Love At First Sight ?

By Hardepp

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This is a story about Carl who tries to find his one and only true love. But Carl falls in love not once or t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

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By Hardepp

Rita replied "Yes of course I still want to go out with you".

Carl and Rita then went back home and took a bit of rested and then started to get ready for their date. Carl got ready quickly ad waited outside Rita house. When Rita  came out Carl jaw dropped as Rita was looking stunningly beautiful as she wore a long blue gown and her hair straight as silk.

Carl could no believe that he was looking at an angel. James started to stutter as he did not now what to say. Rita looked at his reaction and started to smile.

Rita said "Carl are you alright why do you look like you are in shock?".

I then replied "You look so amazing and very very beautiful as well".

Rita then started to blush and shyly said "Thank you Carl you look very very handsome as well".

Carl and Rita then went to a nearby restaurant and  started to order their dinner.

Carl and Rita then ordered their dinner and while waiting for their food to arrive, I ask Rita "Are you enjoying our date so far Rita?".

Rita then replied "Yes I am enjoying our date so far and hope it can be better".

Carl and Rita then stared to chat while waiting foe the food to arrive. When the food arrived, the both of them started to dine. Once they finished up with their dinner,I and Rita then when to the counter to pay the bill. As Carl was about to take out his wallet,Rita distracted Carl by dropping her beg so that Rita can pay for the bill instead. By the time Carl picked up the beg,Rita had already settle the bill.

Rita then said "Shall we leave?".

Carl then replied "What about the bill?".

Rita then whispery said "Don't worry it is my treat". Carl became speechless.

After leaving the restaurant Carl and Rita then walked for a little while and started to chat again.

While chatting  Rita then asked "Carl do you find me attractive and sexy?".

Carl then replied "Do you want me to tell you the truth or lie to you".

Rita then said "Hahaha very funny Carl maybe I should have not told you this".

Carl then replied "Actually I really do find you attractive and sexy but the thing that I like about you the most is that you always like to help others and will stand tall when someone is being bullied or getting hurt and that is why you are very different from other girls in school".

Rita became speechless and started to cry and then suddenly hugged Carl.

Carl asked "Are you alright why are you crying did i said something that hurt you?".

Rita replied "No you didn't hurt me at all instead that is the most beautiful thing someone has ever said to me".

Then Carl slowly started to hug Rita as well. After that they halt a taxi and went back home. When they return to their neighbourhood, Carl then walked Rita back home.

Rita then said "I had the best time of my life tonight thank you so much Carl".

Carl then replied "Your welcome Rita I also had a beautiful time together with you".

When they reached Rita house Rita then said "Good night and thanks for tonight".

All of a sudden Carl and Rita suddenly leaned forward and then slowly started to kiss on the lips. When they were done, Rita then blushed and ran inside the house. Carl was in shocked and started to smile a little bit. Carl then quickly went up to his room and called Kevin.

Kevin said "Hi Carl how was the date?".

Carl then told Kevin everything that happen from the beginning until the end.

Kevin then said "Calm down Carl I think that maybe Rita likes you or maybe she is in love with you".

Carl then replied "You got to be kidding me  Kevin you know what happen the last time I loved a person and that made me heartbroken I don't want that to happen again Kevin".

Kevin then said "Carl it is not confirmed that the same thing will happen again maybe this time it might happen the opposite way I mean you never know right".

Carl then replied "Maybe you are right but still I don't want to hurt Rita she is a nice girl".

Kevin then told Carl the truth that Rita has already liked Cal for a long time and because of Carl she joined the track and field team and that she has been trying to do everything to make you fall in love again. Carl got the shocked of his life and then quickly cut the call.

Carl then could not sleep the whole night.

The next day in school, Carl was walking when Rita caught up with Carl and said "Good morning Carl ready for school?".

Carl without hesitatingly said "Rita I am sorry but I can't love you and I don't want to hurt you".

Rita then replied "I love you Carl and that is the only thing that matters to me and I did my best to try to give life to the love that you once had".

Carl didn't say a word and walked quickly to school leaving Rita behind.

When Carl reached school,Carl straight went Kevin and said "How could you do this to me Kevin you know that I don't want this to happen with me again".

Kevin then replied "Carl there is no time to explain this now because there is something else I need to tell you"

Kevin then took Carl near the gate and said "Carl please listen to me and do not make any harsh decision alright?".

Carl then replied "What is it Kevin that is so important then what i asked you?".

Kevin then said "Please don't freak out or shocked because Fionna has moved back and is here to finish her graduation like us".

Carl stood still for a few minutes as Kevin tries to snap him out. Kevin then gave a big slap to Carl and Carl snapped back to reality.

Kevin then asked Carl "Hey Carl are you alright you were lost for more then five minutes ago".

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