Buy Me A Lover-JJK x KSJ

Da nancysue64

104K 4.9K 1.6K

Kim Seokjin lived a busy life. He was left to raise his four year old niece when his sister and brother in l... Altro

"Buy Me A Lover"-Teaser
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 21

1.9K 98 31
Da nancysue64


Kim flipped the cigarette he had between his teeth, into the trash.  He felt rather proud of himself.  That red haired hottie was fun.  He thought back how his screams and his beggings only urged him on.

He did kind of regret slamming his head on the floor too many times.  It would be such a shame if that hottie were brain dead.  Though he supposed it would make it easier to go into his hospital room late at night and-


He put down his drink and walked over to the door. 

"Who is it?"  he growled rather annoyed.

"Delivery for Kim."

The voice on the other side of the door was unfamilar but Kim didn't think anything about it.  He wrenched open the door but if he thought to accept a package he was sadly mistaken.  He received a hard blow to his face and fell backwards onto the floor.  The punches kept coming, a kick to the ribs and then he heard a click.  He looked up, hold his jaw, blood pouring from his broken nose at the barrel of a gun pointed in his face.

The masked man holding the gun spoke with such intent.

"Today is your lucky day, Kim.  Today you die.  Say goodbye, bitch."

The masked gunman thought he had Kim where he wanted him. He thought he'd have him shaking in his boots but instead Kim laughed at him. A loud, boisterious laugh. It unerved the gunman. He wasn't sure what to do. He was told to threaten Kim and scare the ex con but it did the complete opposite.

While the gunman was temporarily stunned into silence Kim lurched forward and knocked the gunman on his ass. He hit his head on the floor and dropped his gun much to Kim's delight. He picked up the gun, cocked the barrel and shot the gunman.

The masked man screamed, the bullet pierced his thigh and blood oozed out steadily. Kim stood up and pointed the gun at the guman's head but dropped the revolver at the bleeding man's feet. Tired of the games.

"Next time why dont you try to aim for the head and shoot, you piece of shit. Hesitating almost got you killed. Now run back to your boss like a hurt puppy and tell him mission failed, asshole."

Kim turned away from the wounded gunman and went back to his cigarette and brandy.

The gunman dragged himself away quietly cursing under is breath at the pain in his leg and his failed attempt to rid the world of Kim.

Kim had seen worse and had dealt with worse. When he first arrived in prison he was skull fucked by his three cell mates. They beat him and raped him till he bleed from every open orfice yet Kim took it.

The second night he bribed an officer to step away from his cell block for five minutes. Kim bribed another inmate on his floor to make him a weapon. That evening after dinner was finished, the guard stepped out for coffee and Kim made his move.

He followed his cell mates into the showers and stabbed two of them to death while seriously injuring the other one. When the officer came back a report was made but Kim was never charged. No one would talk or turn against Kim. No one messed with him after that night.

Kim had new plans and he set about putting them in motion. He had work to do. More people to terrorize before he moved on.


Two days later

Jungkook had been released from the hospital after his panic attack. He was more embarrased than anything over it. Why a little blacked haired, pigtailed four year old got to him he didn't really know.

He had clients today and was almost going to be running late to his ten am appointment. She was a married woman with three kids who had grown discontent with her husband so every Saturday at ten am she would tell her husband to watch the kids while she went to a yoga class for two hours.

Jungkook played his part the way she wanted him to, to pay attention to her, talk to her sweetly, make her feel like she mattered and pleasured her the way her husband didn't anymore. She liked to cuddle after sex and though Jungkook was not big on that, he kind of pitied her and let her have her fantasy for a little bit longer.

When it came to the sex part, she wanted Jungkook to be rough, wild and talk dirty to her. She wanted him to bite her thighs and fuck her in both holes. She wanted mulitples O's and his cum all over her body. Jungkook obliged her. It was her fantasy after all.

She and Jungkook talked about birth control and she brought paperwork and documentation from her doctor showing her hysteromy after her third kid. She and husband didn't have sex anymore yet she still got monthly health checks. She told Jungkook he could cum in her but they agreed on him pulling out and cumming on her stomach or thighs as she loved that.

In the beginning she was always so needy and clingy. Jungkook wasn't that type but reminded himself it was part of his job and he let her indulge. After a few months she became less clingy but was always so needy and he understood why. The woman's husband couldn't, didn't satsify her anymore. The woman was almost certain though her husband had a mistress and she didn't care. She and Jungkook had their arrangement so why rock the boat.

When it was over, it was all business.

She always left Jungkook a huge tip. The first few times he tried to refuse it but she always insisted. She said he was the best lover she ever had and was worth every dollar. She'd get a bit sad though when she realized she had to return to her complacent life at home with the spoiled out of control kids and a sad excuse for a husband but always looked forward to the following Saturday.

After a run home, quick shower he had his next client in two hours. He quickly made himself something to eat and sifted through notes on his next client. His routine now was to make some food and go to the bathroom where he'd lock the door and eat on the bathroom floor with the water running. He couldn't bring himself to sit in the living room or go to his room. He was contemplating on moving.

His business phone buzzed by his side. He put down his client's notes and picked up his phone.

JK: "Yeah, JK here."

UK: "Hey Jungkook this is M***. I know we are suppose to have an appointment at two but something has come up and I will have to cancel. I'm sorry."

(A/N: M*** indicates that the identity of Jungkook's clients remain confidential and private.)

Jungkook exhaled deeply for some reason but answered M***

JK: "That's alright, M***. We can reschedule for another time. You don't have to tell me the reason why. Stuff happens."

There was a long pause.

It made Jungkook feel uneasy.

UK: "Yeah, ah. Let's do that. I will call you when there's a better time."

Now, normally Jungkook didn't press his clients for more informtaion but this was bothering him so he did.

JK: "Something wrong, M***?"

UK: "Ah, no. Well I hope not. My husband got really drunk the last time I came home too late from our appointment and he forced himself on me. That's why I haven't scheduled any apointments with you in the last month. Now that I have I have to cancel because I'm sick."

JK: "Well, M*** you do that. When you're feeling better you can call me and arrange for another appointment if that's what you want. I'm sorry your husband did that to you. Get yourself better first. That's most important."

Another long pause and it just wasn't sitting right with Jungkook. He didn't like to get involved in his client's personal lives and he was already breaking that rule.

UK: "The thing is well....I'm pregnant."

All the blood drained from Jungkook's face, he dropped the phone and clutched his chest. This was always a possibility with his female clients but when documentation and paperwork that was confirmed from their doctors he never had a client come up pregnant. This was a first and Jungkook was not happy.

JK: "And you're telling me this because why? You're on the pill. You brought me the pills and showed me the paperwork faxed over from your doctors. It was also confirmed by the legal department at work."

UK: "See the thing is I missed taking my pill that morning. I forgot because I was fighting with my husband before our appointment. I checked my pills and saw that one I thought i took was gone so I assumed I had taken it and forgot."

Jungkook was growing more angry by the minute. He was beginning to think his client did it deliberately but M***was not that way in the two years she'd been coming to him so this news was shocking.

JK: "I don't know what you want me to say, M***. If you think I'm gonna step up then you're very wrong. If you did this deliberately I have no choice but to nullify our arrangement. The legal department will take care of you from this point on. A blood test and paternity test will be conducted in their medical offices."

UK: "I'm sorry, Jungkook. I just completely forgot then my husband forced himself on me so it could be either one of you."

JK: "The thing is if I go back our last meeting a month ago, there's no possible way that's my kid and I'll tell you how." Jungkook flipped through his notes. He kept detailed notes on every session he had with his clients. It helped him to make their experiences better, room for improvement and such.

He read directly from his notes. "You clawed at my back and wanted to be on top so I rolled us over. You rode me till you came and I pulled out and flipped you onto your back. I came on your back like you've liked in the past. I did not cum in you. There's no way that's my kid so, M*** what's your game? This isn't like you."

He heard a long drawn out sigh before she spoke.

UK: "I couldn't remember, I'm sorry. Of course you aren't. I'm not having this baby either. My husband is a drunk and he beats me frequently. I don't want to be tied to him. In fact I'm gonna get myself cut and burned."

Jungkook was getting uncomfortable with the conversation. Maybe the trauma with her husband made her forget their last encounter but then to tell him about how she didn't want the baby and would get herself fixed was something he didn't need to know or want to know.

JK: "I don't know why you're telling me this. You take care of what you need to do and I will talk to my legal team and see if there's been a breach in contract. If there isn't I will send you a message and we can schedule future appointments."

UK: "Alright, Jungkook. I am sorry. I hope to hear from you soon. Bye now."

JK: "Goodbye, M***."

And that was it. Crisis averted. Most of the clients he had were men and he had a few women but as he was getting more popular his clients were increasing steadily in the female catagory and that was fine with Jungkook but extra measures were taken with the women clients to prevent pregnancy.

In a lot of cases condoms were used. A lot of his female clients were married so extra precautions were used. Others had their own birth control measures and there were those that liked the pull out method but still used back up to prevent pregnancy.

Jungkook put his notes away and turned back to his noodles. He ate them without any further interuptions.

Sometime later his phone rang again and he grimaced when he saw it was Seokjin. This call was on his personal phone not his business phone. He had called Seokjin on it after his trauma had happened. A mistake on his part. He shouldn't of done that but now Seokjin had his personal number and irked the younger.

JK: "Hello." his voice remained very uninterested. He had to. They were getting too close.

SJ: "Hey, Kook. Listen I wanted to remind you that Soon Yi's first chemo session is today in two hours and normally I wouldn't call just to tell you that it's something much more urgent."

JK:"What is it, Seokjin?"

SJ: "She's missing."

Jungkook stifled a cough and collected himself before answering. It was kind of shocking. She was only four years old and she was indeed sick. This was not good news.

JK: "How is she missing? From the hospital? She's four, Seokjin. I dont know what you want me to do about it."

Jungkook regretted as soon as he said it. He didn't mean to come off so cold. Seokjin thought likewise.

SJ: "Of course. What was I thinking. It's not your issue. You only gave her your rare blood to save her life. Your blood runs through her veins, keeping her alive. To us, you are a hero and we will forever be greatful for saving her but right I'm sorry to have bothered you about it. I thought maybe you had heard from her or something. I won't take up anymore of your time."

Jungkook knew he had spoken too harshly. Seokjin was partly right. The little girl was alive because of him and it wasn't her fault she was sick. She was probably hiding somewhere scared of her impending treatment.


Jungkook heard a commotion coming from somwhere. He wrenched the door open and listened. His heart beat slammed in his chest and he broke out in a cold sweat. He prayed the sound wasn't coming from his apartment.

He dropped his phone and quickly dashed past his room and living room to stand by the front door. Another bang came from the other side.

Jungkook grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and pulled the door opened so hard it banged against the wall but if he thought he was gonna be facing his trauma was happily mistaken.

There on his doorstep drenched from the pouring rain that hadn't let up all day was Soon Yi. She sniffled and hugged her little body for warmth. Her brown eyes met Jungkook's. She lunged forward into Jungkook's shocked arms. Jungkook too stunned to see the little girl on his doorstep, fell backwards with the little girl clinging to him tightly. He wacked his head on the floor and grunted in pain.

The little girl stood up and waited for Jungkook to right himself as well.

"Ah, Miss Soon Yi now what are you doing here? You're soaking wet and dripping all over the kitchen floor. Do you know your uncle is looking for you? Actually the entire hospital is looking for you. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Jungkook scolded the young child. She just stood there look impassively at Jungkook. Not the least bit worried or upset. Though she sneezed and her little body shook from the cold rain.

Jungkook raced back to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. He walked back into the kitchen and handed the shivering child the towel. She nodded her head at him and set about drying off his soping wet hair.

Jungkook was irked by the little girl's lack of manners or explanation so he pushed the issue.

"Why are you here?"

She stopped drying her hair for a moment to think about the question. She then leveled Jungkook with a dark yet brooding stare. Her eyes so cold and blank.

"You said you'd be at my chemo treatment."

"Right. That's in two hours, Soon Yi."

"Yeah it was but I got bumped up two hours early. Unkie June tried calling you but yous wouldn't answer so when he stepped out I snuck out of the hopital."

Jungkook was once again stunned into silence. She was really gonna hold him to his word even if it meant going out in the pouring rain to get him.

Jungkook knelt down to the child's level and gave her an icy glare of his own. She faltered slightly.

"Listen here, little girl. You are sick. You need treatment and you risked your health to seek me out. You, my dear need a good walloping on that rear end of yours for acting like a brat. Yeah you're sick but you don't get to throw yourself around like your the big boss and everyone has to bow to the sick little girl's every wants." Jungkook growled lowly it made Soon Yi step back away from him a bit.

"Not so tough when you've met someone that can push back. I'm not gonna give in to your childish demands. Now I said I'd be there for your treatments and I will but don't go making demands and acting a spoiled brat just because you're sick and people will shake in their boots to keep you happy."

Soon Yi gave Jungkook the once over, assessing Jungkook carefully. He wasn't the least bit afraid of her. A worthy opponent maybe.

She snorted rather rude like and Jungkook just scoffed at her bad manners.

"Go into the bathroom, little girl and get yourself dried off. I will call your uncle to come get you."

She snorted again and it took all Jungkook had not to put her over his knee and give her a good spanking but he didn't.

Jungkook informed Seokjin that his niece was at his apartment and ten minutes later he showed up with the hospital nurse and social worker. Soon Yi had by then dried off and sprawled herself lazily on Jungkook's couch.

She went with the nurse and social worker without any protest or attitude. Only Seokjin stayed behind and told them he would be at the hospital in short while for her treatment with Jungkook as promised.

He turned to Jungkook to speak to him but the younger had exited the room before Seokjin could speak to him. He made his way through the apartment and passed Jungkook's locked bedroom to the only other room in the apartment that was occupied, the bathroom.

Seokjin turned the knob but to his dismay found it locked. He knocked waiting for Jungkook to answer when he got no response he knocked harder this speaking in a loud tone through the door.

"I'm not going away till you open this door, Kook. Open it now. I will stay here pounding on it till you let me in." Seokjin rapted his sore knuckles harder into the door. And yet nothing happened.

"I'm not going away, Kook so you either let me in or I'll-" Seokjin didn't have time to finish his thought as he was yanked by his arm into the bathroom andd pinned against the bathroom when he slammed shut behind him.


Jungkook smashed his lips against Seokjin's. Seokjin was momentarily startled but quickly wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and pulled the younger closer to his body.

Jungkook slammed his hips into Seokjin's and pressed his whole body against the older's. His hand searched out the older's beautiful body, feeling at the hard planes of his stomach and rippling chest. He tweeked the older's sensitive nipples and Seokjin tore his mouth away from Jungkook's to cry out in pleasure.

Jungkook took the opporunity to attack the olders neck and sucked the porcelin skin till it was prettied up with love bites and a few hickeys.

Seokjin's moaned and arched his body into the younger's, shamlessly bucking his hips into Jungkook's hardening crotch.

It was Jungkook's turn to groan deeply in his the back of his throat. His body was on fire. He was hard as a rock and he wanted to fuck Seokjin so badly.

He searched for the older's plump, silky lips and plundered them with another wet, sloppy kiss that went on forever.

He pinned the older's hands over his head and ground his hips deliberately into Seokjin's crotch. The older moaned into Jungkook's mouth. He could feel the older hardening the more their bodies touched each other.

Like a flash of lightening Jungkook yanked Seokjin up and into his arms.  He spun the two around and headed for the shower that was still running.

He slammed Seokjin for the second time against the shower wall, the water by now was freezing and Seokjin's screeched in protest but Jungkook wouldn't listen to him. He too was getting soaked by the freezing water but paid little attention to it.

HIs hands went for the belt and button of Seokjin's pants. He pulled them down and turned Seokjin's body around, mashing the older's face against the cold shower wall. The older groaned again and his body arched back towards Jungkook.

Jungkook wrestled with his own buttons on his pants and jerked them down to his knees with a bit of difficulty. The water soaked his clothes to his body like a second skin but he managed it somehow. He wanted to fuck Seokjin with such an intense need it was making him lose his cool.

His large cock sprung up and forward proudly. It was hard to the point of being painful.

He kicked Seokjin's legs apart and rested his hands on the older's slim hips. He gave Seokjin no warning when he slammed his hips into Seokjin's, burying his cock all the way to the hilt. Seokjin screamed and tried to claw the bathroom wall but couldn't.

Jungkook pressed his wet body against Seokjin's soaked body. His hips slamming into Seokjin's hole with alarming speed and hit the older's sweet spot right away. He knew the spot. Seokjin arched back and screamed again.

His hands stroking his own hard dick frantically.

Jungook bit down on the back of the older's neck and sucked the wet skin between his teeth.

He rocked his hips harder, mashing Seokjin's body to the shower wall. Both men competely soaked by the freezing cold water but ignored cause the pleasure they were both chasing after was so fucking good

"Fuucckk, Kooook, ahhh!!" Seokjin couldn't stop. It was so wild so frantic and so good. Better than good. Fucking amazing. Jungkook knew his body better than anyone else.

"Shit....Fuck..." Jungkook cursed into the olders neck, biting down harder on his soft skin, inching closer to the older's ears. He licked the shell and nipped at them. It made Seokjin arch back, his head falling onto Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook reached with his own lips and sought out Seokjin's lips again. They were so plump, so warm and sooo adddicting. He shoved his tongue in and swallowed the older's cries as his dick thrusted so deep and so good it made both growl in utter pleasure.

Their highs were close. Jungkook urged the older on slowing down just long enough for Seokjin's to explode his cum onto the shower wall. He cried out jerking his dick till his high started to calm down.

Jungkook wasted no more time. He surged forward slamming the older against the shower wall, chasing after his high. He was so close.

Seokjin's hole was so tight, so warm and his walls clenched down hard on Jungkook's dick so good he was gonna blast his seed all over the older's walls in seconds.

Sure enough after a few more snaps of his hips, Jungkook roared into the cold shower water as he emptied his dick of every last drop of cum into Seokjin's hole.

"Ahh, soo good, baby Seokie. Soooo goood. Mmmm..."

Jungkook held himself still yet his dick still pulsed, prolonging his orgasm a few more minutes.

He kissed the older's neck. Just soft little kisses the lingered a bit. Jungkook's hands wandered to the olders ass and massaged the sore behind. He loved the plumpness of Seokjin's ass too. He had a cute behind.

The water turned colder still and Junkgkook hissed uncomfortably. He switched the shower off and pulled out and away from Seokjin.

He quickly changed into clean dry clothes, leaving Seokjin a wet, cold mess on the shower floor.

Jungkook paid little attention only before leaving for the hospital did the younger throw some dry clothes at Seokjin.

Seokjin couldn't understand the younger's coldness right after they had the most amazing shower sex, ever.

Jungkook popped his head back in the door, "better hurry up or you'll be late for Soon Yi's chemo treatment. I'll go on ahead. See you there." Jungkook turned to leave but Seokjin called out for him.

"Hey, Kook."

Jungkook turned back and stood there waiting for Seokjjin to say something.


Seokjin clammed up and decided to not say anything. He shook his head. "Ah, nevermind. Go on. I'll see you at the hospital."

Jungkook just shook his shoulders and left Seokjin.

When he heard the front door slam only then did Seokjin break down. He wasn't sure why though.


Hoseok's condition had furthered deteriorated after his knee surgery.

He was rushed into emergency surgery to repair a brain bleed. After another day later Hoseok still remained in a coma and his vitals were erratic.

Taehyung stayed by his love's side. Clinging to his Hoseok. Praying for a miracle. Never giving up or losing hope that Hoseok would recover.

More tests had been conducted on Hoseok and they were currently waiting for the results of Hoseok's first brain scan. Taehyung again prayed for brain activity. Any kind to show signs that his Hoseok was still with him, fighting as hard as he could to get better.

The doctors came in and their faces looked grim.

Taehyun refused to accept anything till he heard the results himself.

"We have the first scans of your husband's brain, Mr. Jung."

Taehyung's eyes searched the doctors frantically. They were so hard to read.

After a few minutes of not saying anything to Taehyung he got fed up and growled at the doctors.

"For Christ's sake, what are the results? Is my Hoseok okay or not?"

"Mr. Jung....the brain scans showed......"

End of Chapter 21.

After a semi hiatus I am back. I hope this latest chapter was worth the wait!!

Next chapter: Taehyung clings to hope that Hoseok will recover. Soon Yi's chemo treatment goes well but the little girl has a major setback.
Seokjin receives a mysterious packageFeelings start to get in the way. But who's feelings? Kim takes another victim. Who is it?

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