Can we be something again? (T...

Od multishipper_17

45.1K 988 1.3K

Todoroki and Bakugo have been friends since elementary, but when Todoroki moved before junior high everything... Viac

Accidents Happen
No, I don't think you do
Truth or Dare
For You
I think I love him
I'm sorry babe
I think I do
You could have died
It's my turn to take care of you

Because I felt like it

4.5K 90 153
Od multishipper_17

Friday after class: (I guess Thursday just ain't a day of the week anymore? Neither is Tuesday apparently)
Bakugo POV:

I hate being bested. Especially by Deku, the little asshole deserves to die. I'm walking back to the dorms after our training was finished. But I hear fast footsteps running up to me. My first reaction is to attack so I quickly turn around and throw a right hook but it's swiftly caught in the other persons hand. "Woah, Bakugo it's just me" Todoroki says pulling his hand, which is still holding my hand, away from his face. I quickly look down so he doesn't see me bleeding from class. I hate looking weak too.

"What do you want IcyHot?" I ask still not looking up from the ground. "You looked upset from training today so I wanted to walk with you" he states with a shrug that I see out of the corner of my eye. "Yea whatever" I mumble to him and start walking. I haven't looked up at him but I can feel him watching me.

He opened the door to our dorm rooms and sweetly held it open for me. Damn it Half n Half, stop being nice to me. I'm not in the mood. I turn left and up the stairs, continuing walking towards our rooms.

"You alright Bakugo? You haven't looked at me at all" he asks concerned. "Yea, I'm fine. What's it to you anyway?" I say accusingly and angrily. I'm not mad at him, just Deku still. He stopped at his door and grabbed my hand pulling me backwards towards him. I use my hand that's not being held and place it on his chest to stop me from running into him, still not looking up. He uses his free hand to gently pull my chin up forcing me to look at him. "You're my boyfriend stupid," he said jokingly.

"Bakugo, did you get this during training?" He asks. I avoid his gaze and nod. "Did you not want to tell me because you want to be all tough and brave?" He teased me like he's talking to a little kid. I slap his shoulder and respond, "Shut up! It's not a big deal". "That's why right?" He said smugly. I roll me eyes and nod again, not wanting to verbally admit it. He chuckled and rubbed his thumb against my bottom lip where there was some blood dripping from my nose.

Why does he care so much about me? I'm a bully to him and pretty much everyone at this school. Sure I tease him for a different reason then everyone else but it's the only way I know I can get his attention. I'm not very good with showing my emotions and mushy stuff like that. Even though his my boyfriend.... but still.

"Come on" He said turning around and opening his door. He pulled me in by our intertwined hands.

He shuts his door behind him and walks over towards his bathroom. I'm actually able to see the room now, not just try to navigate. His room is pretty basic like everyone else's. Bed on on the left side of the room with a side table placed next to it. The only real difference is he has a huge tv mounted across from his bed above his bookshelf and desk. Everything looked really modern, nice cool tones like grays, blacks, and whites. It looked neat and well kept. I noticed a guitar was nicely placed on its stand in the corner next to his bed.

"You can sit down on my bed" he called to me rummaging for something under his bathroom sink. I walk over and sit down criss-cross in the middle of his bed. He came walking back with a small first aid kit in his hand and sat across from me, also cross-legged. He sat so close that I was pretty much sitting in his lap. I mean I don't mind at all, it's kind of nice. I look down at the jeans he's wearing and notice they have those holes in the knees. I play with the strings around the edges staying concentrated on them afraid that if I look at him my face will turn bright ass red. He gently pushes my chin up and says "If you want me to help you, you have to look at me." A light blush rushes over my cheeks and nose... called it. He gives me a small smile and rubs a warm, damp cloth over my cheek bone, over my eye brow, and under my nose to clean up the blood.

I watch him intently. His gray, blue eyes focused on my face where it was hurt. His red and white bangs fell in front of his eyes making him look absolutely fricking adorable. He try's blowing them out of the way with a puff but fails. I push them up and out of his eyes. I run my fingers through his soft hair, mixing the two colors and drop my hand to his thigh. He freezes and looks me in my crimson eyes. The bright pink blush that develops on his face is cute. I look down also blushing at my actions. Holy shit, why are we so blushy and awkward? Probably because we're hormonal ass teenagers. When I look back up, he's nibbling his bottom lip. He does that when he's focused on something, that something being me.

"You know I could have cleaned it myself right?" I ask, playing with the hem of his shirt. "Yea, I know" he replied. I rolled me eyes and gently bopped is nose with my index finger. "Then why are you doing it?" "Because I felt like it," he says like it'll give me all the answers. He's now avoiding my gaze as he brushes the cloth over my bottom lip again.

"There" he says quietly. He starts pulling away but I grab his arm and pull him close to my face. His eyes widen with confusion, he's not used to me doing this. He opens his mouth to say something but I don't let him, I push my lips to his. His breathe hitches in the back of his throat and he drops the cloth in his hand behind me. He places his hands on my thighs. He doesn't respond at first still shocked but then I feel his lips move in sync with mine, his hands moving up to my inner thighs. I small gasps escapes my lips giving him time to slip his tongue in. God he tastes really fucking good. I push him down so I'm straddling him.

My hands intertwine themselves into his hair. His hands run down my back causing a shiver to run through my body. He stops at the curve of my ass and gently squeezed, pulling me closer into his body. He has a weird thing with his hair so I'm learning with every tug. Even though I was enjoy this and me being the cause of him moaning, for some reason I wanted more skin contact. No, not wanted... needed. I ran my hands down is chest and then up his shirt. I can feel every single muscle in his abdomen contracting under my touch.

He broke away from the heated kiss just to pull my shirt over my head and throw it to the side. I was expecting our lips to reconnect but I'm quickly pushed onto my back. Todoroki buried his face in my neck. His smell fills my senses causing my vision to blur. He has the smell of freshly fallen snow on the first day of winter, but with a mixture of a campfire. I don't know how it works but it does. My breathe stops for a split second when his lips find the space where my neck and shoulder meets. I can feel him smirk against me. He gently nibbles the skin in that spot sending me into hyperdrive. He trails back up, every once in a while leaving little love bites on my neck. His lips stop at my jawline and he pulls away, quickly pulling his shirt off as well throwing it in the same direction as mine. I run my hands down his stomach, stopping above his pants. He's sitting back on my lower half but it didn't stop there as his hips slowly moved in agonizingly slow circles... oh shit, he needs to stop that. Please. Oh my god don't move like that, this bitch knows exactly what he's doing to me. A small moan rings in the back of my throat. He leans down again deeply kissing me on the lips. His hands were placed on my lower stomach, his index fingers tracing my deep V-line.

Have you ever heard the saying all good things must come to an end? Well let me tell you, WHO EVER FUCKING SAID IT DIDN'T LIE!! Just when things where getting better someone had the audacity to FUCKING KNOCK ON THE GOD DAMN DOOR!! He pulled away quickly allowing me to catch my breath. "Hey, Todoroki. It's Friday man, you want to join movie night with everyone?" Oh my god, I'm gonna kill that red-spiky haired bastard! "Yea I guess, sure. Just give me a second" he said somewhat out of breath. He's still hovering over me looking up at the door. I smacked him gently in the stomach mouthing up at him 'Dude! What the fuck!' He mouthed back at me 'What? It sounds like fun.' "Alright bro, see you in a minute. Oh wait, have you seen Bakugo? I went to knock on his door to invite him too but he seems to not be in there" Kirishima asked through the door. Todoroki looked down at me, smiled slyly and looked back up and said, "Actually no I haven't. He's probably in there and just not wanting to answer or something, I'll see if he'll come out of his dungeon." I flicked him on the forehead and mouthed 'Bitch.' He just winked at me and pecked my lips. But I grabbed his face pulling him back not letting him disconnect. His lips are so soft and warm. "Alright bro. See you in a second" Kiri laughed through the door. "Sure man" Todoroki responded but he was still kissing me so it came out all muffled. "What?" Damnit shitty hair just go the fuck away for 5 seconds. "I said sure man" Todoroki said but now free from my grip on him.

When I heard no more footsteps is when I finally spoke. "Why did you say yes?" I whined. "It sounded like fun" he shrugged smiling down at me. "But this WAS fun until shark-boy over there ruined it" I muttered. He chuckled and kissed my forehead pushing himself off the bed. I whined like a toddler needing attention. He threw his shirt on and tossed my shirt at me laughing. "It's not funny" I said with a pout. "It's kinda funny" he said grabbing my hands and pulling me off the bed. I pulled my shirt over my head.

I walked into the bathroom where Todo was and looked into the mirror. I ran a hand threw my hair ruffling it up a bit. I looked over at his reflection. He was messily fixing the duel-colored sections of his hair. But he looked up at me, making eye contact threw the mirror. My face began to heat up, he smiled at me knowing he's making me blush. He looks down at my neck and smiled happily, "Well I guess Kirishima will know where you were." "What do you me-" I stopped looking at my neck where the darker then I thought purple bruises were. "You little bitch!!" I yelled slapping him on the shoulder a few times. He laughed and and caught my hands so I couldn't slap him more. "How the hell am I supposed to cover this up?" He completely turned towards me looking at my neck again then shrugged "You can borrow one of my hoodies. It should cover up your neck." He walked out of the bathroom to his closet. I kinda didn't process what he said until he handed me his black T.Ø.P hoodie to wear.

I look at him with wide eyes because I know it's one of his favorites, "Are you sure? You love this one and I don't want to ruin it." "Just put the damn thing on" he said walking back out of the bathroom. "Ok" I said pulling it over my body. It's a little bigger on me so it gave me sweater paws but I didn't mind it. I look back into the mirror and smile, snuggling my face into the fabric. It smelled like him and I liked it. "Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there smelling my jacket?" He said coming back into the door frame. I rolled my eyes and shoved him out of the bathroom. "I was not jerk." "Were too." "Was not." "Were too." "Was not." I said with more force. "Alright, if you say so" he said shutting his door behind him.

We walk down the hall and into the common area not saying a word to each other. "Hey! Finally took ya long enough!" Denki yelled. "And holy shit, you got the angry, fire-breathing dragon out of its cave again. I'm impressed Todoroki." Kirishima said giving Todoroki a high-five as he walked by. "What can I say? I can be quite... persuasive" he said leaping over the back of the couch and plopping down next to him. I smacked them both upside the head walking to sit on the floor in front of Todoroki. "Ow!" they both said rubbing where I smacked them. "That hurt! You're a meanie," Kiri winced. "You deserved it" i said looking over at the TV in front of us all. On the couch was Denki, Kirishima, Sero, and Todoroki. Next to it was the Love seat which housed Uraraka, and Deku. On the floor was me, Mineta, who was pestering Momo currently, Tsu, and Mina. Everyone else must have went home for the weekend, or just didn't want to come.

"Alright guys what kinda movie do you want to watch? We can do Disney, spooky, a chick-flick, comedy" Sero said flicking through the movies reading them off the screen. "Disney!!" literally about everyone in the room yelled. "Ok, which one?" Sero asked. "Tangled" "Cinderella" "Mulan" "Beauty and the Beast" everyone said their movie suggestions all at once. "What about Lady and the Tramp?" Todoroki asked after everyone shut up. "Oh my gosh!! YEESS!!" Mina yelled bouncing up and down. "Everyone good with that?" Sero said, his finger hovering over play. "Yea" pretty much everyone agreed.

I felt Todoroki leave, he shut the light off but didn't come back.

Todoroki POV:

I got up to get snacks for everyone. I pushed the button on the microwave to pop some popcorn. Grabbing a bowl to put it in. Opening up the cupboard door of the community candy cabinet pulling out random sweets. M&M's are Sero and Kiri's favorites. Sour patch kids for Denki. Sweet tarts for Momo, Uraraka, Deku, and Tsu. Reece's Piece's for Bakugo. Whoppers for Mineta. And Skittles for Mina. I place them on a tray and grabbed the popcorn in the bowl as well. I also grabbed some Mountain Dew cause everyone likes it.

I walked back into the room and placed all the stuff on the coffee table. "Here you go children" I say sitting back down behind Bakugo on the couch. "Yes!! I literally love you Todoroki. Thank you!!" Mina says hugging my side tightly. I laugh hugging her back, "No problem." I felt Bakugo tense up in front of me. I leaned down and whispered into his ear so only he could hear. "Is baby boy jealous of his friends?" "Me? Jealous of her? Never in a million years" he whispered back. I knew he was lying because he wouldn't look at me and he didn't smack me. "Are you sure?" I ask again trying to get him to tell me the truth. "Whatever" he said, telling me he was. "Oh, poor baby. But don't worry... you don't have a reason to be jealous of anyone"

45 minutes into the movie Sero's passed out loudly snoring. Momo left getting sick of Mineta hitting on her, him following closely behind. Uraraka and Deku snuggling in a blanket, also sound asleep. Kiri and Denki were talking the whole time. Mina had to call her family at home. And I have no idea where Tsu went. Bakugo's head was leaning in my lap, eyes glued to the TV screen. I watched him for awhile instead of the movie. His face light up by the bright screen. He looked at peace.

I ran my fingers through his hair gently. His eyes widened and even though it was dark I could still see the blush darkening on his cheeks. I continued to play with the soft, blonde hair. I hear quiet snores from next to me and no talking. Kirishima and Denki fell asleep. Kirishima's head was resting on the blonde boys shoulder and his head resting on Kirishima's head.

I tapped Bakugo's shoulder and pointed at the two. He held in a laugh filling his cheeks with air. He pulled his phone out of the hoodie pocket and snapped a picture. He showed me and I laughed quietly at the fact that Kiri's mouth was hanging open and Denki had sugar on his lips from the candy. I throw the soft black blanket that we kept on the back of the couch over the two boys laps.

I looked back down at Bakugo. His eyes now on the movie again. I bent down and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him up onto my lap. "What are you doing? What if one of these idiots wake up?" He asked. "We'll just say you got sick of sitting on the ground" I responded tightening my grip on him. He seemed ok with that answer and leaned back into my chest. I buried my face into his neck, his breathe quickening. He rested his head on my shoulder and snuggling close to me almost like a toddler would to his parents. He can be a brat but most of the time he's pretty snuggly.

15 minutes pass and Bakugo whispers to me "I want to go back to your room." I nod back at him. "Everyone's sleeping anyway, it's not fun." He said standing up and leaning back a little. I also stand up and start walking back to my dorm. He jumps on my back and hides his face in my neck, lips pressed against my skin. I'm unfazed until they started to move up, peppering my neck with hot kisses. He stopped at the area under my ear but at my jawline and whispered, "My turn bitch." When I stopped at my door he hopped down. I quickly shoved him against my door, "You think so huh?" He looked at me smirking and shrugged. I pushed his body against the door with mine. He looked from my eyes to my lips and back up to my eyes. I closed the distance between us, his hands slide up my chest to my neck. I slid my hands down is waist to his thigh and lift him up, he wraps is legs around my waist.

I carefully open my door so we don't fall. Then pretty much carry him into my room kicking my door shut.

With him now pinned to the bed I pull away. He whined at the loss of contact. "Come on! Please, everyone who would interrupt is now sleeping" he said pulling my shirt over my head. He pulled my face down to where he can whisper in my ear, "Please daddy. Fuck me senseless."

⚠️SMUT BEGINS (skip if you don't like it but there's some sweet fluff at the end of it so I'll tell you when it's over. Just look for my bold words and emojis ♥️)⚠️

I lost all control of what I was doing. I pulled my hoodie over his head reconnecting our lips quickly after. I licked his bottom lip asking for access. He happily allowed me to slip my tongue into his mouth, a quiet moan vibrated in his throat. I felt his hands fiddling with my belt but he wasn't quite all there. I stood up and undid my belt for him letting my pants fall to the ground. Bakugo positioned himself on is knees in front of me palming me threw my black boxers. I bit my lip as a wave of pleasure flooded me.

He slid my underwear off allowing my erection free from the constricting fabric. He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth eyes widened a bit. "You sure baby? If you don't want to I'm not gonna force you" I ask him but he looks up at me and smiles "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to."

He licked up my shaft and swirled his tongue around the tip of my dick. He slowly and teasingly took about half of me into his mouth and stopped. I tangled my fingers into his hair and gently force the rest in pushing his head down. He has no gag reflex so I wasn't really afraid of hurting him to much. Bakugo moaned sending the vibration in his mouth all through out my body, making hot flashes explode in my stomach. "Ngh, fuck baby boy" I moan out. He continues this action for awhile.

He deep throats me one more time and pulls his mouth of with a loud 'pop' sound. "Did I do good daddy?" He asked looking up at me innocently. "Very good. I think you deserve a reward for being so good. What do you think?" He nods his head excessively. I pull him up off the ground and throw him onto my bed onto his back. I slip his sweatpants and underwear off quickly. His hard on flopping up to his stomach. I leaned down, pressing our lips together his fingers. intertwined themselves into my hair tugging at a few strands.

I pull away and run my thumb over his bottom lip, "Suck." He sucks on my index, middle and ring finger . I run my finger down his body causing Bakugo to shiver under my touch. I teasingly presses my index finger at his entrance. I heard whining come from beneath me. I slip one finger into him, then another creating scissoring motions. I stop before the third one so he could get used to that. "Mhm, more" he groans out grinding back on my fingers. I slip the last one in carful not to hurt him. "You ok baby?" "Yes daddy-mmhf-please-fuck"

After he's prepped, I removed my fingers and lined myself up with his hole. "It'll hurt at first baby" I warn him. "Please. I want you. I need you. Just be gen-" I carefully push into him . Tears filled his eyes, his head dug back into the pillow under him. "I'm sorry baby. It'll get better" he nods not being able to answer me.

I start my pace off slow after he's adjusted and tells me to move faster. "Mhm, fuck your tight" I groan heat rising in my stomach. "So big" he gasps out. My thrusts begin to speed up. "Oh shit! Fuck-right-mhm-harder" Bakugo whines when I hit his prostate. His face flushed and the blonde hair matted to his forehead. He rand is hand up and down my abdomen.

I pound into him faster and harder gripping his waist for stability abusing that spot. His tongue is hanging out of his mouth, him panting with pleasure, his eyes half lidded. "Ngh-mhm-I'm close daddy." "Me to baby."

"Mhm-ah-fuck-mhm-don't-stop" his moans being chopped short with my, hard rough thrusts.

I lean down and roughly press my lips against his, "You can release baby" I mumble against is lips. uncomfortable knot forms in my stomach. Bakugo comes all over our chests, moaning into my mouth. I fill him with my hot white liquid shortly after, causing him to whine again from the feeling of it. I slow down riding out both our highs. I pull out and collapse next to him, snuggling him close to me.

⚠️SMUT ENDS (you can unplug and open your virgin ears and eyes now ♥️)⚠️

I push the matted soaked hair sticking to his forehead with sweat out of his eyes. "My ass hurts" he says matter of factually. I burst into laughter "Well no shit Sherlock! Come on, let's clean up" I pick him and carry him to the bathroom bridal style. I run I warm bath with some lavender salt. I'll give him a pair of my sweatpants and a t-shirt or hoodie. I'm placing the "pj's" on the bathroom counter when he tugs on my pant leg. "Will you come in with me?" He asks shyly blushing a bright pink. I nod and kiss the top of his head, slipping of my sweat pants getting in behind him. He leans back into my arms and snuggles close.

I run my fingers gently threw his hair, him humming with satisfaction. He's fiddling with my fingers so I intertwine our hands. He pulls them up to his lips and gently pecks the back of my hand. His body goes limp in my arms and his breathing becomes even. "Ok. Come on babe, no drowning in the bathtub" I say chuckling lifting him up and wrapping a towel around his body. "But it's so warm and cozy." He complains. "My bed is warmer once you get clothes on" he looks up at me with confusion. "But I don't have clothes here." "You're borrowing mine" I say, pushing his wet hair off his forehead. "Thank you Shoto" he says kissing me on the cheek. Wait, he first named me. He didn't call me Todoroki, or Icy Hot, or Half n Half, or Candy Cane. He said Shoto. I hugged him tightly "You're welcome Katsuki" I replied.

*30 minutes later*
Bakugo POV:

I'm snuggled in Todoroki's Pan!c at the Disco hoodie, under his black comforter, with his arms wrapped around my waist. I love this. "Hey babe?" The nickname made my heart flutter a bit. "Yea?" I replied tiredly. "Would you want to come with me to my house tomorrow?" Damn it. He ruined it. Fuck. What!? I'm- no. I can't- shit! Ahhh!!! I don't want to fuck it up. I haven't seen his sister in ages what the hell do I say? Hey, remember me? I'm the little asshole that had a massive crush on your little brother in grade school then became a huge dick when you moved because you took him away from me? NO!! "I know Fuyumi would want to see you again. She misses you, she liked watching us play at the park when she babysat us" he said with love in his voice. Ah shit I'm roped in. Fuck me. Not literally my ass is still sore but. "Uh, s-sure I g-guess" damn stuttering. Stop it. "Ok. Sounds great. Oh there's been a few... changes since you've last been home" why'd he say it like that? He said it like it's my house too, 'Since you've last been home.' What does he mean?

"I'll tell her in the morning that your coming with me. But right now, we need sleep. And everything will be ok tomorrow. I'm sure you're internally freaking out but there's nothing for you to be worried about. Good night Katsuki" he said and kissed me deeply before snuggling his face into the back of my neck.

His words put me into a sleepy trance. I don't know how he did it, but he calmed me down from my panic. I turned around in his arms to lay my head on his chest and fell asleep to the rhythmic, level beating of his heart.

(4695 words)
Ok I seriously need to have different endings my gosh. But thank you for reading chapter 5 of this fan-fic story thingy. That was my first time writing smut and I don't know how to feel about it. I kinda want it to be a chill relax story ending happily but I don't know if I'm gonna put a huge disagreement or what it will be. But thank you. Love you guys, girls, non-binary pals and see you in the next chapter ♥️

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