Drarry One-Shots

Od You1Dont2Know3Me4

337K 7.4K 8.8K

Primarily fluff and comedy, some angst and some smut. Enjoy, and feel free to request chapters! Více

Stumbling into your Commons
Group Chat
Glasses and Virginity
Choked Out
Happy New Years
Tonight You're Perfect
A Few Minutes Early
Snake in the Lions Den
The Gambler
Aged: Part Two (Smut)
Muffliato Gone Wrong
Innocence: A book???


17.7K 368 869
Od You1Dont2Know3Me4

Where Harry doesn't understand anything sexual. At all.


It started with a game of Never have I Ever. Eighth year, a bunch of nightmare plagued teens staying up out of fear of what the night might present to them after the realm of Morpheus claims their mind. So they stay awake, drowning their miseries in alcohol and playing embarrassing games to distract themselves from the horror that lies behind each drawn bed curtain.

The bottle spun, landing on Neville. Upon glancing around the few shots remaining and his own several, he grinned. "Never have I ever pleasured myself."

He drank a shot himself, along with nearly everyone else, many people groaning when they downed their remaining shot, then an addition of their promised three shots of firewhiskey upon losing. There were a few left, however- including Draco, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville, Pansy and Theodore. With a starting of ten points moving backwards, the remaining glasses of full liquid were as followed:

Draco: Four
Hermione: Eight
Ron: Two
Harry: Seven
Neville: Five
Pansy: One
Theodore: Two

Ron sent Hermione a pointed look with raised eyebrows when he noticed she had gone from nine to eight shots upon the last statement. She nearly blushed and punched him in the shoulder. "Hey, Hermione?"

Hermione, her face flushed from her drinks, looked over at Harry. "Yeah?"

"What does that mean?"


"Pleasuring yourself. What does that mean?"

Hermione gave him a shocked look, her eyes widening, everyone now staring at the two. "Are you serious?"

Harry frowned, his brows furrowing. "Is it when you do something you like? Like... Reading all day, or eating a lot of chocolate?"

Hermione flushed darkly, burying her face in her hands while everyone else looked downright shocked. "Oi," Seamus called, being outed several rounds ago, "masturbating? Wanking? Jerking off?"

Harry blinked blankly at him with the same confused look. "Oh god," Theodore groaned, burying his face in his hands. "I'm not giving the savior of the wizarding world a talk about masturbation."

"Oh shut up, Nott," Ron groused, shaking his head. "It's when you... You know..." he flushed, making an obscene hand motion near his groin which only made Harry more confused.

"What the fuck?"

Pansy dissolved into mad laughter, leaning on an equally amused looking Draco. "C'mon Potter, it's just a self-induced handjob," she crooned, smirking as she laughed.

"What's a handjob?"

The circle broke into chaos again and Harry only looked more and more confused as time went on, until Hermione snapped for everyone to shut up.

"Harry, a handjob is when another person... Well, for a boy, jerks you off. For a girl it's calling fingering."

"I don't know what any of this means!" Harry groaned, collapsing onto his back on the floor, covering his face with his hands.

"None of it? Really mate?" Ron looked shocked at well. "Never pulled off in a cold shower before the day? Have you never had an e- You know what, I'm not gonna ask that."

"Oh come off it! Stop having shame! Pleasuring yourself for a guy is grabbing your dick and just doing what feels good until you come!"

Blaise spoke for the first time in a while and Harry choked, coughing for what seems like ages before he stared at Blaise with wide eyes. "You're joking, right? Tell me you're joking-"

"He's not, mate, most everyone does it! Hell, even Mione's fingered herself!"

"And in case you need that explained, fingers or other objects are shoved up a womans-"

"Okay okay okay, yep, got it, yep-" Harry covered his ears, blocking out Pansys voice while burying his face in his knees.

"Do you two know how to shut up?" Draco scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the front of the couch.

"C'mon, just because you get embarrassed doesn't mean we do," Pansy scoffed, pinching his cheek and laughing when he scowled and pushed her away.

"Next question!" Neville declared shrilly, spinning the bottle. It landed on Pansy, who hummed in thought.

"Never have I ever... Damn, we need to get Potter out. Never have I ever... Had a dirty dream!"

She cursed when she reached for the drink herself, nearly everyone reaching for it- except Harry who paled.

"Do I dare ask?"

"Sex in a dream, Potter. You've never dreamt of a blowjob? Handjob? Fucking someone?" Draco raised a brow, his pale cheeks flushed from alcohol and hair slightly disarray from Pansy playing with it.

"Oh." Harry flushed. "I mean, veritaserum and I didn't reach for it, so I guess not."

Seamus whistled. "I get plowed once a day and I still have to get myself off."

Dean, flushing darkly, shoved Seamus' shoulder. "Shut up you shameless brat!"

"Yes daddy," Seamus replied innocently, watching as Dean turned a deep shade of red, glaring at Seamus.

"Anyways," Draco cleared his throat. "Pansy. Spin."

Landing on Hermione, she thought for a few moments. Looking at the only remaining Slytherin, she said, "never have I ever had a dream with Draco in it."

"Do nightmares count?"


Harry sighed, reaching forward and downing his shot alongside Draco. "Does Draco really terrify you that much? He's really soft inside, realEEK-"

Pansy shrieked as Draco punched her again, his face flaming red as he covered her mouth, tackling her. "No I'm not take it back you bitch!"

The obviously drunken Pansy, with thirteen shots inside her, forced Dracos hand off her face and screamed "SOFT DRACO WARM DRACO LITTLE BALL OF FUR, LOVES TO CUDDLE, LOVES ROMANCE, SOFT DRAY-COOOOO"

Draco stole a pillow off the couch, slamming it into her face until she couldn't breathe she was laughing so hard, sitting on her torso with his arms crossed, panting heavily and a pout on his lips.

"He really is soft, just so you know. He won't dare attack me, so I'm free to tell you he's a sweetheart. Kinky tho-" this time, Blaise got a pillow to the face, laughing himself. "Okay, okay, embarrass Draco time is over!"

Draco was still sitting on Pansy, who was shrieking like a banshee, cackling in mad laughter while Dracos entire face flamed red and others stared at the trio with amazement in their eyes. "Draco is the last person I expected to enjoy cuddling-"

"It's because I lacked affection as a child," Draco yawned, leaning back into the couch, finally moved off Pansy.

Ron couldn't help but burst into laughter while Draco rose an eyebrow. "I'm sorry Malfoy, you-you just said it so-so baritone like- fuck!" Ron laughed again, covering his mouth. "Like you just said you have her herbology tomorrow, so casually, fuck, sorry but it was so fucking funny-"

"Wait, back to Potter, you've had nightmares about Draco?" Pansy asked, actually looking curious. Everyone followed in suit while Harry flushed.

"I've had nightmares about him dying or... Err, committing suicide. It's always me to find him."

Everyone went into a shocked silence, including Draco, who looked the most surprised out of everyone.

Quickly, the game picked back up when Hermione spun, and Draco and an embarrassed Ron admitted to getting themselves off in the prefects bathroom. The game went on for a while until people slowly went off to bed, drunk out of their minds. The only four left were Harry, Hermione, Draco and Pansy, and the game switched to Truth or Dare.

"Oi, Potter, truth or dare?" Pansy hiccuped, draping herself against Draco shamelessly.

"Dare," he yawned back, his green eyes drooping slightly.

"Dare you to drink the rest of your shots as fast as you can."

Harry looked down at the five shots in front of him, blinking before sighing. "Fine."

He plugged his nose, tipped his head back, and downed each shot, making a disgusted facial expression with every swallow, until he was left gasping and grimacing, the shot glasses scattered before him. He nearly fell on his face trying to lean forward to adjust his position. Draco nuzzled into Pansy's side, humming happily and swaying slightly.

Eventually, they passed out, Draco leaned against the couch with Pansy sprawled across his lap, Hermione cuddled up on the couches while Harry laid, sprawled in the midst of the mess of alcohol, discarded clothes and shot glasses.

One week later

It's been a week since the game, but the memories of it had never left Dracos mind. He'd been eyeing Harry ever since, having a strange urge to taint the boy. To give him what would likely be his first orgasm, to watch the green eyes widen in shock, to be confused as to why what Draco was doing to him felt so good. He wanted to watch the pupils of his eyes dilate as he let out pathetic whimpers and moans, being completely unused, in perfect condition, for Draco to absolutely corrupt.

He had spent several sleepless nights thinking off it, and when he did sleep, his dreams weren't nightmares, but dirty dreams of Potter beneath him, arching into Draco with breathless gasps, whimpers and moans, begging him for more, using Dracos first name to plead for Draco to fuck him, to make him feel good again.

He spent the last week with a nearly constant hard-on, despite assuring himself that the urge would leave.

A few weeks later, he was certain the desire would never abandon him. The dreams were getting worse, more detailed, and everytime he saw the damned boy walking he imagined himself dragging him into a secret alcove and fucking him against the wall until he screamed.

So you can imagine his embarrassment when, at the next game, the question came up to dirty dreams about specific people. When Harry was brought up, the boy had blushed, but stared with wide eyes as Draco, Seamus and Nott drank.

"It's a kink thing," Seamus spoke up, shrugging. "Corrupting innocents has always been something people are into."

"Of course Draco would be into that, too," Blaise mumbled under his breath.

Draco merely rolled his eyes, smacking Blaise absentmindedly. "Hard not to dream about taking advantage of someone so clueless and innocent." He eyed the obviously flustered Harry with a small smirk, amused he had been able to turn the embarrassment to Harry instead of himself.

The game had proceeded to truth or dare shortly after, everyone a bit tipsy but still there. "Draco, truth or dare?"

Draco was stretched lazily across Pansys lap, who had just asked him the question. "Truth."

"Describe your most recent sexual dream." She smirked while he glared, conjuring a ball to toss up into the air and catch, repeating this over and over as he started to talk, avoiding everyone's eyes as he spoke in as much as a drawled monotone he could imagine.

"It was about innocent angel Potter over there. I caught him after hours and... Well, he broke the rules. For some reason, he couldn't get in trouble or he'd be expelled, so we made a... a deal so that I wouldn't tell McGonagall."

He was internally screaming but he was impressed with his ability to keep an impassive facial expression, even with Potter gaping with a deeply flushed expression. And when Draco locked eyes with the flustered boy, he could have sworn he was a flash of curiosity, like he was wondering what it would be like to be at Dracos mercy.

For the next week or so, Harry was quiet, and he seemed tired more and more often. Draco found out why when he found him wandering the halls of Hogwarts, hands shoved in his blue-jean pockets wearing a white t-shirt and red high-top converse, scuffing the tip of his shoe into the stone floors as he walked. When Draco spoke the other boys surname, he took great amusement in the way he froze.

"Malfoy?" He turned, seeming surprised when he saw him, even though he said his name before he saw him.

"Who else?"

Draco took a step closer, watching as the smaller boys eyes widened slightly and took a step back, closer to the wall. Draco raised a brow. "Scared, Potter?"

"Never," Harry shot back, but shrunk down when Draco took another step towards him, looking surprised when his back hit the wall behind him- then locking wide eyes with Draco.

"I'd say you are," Draco breathed out, moving until there were mere inches between them, watching how the shorter boys chest swelled and shrunk, swallowing hard with those wide eyes locked onto his. He smirked when he saw the fear, the curiosity, the arousal, in his eyes- even if the boy didn't know what arousal was by word.

"Look at you," Draco continued, more bold now. "You're practically putty and all I've done is talk. I can't imagine what would happen if I were to touch..." he brought a hand up, raising a perfectly manicured hand, brushing the backs of his fingers against the tanned boys cheek, smirking wider when the boys eyelashes fluttered for a moment, seeming to lean into the touch before snapping out of it, glaring at Draco again.

"Something you want to say, Potter?" Draco asked, tilting his head. "Or are you just going to glare at me?"

When Harry didn't speak, merely tensing slightly, Dracos smirk widened. "You want this, don't you? But you're too scared to admit it." Dracos smirk grew when the boys eyes widened almost comically, proving him to be correct.

Draco leaned forward, shifting his feet so they he was pressed against the entirety of the boys front, soaking in the soft gasp he got. He leaned in, breathing heavily over the boys ear while he tensed, earning a low chuckle from Draco. Harry shifted at the vibrations in his ear, accidentally bringing his stirring erection to Dracos thigh- to which the taller boy laughed again. "My my Potter, you really do want this, don't you?"

He leaned forward, nibbling at the shell of Harry's ear, listening as the boy gasped, smirking wider when the boys hands flew up to clutch at Dracos shirt, twisting as if it were going to keep him upright. "D-D-Draco, please-"

Dracos grin widened. "As much as I'd love to fuck you into this wall until you scream," he murmured, nuzzling his face into his hair and bringing a knee up to gently massage his knee into Harry's erection, smirking when the boy let out a loud gasp, moaning almost immediately, trembling like a pathetic leaf under his touch and panting, "I think I'd rather tease you instead, until you're really begging."

"Wait, please, Draco-!"

But he was gone, marching down the halls with a smirk on his face. Despite the way his cock angrily twitched, he knew it would he worth it to have Potter completely melt under his stare alone. He could still hear Harry calling after him with desperate cries and soft pants, but he didn't look back- because he knew he would give in if he saw those big green eyes gazing at him pleadingly.

The next few days were spent teasing Harry behind everyone's back, whether it be staring him down during meals, pinching his arse or sides as he passed him in the halls, or whispering in his ear when he was behind him in class, but Harry never melted under his stare alone, or broke down begging, so he waited. He waited and waited until there was a pounding at the Slytherin dorms, glancing up lazily when Pansy spelled the door open without looking up from her nails.

To his surprise, Harry broke through, panting as if he had been running. He swiftly walked over to Draco, maintaining eye contact as he stood in front of him. "Potter. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Draco asked, causing Pansy to look up in interest. Everyone else had gone to bed by now, so it was just the three of them. Harry seemingly didn't notice Pansy, even after glancing around the room, and turned his eyes back onto Draco.

"Please, please Draco- Please," he whined, his eyes wide and pleading, actually looking close to tears. "I've been so-so- I don't- Please, it hurts," he begged, his eyes big, round and innocent.

Draco pretended to think, tilting his head. "Oh, I don't know... Do you think you deserve it? You never really reacted to me in the halls..."

"Please Draco, Merlin please, I'm begging you, please, I'll do anything-"

Draco pretended to think for a bit longer before patting his lap, moving into a more comfortable position. Upon Harry's hesitation, he rose a brow. "Do you want this or not?"

Harry whimpered, nodding desperately, before flushing, whispering out a weak "how?"

"Oh baby boy, you've really never done anything have you? Alright, sit facing me, with your knees on either side of my hips."

Harry flushed, nodding tenatively as he carefully lowering himself into Dracos lap. "Like this?"

"I'm not going to bite- Well, not in a painful way, at least. Sit closer."

Harry bit his bottom lip, shifting a bit closer, seeming hesitant, so Draco sighed and grabbed his hips, pulling him so their groins met between them, a mere few inches apart again. Immediately, Harry gasped, biting his botton lip harder, his pupils dilating so quick Draco was surprised it was possible. Like the night in the corridors, Harry's hand reached up to desperately twist into the fabric of Dracos shirt with both hands.

Draco smirked softly as he rolled his hips up slightly, getting a whimpered plead from Harry- though it held no words, the message behind the noise was obvious.

He continued, reaching down to fist handfuls of Harry's arse, pulling him closer to him so that the tenting cotton between them could press with more friction. Draco took great pleasure watching as Harry's eyes squeezed shut, his mouth falling open, tipping back slightly to reveal his tanned throat. Smirking still, Draco squeezed and played with Harry's arse, enjoying the way it was all natural- when you worked out for an arse, they were always firm and hard to play with. Harry's, however, were full of fat, allowing it to be kneaded and squeezed, much to Dracos satisfaction.

"D-D-Dra-Merlin-" Harry's head moved forward, dropping his head on Dracos shoulder while one hand moved to wrap around the back of his neck, clawing between his shoulder blades for purchase as he rolled his hips in a jerky, desperate rhythm, his entire body quivering.

"Are you about to come baby boy?" Draco purred, nipping at Harry's ear while the boy moaned and nodded, panting desperately for air.

"I-I think s-s-so-"

"Good boy," Draco praised, rutting himself up against Harry, knowing fully well Pansy was still watching. He couldn't bring himself to care- he had fucked the girl herself before, she could watch a few men getting off on each other.

Draco continued to knead at Harry's arse and rut his erection into the boy in his lap, immediately able to tell when the boy was starting to orgasm.

He seized up, gasping so sharply he nearly choked before moaning loud enough for the entire room to have heard, his nails digging into Dracos skin as his back arched, panting heavily and desperately clawing himself closed to the blond. "God- god Merlin fuck-" Harry bit down on the juncture of Dracos neck to stifle his cries, and Draco allowed it only because this was the boys first orgasm, he deserved the release.

Harry panted into his shoulder for a while, and Draco didn't realize his hands had moved from his arse to his back, rubbing soothingly. After a few minutes, it became apparent that the smaller boy had fallen asleep in his arms and he finally looked up at Pansy, who was doing her nails still, as if nothing had happened. "So that's what you've been smirking out? You've got the golden boy on a leash?"

"Apparently so," Draco hummed, smirking slightly as he carefully laid the boy down on the couch, plucking his glasses from his face and putting them on the coffee table. "But I don't think he's gonna be a show dog, either. I think he's more of a house pet."

"You like him? More than a sex doll?" Pansy peered up at him curiously.

"I mean, when haven't I? Since fourth year, at least," Draco said, waving his hand absentmindedly. "The sex and corrupting him is just an added bonus."

Pansy shook her head while Draco laughed. "At least you aren't as thick-skulled as you look. I'm happy for you Draco."

A while later, after Blaise had seated himself at Pansys side, Harry woke, looking up at Draco, who was reading a book, in slight shock. The larger boy held up a finger, eyes scanning across the page before closing it. "Good morning sleeping beauty."

He flushed darkly, fumbling for his glasses before blinking a few times, bringing Draco into sight. "I- Err, morning? What time is it?"

"Not late enough that you need to go anywhere," Draco spoke, hoping Harry would take the hint that he wanted the Raven to stay for a while. Harry flushed and nodded, sitting upright and shifting in his seat slightly, jumping with a squeak when he felt magic course through his trousers and the uncomfortable sticky substance in his pants abandoned him. He mumbled an embarrassed thanks to Draco, who merely hummed in response, holding an arm out in offering with a raised brow. The boy, flushing again, had tenatively crawled over to sit next to Draco, who then patted his lap. He glanced over at Pansy and Blaise but Draco scoffed. "C'mon Harry, don't be frightened. We don't bite- unless you want me to. I'd oblige."

Harry blushed but nodded, carefully crawling into Dracos lap again, but relaxed upon seeing that there was nothing sexual going on. He wrapped his arms around the back of Dracos neck, resting his chin on the blonds shoulder. Meanwhile, Draco wrapped his arms around the boys waist, reading with his hands propped against the small of the smallers back, resting his head against Harry's as he read.

There was a furious knocking at the Slytherin door again, but Harry didn't stir, since he was, once again, passed out in Dracos arms. Blaise waved it open with an eye-roll once he saw who it was. "Granger. Need something?"

"Have any of you seen Harry!? We haven't seen him since this... Morn... Ing?" Hermione blinked at the boy in Dracos lap, who was raising a single perfectly figured eyebrow. "He's with me, Granger. No harm done."

"He's... With... You..." she repeated, slowly, as if she was struggling to process the words.

Draco sighed, rolling his eyes. "Yes Granger. He's just taking a nap."

"A... Nap?"

"Yes, he had a... Very exhausting morning." Draco coughed, smirking slightly while Hermione looked horrified.

"What did you do to him!?"

Draco blinked in surprise as Hermione charged towards him. "He came begging me for sexual relief, if you must know. I didn't fuck him without consent, if that's what you're thinking. He's perfectly fine."

Hermione looked red with anger but crossed her arms. "I'm waiting here to ask him myself."

"Fine by me."

Draco continued to read, resting his head against Harry's once more while Granger analyzed the two with an intense glare. When the boy finally stirred with a soft yawn, Draco rose a brow, marked his page and set the book down. "Morning sleeping beauty."

Harry grunted irritably into his shoulder, making Draco chuckle. "It's past noon, you should wake up."

Harry made an intelligent noise, something along the lines of "uhng" drawn out hella long, holding onto Draco tighter. The blond rolled his eyes and pinched the raven-haired boys arse a bit, making him squeak and sit upright with a flushed face. "Well, I know how to get you to listen," Draco mused, smirking at Harry, who groaned and pressed his chest like an irritated cat would headbutt your leg for food.

After a bit of silence, Harry hesitatanly spoke again. "What happened earlier..."


"What is that... Called," Harry blushed darkly, staring at Dracos nose instead of his eyes, making the platinum blond chuckle, grabbing the smaller boys chin and making him look him in the eye.

"That, my dear, is called grinding."

"Oh." Harry flushed, playing with the hem of Dracos shirt with nervous hands. "Well I liked it. A lot."

"Of course you did. Everyone likes and orgasm darling."

Harry blushed darkly. "I've never-"

"Had one before? I assumed." Draco chuckled, smirking somewhat fondly while Harry flushed darker and nodded.

"You wouldn't mind... Doing it again? With me? Again? Would you?" The raven-haired boy blushed, shifting slightly in the taller boys lap.

"Let me call you mine and I'll do anything you want baby boy," Draco mused gently, smiling at Harry with a certain fondness in his eyes.

Harry blushed darker and nodded. "I-I'd like that."

Draco chuckled, kissing Harry's cheek. "I'm glad that you're mine, darling."

4,182 words

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