The NewType saiyan

By DiarcyWalker

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this story takes place after daemos was born with out a tail and a weak power level of 8 which deemed him the... More

Birth Of A Newtype Saiyan
chapter 2
chapter 3: Another Supersaiyan? The re-emergence of a Newtype Destroyer
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter 9

118 2 0
By DiarcyWalker

Appearing back to the Time nest. Chronoa congratulated trunks and Aoi on their mission.

What a amazing job you two did. You not only defeated cooler, you eliminated the problem at it's roots without disturbing the flow of time. Good job, complimented the elder.

Trunks, Mai wants you to help cook with your mother ASAP. You can give me your report written before leaving. But be on guard in case something like this reoccur. There have been too many time disturbances.

I agree, though why would they interrupt the timeflow? Just do they get from it? Questioned trunks.

Well we'll find out sooner or later, in the meantime...

A white orb appeared, followed by the face of the grand priest.

Well hello Chronoa, is Aoi here?

Greetings grand-sama and yes he is. He just came back from timpatroling.

Good, I'm sending him two attendants in hopes of aiding him in watching over the multiverse timeflow. Also their job is simply do whatever he wishes. Whatever his desires maybe. Even if he has certain....urges.

In a bright light two females appeared.

the first is Soda.

The second is Fae

These are the only two of the remaining of the extinct attendant clan. Now with out further delay, Have a nice evening.

with that being said, the Grand preist left the blushing trio while both attendants smirked amused.

In an unknown era Age 784.....

You will pay for what you did to my hair you little brat! Finished the woman who looked to be around 18 yrs of age.

Seventeen just whistled at the poor soul. She knew her sister took care of her hair. But sadly, it maybe the end for him.

Poor trunks. Oh well, He should've stayed down.

Hey 17?

Yeah, what's up sis?

I think i know a way of making the brat pay for what he did.

Oh really? she asked in curiosity.

Yes, I do. I'll be three blocks from here, so please keep your explosions to a minimum while I deal with him.

17 eyes went wide at what her sister was planning.

You mean..?

Yep. Bye! with that she left her sister in a blushing mess. She may have been a little seductive with a few males, but actually doing the deed is way out of her league.

Back at planet vegeta in Aoi's timeline...

"Dammit" both warriors thought in their supersaiyan state as they've tried to find each other flaws but somehow ended in a draw.

From what it look like at the moment.

'Well, it would seem that you kept up with your training little sister".

Of course I did, I'm the queen of all Saiyan's, duh!

Hmp' but you seem to forget who was always the superior of us two.

After his statement, he vanished before reappearing in front of Queen Vegeta with his fist in her gut followed by a strong knee in the same spot.

Seeing his sister fall to her knees, he continued his speech.

You see little sister, allow me to show you why i'm Superior! Behold, the level beyond!

Lightning arcs danced around the vegetaIII as his hair spiked up more so. In a burst of power, he became a supersaiyan 2.

Now do you see your superior ?

"H-how is this possible? He wasn't this strong unless... Unless, he some how been spying on my bodyguard?" No, that couldn't be right. He'd have to do more then that to achieve that form, she thought.

"Hmmph" Of course I did. By observing a lowclass weakling and an elite achieve what was thought as a myth. I knew with out a doubt, with hard training and dedication, I can do it too. As you can see of course.

Now you have one last chance, do you wish to surrender? It would be a shame to lose such a royal member of our family would it?

So what? You think i'll just roll over and give up? You have me bent, I wont stop until your defeated one way or another. As for family, you have no right to preach about it.

Gathering her remaining strength, she stood up while defying the pain.

"Do your worse" she said while

As you wish.

Elsewhere warping through reality....

Impressive, i didn't expect new types to have such an ability. I've always heard stories from uncle and father, but to see it in action is amazing, finished Fae while Soda stayed silent while eyeballing Aoi every few seconds.

Almost to his destination, Aoi heard crying.

You guys heard that?

No, we didn't hear a thing.

Hmm; with a tilt of his wings, Aoi along with his company went into another direction.

Where are we going, Master? Asked Soda out of curiosity .

"To investigate" he finished as his psyco waves increased.

In a alternate reality, one would think that the Saiyan's would only be born of warriors only.

However, in this reality, the Saiyan's are slaves to the Cold race.

Only the chosen Elite's aren't.

The only way for a low class to not be a slave is if he/she are born with a power level of at least 100, Wich is still low. The second option is to fight in the arena against each other for the entertainment of KingCold. The 3rd option is to conquer planets for the planet trade organization along with various resources. The fourth option is to become a pleasure slave to the Cold race.

This was thanks to the remaining tuffles who joined king Cold. After Cold forced/conquered the warrior race, he had the tuffles to design a weapon that can control how powerful they want the Saiyans to become. Later they would design collars for them Wich would lead their Saiyan power limited for the next 15 years.

Walking in desert with chain cuff's around her neck. She's covered in bruises, cuts and scars while wearing rags that barely covered her.

You're just a worthless brat from who knows where! We're the words of her master as it replayed over in her head.

Due to her failing to please her master, she was beaten and tortured before getting thrown in the desert.

A bright flash of light appeared in front of the girl, only to reveal Aoi and his two attendents.

My goodness, Aoi is she?

Yes Fae, it's her.

How disposable. The child is no older than 15yrs at the most, finished Soda in disgust as she scanned the girl with her staff.

Hmm, she has potential too.

Aoi said nothing as he walked up to the girl who began trembling in fear with tears.

Once in front of the girl, he let out a soothing pulse of his energy to calm the girl down. He didn't want her to have a mental break down. Using his ability to read her intent, Aoi saw the girl entire life. And what he saw almost made his NTD state surface. But thanks to his mastery over his abilities, he kept them at Bay. On top of that he didn't want to alert the people not the higher-ups in this reality.

Seeing the girls stare at in fright, Aoi placed his hands on the girl cheeks before placing his head on hers.

It's alright, today is your last time in this dump. Wanna come with us? He asked the cute female. Who nodded in response. Although he had a gut feeling she wanted to be free.

Good. Oh, I need your name miss?


Girl-Chan huh. Alright, let's go!

Fae, Soda, can you guys take us to the timepatrol faster?

Did you just ask us that? Questioned Soda with a raised eyebrow.

Hmph, of course we can. All you had to do is ask, stated Fae while twirling her staff.

Sorry about that guys, we'll come on kid. We're leaving, finished Aoi while pulling the girl closed to him around the waist.

Just make sure you place your hand either on our back, around our waist or our....

Okay, he gets it Soda.

Spoil sport.

In a rainbow flash, the group disappeared.

30 minutes later at the time patrol....

After explaining his situation to Chronoa and an earful from elder Kai. Aoi went to the medical wing with his attendents.

Once he got there, he was greeted with Girl-Chan wearing sports bra and panties along with bandages.

We'll, she seems to be a bit chipper. We should head back to your universe Aoi.

She's right Aoi. You need to go back to your universe as soon as possible. I have gut feeling something is brewing very badly if you stay gone too long.

Taking one last glance at girl, Aoi began making his way out.

Don't worry, I'll see to it personally that miss Chan is taken care of. I'll even get her trained by Goku and Vegeta.

Thanks, it means a lot Chronoa. I promise to make it up to you when I get a chance.

I'll keep that in mind darling.

Fae, Soda, let's leave.

Allow me to take us this time, declared Fae.

Do you know which way through the four way demension? Soda asked with a raised eyebrow.

Uuuuum, no.

Ladies, stated Aoi while wrapping his arms around both women's waist. Let's go.

In a blue flash, the trio was gone.

In Aoi's timeline.......

"Cough, cough" looks like this is how it ends for me, thought the bloody queen as VegetaIII stood over her.

Still not willing to give up? In that case, you leave me no choice. He shot a blast into the sky before shouting.

Burst open and transcend!

As the light exploded, in the place of VegetaIII is now a giant golden Saiyan ape.

At the site of the now king of Saiyan's new form, the crowd became speechless.

"Behold the power of the Saiyan Elite's!"

"What you gave to me, I now return to you, A HUNDRED FOLD ONE WAY TICKET TO OBLIVION!" Shouted VegetaIII.

Putting his hand in a cupping manner as a purple vortex formed.

The now Elite Saiyaness saw her impanding doom. Memories of her and her brother enjoying training with each other, her first kill. Skills taught by her father and mother all the way down to her fun time in the lowclass district with her mate.

Tears stained her face as she knew this is her final moment knowing she failed to protect her people.

All of VegetaIII followers were thrilled at the situation while the soon to be ex Queen followers looked on in loss and heartbreaking sadness.

Galic gun! Shouted VegetaIII as an enormous purple beam shot from his hands.

As the beam neared her form, the the Queen closed her eyes in defeat.

"Forgive me my fellow saiyans. I've failed you all. Vulgar, I love you" she thought as she lost conciance while welcoming death.

However, the beam was dispersed by a purple claw followed by a three shields appearing to surround the victims.

When the smoke cleared, vulgar stood proud with his ss2 state, however he somehow has purple glowing lines in his skin.

He wasn't alone. Standing not far from him controlling the sheilds is a dark skin 17yrs boy with short white hair that stop at his neck. His eyes are emerald green and like a Aoi, he has a large white plain spike that stands out his hair. He's wearing a modern custom white armor he made with the symbol of his household.

This is Naugher, the son of Huo and Hana. Younger brother of Aoi. And like his brother, he's a new type. The lines on his skin isn't blue like his brother but is red instead.

Hana and Huo became mortified at what they're seeing.

What is the meaning of this?! Questioned VegetaIII.

"You've won already. The Queen is unconciance, you have proven your point as the new ruler. Their is no need to kill her" finished Vulgar as he swept the former Queen up bridal style.

The king stayed quiet for a moment before relenting.

Very well, Vulgar. I am the new King of Saiyan's! Enjoy the rest of your miserable moments lowclass, because today will be your last!

I hope you understand your actions against your king, Vulgar?

I'm aware and wouldn't want it any other way.

Naugher, let's go. I don't think your parents would appreciate you putting your life on the line.


The sheilds surrounded vulgar in the Queen in a protective formation.

Shall we attack them mylord?

No Gerkan, we'll wait till they're all in one spot. Then we'll use our ultimate weapon. In the meantime, have all my loyal solders to prepare for the purge.

As you wish my king.

Hail King Vegeta! Long live the king! Chanted Gerkan as the rest of the crowed cheered on for the new King.

Vulgar, Naugher and the rest of Queens loyal followers flew towards the lowclass neighbor Hood for shelter for the time being. If some of them would've went back to their homes, its a sure bet they will die somehow by VegetaIII followers.

It's now open season.

Stirring in his arms, the Queen could vaguely make Vulgar face.


Easy my Queen. You need to rest, the Elite guard soothed his queen.

B-but I failed. Why did She asked before sacumbing to her exhaust body.

Because I love you, murmured Vulgar with a smile. Unknown to him, his queen heard him as a year sheaded from her left eye.

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