Jellyfish (Styles Triplets)

By LowkeyIndya

32.9K 1.2K 789

"I've always admired the ocean. It can be the most beautiful thing you'll ever see. But when the sea is angry... More

Character list
Part One: The Zoo
Pink Glitter Gloss
Strawberry Whiskey Sour
Secure the fuckin' bag
Strawberry Acai Refresher
The Golden Girls
Ugh, boo you whore!
Boo thing
I missed you too, lover
Untitled Part 14

Aplastic Anemia

2.1K 90 28
By LowkeyIndya

Harry's POV (surprise!)

Things have finally begun to progress with Louis. That omega was truly something else. At first he didn't want to let my brothers and I in, but we knew he was the one for us. From the first time I laid my eyes on Louis at that art gala, he had my heart in the palm of his hands.

Everything about him is perfect. He isn't one of these typical omegas that lack a backbone and have no personality or ambition and that's what makes him so alluring to us. Every omega that throws their selves at us has no spark. Nothing that makes them stand out. But Louis? Hell, he didn't even bat an eyelash at us the first time we met him or tell us his name. He's unique. Not just some brainwashed omega who wants for nothing but an alpha mate and to please them.

My brothers and I know he's been through a lot in life and even before he told us some about his upbringing, we knew. The way he carries himself is as if the second he drops his guard to let himself be happy, the world will crumble around him.

So we've vowed to show him that he doesn't need to shoulder so much and we will make him happy.

To: The Golden Girls group chat

From: Me

(10:45AM) Good morning love. My brothers and I will be by around 7pm to pick you up for dinner. How did you sleep?

Over the past few weeks we've learned many new things, one being that our Louis isn't a morning person and he typically won't be awake any time before 10AM.

From: Lou

(10:48AM) Good morning alphas. I slept okay I guess.

(10:49AM) & okay I'll be ready.

He also doesn't seem to sleep too well for some reason.

"Where are we taking Louis tonight?" Marcel asked as he walked out of our shared master bathroom and flopped on to the bed next to me.

"I was thinking we take him to Cecconi's in West Hollywood." I say.

"I could go for Cecconi's. I'm in. Have you run it by Edward?"

"Edward has been too caught up in work lately to notice if he was wearing underwear. He says he will be home in time though but I doubt he cares much where we go. Just that Louis will be there." I roll my eyes. Our eldest brother has always been very work obsessed. He considered himself the head of the house as first born and he didn't take the title lightly.

Edward was surely the disciplinarian of us three and the strictest. Marcel was more so the easy going one and he just goes with the flow. But me? I get into it with Ed the most. I've always been the brother more inclined to fun while Ed and Marce were boring as can be if you ask me.

"Anyway, I think I'm gonna go for a jog and get a smoothie. You wanna come?" I walked into our closet to get my running shoes, my basketball shorts and hoodie already on.

"No, I'll catch up with you later. I'm gonna head into the hospital fro a bit." Marcel wasn't too far behind Edward with the whole workaholic thing. I honestly never cared much but if their 'all work and no play' habits begin to interfere with our omega, I will and it won't be pretty.

On my jog I was spotted by paparazzi, per usual. They had been all over me lately ever since the upcoming addition to The Avengers movie series had been announced. They had been tipped off by the production crew that I was in this movie but they had no clue who I'd be portraying so the paps have been following me around trying to get an idea. I was going to be playing a character named Havock and he would be a main character in the new movie.

By the time I'd finished my jog and decided it was time to head to the smoothie shop, it was 12:30PM. "A large pineapple mango protein smoothie please." I told the cashier my order. "Will that be for here or to go?" The seemingly uninterested cashier asked in return. "For here."

After the guy told me my smoothie would be brought out to my table, I sat at the most secluded table I could find and began to scroll through my phone.

As I was looking through my notifications, I was greeted by a familiar face. "Hey Harry!" Thaleia smiled.

"Hi Thaleia. How are you?" I asked to be polite, and motioned her to sit at my table. Thaleia was one of Louis' friends and considering that he only had two, not including his sister, I think its pretty imperative that she likes me and my brothers.

"I'm tired as hell. Med school is one hell of an ass whoopin'." She sighed.

"I'm sure Marcel could give you some pointers. I think Lou mentioned that your final exam was coming up pretty soon and Marcel practically aced his so I know he could help you." I offered. Louis told me that Thaleia was brilliant and she'd graduated early to embark on her journey to be a young doctor and now here she was at age 19, about to graduate medical school. I'm positive her and Marcel will get along well considering he took the same path of child genius.

"That would be awesome! He's totally a legend in the medical world." She geeked. It was amusing.

"'s Louis?" I slid in as casually as possible.

"Still giving you guys a hard time?" She gave a knowing look.

"He's kind of warmed up to us. Very slowly, to say the least."

"Oh I know it. Me and Niall met Louis when we were in middle school and let's just say he's never been easy. His little punk ass ignored us for two months solid before he actually engaged in conversation with us and even then he gave us yes and no answers. He's a piece of work that one. But once he lets you know him, you'll never meet anyone who's remotely as caring or loyal. I know he acts like a hard ass but the truth is he wants desperately to be loved." She admitted.

"My brothers and I want nothing more than to be there for him. Its obvious he hasn't had the best upbringing and he carries his scars daily. We just want to make him happy." I told her honestly.

"To say he hasn't had it easy is an understatement. If I'd been through the things Louis has, I wouldn't be sitting here where I am today. He's unbelievably strong." She looked like she wanted to say more, but out of respect for her best friend's business she didn't. But no matter, Louis will fully open up eventually and I'm willing to wait however long it takes. "I don't want to disclose his business or anything but one thing I will say is, don't let him fool you alright? He thinks he has to play tough guy all the time but he honestly just needs to be cared for. I mean if I didn't keep the apartment at 78 degrees lord knows what would happen to him because he won't check the thermostat for himself." She rolled her eyes.

"Forgive me, but what does the apartment temperature have to do with anything?" I asked mildly confused.

"He told you about his condition right?" Thaleia began to bite her lip nervously as if she said something she definitely shouldn't have.


"He'll probably kill me for telling you but it's too late now isn't it? Louis is severely anemic and his core body temperature is below average. He gets sick a lot easier than normal and if he doesn't take his iron supplements and other vitamins daily things can go south and quickly. He's typically irresponsible though in regards to taking his medications and not getting into situations that would be harmful to him. Like one time he went swimming at midnight when the temperature was 70 degrees and it was windy outside. For us, we would've been fine and possibly caught a cold. But Louis' body temperature dropped even lower than normal and he didn't say anything so when I found him a few hours later collapsed and took him to the hospital, he was diagnosed with hypothermia for the second time since I've known him." Thaleia spilled the beans and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

To think that someone who presents as indestructible could have any sort of illness. But that just goes to show that hardly anything is ever as it seems. Regardless, I'll be sure to share the information with my brothers seeing as he is now our responsibility.

"How many times has he had hypothermia?"

"Three if I'm not mistaken."

" if it's not too much trouble, can you text me what medicine and vitamins he has to take as well as anything to avoid or what helps him?" I gave her my number and she did as asked. Thaleia was a good friend and I could tell she usually wouldn't be freely giving out information on Louis but I felt as if she knew that my only intentions were to care for him.

"Thank you. My brothers and I will make sure he does what he's supposed to do." I told her before we parted ways at the door of the smoothie shop. On my walk home all I could think of was Louis and his health. His condition isn't terminal as long as it is maintained, but I know Marcel if anybody would know how to approach the situation.

"So he has a severe form of anemia? What exactly is anemia anyway?" Edward questioned. It was about an thirty minutes before we're supposed to go pick Louis up for dinner and I decided it was a good time to tell my brothers the information I'd discovered today.

"Anemia is when your body doesn't make enough healthy red blood cells which carry oxygen through your body. Anemia can be very mild and not require any treatments at all and sometimes its temporary but there are different types of anemia and I can't actually tell you guys the severity of the situation unless I know what kind Louis has." Marcel spoke.

"Did his friend tell you which type of anemia he has?" Edward asked, and I shook my head no. I hadn't know there were different types on anemia in the first place.

"No, I just know that he has a naturally low core body temperature and he's sensitive to cold temperatures. He's also supposed to take daily medication and vitamins, which he often neglects to do as Thaleia said." I informed. After that last bit of information, both of my brothers shook their heads in disapproval. "I told her to text me what he needs to be doing to stay healthy and she did. So I assume we're all on the same page now?"

"Yes. If we have to watch him take his medicine everyday, then so be it." Ed shrugged.




Dinner was going perfectly, and Louis looked absolutely stunning to say the absolute least. He wore a a gold sparkling spaghetti strap dress that came to about mid way down his thick thighs to reveal his perfectly smooth legs. His heels looked to be made of the same material and his lusciously plump lips were painted a shade of red that almost looked brown, his flawless eye shadow matching the shade. His acrylic nails were painted black and in his small hand, he held a black gucci clutch with two gold G's interlocked in the middle.

He looks absolutely divine and I want to devour him right here in the restaurant, on the table.

"Here is your Chateau Le Pin." The waiter sat the bottle of wine on the table. Louis' eyes nearly popped out of their little sockets when we told the waiter to bring us the most expensive bottle of wine. The Chateau Le Pin was about four thousand dollars, and although it may seem extensive to others, my brothers and I worked very hard for our money and enjoy it to the fullest. And now we intend to share it with our omega.

"Are you all ready to order?" The young man pulled out his note pad once we all nodded.

"I will have the cavetelli with wild boar and ricotta hold the peperoncino, my brother here will have the agnolotti del pin with dark truffle, my other brother will have the chicken paillard with caponata and aged balsamic, and our omega will have the panzanella with eggplant parmigiana and wild arugula." Edward order smoothly and closed the menu. He typically always ordered for us.

"And who said you could order for me?" Louis folded his arms in his typical sassy manner after the waiter left.

"I always order for the table when I am out with my brothers and now that you have joined us, you are not the exception, my sweet omega." Edward cocked his brow in amusement and spoke to our ever snarky omega.

Edward always spoke to Louis in such a calm manner with no hostility or annoyance. Just pure patience and adoration. Its somewhat odd because he never speaks to anyone like that.

"Okay...I guess." Louis rolled his eyes but I could tell he wasn't truly bothered by Edward's actions, only he needed to maintain his image of independence.

"So we came into some interesting information today." Edward started the conversation all of my brothers knew was inevitable. Better sooner than later I suppose. "About?" Louis typed away at his cell phone, not looking up.


Louis looked up then and immediately sat up straighter, putting his phone down. I could tell his defensive walls were up right now.

"Relax, please? I don't like it when you act like that and I can see how your whole attitude just shifted by your body language." I put my hand on Louis' thigh and he began to relax somewhat and not be so rigid.

"Harry ran into Thaleia today. It came out that you have a condition you never told us about. Why?" Edward asked, voice even the whole time. I expected Louis to become guarded again just that quick but he seemingly did the opposite. His entire face showed that of defeat.

"I just... I don't want you guys to see me as some weak omega or pity me. And people typically start to treat me like I'm made of China after they find out. Like I'll break if they touch me." Louis explained quietly but we heard him all the same.

"We could never see you as weak. You're the strongest omega we know and we don't even know why that is. We can just sense it and the way you carry yourself is not the way a weak omega would. You carry yourself with confidence and strength some alphas will never have. You are not weak and your condition does not make you weak. IF anything you're stronger for it." Marcel spoke as he looked directly into Louis' eyes to be sure he was being received.

"I'm sorry for keeping that from you guys. I know I would be upset too if you kept something important like that from me." The sincerity of Louis' apology showed so clearly all over his face and in his eyes.

"We are not mad at you angel, we just would appreciate if you didn't withhold information like that in the future. But we didn't bring this up to reprimand you, rather to discuss how this affects your daily life and what you should be doing or not doing because of your anemia. We would like you to explain these things, please?" Marcel took the lead on the conversation seeing as he knew better than Edward or I.

"Okay well, I have Idiopathic Aplastic Anemia. You know what that is right?" Louis spoke to Marcel who nodded. "But I do not so can you explain?" I cut in. Marcel may be a doctor but I am far from one and I have little to no medical knowledge.

"It means his bone marrow does not regularly make new healthy red blood cells." Marcel explained before turning back to Louis. "So what treatments or medicines do you have to take for this?" Marcel asked.

"Daily I take iron and a bone marrow stimulant that I get a prescription for monthly. I also take various vitamins like super b complex, vitamin c, and others. Occasionally when it gets bad I have to get blood transfusions." Louis explained and I took a mental note.

"And you take the stuff you're supposed to every day?" I questioned, remembering what Thaleia told me and by Louis' guilty facial expression, I knew the answer.

"I'm not gonna lie...I skip some days. I hate swallowing pills and I can only take my medicine in pill form." He admitted.

"I'm glad you told us but you need to do better and we will make sure you do." Edward said firmly, leaving no room for arguments.

"And what else should you do or not do?" I asked.

"Well being colder than others is a common symptom of anemia but I have that to the extreme I guess. My core body temperate is about 96 degrees which is a bit lower than normal so I have extreme sensitivity to cold temperatures. Its not that serious unless my red blood cells decide to act up in cold weather or something like that. Aside from that I just have no not put myself in positions where I end up exposed to the cold because if my body temp drops a few degrees lower I will get hypothermia." He explained. I looked to Marcel and tried to read his expression because if anybody could tell if Louis' was downplaying the situation, it'd be him.

"I see. Have you ever gotten hypothermia before?" Marcel looked to still be deciding if we should be worried or not.

"Yes, three times. But it only happened in avoidable situations, you know? Like it's never just up and happened out of nowhere so that's not really something to be worried about." Louis said and Marcel nodded.

"Well, from a doctors perspective, while the grade of Aplastic Anemia you have isn't fatal as long as you take care of it, you still need to be cautious of your body and know when it doesn't feel right because it only takes on misstep to have you right in the hospital. From your boyfriend's perspective, I won't be able but to worry because you're our omega and you are the most important person to us now. So yes, we will probably dote on you and annoy you a bit but you're just going to have to deal with it." Marcel gave his final comments and Edward and I agreed. As long as it's manageable, things will be fine.

"I have no doubts that the three of you will annoy the shit out of me over this but I accept it because I find it sweet that you actually care enough to worry about me." Louis smiled softly.

"So, do you put out on the first date?" I inquired to bring back the lighthearted mood.

"No, but I won't object to a kiss." Our blue eyed beauty returned my energy.


Maybe kinda boring? I tried to make it as interesting as possible but this chapter was more so geared to informing you guys (and the triplets) about Louis' condition to evade any possible confusion in the future because it will be a frequent topic in this story as aplastic anemia is something that affects Louis' day to day life!

I hope it was somewhat enjoyable for you guys though. The next chapter will be more entertaining I promise!!

Vote and comment. I love you guys.


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