Daring Heart (Undertale)


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Frisk is fed up with the same over and over again, so she decides to do the right thing to save everyone. She... Еще

A previous note
Chapter 1. Ending up the routine
Chapter 2. A new opportunity
Chapter 3. Nightly Caution
Chapter 4. A Cold Way
Chapter 5. A new Job
Chapter 6. Frisk Dreemurr
Chapter 7. Flowers and Flames
Chapter 8. White environment
Chapter 9. Never make Grillby mad
Chapter 10. A Kidnapping?
Chapter 11. Family burden
Chapter 12. The bodyguard
Chapter 13. Work, work and more work
Chapter 14. Cobwebs of emotions
Chapter 15. Fast Judgment
Chapter 16. A good old Friend
Chapter 17. Presented Enigmas
Chapter 18. Flowey
Chapter 19. He who laughs last...
Chapter 20. Blessing or Curse?
Chapter 21. The calm after the storm
Chapter 22. A little bit awkward breakfast
Season 2
Chapter 1. Revelations, Part 1
Chapter 2. Revelations, part 2
Chapter 3. Golden Flower
Chapter 4. His "friend" and her "friend"
Chapter 5. Sans Valentine's Day
Chapter 6. Bonds of Friendship
Chapter 7. Once upon a time, a determined girl.
Chapter 8. Searching for answers
Chapter 9. Unknowns on the snow
Chapter 10. Papyrus is the answer
Chapter 11. The deal
Chapter 12. Fish ears
Chapter 13. Inner reflexes
Chapter 14. Magic Stuff
Chapter 15. Orthodox preparations
Chapter 16. Mew Mew Kissy Cutie
Chapter 18. Conversing face to pollen
Special Chapter 1: God save the queen
Chapter 19. Happy Birthday
Chapter 20. The perfect plan
Chapter 21. Loose Goat
Special Chapter 2. The hammer of justice
Chapter 22. Obfuscated tangles
Chapter 23. Feeling like garbage
Chapter 24. A risky election
Chapter 25. Screw everything
Chapter 26. The fallen child

Chapter 17. The glass with which you look.

367 6 1

Once she made sure that Sans had disappeared, Frisk ran to her bathroom in order to look at herself in a mirror with urgency.

The one who looked back at her, was a young girl, curiously well groomed wearing a cosplay and with a face full of worry. She opened her eyes as wide as possible to observe by herself the color of her iris, but the light brown color of her eyeballs was intact. She sighed relaxed to see her natural color on them, but she kept still contemplating her own reflection waiting for something else.

Despite everything, it's stills her.

"Days without knowing about you, and this is how you show yourself?" She complained to her own reflection, giving the message to someone else "I've been calling you, why didn't you appear?"

She stood still for many minutes in silence, waiting, but nobody answered. Frisk saw how her own reflection was showing her anguish. No, the things that the first human showed at her weren't funny at all, but part of her was kind of relieved to know that she still had a connection with her to fulfill her promise with Flowey.

"I haven't forgotten your last words... but I still don't know what you are looking for" She continued talking to the mirror "If only you could tell me exactly what you want, we could make an agreement."

The silence started to feel awkward for her.

"Or is it just... that you just want to torture me?"

"If your torture is what I seek, then you would be suffering in agony"

Despite she didn't like her words at all, Frisk smiled satisfied to listen to her voice again. She turned on the tap water to wash away the makeup that Mettaton insisted so much to put on her, while she was waiting for another word from the first human, but after some minutes in silence, she had no doubt that it has to be her the one who must start the conversation.

"Then, what do you want from me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to make everything go back to normal"

"No more resets. I'm firm in that decision" Her reflection showed the seriousness in her words "So forget about the other routes, because from now on this will be the only one."

A singing and mocking laugh made sound inside her head making her feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Poor and innocent Frisky... Do you still naively believe that you have the control, but you don't notice the big hole that you're digging yourself. Do you really believe that you are taking the pacifist route?"

"What... do you mean?"

"Well, for start, you had to not kill anybody. And you already have killed hundreds of...freaks, right?"

The young girl almost falls of the dizziness that was caused by the horrible memory, but she could grip on the washbasin bar in time. The amalgamates...With so much stuff she has been doing recently, plus much more stuff she has to think about, she has completely forgotten about an important detail like that one. She didn't just let Alphys and Sans cover her, but she didn't even care to check on their families to see how they're doing and accompany them in their pain.

"I...I didn't.." She wanted to defend herself somehow, but now that she feels like she's the worst person in the world she couldn't get any coherent words in her mind "I didn't want... I didn't even know how I did it..."

"keep lying to yourself as long as you want, but that won't erase what you did... if you want to stay firm to not reset anymore, of course"

"I won't reset anymore. I'll look for a way to fix this, I..."

"Sure... you just keep telling yourself that you can do everything, but tell me, can you bring the dead back to life?"

"Maybe Alphys can help them, maybe if..."

"And it didn't go well, if you let me remind you."

Frisk was pressing the bar where she was holding herself with more strength every time Chara talked by the fear to fall because of that intense dizziness. She knew that Chara was only looking to provoke her and she definitely won't fall in her words, but deep down she knew that she was right and indeed, she wasn't doing as good as she thought.

She remembered the last words of the amalgamates from that day. Even if they were asking her to destroy them, she never wanted to harm them, she didn't even thought in the possibility to do it with the evidence of their immortality. They thanked her before becoming dust... but still it wasn't a beautiful picture and neither remember the fact that they died by her hand.

The ambassador took a deep breath to calm her dizziness while she thinks about a way of solution. She thought in how she was possible to end their lives, but that generated more questions than answers.

That red code... it didn't have any name on it to know its real function but even if it could finish the lives of many in one press, she didn't believe that it was something related to a lethal function, because for that she already has her FIGHT button. Without any doubt it was something new, even for Flowey.

"Stop going around the topic, realize that you are dooming yourself. Sooner or later you won't be able to fix all your mistakes and you will drown in your own torment."

"That's the only mistake I have done... I won't make any more mistakes" She tried to stay serene, but Chara's accusations were starting to irritate her in a mysterious way for her "The only wish I have is to help everyone, including you."

"And it's right there where you are digging your grave. So many illusions, so many promises... but just when they find out that you are not what you say, they won't take too long to realize that you are just a big disappointment for them and they'll start hating you. You think you can manage everything in line with your lies and false hopes for everyone, but that won't last long."

"They are not false hopes nor lies, I truly have the devotion to help everyone" Frisk leaned on the bar not resisting anymore the dizziness "If I'm making promises, is because I know my capacity to achieve my goals."

"You are just a whimsical girl, Frisk. You don't even know how to fulfill whatever you are promising. That only shows your immaturity."

"Now you sound like an old lady."

She made fun of her to calm everything down and retake the order of her body. The dizziness, the sweat and that irritation in her own behavior... She knew that it was just Chara playing with her own mind. She still doesn't know how she can make those effects on her, but she's still determined to not get carried away by her.

When she made sure that she could stand in her feet without the need to hold on to something, she took her gloves of the cosplay off and she contemplated with great love the woven bracelets that her friends gave her. She carried them all the time as a reminder that she fights for them.

The monsters deserved happiness, and she was more than willing to give it to everyone.

With that thought of love to her loved ones, she took a deep breath to calm down and avoid Chara affecting her mind anymore. She noticed it was very effective but she still can feel her presence somehow, so she opted to play an instant card taking advantage of the moment as soon as possible. She took out her cellphone and held it for a while.

"I don't really know what you think about me, but I believe that you know what I think about you." By not getting an answer, Frisk dared to keep talking now that she can stay up without holding to anything. "I really wanna help you...both of you. Asriel and you. And not because of a promise, but because it's a wish that I've had for a long time."

The silence of the first human remained in the ambiance somewhat uncomfortable for the last human. She checked on her inventory to extract from it what she has saved since she decided to not reset anymore. She put in the washbasin bar the dagger and the heart locket.

"You know... I didn't had time to analyze this closely before, but I think that there's something more important in these gifts than just a good intention, don't you think?" Having no answer, she continued by all means "I know that the locket was given to you to match with him, but the dagger...you were going to give it to Asriel, right?"

She couldn't even get a spoken answer. Her head hurt in a second and without knowing how, the mirror in front of her broke in the act.

"You can play your dirty game faking to be a good girl with everyone, but that doesn't apply on me. I know what you are trying to do, and it's useless"

According to her tone, she was mad at her, but she could hardly pay attention to her words because of the intensity of the pain that accompanied her words. Despite she avoided the topic, Frisk knew beforehand that she didn't liked at all the mentioning of Asriel and she supposed that it was a sensitive topic for her after all.

Flowey, even with his incapacity to feel something, even for himself, he had the need to make sure of the good of her friend and he even took the risk to trust in the human to achieve such thing. Chara on the other hand, to be soulless entity as the flower, she seemed to keep with her one or another feeling, although those were not positive at all for the taste of the ambassador who had to deal with them. She can't understand the cause of both cases, and even less in how they still exist despite they died at young age, but she had the slight feeling that the causality in both could come from the same point.

"If you say that I know nothing, then explain it to me" She sat on the floor by the fear to fall down at any moment because of the terrible mix of pain and dizziness she had within "You say that you want to keep the natural order of everything, but the fact that you insist me so much in keep resetting is a very incongruous way to show it. Isn't the time to elapse as its way a «Natural order» thing? Isn't that just what I'm doing?"

"You want to look smart with that, huh? I won't tell you anything, I want to see how you destroy yourself with that and I have already interfered too much for now."

"Then why you had to show me images of that route?" The ambassador kept insisting "If you would just tell me what you really want besides resetting, we could reach to a common good if its possible. I'm talking seriously when I say that I look for the good and happiness of everyone and..."

"Good for who? Them? Azzy? Mine? Frisky, only you want that stupid happy ending. You are not really thinking for everyone else, only you. And before you start denying it, let me tell you that I know you much better than you believe. I know very well how you think, I know very well what you were before and what you are now. In the absurd case that you could actually complete that stupid mission of everyone being saved at your discretion, are you really going to feel satisfied after you make it? To achieve to not leaving anyone behind will make you feel calmed? No Frisk, it won't and you know why."

Frisk grabbed her wrist with the bracelets like if that comforts her from that fast thought that arrived at her by Chara's words. She knows very well what she meant, but she denied to give it shape in her mind.

After all, that made her reach to the present point.

"If you know so much as you say... then you must understand why I don't want to reset anymore. It hurts me to have caused them so much suffering, even if they don't remember."

"And that's why you can fake so easy that those genocide routes never happened doing that kind of stuff in this one."

She noticed a tone of irony in her voice, but she didn't care. She didn't know if it was because of her headache or because of Chara's words, but after standing up once again, she realized she was crying in silence in front of the broken mirror.

In each cracked mirror fragment she could see the human with long eyes who nobody had loved in the human world. Somehow, she felt that each Frisk that looked back at her in those fragments were each one of her many resets and all of them were crying because, sooner or later, she has been routing until the point where the present Frisk is right now.

She knew many of them hasn't done good at all, but for the same reason she's determined to fix all those mistakes, isn't that right? Much for her regret, she admitted that she was lying to everyone by not revealing the truth of the facts, but if she really wanted everybody to be happy she had willed to make a barrier of information to hide to achieve such self given goal. If Sans had shown great heaviness and caution around her after all the time, she has been living the same constantly, she didn't want to imagine how the rest would act.

Sans, the judge and guardian who was always careful with her, no matter which route she took. But he, even with all this... even after knowing the truth about the RESET...he has forgiven her. After staying in guard and suspicious around her, he still went to her rescue from Flowey more than once without anyone telling him to do it. Even when she had told him the truth about the possession of such power in her hands, he still kept telling her puns, jokes and even pranked her. Even after all that... he still stood with her.

Her tears stopped dropping after realizing that. If there was a being in the whole universe who had already forgiven her even after knowing the truth, it means that, no matter what happens from now on, somehow her fight does matter.

"Are you going to lie your vain hopes in what that smiling trash showed you? Really?" She answered to her thoughts once more, leaving clear once again that she's capable to know what she thinks even before she could formulate an idea "That's too dumb, even for you."

All Frisks in the mirror dried their tears and stared at her. In that silence lapse she understood what her own self was trying to remind her. If they, even with all their mistakes knew how to keep forward, then why should she be different? The Frisk that was enclosed in the bathroom wearing a colorful dress based in an anime character was the present one and the smith of an uncertain future now, she can't afford to cry like an in defense little girl if she had so much to achieve for the good of her loved ones.

Because indeed, she had stopped being a child.

"And big kids don't cry" She told to the Frisks who were smiling at her back when she finally understood it by herself "Don't you think, Chara?"

The called one didn't answer, but Frisk could sense that she newly didn't like that reference of the prince of monsters. She untied her ponytail and messed up her hair to relax it after the big tension she was accumulating between them. She wanted to know how to help her, but she was becoming harder and harder to handle before the possibility that she knew her intentions much before she could clearly plan them.

However, a slightly insistent knock at the door broke with all the possibilities to plan in early.

"Lady Frisk?" The called one sighed resigned. For more she had told them to not call her like that for not being that necessary, they still insisted to call her like that "Are you there?"

"Yeah, yeah," Frisk noticed that the first human stopped perceiving, indicating her that she newly left her alone and lost her opportunity to agree on something with her, thing that she greatly lamented by having to leave the conversation that way "I'm going to shower."

"Oh...I'm sorry for interrupting you," The voice commented shameful at the other side of the door "The king is back and he's waiting to have dinner with you."

"Ok, coming, thanks"

When she heard the steps going away indicating her that the monster had left, the human started to take off the boots to wear off the cosplay without difficulty. In the broken mirror, she saw her own reflection with a sad face by the failed opportunity and accumulated frustration for not getting any answers yet. She sighed before starting to wear off the dress to get in the shower and then go with her father.


Asgore was preparing the tea despite the insistence of his servants to do it for him. But for more he thanked the attentions of everyone, he liked to do it by himself and enjoy those small personal goals. It was always a good day when his favorite tea was at the precise degree of heat.

But now, it wasn't just a common day, but an extraordinary one for him.

"Are you sure you don't need any help with something?" Toriel approached him a bit scared by the low gastronomic skills of her ex husband which were recently shown.

"Don't worry, I know very well how to do this" He smiled happily to the boss monster who just shrugged and went back to the table.

Through the day where they were preparing the cake and talked about how little they knew about their adoptive daughter, they reached to the conclusion that they had to talk about many things before they could get wrong ideas. Much to their regret, Toriel ended up agreeing to go to the castle with him to talk with her there once for all, but not before threatening him to let her go when they finished talking. She didn't want to give him more vain opportunities.

The king of monsters put the tray carefully on the table and handed Toriel her cup, which she immediately started to sip by the anxiety of staying alone with him in the table until her child comes. Asgore had tried to keep talking with her as same as they did when they were preparing Alphys's cake (which they left in the ruins for security reasons), however Toriel had no intention to have a conversation with him, almost like if she was tense by the fact of staying too long in the castle. In the end the king gave up and took his cup while they were waiting in that awkward silence for Frisk to appear according to what he asked kindly to one of his servants.

For both lucks, the human didn't take too long and made presence completely dressed with the traditional Dreemurr outfit which the king gave her again after the disastrous result that happened to the last one.

Frisk entered into the dining room calmly, but when she noticed that her mother was also there, she couldn't hide her surprise. With a simple accomplice gaze, Toriel had indicated her to not try anything crazy, thing that somehow, she ignored after the internal euphoria growing inside her.

"Wow, you are both here" Frisk smiled raising an eyebrow "Did I missed something?"

"Frisk..." The ex queen threatened her with a serious gaze.

"Sit with us, my child" Asgore smiled at her kindly understanding the context on her words and discreetly uniting to her happiness about it "Your tea is close to get cold"

She gladly listened to the petition. She noticed how in the table were just the cups of tea and some cookies, so she intuited that it wasn't just a simple family dinner as she would've liked. And the doubtful face from her mother indicated her that something not nice at all was coming if she was struggling to start the conversation with her.

"My child..." Toriel put her cup on the table like if with that action she would get the best words to start "Your father and I want to talk with you about something."

Frisk took a sip to her cup of golden flower tea without using any word. She opted to let them talk freely to know what was all this about. Toriel understood in that moment the silent permission she was giving her to continue talking and then sighed softly before continuing.

"You have given us great happiness with your presence, and even more by the fact that you accept us as you parents" The boss monster smiled sweetly "You are an exemplary daughter and you undoubtedly makes us love you more every day."

The human smiled slightly sullenly by her words; it was so kind of them to tell her words like those ones.

"Part of our roles as your parents is to stay alert to all your needs and interests" Asgore continued taking the hand of her daughter, the one who made noticeable the big difference of sizes "That's why... we want to know..."

"We know you had a life in the surface and of course we respect your decision if you don't want to share it" Toriel continued immediately when she noticed that Asgore also didn't know how to continue "But we have the certain concern that we don't know you enough and of course we deeply wish with our hearts to know even more about you."

"Oh..." Frisk left her cup calmly on the table observing her parents a bit nervous "Okay."

Being sincere with herself, she wasn't feeling good to reach to that point with them, but she understood that they were in their right to know something about her. After all, no matter what they ask, she will still be their daughter, right?


While she was observing her reflection on the cup, she could clearly listen to a singing laugh answering her question in a very crooked way.


And it's here when I talk philosophically about what is coming in the plot, but... I'm dying of sleep and my head won't respond anymore tonight. I haven't slept well in days because of my job. Also from the two I have, I also was at the convention of anime/manga in where I was drawing and selling stuff I make. I made some stickers of many things, and between them undertale <3

The stickers of Sans disappeared really fast :V and despite I wanted so badly, I couldn't make Frans stickers by the fear of what happened in USA to an artist, it's very sad the case of people doing such things :(

P.S. : I invite you to check my social media to follow my drawings if you like, hehe.

P.S.2 : I haven't forgotten Flapper Florist, I'll upload the next episode as soon as I can, I promise!

Michi Out zzzzzz




Fanny's note:

Yeah! If I haven't tell you, Michi had written another Undertale fanfic. I know someone Translated some episodes but then she/he (Idk if it was a guy or a girl) quitted. But then Michi asked me to also translate her fanfic Flapper Florist. It's a Mafiatale and Frans Undertale fic. I've seen people saying that it's pretty good. I have my reasons to not read it, but I won't say why. So maybe after I translate the same episodes Michi uploads at the same time, I'll be translating Flapper Florist Too (Guess I'll have to read it, hah!)

Clap Clap Fanny Out! Clap Clap

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