Nothing but Lust |18+|

由 angggx

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Sienna Russo is moving from New York to California, after transferring to Stanford University. After getting... 更多

Bonus Chapter


7.8K 203 27
由 angggx

"Morning Mommy." I slowly open my eyes and turn to find Rosalia and Nate standing on my side of the bed.

"Good morning princess and morning daddy," I smile and stretch my sore body.

"Daddy made breakfast." Rosalia jumps on the bed.

"Please tell me you didn't burn breakfast?" I tease Nate.

He slaps my ass with a smile, "No, now get up."

I walk down to the kitchen, finding Art, Vicky, and the kids, "Italia buongiorno, qualche dolore stamattina?" (Italia good morning, any soreness this morning?) Art flashes me a smirk.

"Mio Dio, ora devo ascoltarlo anche in Italiano?" (My God, now I have to listen to you in Italian too?) I groan, "Buongiorno Vicky. Hi babies." I kiss Nadia and Nico on their heads. I turn to Nate, "Who else is coming?" I whisper.

"Tutta la squadra, vai a cambiarti perche sembri una merda Italia." (The whole crew, go change cause you look like shit Italia.) Art snickers.

I grab a pancake and throw it at Art, "Shut up." I chuckle, "Stronzo, sei dieci volte più fastidioso." (Asshole, you're ten times more annoying.)

"I swear." Nate huffs, "Yea, Antonio, John, Lucky, Mattia, and Ian are coming. I called for a meeting."

I say hi to my parents, siblings, John, Liv, Grayson, Oli, Lucky, and Ian as they come into the house. I sit back in my chair and watch everyone, I really missed this, our families being together. The past week has been surreal, being around my family once again and seeing my babies with their father, it really is amazing. Nate gets everyone's attention as we all sit at the dining table, "Well, I asked everyone here for a meeting. As you all know, I have a family now." He smiles at me and the twins, "I will be-"

Someone knocks and Nate furrows his eyebrows, "I'll get it." Art stands and opens the door, "Jen," Art groans.

I feel the blood leave my face, "Get the kids and go." Nate whisper-shouts. Oli and I quickly grab the twins and head to the basement. I stay close to the stairs and listen, "Jen." Nate says annoyed.

"Hey, I'm here with Lucky."

Nate scoffs, "Sorry but this is a family meeting. I don't recall you being family."

"Sorry Nate, I'll get her to go," Lucky lets out a chuckle.

"Now." Nate sternly says.

"Where's my Sorella Sienna?"

"Get the fuck out!" Nate shouts, "Next time you come unannounced, ti metto un cazzo di proiettile nel cranio." (I'll put a fucking bullet in your skull.) I shudder at his words and a couple of seconds later, Nate comes down, "Sorry guys, come up."

I hand Rosalia to Oli, "Give us a minute." Once they're upstairs I look at Nate, "What the hell was that?"

Nate sighs, "I didn't know she'd show up."

"No, that threat Nathaniel. Why would you say that?"

"I lost my temper." He mumbles as he looks away.

"Oh, so when you lose your temper with me, you're gonna put a bullet through my fucking skull? That's just fucking great Nathaniel!" I sarcastically retort.

"What, no! I would never-"

"Just drop it." I glare at him, "Next time you make threats around me or my children, you'll be the one with the fucking bullet through your skull!" I shove him and go upstairs. Everyone's eyes are wide when I come up.

"Yes Si, put his ass in his spot!" Art laughs.

I smile sweetly before glaring at the guys, "Parla o menzionare anche di affari davanti ai miei figli, te ne pentirai, cazzo. Sono stato chiaro?" (Talk or even mention business in front of my children, you will fucking regret it. Am I clear?)

I see them all swallow and Oli sends me a nod of approval and a smirk, "Sissignora." (Yes ma'am.) They all say in unison.

Nate cautiously sits beside me and clears his throat, "As I was saying, so I'll be s-" John's phone rings and Nate buries his face into his hands, "For fuck sake." He groans.

I stand up when John returns and blurt out, "We're engaged!" I hold up Nate's left hand, he looks up at me confused. After everyone congratulates us, I quickly pull Nate to our room, "Don't step down."

Nate's eyes go wide, "What? Sienna, we a-"

"Nate, think about it. When word gets out that you stepped down because of us, people are going to know we're your weakness, making your enemies come for us even more. If people know not to cross you then let's keep it that way." I shrug.

Nate furrows his brows, "So, you're telling me, that I shouldn't step down for the safety of you guys?" I nod, "Hmm." He thinks about it and I can see him realizing that it makes sense, "Okay, I see what you mean, but baby this is, it's a. Are you sure? Cause I'm not."

I sigh, "Yes, I mean there's always going to be the risk or chance of danger whether you step down or not. But, don't step down. We just, we need to keep the kids away from all that."

"And you, I won't put yo-"

"I can protect myself." Nate sternly looks at me, "Don't believe me?" Nate crosses his arms, "Fine, I'll prove it to you. Backyard in ten." 

Ten minutes later, we stand in the backyard, "Ian, go easy on her or so help me God, I'll rip your throat out." Nate warns him.

I smack my lips and smile at Ian, "Don't listen to him." 

"Yea, I very much intend to stay alive Si." Ian chuckles. Nate counts down from three and at zero, Ian pulls his gun from his waistband. I quickly grab the gun by its barrel with my left hand. My right palm goes to Ian's inner elbow fast, making him hiss in pain and loosen his grip on the gun.

Once the gun's in my hand, I put my right foot behind him, pushing him down to the ground, I kneel with the gun between his brows and my knee at his throat, "Boom." I whisper.

"What the actual fuck?!" Art shouts, "Dude, how'd she, Ian that was like the easiest and most basic way to disarm someone. How can you miss that you fucking pussy?"

"Oli come." I hand Ian back his gun, "Don't hold back."

"I know," Oli smirks. He didn't hold back, we showed them many techniques and any scenario they threw at us, "I taught her well." Oli says out of breath to a shocked Nate.


I call Oli into a room, "So, we're heading back to Palo Alto." I look down at my hands.

Oli lifts my chin, "Si, I'm happy for you." He smiles, "Whatever you want to do, I'm always going to have your back. But wherever you go, I'm going too." He lightly shrugs.

"Duh, of course, you're coming back too. I want to keep our house as our safe house, it stays between us okay? And you keep all our emergency passports and documents. "

"Of course. You go back to Cali and I'll head back to pack up. I'll lock it down. " He squeezes my hand.

"I love you, you're the best. I wouldn't have been able to survive the last two years without you."

"I know." Oli teases, "I love you too Cara. Now, are you ready for whatever the future brings?"

He gives me a knowing look, "Yes, thanks to you and Louis, I know how to protect myself and shoot a gun." 

Oli lightly chuckles, "I'm serious Sienna, we don't know the shit Nate is in."

"I know." I smile weakly.

"I'll always protect you guys." Oli drapes his arm over my shoulder and kisses my temple.


I close my suitcase as Nate walks into the room, "Twins are sleeping already and I got their suitcases ready."

"Grazie." I sit on the bed, "Are you all packed up?"

"Yes ma'am. Um, I kinda overheard you and Oli talking, what did Oli do these last two years?"

"An old friend gave him a job. He never told me what though since it was-"

"Illegal?" I nod, "Is that why you learned how to protect yourself and handle a gun?" I nod again, "And what'd you do?" Nate sits beside me and holds my hand.

"I stayed with the kids. I um, inherited nearly 2 million dollars from Emiliano."

"I heard, Jen was furious." Nate snorts.

"Why are they still around, Jen and Elia?" I look up at Nate who quickly looks away.

"They work with Lucky, he looks after them. People were after them so we protected them."

I grab Nate's chin and kiss him softly, "Thank you. Even though I don't want anything to do with them, I wouldn't want anything happening to them."

Nate caresses my cheek, "You're too caring, babe."

The next morning, I visit my Nonna's grave, "Nonna, I love you and miss you. I'll always carry you in my heart and make sure Romie and Lia love you as much as I do. Till next time Nonna, ti amo." I kiss her tombstone and put the dahlias in the vase. "Private jet?" I roll my eyes as we arrive at the airport.

"John kinda rubbed off on me." Nate chuckles.

"Hmm, that money is getting to your head." I tease him. We walk into the private jet and find John, Liv, Grayson, Art, Vicky, and the kids, "Family trip?" I smile.

"Yep, to Barcelona." John winks.

An hour later, we land in Barcelona, I feel a bit uneasy being back here. Nate notices, "I got you baby." He whispers into my ear and holds my hand tight as we drive to his place.

"You kept this place?" I smile as we arrive at his apartment.

"Of course, my first and only place in Barce. Though, we might want to upgrade." He looks at the twins.

Once Nate opens the door, Baxter comes running to the door and jumps on me, "Oh, Bax! How are you?" I coo as I kneel and pet him. I smile up at Nate, "How long will we stay in Barcelona for?"

"How ever long you'd like baby." 


"Ready?" I ask Nate as I grab my purse, the next morning.

"Yea, where are we going?" He furrows his brows.

"It's a surprise." I smile and kiss him, "Let's go babies." Romeo holds my hand and Baxter's leash as Rosalia stretches her arms up to Nate, "Daddies little princesa." I smile at them. We get into the G Wagon and I drive to a bakery. I get back into the driver's seat, "Put this on, please." I hand Nate a blindfold.

"Si, the kids are in the back seat." He smirks.

I smack his arm with a laugh, "Nate, just do it." Fifteen minutes later we arrive, "Let me get the kids into the stroller." I quickly get the kids into the stroller. I put his hand on my shoulder, "Hold tight." I quickly set the blanket on the grass, put the food, drinks, and snacks around the blanket, and sit the twins with some toys. "Okay, take it off." Nate adjusts to the sun and I see as the tears pool in his eyes, "Surprise." I hold my arms open.

He smiles with tears streaming down his cheeks, watching the twins smile and giggle as they sit in front of Nora's and Elijah's grave and Baxter laying beside them, "You're the best." He hugs me and kisses me, "I love you, Si."

"I love you, Nate." I caress his cheek. We spend our afternoon with Nora and Eli, Nate telling us stories about his parents. It's so nice to finally hear him talk about them, you can hear and see how much Nate loves his parents. We stayed in Barcelona for a week and the kids loved it, they enjoyed the beautiful city and admired it. While Nate was working, Liv, Vicky, and I started wedding planning, I cannot wait to call this man my husband.


We're finally flying back to Palo Alto and my nerves are all over the place, "Baby, everything's going to be okay." Nate chuckles, "We'll spend the first couple of days at home resting. Just us four, no work, no visits, no one okay?"

Like promised, we spent our first three days as a family together at our home, the same one that Nate had bought me two years ago. I look over at Nate as he lays on his back, with Rosalia sitting on his torso. Those two are inseparable, she's definitely a daddy's girl and he's definitely a girl-dad. I love it when I catch him singing Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra to her, it puts her to sleep quickly. He has such a beautiful bond with Romeo too, they spend their days playing with Romie's toy cars and Nate's actual cars. Rosalia traces Nate's scar on his chest, "Daddy's ouchie princesa." Nate chuckles as her fingers go to his nipple piercings, "Those are mommy's." He whispers to her.

I laugh, "Stop it." I stand and find Romeo sitting on the floor with his toy car, "Romie, how's my little man?"

"Good mommy, cookie?" He holds up a cookie and I take it. Basically, all I craved during my pregnancy was chocolate chip cookies, which explains why these kids love their cookies.

"What time are we heading to the diner?" I ask from the bathroom.

"Six!" Nate shouts from the bedroom, I quickly take a shower and change into high waisted mom jeans and a grey long sleeve crop top, "Okay, woah." Nate hugs me from behind and trails his hands up my torso, into my underbust crop top, and palms my boobs, "This is a dangerous shirt baby, and no bra." He kisses my neck.

"Nate." I try to groan but it comes out as a whimper.

He lightly chuckles, "We need to make up for two years Si." He smirks as he rolls my nipples between his fingers. I throw my head back into his shoulder and lightly rub my ass against his erection, "The kids are with Luna and Alex on the patio." I quickly turn and kiss him hungrily as he lifts me onto the sink.

He unbuttons my jeans and I lift my hips, letting him pull my jeans and panties down. I unbutton his jeans and pull them down mid-thigh with his briefs, "I love you." I pant as I stroke him and feel his wet kisses on my neck. I line him up with my entrance and he thrusts into me slowly, "Oh god." I hug him and bite his earlobe.

He pulls out and slams back into me, "Fuck, this is gonna be quick, baby."  I wrap my legs around his hips and lean back against the mirror. His hands go to the sides of my neck as he roughly thrusts into me, "Oh fuck Si." He grunts.

My fingers go to his piercings and I pull them, "These are mine." I pant, "Fuck, I'm coming." My eyes roll back, Nate pulls out and rapidly rubs my clit, "Fuck."

"Good girl." Nate kisses me and slams back into me, "Look at me." He growls. I look into his green eyes and he wraps his hands around my throat, I lean against his hands and we both reach our climax, "Fuck baby." He rests his head into my breasts as he tries to catch his breath, "I love you Si."

I cup his face and plant kisses all over as I giggle, "I love you, Nate."

Once we freshen up, we meet Luna and Alex on the patio, "Next time, we'll leave the property." Luna smirks. Nate goes into a fit of laughter and I cover my face, "Who knew you were a screamer Sorella." Luna whispers into my ear and quickly runs out the door.

We arrive at the dinner and Nate brings my hand to his lips, "Ready?" I nod, Nate carries the twins in, "Ellie."

Ellie turns and tears up when she sees me, "Sienna!" She runs to me and engulfs me in a warm hug, "Oh, Sienna! I've missed you so much!" She sniffles.

I cry into her shoulder, "Me too Ellie, thank you for everything you've done for me. I can never repay y-"

"Nonsense, you being here is more than enough! And you brought back two little angels!" She pulls back and smiles at the twins, "They look just like you." She tells Nate.

"Thank god." Nate teases, earning himself a slap upside the head from Ellie.

I burst into laughter, "Stronzo." (asshole)

Nate leans down and whispers into my ear, "Escritório, cinco minutos. Então não te vais rir." (Office, five minutes. You won't be laughing then.)

I smirk, "Okay." After saying hello to everyone, I go to the office. I find Nate sitting behind the desk, "I'm in trouble?" I playfully frown.

Nate grins wickedly making me regret all this, "Oh baby, you do not know what you got yourself into." He walks to the door and locks it before bending me over the desk, "You're so naughty, I fucking love it." He growls.

My wrists are pulled behind me and held by one of his hands while the other roughly yanks my jeans down. I gasp and arch my back at the first slap against my ass, after the fourth slap I was squirming under Nate's hold, "Nate please." I plead.

"As you wish." He rips my lace panties off me, pulls his jeans down, and slams right into me, "Fuck." He hisses.

He spreads my feet further apart, wraps my hair into his fist, and pulls me by my wrists and hair, "Shit, faster Nate." I moan.

I start pushing my hips against him, feeling my climax coming closer, and just as I'm about to come Nate pulls out, "Knees now." He pants. I kneel and instantly wrap my lips around his length, "Hands behind." He instructs when I tried to reach over and touch myself. He grabs a hold of my head and thrusts fast into my mouth, "You like this huh? Me fucking that dirty little mouth of yours." He grunts, fuck he knows this turns me on. He thrusts rougher into my mouth, causing those arousing sounds to come from my throat, the mixture of his precum with my saliva dripping down my chin, I whimper and he smirks.


I feel and taste Nate's cum in the back of my throat, "Fuck." He grunts.

Nate leans back onto the desk and I stand up and smack his arm, "Really? You're not gonna let me finish." I hoarsely say.

He smirks as he pulls up his briefs and jeans, "I'll get you some tea for your throat. And no, I'm not." He grabs my chin, "Next time, I'll have you crying and begging me to let you come. So, I suggest you watch that little mouth of yours." He slaps my ass hard as he walks out.

Two can play at this game.

I sit on the desk, spread my legs, and insert two fingers into myself, "Holy shit." Nate mutters and quickly closes the door. I smirk as he watches.

I bring my fingers up to my lips, "I taste so good, want a taste?" I purr. All he does is nod and walk to the desk, setting the mug to the side. I grab his hand and slide his fingers up my wet folds, "Fuck Nate." He inserts two fingers and thrust fast, I rock my hips against his palm. His breathing picks up and he watches me as I moan, "You like watching me don't you?" I whisper, "God, your hand feels so amazing Nate."

I feel my climax close, I reach down and stroke him over his jeans, "Fuck." I come into Nate's hand and suck my juices off his fingers as I keep eye contact with him, "Sit behind the desk." He quickly pulls his jeans down, sits down, and strokes himself. I quickly get dressed and blow Nate a kiss as I walk out, "Thanks."

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