The Choices We Make

נכתב על ידי MielSalva

690 98 27

Dion James Lorenzo is the best HR Consultant in his team. To reward his hard work, he is allowed to use up hi... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Notes

Chapter 2

30 6 1
נכתב על ידי MielSalva


Emerald Avenue is closed to motorists every Sunday. Kiosks for food, clothes, and novelty stuff littered the sidewalk as lively music blared from speakers stacked near the Ortigas Park. A group of residents of the business district wearing their zumba clothes did stretching exercises while waiting for the instructor to begin the free class. 

Yanna had slowly rounded the block once, making sure to check all the items in each kiosk just to entertain herself and to pass time. She would have gone for another round but no matter how she willed it, her lungs couldn’t keep up anymore. But at least she was able to get some fresh air.

It wasn’t the ideal environment to breathe in fresh air but for Yanna, it would do. Besides, there were a lot of perks that came with living in the heart of the city. Sure, the cost of living in the business district was high, but everything else was a walk away--malls, church, hospital, park, gym, school. No traffic, no wasted time on long travels. Plus, she could burn calories! All of that, to her, defined a comfortable life -- for everything to be within reach.

“You’re back so early, Ate!” Her cousin, Lucy, opened the door before Yanna did. She looked like she was going somewhere based on the light make-up, tight-fitting shirt, a pair of ripped jeans and rubber shoes she wore.

Yanna waddled into the unit and sank on the sofa, her hand automatically rubbing over her belly. “You’re going out?”

“Yeah.” Lucy applied lipstick, smacked her lips several times and smiled at her reflection against the mirror nailed on the wall. 

When Yanna surprised her parents telling them she was in her third trimester (just because she couldn’t hide her bulging belly anymore), they were too excited to rope in Lucy, a relative they helped put to college. She graduated with a vocational course last year and had been looking for a job in Cebu. From what she had told Yanna, Lucy was not accepted in any of the job posts. So Yanna’s parents thought her cousin could temporarily help with the chores until the baby was born before she looked for a permanent job.

Yanna’s eyes homed in on the unwashed dishes by the sink, the hair strands on the floor, the dust collecting on her furniture, the cobwebs that had started to form on one corner of the ceiling. She didn’t want to imagine how the spare bedroom which Lucy used was faring. “Job hunting?”

“Nah, just going out with a new friend. Anything you want from the mall, Ate?” she asked without looking at her.

“No, thanks. I’m good. Have fun though.”

As soon as Lucy had left, Yanna heaved a deep sigh and stood up. She was in the nesting phase, it seemed-- the need to clean every square inch of the place, and put everything in order. All to prepare for the baby. It was better that Lucy had gone out so she could tidy up her unit. But it would take her hours to finish everything considering her limited movement. Hopefully, her cousin wouldn’t be home soon.

She had just turned on the vacuum when her phone let out a familiar tune she had assigned for her parents. With a smile, she aborted cleaning in the meantime, sank back on the sofa and picked up the video call from her mother who lived halfway across the globe. 

When her parents migrated to the US, Yanna was already over 21 and therefore, couldn’t be with them. Left behind, she decided to try a career as a corporate employee because looking for a nursing job in the country was like fighting for a needle in a haystack. Plus, she didn’t want to pay so she could practice her profession. It was her parents’ first heartbreak.  The second was when she refused their offer to file for her petition for migration because she started to love what she was doing and that she was compensated and recognized for the work she did. Something they didn’t quite understand.

To them, it seemed like she always picked her career over family and relationships. She would have argued with them but she simply didn’t have the energy. Instead, Yanna tried to compensate by keeping communication lines open. At least with her parents. Even when she knew that her life choices caused the rift.

The news about the baby, however, was a bandaid to the widening gap. So allowing them to spoil their still unborn grandson was the least she could do. This time around, she didn’t refuse whatever help they offered if it helped patch things up between them.

“You look tired,” was her mother’s greeting as she came into focus. “You should rest. It’s bad for the baby if you’re exhausted.”

Yanna repositioned the phone so that her mother would see her belly and her face. “It’s okay, Ma. I just had a walk at the park. Baby needs it since he’s still in breech.”

“Oh, okay then. Have you received the newborn diapers yet?” Her father grabbed the phone from her mother and scooted closer to each other  so their faces would fit the phone’s small screen. He was wearing a huge smile, excited for the birth of their first grandchild. First grandson to be exact. 

Yanna pressed the camera’s rotate button so she could show them everything they had sent for the baby. Boxes of diapers, wet wipes, clothes and gadgets were piled high on one corner of her living room. “Yep. Along with the sterilizer, the co-sleeper, the are spending way too much. We don’t even know if he’ll need everything,” she laughed. If they kept at it, there wouldn’t be enough space for them to move around in her unit.

Her mother squinted at the camera, completely ignoring her comment. “Is it me or your unit looks cramped and messy?”

If they kept sending things, there would be no time to tidy up, she wanted to say but opt for something else. “Well, I was just starting to clean up when you called.”

“Why? Where’s Lucy?”

“She went out.”

“She went out without tidying up?” Her mother’s voice was incredulous as she faced her husband. “Do you know someone else who’s...more reliable?”

“It’s okay, Ma. Maybe she’s just having fun with the new environment. Besides, I have Rhea,” she told them, leaving the fact that her best friend was out of the country for two weeks.

“No. You need someone to be with you at all times! You’re on your third trimester, for crying out loud. Besides, Rhea is also working, isn’t she? What if the baby decides to come out sooner? Pa, we have to look for someone else. I told you, Lucy’s too...young for this.”

Her parents argued in hushed voices and Yanna sighed, exasperated. She had wanted to refuse the help because she had read testimonies of other single moms that they were able to do it on their own. Certainly, she could, too. Then again, she didn’t want to disappoint her parents anymore than she already had. The list had grown longer and she already lost track in her thirty-one years of existence.

The incoming call from an unknown number was a welcome diversion. “Okay, Ma, Pa. I have to go. Talk to you later. Take care, bye.” She hung up on her parents to pick up the new one. “Hello?”

“Hi, Good morning! I’m looking for Miss Jaeyanna Ignacio?” the male on the other line hesitated.

“Yes, speaking. Who’s calling please?”

“You have a delivery. I’m already outside the door but no one’s home?”

Yanna’s eyebrows crashed. She had not heard anyone rapping at her door. Unless Rhea ordered something online for her but used Kyle’s address instead. Again. “Are you in Unit 704?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Okay.” Yanna looked around her apartment. The cleaning could wait. “ I’ll be there in five.” 



The feeling of waking up late into the morning doing non-work related things was new to DJ. Upon his arrival in Kyle’s unit, he stayed up all night playing Dragon Age on the PS4 and actually fell asleep on the couch doing so, his character died from an ambush of wild animals.

He had wanted this for a long time. To own a video game console. But he put that aside, along with his other wants, knowing they needed the money to keep afloat of bills and necessities. But now that his sisters were already on their road to self-sufficiency, perhaps he could save money to finally have his own PlayStation. Or maybe he could strike a deal with Kyle if he could buy the PS4. Afterall, there’s news that the new version was to be released soon. No doubt his friend would want it too.

DJ sat up, peeling his naked back off the leather couch and looked around. It was a one bedroom unit, enough for two or three, and a pet perhaps. It was almost the same size as their humble home in Tarlac. If he turned his head to the side, it’s the living room, to the front, the door to the bedroom parallel to the toilet and bath, and to the other side, the kitchen and the dining table for two. 

In one of their conversations, he remembered Yanna telling him she wanted a unit of her own, too. With her salary range, she could easily buy one. To him, however, it wasn’t practical. Especially since a condominium unit didn’t have its land title. That meant, if the building burned down -- knock on wood -- she’d have nothing. He had told her this, not to dissuade her or anything. But Yanna had always been stubborn and would sulk if things didn’t go her way. 

Just like how she told him it was for the best if they didn’t talk for a while. After he mindlessly proposed to her just because she looked lovely carrying a baby.

They were at his niece’s baptismal reception then. The four words spilled out of his mouth before he knew it. In her silence that followed, he knew the timing was off. Because instead of an answer, she launched her questions about living arrangements. In the end neither of them wanted to leave a career and relocate. And that was that.

He had not stopped rewriting the scene in his head though. What could have happened if he didn’t mindlessly propose to her? Would they still be together? But then again, would their decisions change if the argument didn’t come up soon?

The hushed voice right outside the unit got the best of him. Haphazardly, he threw his shirt over his head, headed to the door, cracked it open...

And froze.

Jaeyanna Ignacio stood before him, looking beautiful as always, in her dress with layered ruffles. She was stunned just as he was. But she looked beautiful, more beautiful, even. She was murmuring on the phone, her eyes not leaving his which made him conscious, he combed his hair with his fingers and straightened his shirt.

Stepping out of the unit, DJ waited for her to finish the call. He realized he had always done the waiting in their relationship.

Three years ago, before they were introduced on a blind date courtesy of Kyle and Rhea, he had to wait until Yanna’s schedule allowed her some free time. Back then, he wasn’t in a hurry as dating had been the least in his priorities. He wasn’t even ashamed to admit he had never had a girlfriend before. Thanks to Kyle’s incessant pestering, he caved in.

It seemed like he and Yanna were in the same boat—too busy to be in a relationship, too caught up in their long list of priorities to give dating a chance. They just agreed to meet just to get it over and done with. 

Unexpectedly, they hit it right off the bat. The small talk led them to realize they had too many similarities.Perhaps it was the reason why they clicked. They understood each other. What they thought would be a one-time thing to indulge the request of their common friends, became an occasional meet-up. Soon it evolved into something frequent, intimate, eventually becoming an exclusive couple.

But he always had to wait for her go signal—a call that she had time to see him. By default, they would rendezvous at his place because she wanted a brief respite from the city and they both didn't want to splurge on a trip out of town. So Tarlac was the logical choice. Besides, they preferred lounging around, trash-talking each other on video games he'd borrow from a relative, or simply dozing off in each other's arms no matter how cheesy it seemed. His sisters didn't protest either. As a matter of fact, they were supportive, thrilled that their brother was actually finally seeing someone. The twins would make an excuse to sleep over a relative's house to give them privacy each time Yanna came over. It was how his extended family came to know her too. The rest was history.

DJ just hoped he wouldn't just be part of her history though.

When Yanna cleared her throat, he realized he had been staring at her the whole time. 

“Hi...Yanna.” His voice trembled a bit at her name leaving his lips.

She smiled a little. And it was enough to brighten his day for weeks. “DJ, What are you—”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, I had to go to the toilet. Sorry to keep you waiting!” The guy, carrying a helmet with one hand, and a box on the other, was sweating profusely under a thick synthetic leather jacket as he approached.

“It’s okay,” Yanna waved the guy off with a hand. 

“It’s five thousand, six hundred, ma’am.”

Yanna looked taken aback. “Oh, I don’t have my wallet with me right now. Is it okay if you—”

“I do,” DJ interrupted and both Yanna and the delivery guy gaped at him. “Wait right here.”

He didn’t wait for her to respond as he dashed back to the unit, rummaged through his bag, looking for his wallet, praying to the heavens he really had enough cash. He had to fish through his jeans’ pockets for loose bills to complete the payment needed.

But perhaps he had taken quite a long time. Because when he rushed out of the unit, the delivery guy and Yanna were both nowhere in sight.

He remembered why in their relationship, he did all the waiting.

Because Yanna didn’t have the patience to waste her time, standing idly.

המשך קריאה

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