30 Day Self Esteem Challenge

De v0mit_slvt

2.4K 113 60

I don't have a self esteem. But I love Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Frank Iero and Ray Toro, however. Mais

30 Day Self Esteem Challenge
Day 1 - A facial feature you like on yourself?
Day 3 - A part of your personality you like?
Day 2 - A physical feature you like on yourself?
Day 4 - A habit you have that you like?
Day 5 - Something about the way you think that you like?
Day 6 - Something about the way you are that you like?
Day 7 - When do you feel best about yourself? Why?
Day 8 - the last time you smiled because someone complimented you-
Day 9 - Something you yourself do that makes you smile and why?
Day 10 - Why are you the way that you are?
Day 11 - Do you like the way you are? Why or why not?
Day 12 - If you could change something about-
Day 13 - What do you think of your smile?
Day 14 - What do you think of your laugh?
Day 15 - Why do you think people are attracted-
Day 16 - What was the last thing you did that made you smile?
Day 17 - What's another thing you like about yourself?
Day 18 - Is there a particular outfit/article of clothing/accessory-
Day 19 - If you finish this challenge and still feel like your confidence-
Day 20 - When do you feel you're the most attractive, and why?
Day 21 - What do you think others like about your personality?
Day 22 - What physical feature do others-
Day 23 - What is your definition of beautiful?
Day 24 - What's your favorite complement to give and receive, and why?
Day 25 - Do you often complement other people?
Day 27 - Do you feel good about yourself today? Why/why not?
Day 28 - When you don't feel good about-
Day 29 - What is another thing you like about yourself?
Day 30 - Are you happy with yourself?

Day 26 - Do you often accept complements? If not, why?

29 3 1
De v0mit_slvt

I do, but I usually don't believe them because there's usually a reason they're complementing me, such as my friends, teachers, and family members being biased.

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