Strength and Pride (Rwby x Ab...

By AbysmalCharismal

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Abandoned at a young age, you were found by the Rose/Xiao Long family. At first everything was fine, but ever... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 3
Chapter 1: Life Sucks
Chapter 2: You did this
Bio (Updated)
Chapter 3: An offer
Chapter 3: A late arrival
Chapter 4: A rude awakening
Super Saiyan Level
Chapter 5: New Family, Old Problems
Chapter 6: Deal with it
Chapter 7: Pushed to the limit
Chapter 8: Surpressed memories
Chapter 10: A challenge and a threat
Chapter 11: A score to settle

Chapter 9: A new purpose

917 13 28
By AbysmalCharismal

(F/n POV)
I was sitting in the lunch hall with RBY and JNPR. I had been formally introduced to them all and so far it was all pretty good. Yang wasn't too pleased about me ignoring her or the pissed off looks I gave every time she spoke. Ruby on the other hand was having the time of her life.
I had bought her some cookies and promised to watch a movie with her later. She was currently pushing herself as close to me as possible and crushing my arms with a hug.
Ruby: "I'm so glad to have you back little bro!"
She said for like the hundredth time today.
F/n: "You've been doing this for the last five hours. Can't you give it a rest?"
Ruby: "NO! I missed you and now I'm making up for lost time."
I sighed and tutted at her with a smile. She offered me a cookie and I took it. She seemed happy with that but I bet she was a little annoyed at her loss of a cookie.
Just then, a door flung open and Cardin walked in with his posse. He headed straight for us and I knew saw the punch coming before he even lifted his arm. Without my limiter and wrecked weighted clothing I had to watch how I punched. Deciding that a punch to me would hurt less, I just took it.
As expected, if did nothing and I barely moved my head. He on the other hand was clutching his knuckles and screamed out in pain. I stood up and my muscles showed through my bare bones fighting gi I usually wore. He flinched back when I took a step and he scurried off without another word. I felt pretty happy about my show of force but another voice filled my ears.
Vegeta: "F/N!"
This time I didn't let the punch hit and ducked away. The insuring shockwave sent plates and students flying. I jumped out of the way and another gust of wind blew by as Vegeta tried to punch me once more. What the hell is his problem? The next punch I caught and glared into his eyes.
F/n: "You better have a good reason for this otherwise you're going through that wall."
Vegeta: *Growling* "You upset my Bulma with your insults. You should know it's not wise to anger me."
My aura flared up and I narrowed my eyes.
F/n: "YOU should know it's not wise to anger ME. Especially now I remember who I am."
He began to visibly quake in fear. I squeezed his hand and felt bones break. I didn't bother holding back now. I remembered everything. I'd have some explaining to do to Ruby later but for now I would enjoy Vegeta's grunts of pain.
F/n: "Let me make something very clear to you. Keep away from me. Or else I'll get mad, and you don't want that."
I relinquished my grip and let his broken hand drop. He left without another word and I gradually began to lower my power level until it returned to normal. The whole room was looking at me in a mix of fear and shock. Their faces turned to horror and I heard a few shouts of "monster" and "monkey freak".
My head was filled with the screams and insults of my old life and I fell to the ground clutching my temples. Ruby and Yang ran over but I unleashed a powerful wave of energy before they could get close.
I flew up and smashed through the roof, making another hole that Goodwitch would have to fix. I flew towards Vale and landed in a side alley where nobody would see, unfortunately I made a small crater as I was still fluctuating in power. A few quick breaths brought it down to an acceptable level and I set off walking before the girls came after me.
I stopped off at a cafe and bought a coffee (or whatever you're preferred hot drink is) before eventually finding myself in a park. It was a nice place, family's playing, couples laughing, a little boy crying on his own while a bunch of kids beat him up.....wait a second.
I cast my gaze back to the boys and got a better look from the seat I was sat on. The bully's looked about 14 maybe 15 but the young boy being bullied can't have been older than 9. I can't believe no one is stopping this. I grunted as I stood up and chucked my cup of coffee in a bin.
I walked over menacingly and full of anger. These kids were my age but far weaker than me. I don't even think their Beacon students. They were however, taller than me. So I decided to play the meek and wimpy kid who just wants them to stop.
F/n: "U-um, could y-you l-leave him alone?"
One of the boys turned around and got a look at me. I had intentionally hid my arms so they saw as little muscle as possible. He pushed me and I let myself fall.
Bully 1: "Piss off shrimp, or else I'll beat you next."
Bully 2: "Yeah, go eat some banana's or something."
They laughed at his joke and I pretended to laugh along too. I stood up with a fake smile.
F/n: "That was funny, do you want to hear a joke from me?"
Bully 3: "You just don't know when to leave do you? Fuck off."
I let my arms out by my sides and flexed, causing a wind to rush past. The looked ready to shit themselves so I made it worse by cracking my knuckles.
F/n: "Knock knock.......
Bully 4: "W-who's th-th-there?"
F/n: "Not you."
I slammed a foot into the ground and the floor around me exploded and they were all sent flying. After making sure I didn't crush him when I touched him, I picked up the little boy.
(What he looks like BTW)

F/n: "They're gone now. They won't hurt you anymore."
???: *Quietly* "Thank you mister."
F/n: "Ha, I ain't no mister yet. Call me F/n.
???: "Okay.....Mister F/n."
I laughed again and took him over to the bench I was sat on earlier. The parents around us had removed their children from the park after my little stunt earlier. I didn't mind though, I just wanted to make sure this little guy was okay.
F/n: "Do you want an ice-cream?"
His eyes lit up and he nodded enthusiastically. I smiled and laughed while ruffling his hair. We went over to the ice-cream van together and I picked him up to so he could choose a flavour. He asked for a double scoop cone of chocolate and looked up at me embarrassed.
???: "I'm sorry, it's my favourite."
F/n: "You're alright, I'll get us both one."
The girl serving us smiled and fixed our orders. They were ready quickly and she handed me a cone before bending down to speak to the little boy.
Server: "Here you go little guy. It's an extra special ice-cream. Don't tell your dad."
She winked at me and we walked away. We sat down and he was eating away happily, but I was lost in thought after what she said. She thought I was his dad. I suppose it made sense, what with us both being Faunus. Still, it's a little weird to be called a dad, especially if I don't even know my supposed child's name. I'll ask him.
F/n: "What's your name?"
Laloo: *In between licks* "My You can call me...Liam if you want, Mister F/n."
F/n: "Nice to meet you Liam."
We ate our ice-creams for a while but it was now starting to get a little dark. My scroll told me it was now 18:23 (6:23). I better get this little guy home.
F/n: "Where do you live then little buddy?"
He sniffed a little and whipped his nose. It was only now I realised how ragged his clothes actually were. There were rips and tears along the sides and back, like he had slept on the floor and his clothes had ripped.
Laloo: "I don't have a home..."
Shit, this kid was just like me. No one to love him, all alone and no family. I mean I had Summer but she only adopted me. WAIT! EURIKA! EXCELSIOR!l I'll adopt this little boy. I'm sure Ozpin wouldn't mind, I mean it's not like he could stop me anyway.
F/n: "How about you come and live with me?"
Laloo: *Wide eyes* "Really!"
F/n: "Of course, but only if you're okay sharing a room with 3 other people."
He started to quiver a little.
Laloo: "Are t-they nice people?"
F/n: No two of them are malicious bastards who sell out their own brother "Yeah, their nice people. Blake is my favourite though, I've kinda got a crush on her."
Laloo: "What's a crush?"
F/n: "You'll know one day. So, what do you say?"


I followed Liam to the alleyway he slept on and helped him grab what little he had. A few toys that looked really cool, an old and battered acoustic guitar and a blanket that was surprisingly clean. I offered to carry the stuff but he seemed very protective of it all, so I let it go.
We got to Beacon just after classes ended and I saw Goodwitch standing there with a pissed off look. Liam curled up in my arms as I had been carrying him while flying. When he saw her I felt him shake in fear.
F/n: "You're fine, just let me explain it all."
Goodwitch: "You have some explaining to do Mr L/n."
F/n: "Is it about me ditching school or is it about me destroying the lunch hall?"
Goodwitch : "Both."
F/n: "Well in my defence, Vegeta did try to attack me and every one else in the room was calling me a Monkey Freak, would you rather I stayed?"
She thought to herself a few seconds then grimaced at the thought of what was probably me going ape shit on some students.
Goodwitch: "I guess not, but you do need to explain the boy in your arms."

One explanation later

F/n: "So I was wondering if he could stay in the dorm with us, or I could get my own dorm with him so I could take care of him."
Goodwitch: "This is an unusual request, I shall talk to the headmaster about this. Allow me to look after the child until then."
She went to take him from my arms but Liam gripped me tighter and looked poised to attack. I sensed energy emanating from him, it was powerful, more powerful than any human I'd seen.
F/n: "I wouldn't touch him."
Goodwitch raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I walked past her until I reached my dorm. With a hefty sigh I walked in and braced for the verbal beating that was coming.
No one was inside however, well someone was but I could only faintly hear them. I sensed their energy and knew it was Blake but she was in her bed so I didn't say anything. Her breathing was heavy and slightly laboured so I went to my bed that was right under hers and laid down Liam. He had fallen asleep while I was finding my way to the room. Now he was curled up inside the blanket in a rather cute way.

I placed his guitar on the floor next to the bed and leant it up so it wouldn't fall. Then I carefully placed his toys on the windowsill so he'd see them when he woke up. Satisfied that everything would be okay, I looked up to Blake's bunk.
F/n: *Whispering* "Blake."
She jumped in fright and hid under the duvet while shaking. I guess I startled her. Whatever she was doing must have taken a lot of concentration. She poked her head out and her cat ears were showing. When she saw me she pounced and pushed me to the floor.
Her face looked to be one filled with lust and her ears quivers as she looked at me. Me being the idiot I am, I pet her ears with my free hand. She purred and her face flushed red. She started to lick my neck like a cat would and I began to fear for my life. At this rate, Liam would be having a little brother if I didn't find a way out of this.

So, there you go. It's been a hot second but finally got it out. I've had a migraine for a few days and the Coronavirus is nearby to me so I've had to be careful with going out. Anyway, I'll try and keep shit going again. Laloo/Liam is an OC belonging to Fluffanator34 So all thanks to him for letting me use him. Last call for OCs because in 2 chapters I'll have Weiss replace F/n and team whatever will be born. If I don't get enough I'll just use some of my own. When that happens I'll do a Bio chapter for each member.
Anyway, all the best and hopefully no one gets Coronavirus. Catch you all on the flip side, and peace.

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