Descendants-Daughter of Rapun...

By TCM9620

57.4K 792 81

Regina, the sweet, sensitive, and golden-hearted daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, who has been born with... More

Chapter 1: Proclamation and meet Regina
Isle of the lost
Isle of the lost: the mission
Welcome to Auradon
Dorms, tour, and secrets
Journey to the museum
Museum: Starting the search for the wand
Museum: Finding the wand
Regina tells all
Tourney-tryouts and bully revealed
Bathroom and chemistry class
Dogs and charming snakes
New hair, an idea, and the chase
New power and midnight baking
Tourney game and chemistry test
Getting ready for Double dates
Family Day fiasco part 2
The punishment
Sick day
Coronation part 1
Coronation part 2
Coronation part 3

Family Day fiasco part 1

1.4K 18 8
By TCM9620

Regina's point of view.

We all sang 'Be our guest' to welcome our families to Family Day. After the song, I went to find my family. I walked around the courtyard looking around until I saw my parents and little sister. "Mom! Dad! Mary!" I called. That got their attention, and they all ran over to me and hugged me. Then, Ben called me over. Apparently, he wanted me and my family to stand with him and his parents for pictures. I nodded. "Let's go," Mom said.

Ben told his parents that he had a new girlfriend and I had a boyfriend. Queen Belle was relieved to hear that because she didn't like Audrey. "You and me both, my queen," I replied. As the photographer was about to snap the picture, King Adam asked if they knew Ben's new girlfriend. After the photographer took the picture, Ben called Mal over and she introduced herself. Afterwards, King Adam proposed a game of croquet. He and Ben fist bumped before he walked away. Mal invited her friends and as she walked away, Queen Belle almost fainted.

"Regina!" I heard someone say. I turned and saw Granny and Grandpa walking towards us. I ran to them and hugged them tightly. "How are you?" Granny asked, stroking my hair. "I'm doing better Granny. There's someone that I want you to meet; my new boyfriend. Grayson!" I called. Grayson came over and stood next to me. He bowed before them and quietly said that he is Mother Gothel's son.

"Now, before you say anything, I want you to know that Grayson absolutely, positively doesn't want anything to do with my hair. He actually has something that he wants to tell you, right?" I said, turning to him. "Your majesties, Regina told me the truth about what happened to Rapunzel, and I would like to say how sorry I am for the pain and suffering that my mother put you through," Grayson said, before looking down at the grass.

He was surprised to feel a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Granny touching his shoulder. "Why are you apologizing for something that your mother did and not you?" she asked. Grandpa agreed. "I can tell that you're not like your mother at all. I can also tell that you make our granddaughter very happy. Welcome to the family," he said. I sighed in relief. Just then, we heard another voice calling me.

"Regina!" I looked around and saw Fairy Godmother coming towards us with Cinderella and Prince Charming in tow. I gulped. I had planned what I was going to say in my head, but as soon as I saw them, my mind went blank. "Cinderella, Charming," I greeted with a curtsy. "Hello Regina," smiled Cinderella. "Fairy Godmother told us that you had something important to tell us. What is it?" Kit asked.

I gulped and went pale. Then I turned to Fairy Godmother, who assured me that Chad wasn't with them. There was a debate going on in my head. 'Should I do this? Maybe I shouldn't. No. This has gone on for more than enough. I've been keeping this secret for far too long. They have to know the truth.' Taking a deep breath, I started to speak. "I'm so sorry," I began. "For what, dear?" Cinderella asked me. "Remember when I told you that Chad was playing with me when I was 6 years old?" "Yes. Go on," Kit gently urged me. "I'm sorry. It was a lie. Chad wasn't playing with me, he was actually..." I began. "You!" a voice screamed, interrupting me.

"What was that?" asked Fairy Godmother. "I don't know. But I think it came from over there," Mom replied, pointing to her right. We all looked in the direction and saw... "Queen Leah!" I gasped. "Who's that?" Grayson whispered to me. "She's Aurora's mother and Audrey's grandmother," I replied. "She's shouting at Mal," Mary observed. "Oh no. She must think that Mal is Maleficent!" I cried. Grayson and I ran over to Mal as fast as we could. I heard footsteps behind us, and I knew that my family, Fairy Godmother, Cinderella and Kit were behind us. As we got closer to where Mal was, the things that Queen Leah was shouting at Mal became more clear.

"Who are you? How did you stay so young?" Queen Leah asked. "Queen Leah. Maleficent is on the Isle. This is her daughter, Mal. Do you remember my proclamation  to give the children on the Isle of the Lost a chance?" Ben asked. "A chance to do what, Ben? Destroy us? Come on. You remember, don't you? The spells, the poison apples. The spells! My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. Her first words. Her first steps. I missed it all! You shouldn't trust her," Queen Leah rambled, turning to Fairy Godmother on the last part.

Hearing those words shocked me to my core. I knew that Queen Leah held a grudge against Maleficent, but doing this? Yelling at Mal, Maleficent's daughter, who hasn't done anything to her? Seeing the hurt look on Mal's face, and being the good friend I am, I stood protectively in front of her. "Queen Leah! How dare you? You have every right to be mad, but you're mad at the wrong person. Getting angry at Mal for something she didn't do, but her mother did? Really? To answer your question, Ben's proclamation wasn't to give the kids on the Isle a chance to destroy us. It was to give them a chance at a better life than what they've had on the Isle," I replied.

Queen Leah looked at me, shocked. "Why are you sticking up for them? Especially the daughter of the one who cursed my daughter?" Queen Leah asked me. I face-palmed myself. "Didn't you not hear what I just told you? Putting that curse on Aurora was what Maleficent did, not Mal. Mal's my friend. By the way, what do you do? Take just one look at Mal, and immediately think that she's Maleficent? What happened to not judging someone before you get to know them? Not judging a book by its cover?" I shot back. Everyone glared at Queen Leah, then turned back to me. "Anyway, I know Mal is a good person. Since she and the other villain kids got here, she saved me when I fell, twice," I added. Audrey started laughing at me, again! "Oh come on Regina. You really expect us to believe that?" she asked.

"Zip it, Audrey! You're the one who caused me to fall the first time!" I snapped. "What are you talking about?" Queen Leah asked me. "The first time Audrey caused me to fall was when the villain kids first got here. She pulled Ben away from me, causing him to accidentally scratch my arm. The second time is when Audrey insulted Ben's parents and mine, and Chad...AHH!" I screamed, feeling a pain in my right cheek, then the next thing I knew, I was on the ground.

"Stay away from her!" I heard someone shout. I looked up, and saw that it was Chad. "Don't do this Chad," Ben warned, as he helped me up. "They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think they taught them? Kindness? Fair play? No," Chad replied. He then continued his rant saying that
-Mal stole another girl's boyfriend
-Jay enjoys hurting people
-Grayson doesn't even love me. He's only with me to get the magic in my hair
Last but not least he said
-Evie's nothing but a gold-digger and a cheater
Evie had enough. "Mirror mirror in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" She asked. It showed Chad's face. "Oh, come on!" Chad said, annoyed.

He raised his hand to smack Evie's away. However, before he could, I quickly got between him and Evie and pushed him away. "Don't you dare touch my friends, Chad!" I shouted. I turned back to the Vks and mouthed: "Are you okay?"  They all shook their heads, making me turn back to Chad with a scowl on my face. "Why did you say that, Chad?

"Did you not hear me, Regina? They were raised by their parents, which are villains. That makes them villains," Chad replied. I scoffed. "Oh, really? Well then, that means our mothers are villains too, right?" I asked. "What? No they're not. What are you talking about?" Chad replied, taken aback. I scowled deeper. "Chad, you just said that someone is a villain because they were raised by villains. Well, you seem to have forgotten something. If I recall, our mothers were also raised by villains. So were Snow White and Quasimodo. Your mother was raised by Lady Tremaine. My mother was also raised by Mother Gothel. Snow White was raised by the Evil Queen too, and Quasimodo was raised by Judge Claude Frollo. And despite that, even though they were treated badly by them, your mother, my mother, Snow White, and Quasimodo don't have a single bad bone in their bodies, do they?" I asked.

"No," Chad admitted. "See? Just because someone was raised by someone who treated them badly, doesn't always mean that they're bad too. If that's true, then the same thing can be said for Mal and the others. Speaking of, I have a few things to say about what you said about them. First of all, Mal didn't steal Ben from Audrey. It was he who said he loved her and asked her out on a date. Second of all, Jay doesn't enjoy hurting people. He enjoys playing games where people get hurt. Isn't that the point of Tourney anyway? Besides, it was him and Carlos that helped the team win the game, remember? Third; I'm not scared of Grayson, and he doesn't want anything to do with my hair. 4th, Evie's not a gold-digger and cheater. Audrey is a gold-digger: she's only with Ben for the crown. You're the cheater, Chad. Not just on your homework, but on girls, and with girls. Why did you think that Grayson only loves me for my hair? And why do you think that Evie is a gold-digger?" I asked.

"Because she wanted to be with me because I am a prince. As for Grayson, he does want your hair. I heard everything you said when I was spying on you: getting ready for your date with Grayson," Chad replied. "WHAT!!?? were spying on me? Spying on us?!" I screamed. "Oops. Did I say that out loud?" Chad asked. Everyone glared at him. King Adam asked if Grayson really was with me just because of my magic hair, and I said no. I turned back to the VK's and tried to get them away from the tension, but I heard Chad speak again, to me this time. "Audrey's right, Regina. You are a baby. All you talk is nonsense. You don't deserve to be Rapunzel's daughter, Ben's best friend, or his royal advisor." Hearing that made me so mad, that I stomped over to him, grabbed him by the collar, and shouted... "Says the prince who not only has been using his charm to trick several girls, including Evie, into doing his homework for him, but also, has been bullying me since childhood!!"

The next thing I knew, Chad punched me in the left cheek again. I screamed in pain because it was still healing from last time. "Chad Bartholomew Charming!!" I heard a voice shout. Chad froze, and I groaned in pain. Ben and Mal helped me up, and I looked up to see Cinderella and Kit staring at their son in disbelief. My family came over to check on me. "Are you okay, honey?" Dad asked. "I think so," I moaned.

Cinderella and Kit pulled me aside to talk to me. "How much of that could you hear?" I asked Cinderella and Kit. "Everything. Including everything that Chad had said about your new friends," Kit told me. "Chad bullied you, Regina?" Cinderella asked me. "Yes, he did bully me, and apparently still is," I admitted. "Why didn't you tell us that the first time? When you were 6?" she added. I breathed shakily and replied. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I had no choice. Chad threatened me! Saying that if I were to tell you, he'd..." I began, before I heard someone shouting.

"Regina, look out behind you! Chad's got a pair of scissors!" It sounded like Melody. I turned and to my horror, I saw Chad with a pair of scissors in his hand. I screamed the loudest I ever screamed, and closed my eyes tight. But then I heard another scream. I opened my eyes and saw Chad passed out on the ground, and then saw... Chad's scissors in Grayson's side! "Grayson!!" I screamed, before telling the other boys to go and get some napkins.

Once they did, I placed them on the wound. Ben and I knew that we had to get Grayson to the infirmary, but he was bleeding fast. Ben whispered in my ear, and I was about to make a wish for all of us to go to the infirmary, when I heard Audrey. "Evie did something to Chad!" she yelled. "Why do you think, Audrey?! Chad did something to Grayson, you mean!" I shouted back, and made a wish. We all disappeared and appeared in the infirmary. The nurses saw Grayson's injury, and immediately went right to work.

Cinderella and Kit were being told by other girls about what Regina told them about Chad. He really had tricked several girls into doing his homework for him. When they finished, and returned it to him, they see him flirting with another girl. "I...I...I can't believe it. Our son is a bully, and a cheat!?" Cinderella cried in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but it's true. What you just saw was the reason Regina didn't tell you what Chad did to her. Because he threatened to cut her hair if she did," Rapunzel explained. Everyone was shocked. At that moment, Chad woke up to see his father staring angrily at him.

"Chad Bartholomew Charming," he scolded. " was the daughter of the Evil Queen, father. You saw what she did to me. She..." Chad tried to say. "Evie, you mean? I saw. It looked to me that she and Grayson were protecting Regina, from you," replied Kit. "Regina? Ohh! I was so close to cutting her hair," said Chad, making everyone gasp. "You really were about to cut Regina's hair!?" King Adam roared. "Because she told my parents about me bullying her, which was true. I told her not to, saying that if she did, then I would cut her hair," Chad replied. "Oh! Oh! So you admit it! You admit to bullying our granddaughter?" said Queen Arianna. "And threatening her too?!" added King Fredrick.

Chad didn't say anything. "You're coming with us to Fairy Godmother's!" his father shouted. Cinderella didn't say anything to object. Fairy Godmother had a feeling that this event wasn't over yet, so she told Cinderella and Kit to wait with Chad until she got there. They walked him back into the school and into Fairy Godmother's office, where Mr. Delay was.

"I have something to say about your son," he said to them. He explained to them that Chad gave him Evie's magic mirror. "You did take Evie's mirror out of her purse, right?" he asked. Chad nodded. "You stole Evie's mirror?" Cinderella asked. "Yes. But she showed it to me. She cheated on the board with it the first time," protested Chad. "True. But you tried to get me to have her expelled, and you stole something from her. Not to mention you gripping Regina's arm so hard that she bled," Mr. Delay replied. "That's it. One of your punishments is to redo all the assignments that you deceived other girls into doing. I'm sure Fairy Godmother will agree," Kit said. "I agree," replied Mr. Delay, and he stayed with them until Fairy Godmother came back.

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