Open Heart Book 1 - Someone L...

Door choices_mrs_ramsey

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Primrose Di Georgio had a hard life and was not destined to be a doctor until she experienced her own bouts o... Meer

Chaper 1 (a) - A Fresh Start (Primrose Di Georgio)
Chapter 1 (b) - Lust at First Sight (Ethan Ramsey)
Chapter 2 (a) - Life Line (Primrose)
Chapter 2 (b) - Lifeline (Ethan)
Chapter 2 (C) - Lifeline (Aurora Emery)
Chapter 3 (a) - No Holding Back (Primrose)
Chapter 3 (c) - No Holding Back (Landry)

Chapter 3 (b) - No Holding Back (Ethan)

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Door choices_mrs_ramsey

07:00 am

"Well, you've definitely been working out" Harper said to Ethan as she admired him in his workout gear. His ripped torso looked like it was going to burst out of his tight white top. He had just finished his morning run and enjoyed the fresh air and gorgeous lake.

"What do you want Harper? I assume this isn't a social visit?" Ethan huffed. He watched her, as she drank him in, biting her lips and enjoying the view. She knew his body very well. I'm not yours Harper, not anymore. I haven't been for months and I never shall be again.

"No, you're right. This isn't a social visit. I need help"

"With what?"

"Doctor Di Georgio" Primrose?

"What's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Ethan tried his best to sound neutral and not make it appear that he was worried for Primrose. I hope nothing has happened to her. When I last saw her, last night, she was okay and happy. Why am I thinking about her like this?

"I wanted to ask you that. What do you think of her?" Where is this going?

"I don't think of her" Lies.

"Ethan, I am asking what you think of her as a doctor" Why?

"She's just like any other intern. She's annoying" I am not lying about Primrose being annoying. She is annoying. She is annoying my mind at all times.

"I don't think she's like any other intern" She isn't but why do you think that Harper?

"So, why are you asking me what I think about her then?" Ethan snapped. His temper brewing and his mood becoming shorter.

"Because, I know you don't think she's like any other intern. There's something about her" Ethan kept his gaze on Harper, making sure he was not giving anything away of how he truly felt about Primrose to her. It's not Primrose's fault she makes me feel this way and I don't want anyone giving her a hard time or punishing her due to my lack of self-control. I'm still confused about Primrose; I have never had these feelings or emotions or whatever they are called before for anyone. Harper sighed and continued "The reason why I am asking you about Primrose is because she's affecting Aurora in a bad way"

"Really? You're telling me Primrose is a bad influence on Aurora? That's rich considering Aurora was hiding in your office whilst Primrose was saving their patient's life" Ethan snapped. I can't believe Harper thinks Primrose is a bad influence; the sweetest and hardest working intern I've ever met in my life. She didn't throw Aurora under the bus, but Aurora would have done so. Aurora was one of the worst; rude and lazy. Aurora was the bad influence but Harper would never admit that.

"Okay...that's...not...what...I... meant...I meant that Primrose is a bad influence on Aurora in another way. She's very good at what she does and she's a dark horse. Aurora underestimates anybody who she perceives as weak and a shrinking violet. I've tried to tell and show Aurora just how good Primrose is but to no success. That's why I'm asking for your help" This shall be Aurora's downfall and Primrose shall succeed, which is what I want, so I'm definitely not getting involved.

"I am failing to see how I can help with this? I am not talking to Aurora about Primrose, that's just weird..."

"Ethan, I need you to switch Aurora's partner" Harper exclaimed. Is she serious? She wants me to suddenly switch partners? I must have heard her wrong.


"Aurora has my name and reputation to uphold and at the moment she's dragging me down. Primrose is the only intern everyone is talking about. I first it thought it was because of her personality or looks, but I soon realised it was because of her potential" That's YOUR problem Harper.

"I'll do that on one condition"

"Oh, Ethan please. It's not easy for me being Chief and a world-renowned neurosurgeon and having my niece bring my name and reputation down. She's only started and she's already making enemies and a bad name for herself." Ethan zoned out and stopped listening to Harper's whiney voice.

"One condition, I said Harper"

"Ethan, please try and understand. If you had a niece you would understand"

"I don't have a niece"

"That's my point. Just pretend you had a daughter, you'd do anything for her, right?" Of course I would. I don't have children, I don't like them and I never want them, but Harper knows the answer to her own question.

"Aurora isn't your daughter"

"She might as well be"

"I said one condition Harper"

"Which is?"

"If Aurora doesn't impress me today and continues to work below your expectations, I'll boot her out of this programme" I want her gone and you out of my office.

"Ethan, that's not fair"

"Harper, don't talk to me about fairness when I already told you how disgusted I am with Aurora abandoning Primrose whilst their patient was dying. All week I have seen Aurora spend hours in your office. If she is not doing a good job despite you giving her the answers and you being her aunt, then she must be really awful and I am now going to keep a close eye on her."

"Ethan..." Harper steps back, clearly taken aback by his outburst. Ethan had a temper, everybody knew that, but he was always able to control himself at work and in professional settings. Getting Ethan angry whilst drunk was not a good idea and neither was Harper pushing his buttons. Harper knew this but she kept pushing.

"Take it or leave it"

"I'll take it. You don't have family, so you don't understand why I am doing this. Maybe one day if you get back in contact with your parents or you become a father you'll understand why I've done this." How dare you mention my parents? Nobody dares mention my parents to me.

"Don't mention my parents again. Get out and fuck off!" Ethan slammed the files on his desk across the room.

"Thank you, Ethan" Patronising bitch

"I'm not doing this for you"

"Well, thank you for doing it for Aurora" Aurora? Fuck her

"I'm doing it for Primrose" Ethan kicked Harper out of his office before she had the chance to say anything else. He didn't want Harper to further interrogate him and he didn't want her to guess or realise why he was agreeing to this last-minute change. Ethan convinced himself that he was doing this for Primrose; for her potential and to protect her against Aurora and Harper. No matter how I feel about Primrose, which I have no idea what is happening to me at the moment, I am doing the right thing as a doctor and her mentor.


11:30 am

Ethan was standing at the nurses' station on Ward 8D when he caught part of a conversation between Primrose and Jackie he definitely wasn't supposed to hear and had wished he had never heard.

"Primrose, Doctor Mirani definitely didn't remember us when we caught us hooking up in the supply closet. I guess we're going to have to up the skates one day, as your titties did nothing." Ethan heard Jackie say. He could see Primrose laugh, but as soon as she made eye-contact with him she froze and started to choke. She definitely didn't want me to hear about her inappropriate adventures with Doctor Varma. I didn't know Primrose was a lesbian. Maybe she's bisexual. Stop thinking about her sexuality Ethan, it has nothing to do with you. Ethan chuckled to himself as he watched Primrose avert his eyes and her cheeks flush, as she looked down at the floor, clearly embarrassed.

Ethan stood next to the Ines in-front of all the interns, as she gave her announcement. He spotted Primrose easily; she was standing next to Sienna and Laundry. Ethan watched all the when Ines announced that he was joining them for ward round. The reactions were mixed; most were petrified and others were excited. Don't get too excited; it takes a lot to impress me. He saw Primrose's face drop into a panic and Laundry looked like he was going to vomit. Primrose knows I heard her conversation and she knows what I am capable of.

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we? I'm interested to see which intern kills the first patient today" I might as well crank up their fright levels even higher. Ethan kept his gaze on Primrose. Out of all the other interns he was genuinely intrigued by her and couldn't resist looking at her; not only because she was pretty but because there was something about her, but what? Ethan couldn't put his finger on it. Primrose looked away and whispered something to Sienna but Ethan couldn't hear or lip-read what it was she was saying.

"Something to say Doctor Di Georgio? Or are you always going to remain silent like Tinkerbelle?" Ethan watched Primrose blink rapidly, as they locked eyes. I don't know why I mentioned Tinkerbelle. She just reminds me of her, no idea why though. I wonder what she's going to say and do, probably apologise, as per usual. Miss Apology; that's my nickname for her. All she does is say sorry even when she doesn't need to.

"Actually, yes, Doctor Ramsey I do have something to say. It's almost the end of our first week and I think we all have done pretty well so far, but what we don't need is you making petty jokes to try and shake our confidence. As the saying goes 'if you don't have anything nice, then don't say anything at all'... It would..." Ethan managed to hide his shock very well. Wow, I had her pegged wrong, she does have some balls to her. I guess my nickname 'Miss Apology' isn't going to work for her.

"Doctor Di Georgio, your confidence clearly hasn't been shaken, if you out of all people believe you have done well this past week. So, seeing as you are being so cocky, why don't we start with your patient first." I can't let Primrose or any other intern speak to me like that in-front of others, I have to remain their leader and the Ethan they know by reputation. Harsh but Primrose shall get over it.

Ethan follows Primrose and Laundry towards their patient's room; keeping a close gap from them, but close enough to hear the complete ins and outs of their conversation. Ethan rolls his eyes, as he hears Laundry call Primrose an idiot for sticking up for herself and the interns. I currently admire Primrose. No other intern has had the guts to talk to me like that and I respect her for it. I have no respect for interns who suck up to me, especially male interns. Ethan sighs, I've heard enough.

"ENOUGH" Ethan screams at them to stop their conversation. They both hadn't realised that everyone had heard their conversation including their patient. They both spin around to see Ethan glaring at them. "This is a hospital not a playground. You two girls finished?" All the interns giggle, as Ethan continues. "Hurry up and present"

"Apologies everyone. This is Mike Knoblauch and his son Matthew. Doctor Olsen and I are Mike's doctor. Hi, Matt" Primrose waves down to Matt who is playing on the floor with his cars. At least Primrose apologies for her lack of professionalism.

"I am not Matt. I am Commander"

"Matt, stop making noise and be quiet for Primrose. Sorry, Prim" Mike says

"No problem, we all love Commanders. I'll continue..." Ethan's lip turn into a tiny faint smile, as he watches Primrose interacting with Matt. She even includes Matt, most people would have ignored and forgotten him. Even I would have. She's good with kids and includes everyone.

"Excuse me, Doctor Di Georgio but why are you standing up and presenting up there on your own? Where is your partner in this case? I hope your partner hasn't abandoned you again like Doctor Emery did to you last time" Ethan cuts her off. I had to make a dig at Aurora, she needs to remember that I have not forgotten what happened a couple of days ago. I'm not impressed with Olsen at the moment and he needs to prove himself.

"Oh yes, please Doctor Olsen, join me" Primrose says. Ethan watches her motion to Laundry to join her. Ethan can't stop glaring at Laundry, as he makes his way past him. Take your time why don't you.

"You took your time Doctor Olsen. You can stop now Doctor Di Georgio and allow Olsen here to prove himself, as he even said himself, he doesn't want to remain a nobody." Ethan couldn't resist mocking him and he suppress a laugh, as he watches Laundry shoot Primrose an evil glare. Poor Primrose, she has a lot of haters.

"Yes, Doctor Ramsey. This is Mike Knoblauch, I'm his doctor with Doctor Di Georgio...I'm sorry Primrose already said that" Fucking idiot.

"Want to make it a third time for us seeing as you think we're so stupid?" Ethan snaps at Laundry, who turns bright red, as he is further humiliated by Ethan. Not only is Olsen a kiss up but he's also completely slow and incapable of acting normal in my presence. Everyone in the room remains silent, apart from Matt. Ethan watches Primrose vividly; he can see her trying to think about what she is going to say and do next. They lock eyes and stare at each other for a few seconds, until Primrose breaks contact first. Ethan sees Laundry out of the corner of his eyes, glaring at them with envy. I need to stop staring at Primrose all the time, other people are noticing.

Ethan carries on watching Primrose with surprise and awe, as she mouths encouragement to Olsen. Any other intern would have jumped at the chance to steal the limelight and present, but instead Primrose forgets all about being the centre of attention or number 1 and helps her fellow intern. Why are you like this Primrose? Ethan still can't look away, even when Laundry starts to present their patient's case with full confidence. Her words of encouragement worked really well. Ethan rolls his eyes, as Laundry drops the chart that Primrose handed to him. She's apologising for something she didn't do. Why are you like this Primrose? I am so intrigued.

"No worries, Primrose, it was actually my fault. As I was saying, Mike was involved in a single-car accident and nobody else was in the car with Mike"

"What? I don't remember any of this" Don't ignore your patient Olsen. Respond and reassure him.

Ethan watches as Laundry ignores Mike, whilst Primrose reassures Mike discretely by giving him a warm sympathetic smile and squeezes his arm. I'm disappointed Olsen, but at least Primrose cares about the well being of her patients.

Laundry beams, as he continues "I stitched up his laceration and did an ultrasound. That's when I saw he had internal bleeding." Oh God, not another intern that likes to take all the glory. Ethan watches Primrose fold her arms and stand with her mouth half-open. Come on Primrose stand up for yourself. I know you worked hard and did your job well. Don't let Olsen let others think otherwise. Primrose turns to look at Ethan, who raises his eyebrows and shakes his head. You've let me down Primrose again. You'll stand up to me but not against a fellow intern. Why?

"Your treatment?" Hurry up, you're taking too long.

"Simple rest and control" Ethan nods. Correct.

"Don't you two think you should be taking the bleed more seriously?" Aurora pipes up at the back of the group with a smirk across her face. She is exactly like Harper, always has to say something.

"Doctor Emery, Doctor Olsen and I have taken Mike's bleed very seriously. We had a meeting with a neurosurgeon who evaluated Mike's case and she didn't believe surgery was needed. She agreed with our assessment and treatment plan. The doctor I am speaking of Harper Emery, you might know her. You're always hiding in her office. Must be nice having your aunt here" Primrose says. Ethan can't help but laugh at Primrose's jab towards Aurora. Good, well done Primrose, somebody needed to put Aurora in her place and I'm glad it was you.

"How long will have to stay in this shit-hole for?" Mike asks

"A week, maybe more. We're not sure at the moment"

"A week? But Laundry you said..."

"It's Doctor Olsen to you" Laundry snaps at Mike, whilst everyone gasps. Ethan stands in shock and fury. I'm ashamed to be his mentor. Why do I always get dumped with the worst interns? You fool Olsen.

"Primrose? Or do I have to call you Doctor Di Georgio?" Ethan watches as Primrose winces uncomfortably due to the situation she is currently in. This is exactly why I like working on my own, so nobody can interfere with my work and flow. Now Primrose is going to have to come to Olsen's rescue due to his poor attitude and lack of respect for his patients. Ethan and Primrose lock eyes again; Primrose is full of nerves.

"Doctor Di Georgio, continue..." Ethan comes to Primrose's rescue. I feel sorry for Primrose. I thought she would find it easier to shine not being with Aurora, but Olsen is just as bad. Also, I haven't got time for this immaturity. I've got other things to do.

Primrose doesn't say anything but instead smiles at Mike. "Primrose, the other doctor..." he shoots Laundry a dirty look. Well done Olsen, Mike has no respect or time for you now. "...he said, I wouldn't be here for a week or more."

"I never said that" Laundry shouts. OMG, shut up Olsen, you're making matters worse. Let the dust settle before you speak to Mike again.

"I am not talking to you. Now, Primrose I don't understand. If my condition isn't severe enough for surgery and your recommendation is that I just need to rest, then why can't I do that at home?"

"Mike..." Laundry says.

"It's Mr. Knoblauch to you" Olsen, you really have fucked things up.

"Mike..." Primrose stands in silence before continuing "...I'm sorry for the miscommunication but I'm afraid you shall have to stay a week or more. At the moment we don't know how long, as your condition could change. You have to stay here so we can monitor your condition properly"

"Well, do your damn job properly" See, all the problems you have caused Olsen. Now Primrose is getting it in the neck and that's not fair.

"Mike..." Ethan steps in... "Primrose is an excellent doctor. If I didn't trust her, I would have stepped in a long time ago. Mike, I'm afraid that I agree with what she has just said. We cannot give you a time-frame." I had to step in, for Mike's sake. We were going to be here all day and I don't think Primrose would have coped well. Keep telling yourself that Ethan.

"Thank you, Doctor Ramsey. Mike, I understand the situation you are in and I can sympathise. You are a single father and you have nobody to look after your Commander..." Primrose winks down at Matt who gives her a high five. "...I know it's hard to take a week off work, but your employer shall understand. You can't help being ill. As soon as we have any more information, we shall let you know. You need to stay a week or more in-case your condition worsens. Unfortunately, with brain injuries symptoms can develop later and we need to monitor them properly. At home and work you have lots of distraction and it's not the best place to get better. We don't want to rush anything or make any mistakes. Things are looking pretty good right now, so fingers crossed you might be able to go home earlier. Remain positive but please don't get your hopes up and just relax." Perfectly said, she can hold her own.

"Thank you, Primrose" Good, we're out of here.


14:10 pm

"All your patients are currently alive. Please note that if they're not alive when I next see them, then you can kiss your career goodbye" Ethan yells. He watches as Primrose and Laundry have a quiet conversation together at the corner at the end of the corridor. Oh, they're walking away, thinking I am just going to forget what happened back there and let them off the hook.

"Di Georgio. Olsen. Come here right now." Ethan yells at them. He watches as the both look at each other panicked and full of nerves. "You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves. The stupid argument you had before you presented your patient was completely unacceptable. You are lucky I don't pull you both on a disciplinary. This is not the place to be fighting like immature and spoilt high school girls. If you have a problem with each other, then you come to me and we shall sort it out as adults."

Ethan turns to Laundry who looks like he is going to burst into tears." And you, you are a complete disgrace. You belittled your partner in this case and you treated your patient like trash. Your ego is bigger than your small body. You humiliated your patient in-front of everyone and because of that he doesn't want anything to do. Primrose had to diffuse the situation, because of your attitude. You're a doctor and you need to treat your patients with respect too. If I see you treat another patient like that again, then I will boot you out of this internship. Now, go, Olsen" Go before I do something I'm going to regret

Primrose starts to turn away with Laundry, but Ethan calls out. "Did I say Di Georgio too?" Where do you think you're going?

"No..." Her voice starts to falter

"I have a present for you"

"You do?" Primrose asks wearily.

"A new patient"

"How is that a prize?" Stop questioning me

"You'll see"


New chapter - next up laundry 🤡

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