Beyblade burst ask and dare

De Rinne704

5.8K 137 233

Let play truth and dare with beyblade burst characters together Mais

Dare 1
Dare 2
We are so bored
Dare 3
Dare 4
Dare 5
Dare 6
Dare 7

Dare 8 & 9

578 13 51
De Rinne704

P. S:Valt, Shu, Wakiya, Aiga, Drum, Hikaru and Hyuga is girl in this chapter
The author: Hey guys, I have some dares

Valt, lui, Free, Shu, Rantaro, Wakiya,Aiga,Fubuki, Delta, Drum, Ranjiro, Hikaru, Lane, Hyuga:Really?

The author: But first...(Clap hand)

Valt, Shu, Wakiya, Aiga, Drum, Hikaru and Hyuga:(Turn to a girl)

Valt, Shu, Wakiya, Aiga, Drum, Hikaru and Hyuga:(Blushing)

Lui, Free, Rantaro, Fubuki, Delta, Ranjiro,Lane:My Blueberry/Bunny/ Princess/ Apple/ Dia/ Helios/Hyperion is so beautiful...

The author:......

The author: The request is from future_hiwatari and sakura12_12 Yeah ,Oh and Sakura will join us in this chapter too...

Sakura: Hi guys

Valt, lui, Free, Shu, Rantaro, Wakiya,Aiga,Fubuki, Delta, Drum, Ranjiro, Hikaru, Lane, Hyuga:Hi Sakura.....

Sakura: 😊

The author:Here is the request....

The author: here......

Valt, Shu, Wakiya, Aiga, Drum:Wow

Hikaru: No.....Hyuga can't marry this guys (Point to lane)

The author: No.....Hikaru....This is a dare....

Hikaru: No.....

The author: (Sit on corner and cry a little)......

Sakura: ok??

The author: No......Hikaru is hurt my feelings......

Hyuga: Hikaru.....please......I love Lane so much.....although he broke our bey........But I sure I can change him.....(Cute eyes and have some tears on her lovely ruby eyes)


Ranjiro: (Pat Hikaru back) It fine Helios ......

Hikaru: OK, fine....

The author: Love you, Hikaru

Hikaru: Sorry, author chan

The author: That fine......

Sakura: Frist is Lui and Valt....Sing and dance ,You choose a song....

Valt: Which song?

The author: This? (Song 👇🏻) I love this song so much 😊😊

Valt: So, I am miku

Lui: Of course, My blueberry 💙

Valt: (Blushing)

The author: Ok...start now .....(Dance just see the YouTube.....)(They use Japanese to sing, but the Lyrics I turn to English)

Valt: The bells of the clock would break the magic

Vaguely those fingers beckon me to the stairs

I leap them up, taking three at a time

Lui: In the carriage you were shivering

Both :Flick up the miserable rags and dance in the ball at night

I look for the one I do not know, that voice whispers

Thrust the edge you hold and take away everything

In the castle, orphans get together, drawing smiles on the masks

The seraph would take even a false mercy under the wings

Lui: In the ashes, the glass slippers are ruddily melting and merging

Valt:Knowing too late, I get shivers and wish to go back

At the clock you glance

I take off the slippers and dance through a slope

By the tips of your fingers reached for my neck

Lui:I brush a tear and give it a kiss

Both: At that moment an impulse runs down the spine

Do not ring the bells, as I fall on my knees to you

And cry "Not yet," my right hand thrusts "Farewell"

You are the princess with indelible perfume of gunshot residue

Your strong eyes penetrate me right through my icy mask

Valt: Still your breath pierces these ears of mine

That would be a faraway dream

Lui:The moon shining through a stained-glass window is

The veil I put on you

Both: At the knee I tear the dress and throw away the tiara

We gaze into each other's eyes and sparks fly

Burning in flames, the lonely souls feel drawn to each other

If I cannot blush away your tears, as if it were a one-person game

May time stop now! Intoxicated by you

I wish to engrave every swaying throb on my mind

May it stay! Stricken by hotly wet surge

I cannot move any more, as if it were a fairy tale

The author: Wow,Amazing 👏

Sakura: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Free, Shu, Rantaro, Wakiya,Aiga,Fubuki, Delta, Drum, Ranjiro, Hikaru, Lane, Hyuga:(Clap hand) Amazing, Amazing.....

The author: Next is Free and Shu....The request is sleeping together one night....but now is still afternoon.......

Free: I love this dare ❤,So do you, Shu chan

Shu: (Blushing).....

The author: So we skip this because we wait it on we do the others....

Sakura: Next is Rantaro and Wakiya, I dare you two speak I love you with loud and Kiss

Wakiya: (Blushing a lot)......


Wakiya: I love you,Rantaro (Kiss Rantaro face)

Rantaro: (Blushing)

Rantaro: I LOVE YOU TOO, WAKIYA (Kiss Wakiya lip)

Wakiya: (Blushing and Kiss back)

The author, Sakura: 🤭

The author: Next is Aiga and Fubuki.....have the beybattle and the one who win need give the punishment to who lose.....

Aiga, Fubuki: Ohhh......

The author: (Make the bey system appear)

All except Author chan,Sakura, Free: Wow

Free: Look you magic is much more powerful than before.....

The author: Of course....Now battle.....

Time skip.....(I don't know how to write it....😅)

Aiga: Yeah, I win it

Fubuki: Oh.....

Aiga: Fubuki....(Show puppy eyes)

Fubuki:....(In mind: 💘💘)Yes

Aiga: Can you make this? (Show the photo) The left hand side one?Please?

Fubuki: (Pat Aiga face and kiss it) Of course, my apple

Aiga: Yeah....(Walk to kitchen with Fubuki)

Sakura: Ok....Next is Drum and Delta.....

The author: (Hold the strawberry and chocolate flavors pocky) Here, Choose one....

Delta: Dia chan....choose one....

Drum: Hmm....Strawberry.....(Blushing)

Delta: Ok.....

The author: (Give the strawberry one)

Delta: (Put the pocky on Drum mouth and the another side, Delta start to eat.)


Delta: (Blushing a lot)

Delta: (Hold Drum face tender and slowly eat the pocky)

Drum: (Sweat a little)

Delta: (Face is one one cm left)

Drum:(Blushing more)

Delta:(Kiss Drum lip and lick it)


Delta:Hmmm, delicious


Sakura: (Take photos) Ship it

The author: Sent to me

Sakura: Sure (Sent to author chan)

The author: Thx

The author: Ranjiro and Hikaru, Go a date.......

Hyuga: (Smirk)

Hikaru: Hyuga 💢

Hyuga: Oh......

Lane: (Hug Hyuga) It ok....

Ranjiro: Hikaru, let have the afternoon tea?

Hikaru: Sure, I want too

The author: Lane and Hyuga, You two pretend a marriage couple....

Hyuga: (Blushing)

Lane: (Kiss Hyuga face) Hyperion...❤

Hyuga: Can we......

Lane: Want have a walk?

Hyuga: Sure 👍 (Go out with Lane)

The author: Well....the last is Free and Shu.....Sleep together 🤭

Free, Shu: (Blushing)

Same time.....

Hikaru:Wow (This is the afternoon tea 👇🏻)

Ranjiro: How was it?

Hikaru: It so beautiful 😍 And have ice cream

Ranjiro: Glad you like it 😊

Hikaru: That sweet.......

Ranjiro: (Hold a spoon have the ice cream) Here

Hikaru: (Eat the ice cream)

Same time........

Aiga: Finish it?

Fubuki: (Put the parfait in front Aiga)

Aiga:Wow......(Try it) Hmm delicious

Fubuki: (Smile and put Aiga on his lap)

Aiga: (Hold the spoon)Fubuki.....

Fubuki: Ah (Open his mouth)

Aiga: (Fed him)

Fubuki: So sweet

Aiga: (Blushing)

Fubuki: (Hold the spoon) Now say what?

Aiga: Ahh (Open her mouth)

Fubuki: (Fed her)

Aiga: He he.....

Same time.........
(In the beach)

Lane: (Hold Hyuga soft and frail small hand)

Hyuga:Hmm, it so warm.....

Lane: Yeah....

Some wind is blowing


Lane: (Take of his coat and put on Hyuga)


Lane: Sorry for.......

Hyuga: I know......

Lane: (Hug Hyuga)......

Hyuga: It ok......

Lane: Let go.....

Hyuga: (Nod head)

Time skip at night......

Free: (Hold Shu on bride style and enter his room)

Shu: Free......

Free: Oh, Forget you wear the maid costume....(Smirk)

Shu: (Blushing)

Free: (Put Shu on his soft, double bed)

Shu: (Blushing)

Free:(Slowly to take of the maid costume)

Shu: Free.......(Naked now)

Free: (Hug Shu) So beautiful

Shu:Free (Take off Free clothes and throw on the ground)

Free: Thx (Pin Shu on the bed)

Shu: (Blushing)

Free: (lick Shu breast)

Shu: Ahh....

Free: (Kiss Shu enter)

Shu: Ah....ah.....(Moan)

Free: I want you

Shu: (Blushing) Me too......

Then they started making out.......

Time skip.....

Shu: (Breath hardly) Ah....

Free: (Breath hardly too)

Shu: my.....

Free: Lovely Shu

Shu: (Blushing)

Free: I want more

Shu: Yes,please......

Free: I will gentle.....

Shu: (Blushing)


The author: Thx guys, here is this chapter, And shu,  four chapter left......

Sakura: Thx do my request, author chan

The author: Always 😊

The author:Hey guys, if you want to dare or ask, please write down on the comments and I will do it. Bye guys 😊😊

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