They then entered to be in a monitor room, monitoring over maybe 50 patients, which are about to be tested.

"is this what general alex herm was suppose to be experimenting on?" edward said as he saw all the patients

"yes, though your surprised now when you were the one who approved us to take as many prisoners as we want?" jack

"no, but I didn't think that you would take this many prisoners out." edward

"hmm.. no point in being surprised now sir edward, your one of us now, you have to get used to scenes like this." jack said as the others agree
"a-alright then. Though if this experiment is successful, this would also be able to give us powers as well right?" edward

"yes, with this experiment, we will become gods ourselves. We just cant let josh mavric, that nuisance, have all the power in the world." william

"Yes, I would agree with sir william." lily said as the others agree

"in any case, this may also let us reach the gods themselves if possible." julian

"if your all done day dreaming, shall we begin?" jack

"yes." they all said and agreed

"dr julia stuart, prepare the patients for the experiment." jack

"are you sure about all this sir? If we happen to fail, it would be like america again." julia

"which is why we are to keep the dosages low right? Besides, we also have some of the blood from josh sister, thanks to sir robert here." jack

"it was really hard getting that blood from the pentagon itself." robert said with confidence

"but will this really be necessary for the world? I mean--" julia

"shut up and just do your work doctor. Your already in this too deep, its too late for you to just quit on us." jack

Frustrated, julia goes back to her work, initializing for the initial stages of the experimentation.

"begin phase 1!" julia said towards the workers on the other side of the monitor room.

As the order was stated, the experiment began, which was almost the same as the experiment being conducted by general alex. As the african shamans work their way with acupuncture, there were also masks which let the patient breath marijuana, all of them being injected by the blood of josh sister and of the dead elementals, and as all the patients listen to low frequency hypnosis. After a few seconds, nothing happened, but something happened after waiting for a couple of minutes.

"is it still not happening?" jack
"yes, it still isnt. Though I surmise that the failure came from over dosage, which is why the elementals was born the last time this kind of experiment was conducted." julia

"i can see that, but the progress is just all too slow!" jack

"patience my friend, we will get there in a couple more minutes." william

"wait, something is happening on patient 32! and then on 23! and on 20!" julia

"its like a chain reaction!" edward said in excitement and fear

"damn! Vitals are steadily rising! They are waking up!" julia

With their vitals spiking, the patients or prisoners were then activated. But as soon as their vitals spiked, their vitals were steady again, as if the storm has passed and they sleep once more.

"whats going on?" edward
"tch! Probably a mulfunction?" jack said as the others worry

"i don't understand! They seemed to have woken up a moment ago, but now they are all just sleeping!" julia

"damn it! I don't care anymore! Increase the dosage!" jack

"i wont! I wont have another american incident happening here in london!" julia

"tch! Move it! I will test myself instead!" jack said as he opened the door towards the other side

As he goes inside, he smelled the very strong smell of marijuana which can make anyone dizzy in an instant. But as he still keeps on going, jack then pushes forward and towards an empty operating table where they all saw him ordering.

"give me the same treatment as them! Now!" jack said as he lies on the operating table with his naked upper body
"ok." said the workers inside who all wore hazmat suits who tended to jack

"are you sure about this sir jack?" julia said in the comms

Jack then gave the go signal as he has no mic to respond with. After a moment of preparation, jack was ready for the experiment.

"ladies and gentlemen, like who is going to give the go signal?" julia said to the others who were just standing

"how about edward! Hes perfect for the role!" The others said after a moment as they didn't want to have responsibility

"whusses." julia said under her breath

"wh-what? Me? You think that I should give the signal?" edward

"yes, we trust you." ella said as the others also agrees

"damn it, here goes nothing. On behalf of the illuminati, start the operation!" edward

"ok, guys, go for it! Start phase 1!" julia said on the comms towards the workers inside

They then started the operation on jack, where he was first given anesthetic to make him sleep before the operation. They did everything again on jack where he too had a spike in vitals, but this time, he woke up with a roar.

"Ugh.. my head.. and whats with this sudden surge of energy im feeling! Its like, my soul is on fire!" Jack said as he sit upright and removes the mask

"Congratulations sir jack, you have made it. How are you feeling now?" Julia said on the comms

"Im feeling, great! Like what i have never felt before! And i can 2 balls of light hanging above me! Speaking like they are my grandparents!" Jack

"Wait, something is wrong. All the other patients are now waking up!" Julia said towards edward

"Lets just now see what happens." Edward

"But i havent given them anesthetic since their operation was over." Julia said worried

"Yes, i know. Lets just watch."

It was also then that all of the prisoners woke up from their slumber.

"Whats this?!"

"Why am i strapped into this?"

All of the prisoners were questioning on why they were strapped, and there were also about 3 men who broke out of the straps due to their new found strength.

"Whats this? Its like im stronger than ever!" Said one of the 3

"Quick, release me from my straps." Jack said to the workers, which they also did

The workers who were undoing the straps were also shaking from fear when they saw the 3 who broke the straps

"Oh? What do we have here?" Said the 1st one who sees a group of balls of light around them

"I see a lot of bright balls around me, surrounding me." Said the 2nd one

The third one gave a roar instead, since the balls of light made him unable to see, which dispursed the surrounding balls of light around them

"Hey! Whats the big deal!" The 1st one said who punched the wall and cracked it

"Wow! How did you do that?!" 2nd one

"It seems that we are now more powerful than ever!" 3rd one

"My brothers and sisters! Lets now welcome a new age where all of us now wields power! Though this might be beyond josh mavrics power, we can now have the power to do as we please! Without the rest of the world preventing us from doing it!" Jack said as he stood up near the operating table

"What are you saying?" 1st one

"Im saying that we have the power to do everything that we want to do!" Jack

"Yes, i get what your saying, but i dont like you. You smell like one of those rich guys." 2nd one said who walks towards him

"Yeah! I agree!" Said the 1st one as the 3rd one follows

"Its as you say, but im no longer just a rich guy, for i am a soul warrior!" Jack said with a gesture

"What the hell are you saying?! Huh?!" All 3 of them intimidating him at close range

"All im saying is this!" Jack said as he punched one of them in the face but failed due to their toughness

"What the hell are you doing?" One of them said as he raised his hand to attack

In that instant, jack did a judo flip on that one and destroyed the operating table behind him

"What have you done?!" Said both of them who also attacked him but was countered with his aikido.

"Good thing i did martial arts back in the day." Jack said wiping off his sweat

But the 1st one suddenly rose up and did a bearhug, crushing jack slowly

"You got nowhere to go and no more moves to--"

In that instant, he did a flip, using the strength of his opponent. But as all 3 rose up from the ground, jack had nothing else to do but counter, so he thought immediately on what josh might do. So jack turned from counter to attacking, where he eventually killed the 2 by piercing his hand on their stomachs.

"Damn it! Damn you!" The last one said before he was able to punch jack in the face, grazing it as jack tries to evade

"You really did it.. you dare punch my face you pleabian!" Jack said with anger and for a second, it frightened the enemy at sight

"Y-you dont scare me!" The enemy said as he was shaking

With a flash of inspiration, it gave jack an idea on what his power might be.

"Kneel!" Jack said with a gesture and force

"L-like.. i.. will!" The enemy said, resisting his fear and the power to be subdued

"Kneel! Or else!" Jack said with all his anger

With that order, the enemy or kneeled while he peed on his pants.

"With this power, i can literally control people to do my bidding! but it isnt enough to reach josh mavric! I need more power!" Jack said as he grabbed one of the balls of light before all of them ran away

With that ball of light, jack literally ate it, before he felt the power surge within him, like a new power added to his own.

"I feel the power inside me! Telling me what to do! I must have more!" Jack said as one more soul tries to attack him

He grabs that other soul and ate it. But after jack ate that soul, he got an idea on what he should do, and which is to kill all others and take their powers as well.

"I see now what i must do." Jack said before he faced the thug kneeling at the floor, looking at him

"Please spare me o magnificent one, please."

"No, i need more power!" Jack said with bloodshot eyes before he also killed the thug

He then walked towards the nearest patient, who was a woman

"Its a shame to kill a woman really, though whats this feeling i have? Im feeling hot right now, as if.." jack said as he got an idea on what he might be feeling right now

With the woman lying on the table and strapped, jack then ripped her clothes and raped her.

"You guys should also try being a soul warrior too! Its really opening a new door to what josh really is feeling!" Jack said as he raped the woman

And at the monitor room, they all literally have no words to speak due to all the mixed feelings about what they are seeing.

"Hes gone mad." Julia said under her breath

"Wh-who wants to be next?" Edward said as everyone else was very quiet about what they are seeing.

"If no one will go, then maybe i will be next." Edward

"What?! Your jumping out in front of us sir edward? When your just new to this organization?" William

"B-but who is going to go next then?" Ella

"How about we will all go?" Lily

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Robert said as the others slowly agrees

"Are you guys insane? You really wish for power just like that?!" Julia

"Yes." All of them agreed

"Suit yourselves. Im totally not going to be an animal like you guys." Julia

"How about you edward, you in?" Carter said with a gesture

"Y-yes, im in." Edward said after a moment of hesitation

With that, they also strap themselves into 6 other operating tables and received the same procedure and achieved the same result as jack, they all woke up awakened and feeling a lot of power within them.

"Hello, this is agent f reporting."

Agent f was now at a secure location, inside a room and on a mission.

"This is HQ, rest assured this is a secure channel, we request for you to abandon that mission."

"Why? The mission is almost complete! I just have to shoot the head of the mafia dead!"

"Your orders have been changed, you must now observe the head of the mafia in these couple of days."

"Why? Details of the mission please." He said as he viewed the window once again

The head of the mafia just arrived when he saw at the window

"Word has it that there is a new deal thats going on, which can literally change the power balance of everything that the world will know."

"Really? Do you know what might be the details of that deal?"

"We dont know. If its a threat, try to sabotage the deal as much as you can. If not, then just escape and abandon mission. Should you accept, this might be a suicide mission."

"Please give me a moment to choose."

"We have no other choice! All other agents are busy now with other missions! And your the only one who is near the venue. We need your answer now."

"Hahh.. fine, i will do it. But if things will get dicey, i will have to pull out."

"Fine, as long as you get the info that we want."

"I will also be expecting a raise after this!"

"Thats also fine with us." HQ said before they cut the line.

"Hahh..things i do for country and money." Agent f said before bringing his sniper rifle with him

Then after that, as it was getting close to night time where its dark and close to no people around since the venue was i an old unused theater, agent f shot the man in black with the sniper rifle. He then abandons the rifle on the dark street and moves to enter the old theater, expecting more guards to come but there was none, so he entered the theater without any fuss where he sat right at the back of the theater where bidding of weapons is starting. And as he didnt see due to the darkness, there were representatives from every organization in the underworld at the VIP rooms upstairs.

"This is all too easy, i seriously have a bad feeling about this." Agent f said under his breath

As the bidding progressed, all of it were about weapons, and then proceeded to the final bidding.

"And now what you have all been waiting for! Do you really want to become like josh mavric?!" The host said as there were murmurs around. "Here is your chance! This USB contains information on how to become what josh said, a soul warrior! He who has obtained power beyond mans understanding! And whats more, its all free! If you purchase weapons from us at least."

"Can we bid on the information?" Said one in the crowd

"Nope, my orders were to give the information freely as you buy weapons from us." Said the host

"Can we monopolize the information instead? Whats the aim for giving it all for free?"

"You can, but the goal of giving it for free is to make balance in the world, as per my clients orders." Said the host

"Balance? What is that supoose to mean?" They all said as they laugh

"Dont ask me, my clients said its for the sake of a new world order." The host said

"Anyways, do you have a sample? So that we can believe what your saying is true?"

"Yes, in fact, there is a sample here just for us." The host said as the lights point towards agent f

"Damn it! Im spotted." Agent f said as he raised his hands due to the guns pointed at him from all directions

"Come on up!" The host said

"What will you do with me?!" Agent f said as he was pushed to walk towards the stage

"Nothing, just a little bit of an experiment." The host said smiling

Then the curtain behind him opened up for an operating table and some stuff

"Are you kidding me?! What are you really gonna do with me?! You also aint going to get any information out of me!" Agent f

"Dont worry, after this, you wont need to even speak about anything." The host said

As agent f then struggles to get out, but there was literally no way out, so he just fought his way out instead.

"Take him alive if possible!" The host shouted

As agent f fought, he was shot by his 2 legs and unable to run anymore,before he was dragged to the operating table and strapped

"Now ladies and gentlemen, we begin the operation." The host said towards the crowd as agent f struggles on the table."doctor, if you will."

As the crowd has literally no comment over what happened, they just watch as the agent was injected with blood and inhaled with anesthetic, which rendered the agent to sleep before the operation begun.

"Though for this, we just have to wait for a couple of minutes before the subject or patient is done with their transformation." The host said

After the operation, agent f showed the same symptoms as with the prisoners, but he just unconsciously woke up with his eyeballs behind and showed rampage like an animal- or like a monkey.

"Whats wrong with him? Why is he like that?" The crowd said

"He didnt volunteer for the experiment after all you see, which is why he is acting like that. Though i have to admit, he now has increased body strength." The host said as the straps are now about to break

"What should we do? This is now like an enhanced human! Though hes behaving like an animal." The crowd said and agreed

In an instant, the host grabs a gun from one of the men and killed the agent. As the crowd looks at him, he sort of like grabbing something from the air and eating it whole.

"You guys may not be able to see it, but im currently eating his soul." The host said

"How do you say that? And why did you kill him?" The crowd said

"Because i received the same operation and here i am now, stronger than ever. Though the agent here lost his senses, so i just put him out of his misery." The host said

"Can you show us proof that you have this new found strength?" The crowd said as some laughed a bit

With that challenge, he easily climbed the curtains and climbed towards one of the VIP rooms.

"Wow! With that kind of agility and strength, you could absolutely steal almost anything!" The crowd said as murmurs go wild

"This doesnt hold a candle to what josh mavric can really do, but you can get the idea right?" The host said

After a while of murmurs and thinking, one by one, they all bid for weapons to buy to get that free information.

"Its already almost a week and we have already gone all over europe and UK, can that awards ceremony be still so far away?" Josh

They were now back at the mansion in england where josh was asked to stay, where they were chatting at the living room besides each other

"Dont worry about it, at least you get to stay here." Eliza said with a smile

"When will the awards ceremony be held again?" Josh said pouting

"Tomorrow. Anyways, you will do good out there josh, i know you will." Eliza said happily

"Uhh.. whats gotten into you?" Josh

"Cant i be happy for now? I just came from a date with you." Eliza

"Are you going to tell this on sara?" Josh

"Nope, after the good time you gave me, im totally going to keep it to myself." Eliza said as she leans on his shoulders

"Ok then. But seriously, is this really my abbility attraction in effect or not? I dont really know." Josh

"I dont care, as long as your with me today, thats what matters." Eliza

*doorbell rings*

"My lady, its your grandma, the queen, coming to visit you." Rudolf said after a while

Both josh and eliza were just watching a movie on tv that time.

"Oh, please do let her in here." Eliza said as rudolf agrees

"Uhh..should we separate? The queen is going to see us like this--" josh

"Nope, let me be like this for now." Eliza

"I swear this is really my attraction ability." Josh

"Why, hello there both of you. Im glad you both are getting close." Mary said as she enters the room laughing a bit

"And what brings the honor of the queen visiting here?" Josh

"Do i need any permit to enter my own sons house?" Mary

"Nope, but i thought you might have some business with either me or eliza." Josh

"Yes and no, though are you ready for tomorrow josh?" Mary

"May i ask again why the awards ceremony was held later and not soon?" Josh

"Its also because eliza asked for it, aside from the fact that i still have a lot planned within this week." Mary

"Hahh.. oh well." Josh said with a gesture

"Eliza, where is your father by the way?" Mary said as she takes a seat on the other couch

"Hes not home yet from his week long business trip." Eliza

"I see. Though the more i see you guys, the more i thought of you two as new weds." Mary

"Thanks grandma." Eliza said smiling

"Uhh.. does that mean--" josh

"It doesnt mean i will accept you right then josh, you still have ways before you can earn my grand daughters hand." Mary said teasingly

"Ok, thats fair.." josh

"Well, your not that quite qualified anyways to be a royals husband. But your already qualified enough for me though." Eliza said as she laughed a bit

Josh has no other comment as he could only say in his mind "you have no idea".

"Maam, there is a phone call for you, he said it is urgent." Rudolf

"Oh, what could it be?" Mary said as she picked up the smartphone

"Hello your majesty, sorry to interrupt your tea time, but i have some urgent news for you."

"Who is this and what is it?" Mary

"Pardon my late introduction, its jaxon lewis, we have an emergency." Jaxon

"What is the matter sir jaxon?" Mary

"I will explain to you when you get here, please come to the royal palace for an emergency meeting." Jaxon

"Really? Its like a saturday." Mary

"Just come, its like an emergency of sorts." Jaxon

"Alright then, i will be there shortly." Mary said as she cut the line. "Rudolf, prepare my car this instant!"

"Whats happening grandma?" Eliza

"Just a short meeting, thats all dear." Mary said before going

"I wonder whats the emergency was all about." Josh

"It must be the countrys finances again. In any case, when are you going to make me a soul warrior?" Eliza

"You still on about that? Like i said, i can, but you would still need training from me so that you can fully use those new gifts." Josh

"And when will that training be?" Eliza

"If we hadnt been on a trip around europe and england, we could have already trained. Anyways, you can always help your grandma when the time comes." Josh

"Alright then. Though this doesnt make you my number 1 teacher just yet." Eliza said with a small laugh

The next day, the awards ceremony commenced along with the UK prime minister having a speech.

"I am here with you today, along with the queen, to give this award to josh mavric who displayed great bravery in saving a child from the raging seas in the pacific ocean where the lost city of atlantis lies. Kindly give it up for josh mavric!" Jaxon said before he awarded josh with a medal of honor

"Thank you sir jaxon lewis." Josh said as he received the award

"And now a message from the queen." Jaxon said making way for the queen on the mic

"Thank you sir jaxon. It has already been a week where a terrible incident befalls one of our great men during their trip to the pacific, gladly, josh was there to save what is the last survivor of that voyage. And due to the sacrifices of the men stationed on that boat, we shall give thanks in honor of the dead. Please give a minute of silence for the brave dead." Mary

They then gave a minute of silence.

"And to what we found in the pacific ocean, based on the drones remote control which was also rescued along with the child, we found evidence of a lost city underwater! Just like what josh had said when he communicated with the souls of the dead that one interview. One has even already been found, eldorado, which is found by justin rewind of australia!" Mary said as there were murmurs and awe among the audience. "And with all his achievements, humility, and service, dont you think its high time he is recognized not for what he said in america and what he does, but what he can do for our world? In any case, as for the last lost city, the lost city of mesopotamia as what is said by the souls, our josh and his team has found it. Although, we wont really--" mary

"Did he find any treasures his journey?"

"Who was that? I am still speaking here!" Mary

But to their surprise, it was 2 thugs at the back who just said that.

"Wh-what do you want?"

"We said if there was any treasure found on that lost city." Said one thug

"We still dont know if there was, and who might you be?" Mary

"You really asked for it huh." Said the 2nd thug

"We have no names to tell those whose gonna die here!" The 1st thug said as they unveiled themselves

The 1st thug was short and skinny while the 2nd was tall and muscular. By then, they carried gunz where they shoot just about everywhere. The crowd goes haywire and dispurses everywhere, and by then, josh came in front of the queen in order to protect her.

"Behind me, quick!" Josh shouted to the people at the stage including eliza

"Oh? And here we also have the hero. Eat lead and die!" 1st thug said before they both reign fire upon josh

But as they fired upon josh, he has the shield ability, which he can use to protect, manipulate, and enhance to protect others.

"Guns dont work on my abilities." Josh said as he got off the stage to walk towards the thugs

"Oh, im scared. NOT! Haha!" 2nd thug

"You know how we view you?! A nuisance! Your always acting as a hero like everybody else, but your still actually a human just like the rest of us." 1st thug

"I know, which is why im saying please surrender." Josh

"Please surrender? Thats the best that you can do? We can do better than that!" 1st thug

In that instant, as the 2nd thug bent the gun with him, the 1st thug ran towards his side very fast. All of whats happening then had josh on his guard,as he was surprised to see other soul warriors that he didnt activate.

"Haha! Your on your guard? Are you nuts? We can totally defeat you now!" 1st thug

"Yeah! Your no match for us!" 2nd thug said as he walks towards josh

"Partner, i think you know what im thinking right now." Josh said on his mind

"Yes, but lets focus on the task at hand first partner, one has herculean strength and the other super speed." Gilgamesh

"I dont think im gonna need you, but you get ready if needed." Josh

"Yup, always be here for you partner." Gilgamesh said before josh jumped to attack the 1st thug

"Oh? So your attacking now? I will give you what you want." The 1st thug said before he also attacks

The 1st thug then goes as super speed to punch and kick josh, but if it wasnt for josh ability prediction and his all defence martial arts, the damage was at a minimum.

"No fair! I want in!" 2nd thug said before running towards josh

With josh all defence martial arts, he was able to defend himself while others attack, and sometimes counter if he could.

"Gah! Enough of this! We dont have any time for you!" 1st thug

"Were here for the queen. Haha!" 2nd thug

"Idiot! Were not suppose to say that!" 1st thug said before the 2nd relaized it. "Whatever, it doesnt matter anyways as long as we get the queen."

"In your dreams." Josh

"Wh-what?! Whats happening?!" 1st thug said as they couldnt move due to body control

"Yeah! Is this your doing?!" 2nd thug said as josh walks towards them

"No, this cant be happening! You were suppose to be--" 1st thug said before he was kicked unconsious

"I surrender, that enough for you?" 2nd thug

"Nope." Josh said before he tased him. "That takes care of them."

As they saw the fight, the crowd went wild, as eliza also goes towards josh and hugs him.

"Thank god your ok." Eliza said as josh patted her

The next day, after all the event, the queen issued an emergency meeting with all the world leaders and live.

"Good day to you all, wherever you are. And thank you as well dutuer, and other countries for taking this call in the middle of the night." Mary

They were now doing a video call where it was broadcasted live from the royal palace.

"So, what is it? Its now early in the morning here and i still have a lot of paperwork to do later." Tramp

"Calm down president tramp, shes about to talk something very important isnt she?" Dutuer

"Alright then, make my day." Tramp

"As of the other day, i received news of an agent at MI6 which has disappeared from his mission within a week ago." Mary

"And whats so important about that? Also, why is josh mavric with you now?" Tramp said as he saw josh beside her

"He was there for his awards ceremony yesterday, duh." Russian president

"What was that?!" Tramp

"Guys, please listen to the queen for once, let her complete what shes about to say. Or else i will have to control you guys with your pride." Josh said threatening them

"You can do that?!" All of them said

"Like i always say, pride is nothing compared to doing the right thing. Now, listen to her first." Josh

"Alright, we got it. There is no need to threaten us that much, but i dont know about president tramp." Chinese president

"A-alright then, im listening." Tramp

"Ahem. The mission that the agent was suppose to be in was monitor and assassinate the current head of the mafia, once hes active once more. But it was changed at the last minute as word has it that there was a very big deal going on in that area he was on. After that, we received no word from the agent and his body was found later, with gun wounds at point blank, direct to the heart." Mary

"Partner, it could be--" gilgamesh said during the instant silence

"Yes, i will speak to them now." Josh said on his mind before speaking. "I might have an idea what is happening here."

"What?! What could you possibly know? Is it one of your abilities?!" Tramp

"Nope, i dont know. I asked for this kid of meeting since I have a theory on what is really happening and cant shake the feeling that its gonna rock your worlds." josh

"just what kind of theory would that be? Please do make my day josh." tramp

"you have just been knighted by the queen yesterday, and this is your first business? Congratulations by the way, but I mean, what are you trying to say?" african president

"remember what I told in that interview on how to activate soul warriors? I told only 4, when there are actually 6 ways. And the ones whom I fought before held similar resemblance to being soul warriors as well." josh

"what?! you mean you havent told us the whole truth?!" dutuer

"yes, since the truth is also power which is equivalent to a nuke, depending on what kind of truth is shared. And giving power to a person is like giving an armed nuke to a baby, and truth is also power is it not?" josh

"he speaks true." madi and the others agree

"anyways, what I will say not to you and to the public would be on how to make a soul warrior and all that I know about being a soul warrior." josh

"wait, if your sharing the truth, means that something big is happening right now as we speak?" mary

"yes, behind the scenes, in the underworld, all maybe because I told sir edward on how to make more soul warriors. All 6 ways." josh

"what?! whose edward?!" tramp

"hahh.. my son, edward. I was also suspicious on his actions recently, specially when it comes to what hes doing right now. He even hasn't come home until now." mary said sadly

"im seriously sorry to be the one to say it, but--" josh

"no, its alright. The truth has to be made light someday." mary

"anyways, what are those 6 ways josh? And are you sure to share it among the public?" tramp

"im sure even you havent been told about operation eagle eye mr president." josh
"whats operation eagle eye?" tramp

"i knew it. Well, its the very--" josh

"hold it josh! Are you very sure you want to divulge that information? Its classified american information that your going to say to the public." general cesar butted in

"yes, I will say it. Though I have to ask as well, which do you choose general? As the world is slowly coming to a new order and balance, is it better to just share the simple truth or let the good be crushed in front of evil?" josh

"what are you saying?" cesar

"if my theory is correct, you all will see increased crime rate all over the world. And not only that, you will see crime in this world which even I couldn't predict yet." josh

"but what if your theory is wrong? And you just end up sharing classified information? Which is also considered a crime." cesar

"alright then, I will leave it up to you guys if you should say it to the public about operation eagle eye, but I will just say what I have to say today. Would that suffice?" josh

"alright, thats good for us." cesar

"okay then, here are the 6 ways on how to make a soul warrior: be activated by me, be activated by those activated by me, years of practice after activation of third eye, near death situations which activates the third eye, be activated under the same conditions as me, be activated injecting the blood of soul warriors." josh

"wow, that was simple enough." tramp

"yes, its simple just to say it. But after doing it, the chances of making one would be from 5% to 20% and it all depends if your soul is with either a heros soul or an animal soul." josh

"what?! you didn't say anything about any animal soul!" dutuer
"yes, I didn't want anyone to make more of me aside from me, and to make my job even harder as it is already." josh

"oh, no comment about that." dutuer said as the others had no comment

"anyways, an animal soul would also have the same attributes as the animal itself, though there is no telling what type of animal it is or its scientific name. Lets say one has a soul of an eagle, so that person has the power of wind control, thats it." josh

"thats all?" tramp

"yes, do you wish for more or for it to be very compllicated? Though there might be more people with animal souls than heros souls, and it will also depend on how one will use such powers either for good or for bad. After all, with great power comes with great responsibility and sacrifice, as ignorance is bliss." josh

"thats harsh." cesar

"though hes right. The CIA is also picking up some activity in the underworld." tramp

"are you sure to say that sir?" cesar

"what? Im just saying that much, im not saying any other details yet." tramp

"your majesty! There is trouble just outside the palace!" one of the guards said

"what?!" mary said as josh stood up

"whats the matter josh?" dutuer
"there is trouble outside, I have to check it out." josh
"it might just be a tourist--" tramp

"if it was, why would the royal guards report it to me? Go now josh, I will handle things here before your return." mary

Josh agrees and rushes towards outside, where he saw edward running towards him

"josh, im so very sorry for what I have done!" edward

"save it. Tell me whats happening before telling that to the queen yourself." josh said as he spots a person flying at a distance

"the illuminati is out to get me! Please forgive me josh! I just wanted to be like you!" edward said being sorry

"alright, now tell it to the queen upstairs, and say sorry to your daughter who was waiting for you all this time. Good thing I was here." josh

"yes, and for that, im glad your here. Anyways, can you do something about sir robert there?" edward

"alright then. You also have to tell me the full details on whats really going on, alright?" josh

"yes, I will wait for you upstairs." edward said before he ran very fast towards upstairs

In that instant, robert descended in front of josh

"hello josh mavric, its so good to finally see you face to face." robert

"who are you and what do you want?" josh

"Im robert knight, of the illuminati, remember that. Though this is just an introduction, I will see you in the near future." robert said as he flies back up in the skies

"whew.. glad I didn't have to fight. He seems like an opponent that I can almost go all out." josh said before he runs back towards the meeting

When josh came back, the queen gave a big slap to edward

"what were you doing associating with those people?! I have already told you time and again, to never associate yourself with those people!" mary

"sorry mom, I just couldn't help it. I mean, they are the illuminati." edward

"tell me sir edward, what is the illuminati?" josh said as he walks towards his seat

"the illuminati is a group of companies which controls the worlds stock market, and whom you might have met is just a representative of one of those markets." edward

"what?!" josh
"so they have finally moved huh." tramp said as cesar agrees

"anyways, what do we do now? We got confirmation of what is really going on behind the scenes, so would you now like to divulge the public on what is operation eagle eye? President tramp?" jaxon said as he was sitting right beside the queen the whole time

"i will be the one to judge that, though now we know it wasn't josh fault for all these events." tramp said as he rubs his temple

"this is a bigger enemy than we thought." dutuer

"which is exactly why I held this meeting with public audience, so that the world will know of everything thats needed to know. To bring balance into the world, chaos must first preceed it, so that life can br brought forth from all the balance." josh

"i know that confucius is also within you, but what do you mean by that?" tramp

"ever since the start of time, there was chaos. And after some billion years later, there was the calm of the universe, which later brought life to us and many other species. With that, you can better understand?" josh

"yes, don't bring me as like a fool. Though your saying that all this chaos will soon turn to balance? I don't really see it." tramp

"you don't see it mr tramp? Its exactly during this chaos that all the good and the bad of all people will show, and they will later learn of everything that life has to offer, including within themselves." chinese president

"alright then, I trust you with this plan of yours. But what are you going to do now josh?" tramp said as others agree

"well, like always, be a hero everyone can look up to." josh


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An amoral killer, raised into life to be an assassin, the best in his field his peers say; a young girl with dark hair and a dark soul tormented by a...
479 250 19
Jake burns, an ordinary guy that you may find anywhere, that relates his lonely childhood up until he had his first real work. But when work became p...