Two Shrinking Violets - KathN...

By storyprodigy

41.8K 251 34

Dory is the girl you’ll never bear to go with. She dresses weird, looks weird, and stutters all the time. A m... More

[KathNiel]Two Shrinking Violets

Two Shrinking Violets

10.3K 126 30
By storyprodigy

                Hi, I’m Dory, a kind of girl that you wouldn’t love to be with. And I don’t know, I just love being alone. I don’t want people going near me; they just freak me out, well except for my parents of course and some teachers. And let me share to you this little crazy story of mine. And it started on the later part of my second semester in high school. It was a Friday.

                “Okay class; please submit your research papers next meeting. Good luck.” Ms. Chevron reminded us of our last project in our Communication Arts. Well, it’s kind of hard, but I find it easy. The school bell rang and it was lunch break.

                I was out of the classroom, same as ever, no one. I was nearing the school canteen when someone poked me.

                “Hey Ms. Fabien, I’ve got the student that would be featured this school year.” Good grief, it’s just Mr. Gledhill, our school paper supervisor.

                “Well, that’s great.” I said with a smile.

                “And you’ve got the work.” My smile faded and my face looked like as if I saw a ghost.

                “Really? Wow, that’s great.” I laughed nervously.

                “Congratulations, I heard he’s a scary guy so good luck with that.” He tapped my shoulder.

                “Well Mr. Gledhill, you know that I am not that good with talking to people right?” I asked him with a sly smile.

                “Well, you’re talking to me. And it’s time to overcome them. There he is. Go!” He pulled my shoulder and turned me around to see the guy he was referring to.

                “Carlo Stinson? Are you crazy?” I was shocked. What Mr. Gledhill said was true. Carlo was kind of scary. He always has this dark aura around him and you don’t want to be with him. Well, scarier than you want to hang out with me.

                “I am absolutely not Ms. Fabien. Good luck.” He winked and went off his way. “And, the deadline’s on Monday.” He shouted across the hallway.

                “Well, maybe I will just do it later.” I said to myself as I gulped my throat down.

                Let me talk more about Carlo since you don’t know him that much. I don’t want to sound like I know him, but they said he is some kind of scary. Some said that he was a member of a gang. Some said that he sells drugs and the cops don’t want to capture him because he’s really that scary. Well, I hope I won’t be chopped and sold to some freaky syndicate.

                The class was over and I waited for everyone to go out of the classroom since I was assigned by that Blondie and her girls to do the cleaning alone. Well, I’m used to it since they always do that to me. I was done cleaning the whole room and I picked up my things when Carlo went inside the classroom. There I saw him, with dark aura and a scary killer face. He was really creepy so I immediately ran out of the classroom and find a cover so that he can’t see me. He finally went out of the room and out the gate. I guess he’s going home. And I followed him.

                I carefully walked behind him with a great distance so that he can’t see me following him. Of course, maybe I’ll be raped or killed if he saw me. We passed by a burger station and he grabbed one then continued to walk. We passed by a park, a lake, another park and he went left. Oh my gosh maybe he felt that I was at his back! And he’s going left so that when I will go there he will rape me. Help me please. But I started gathering up my courage and turned left to my shock that I saw a huge, beautiful, luxurious house. It was really big! So… he’s really rich aye? I look at him heading to the big house when he suddenly turned right again and went into a dark, lonely house. It was like that of a real syndicate! Gosh, am I really doing this? Whatever, this is for my marching clearance. I have to do this. I waited for him to get inside. A few moments later, I slowly approach the creepy house and knocked.

                “Hello? Somebody in here?” I was nearly collapsing of nervousness. No answer. I knocked again but still no answer. I knocked for the next 2 minutes for about like 7 times until someone answered me.

                “Nobody lives here.”  A voice said, it sounded real low.

                “Then who’s answering?” I asked, shouting.

                “A ghost.” The voice answered back.

                “A ghost aye?” I shouted again.

                “What do you want?” The voice asked.

                “I’m your schoolmate, well you really don’t know me because I don’t really have that much friends.” I peeped at the window.

                “Say what you’re going to say.” The sound is getting nearer and I heard footsteps.

                “I’m here to do an interview with you. I’m from the school paper and you are the featured student.” I answered.

                “I’m not going to accept any interview. What am I? Some sort of an actor or something?” He’s clearly behind the door.

                “Please. I really need to do this for my marching clearance.” I begged him.

                “Well, welcome to my world. Good luck with that. See you again next year; you’re not going to march.” He said sarcastically.

                “Well I’m not leaving here until you open this door!” I shouted and hit the door.

                “Good luck with that.” The footsteps were going away.


                Gosh! I can’t believe he really did that! He left me. But I just can’t give up like that. I sat by the road waiting for him to open the door. The sky’s dark, it’ll rain anytime by now. After 5 minutes or less, it finally rained. And there I was sitting in the rain. My bag and clothes were soaked wet. Darn I hate this guy. All I ever want is to do an interview! Well, I don’t really want to do an interview with him since I don’t have that courage to talk with someone like him. But I can’t believe what I just shouted to him. I was good at getting angry. I don’t know if that’s a talent or something, but I’m really good at getting angry. The raindrops met my face and it still continued to rain. Few moments later, the dripping stop but when I looked to my side, it’s still raining. When I look up, there I saw the scariest man on earth. I jumped out of my butt and freaked out.

                “Hey, easy. I won’t bite you.” He smiled, holding an umbrella.

                “Well, I’m not scared at you. Even if you’re a gangster you can’t scare me.” I posed like a kung-fu fighter.

                “You should get in; the rain is making you a crazy ching-chong fighter.” He said.

                “It’s called kung-fu.” I looked down in embarrassment.

                “I don’t care. Just get in.” He picked my bags and ushered me inside his house.

                And I went inside his scary house; there were three black cats, a skull of a deer and some litter on the floor.

                “Wow, you’re worse than a homeless man. Look at all this mess. Don’t you know how to clean?” I asked him, trying to sound polite. But I’m really pissed because I was soaked wet.

                “Well, I ain’t Snow White.” He sarcastically said as he placed my bag in his sofa. And he proceeded upstairs.

                “Your cats look scary. Do you live alone?” I shouted so that he can hear me.

                “Yes and obviously.” He threw a towel at me. “You should go to the shower.” He added

                “Yeah, I probably should.” I nodded and proceeded to the shower room. Well, it was a mess. But I managed to stand it and took a shower.

                As the water ran through my body, I stopped to think. He was a good guy, I mean; he didn’t offer me drugs and took a knife to stab me. I guess he’s no scary at all. I guess I’m comfortable around him. I don’t know, he still looks scary with his right-ear piercing and an almost bald head.

                I finished my shower and when I went out I smelled mushroom soup. My stomach grumbled because I’m hungry.

                “Hey, I made you soup.” He smiled and put the soup on the table. I just nodded because I was afraid to talk to him. Well, I’m back to my old self again because I’m not angry anymore. He stared at me for a while and I looked at my body so that he’ll realize that I’m still on my towel.

                “Oh right. Sorry ‘bout that.” He rushed quickly to his room and grabbed something to wear. He went down and brought with him a light green long sleeve and some pair of tight pants. Me still being shy smiled and went to the shower room again.

                “What happened to miss angry bird? You’re silent now.” He shouted.

                “Well…” I paused for a moment.

                “Well what?” He asked.

                “I’m not really that good at talking to people. I’m the outcast type.” I finally said more than two words.

                “Oh, that’s okay. But since you are in my house, I request you to feel free to talk.” He said.

                “Well see about that.” I opened the shower room and hit Carlo at the head.

                “Oww. Being angry bird again?” He touched his head.

                “Well sorry, and it’s not my fault that you were behind the door.” Wow, another more than two words.

                “Well that’s okay, just go grab some soup.” He proceeded to the fridge to get some ice.

                “Mmm. This is good. You are good! Don’t you know that mushroom soup is my favorite?” I finally smiled. I hate to admit, but I felt comfortable around him.

                “Well, guess you’re much more talkative now.” He smirked while he rubbed the tummy of his cat. “You said you’d like to do an interview me right?” He added.

                “Oh yes, about that. I almost forgot.” I stopped what I did and grabbed my bag; I almost forgot that it’s wet. “Great. Do you have something to write with?” I asked him.

                “Yeah sure, wait a minute.” He went up again. I roamed around his house and near the fireplace, I saw a picture frame. It’s him, and probably his parents.

                “Back!” He surprisingly popped-up with a paper and pen. And I placed the picture frame immediately. “What was that?” He asked.

                “Nothing.” I grabbed the paper and pen. “Let’s start.”

                I asked him many questions, mostly about school. I also asked him about his hobbies, and what he mostly does when he’s bored. Some of his favorites, and his best moments in school. But I was shocked when he said he never had a moment in school. I asked him about the gossip in school that he’s a member of a gang and he sells drugs. But he said those were rumors. The rain finally stopped.

                “So, why do you live alone?” I asked him.

                “Well, my parents and I are in a fight.” He answered.

                “Seriously? You had a fight with your parents! How bad. Why?” I was curious.

                “Don’t want to answer that.” He said as he grabbed sodas for refreshment.

                “Please.” I begged him. I was really that curious.              

                “That’s not even among the questions.” He said as he grabbed some popcorn.

                “Well, that’s true, but I’m really curious.” I honestly told him.

                “Not answering it.” He smiled.

                “You have a nice smile. Why don’t you have friends at school?” I asked him, staring him in the eyes.

                “Well lady, I’ll throw that question on you. Why?” He asked me back.

                “Well, I don’t make friends that much. Being with people at school and everywhere freaks me out.” I gulped some soda.

                “Then why are you here?” He asked a question that made me think.

                “Yeah why am I even here? Well, I just want to march this coming March. That’s why.” I said to him.

                “Is that it? No other reason?” He leaned forward.

                “Hey, you’re creeping me out.”  I’m starting to freak out.

                “I’m sorry I forgot.” He looked down at his cat while playing with it. I stared at him for few moments. There was silence across the room. I felt guilty for acting weird.

                “Who are you?” I asked him, smiling.

                “Carlo Stinson? The one whom you followed all the way from school. And saved you from the rain?” He smiled back.

                “No really, who are you?” I asked again.

                "Want to know who I really am? Meet me here tomorrow 5 pm sharp. Don’t be late. I’ll be waiting.” He stared at me.

                “You’re asking me out?” I painted my face with a questioning look.

                “If that’s what it sounds to you. Then yes.” He threw a killer smile at me. Gosh, I almost died.

                “I… uh… uhm… okay. Tomorrow then.” I stuttered and laughed nervously.

                “Great! See you tomorrow then.” He smiled.

                “And I need to get home now, it’s late.” I got my bag and picked up my things that were wet near the fireplace to dry them up.

                “Here, let me help you.” He leaned and helped me. We touched hands at reaching for the last notebook at the same time. Of course it was awkward so I withdrew my hands from him and immediately stood up.

                “Thank you.” I laughed fretfully.

                “You’re welcome.” He ushered me out of the house.

                “I guess I have to go now. Bye.” I hurriedly ran through the streets.

                “Watch out for bad guys.” He shouted so that I can hear.

                “Don’t worry; I’ll do my ching-chong fighting style against them.” I shouted and ran away.

                I ran far away and stopped to catch a breath. What the heck was that? He was like the first guy whom I talked to! And this feeling, what’s this? It’s unexplainable. What’s this? Can somebody explain this to me right now? I continued to ask that to myself as I made my way home.

                “Mom, I’m home!” I was excited to tell mom about what happened today.

                “Oh hey honey! Why are you so beamed up? And something’s telling me that you are going to tell me. Here, let me help you with that. Let’s talk in your room.” Mother said.

                “Hi dad!” I walked to my dad’s direction and kissed him. I don’t want to bother him since he was watching sports. I and my mom went upstairs.

                “So tell me what happened?” She closed the door.

                “I met this guy, he was kind of creepy at first but he actually he’s not.” I smiled.

                “What’s with the smile?” She asked me, excited.

                “I don’t know, I feel good when he’s around. Do you know what that means?” I asked her as I changed my clothes to pajamas.

                “Are those his clothes?” She shockingly asked.

                “Yes.” I smiled.

                “Come here.” She invited me to sit with her as she brushed my hair. “You’re in love. I can’t believe that you are growing up! I’m so proud of you. You made a friend, and for the first time, it’s a guy!” She added while continuing to brush my hair.

                “Really? Do you think I’m in love?” I asked her.

                “Did you ran fast while running away from him? Did you looked at him smiling? Did you almost died when you saw his smile?” She asked me.

                “Yes, yes, and yes.” I answered.

                “Then you’re in love.” She smiled.

                “Mom, can you help me with what to wear tomorrow? He asked me to go out with him. And I don’t know how to look good.” I asked her.

                “Really? Wow! That was fast!” She laughed.

                “Yeah, I would like to keep it simple though.” I said.

                “Sure, you don’t want to look bitchy in front of him right?” She’s finally done brushing my hair.

                “Mhm…” I nodded.

                “I love you. Rest now. I’m so proud of you.” She kissed me in the forehead and turned the lights off.

                “I love you too.” She then exited the room.

                The night went by so fast and it was daytime already. My mom helped me prep up. She even bought me some contacts with grade in them so that I could get rid of my eyeglass and she transformed my hair, irons it and did everything that I don’t know about. She bought me a nice white sleeveless polo and a pair of black jeans. I got to pick what footwear to wear and I simply chose sneakers. It was 4:45 pm already and it takes 20 minutes walk to his house. So I got my bike, bid goodbye to my mom and pedaled away. I got on time, and to my surprise, he has a car.

                “Wow. You look so beautiful.” He complimented my look.

                “Thank you. You too. Well, not beautiful, but handsome. Since you’re a boy.” I stuttered, probably running red now.

                “Get in the car.” He opened the right door.

                “Thanks.” I smiled and we drove away.

                He drove for about 15 minutes until we arrived. It’s weird because it looks like an orphanage. But I like it since I would be with kids. And I love kids more than grown-ups. But to my surprise, there were old people there; it was more like a house for old people than for kids. When we went in, he sure knew much people. He greeted some of the old people and held my hand and we rushed to the kitchen. He helped with the cooking and asked if I could prepare. I was assigned to the table to serve the old people. Few hours later, he went outside and helped me serve the old people. I look at him with interest, and he looks like he was such a great guy. Never knew this guy is not that scary. Suddenly, his dark aura faded and he looked like an angel.

                The dinner was over and we were on the balcony, just the two of us. There was silence at first, but I got the urge to speak.

                “Never knew you were this kind.” I smiled, looking at him.

                “Thank you.” He smiled back. There was silence again.

                “So you know me now huh?” He asked.

                “Yeah, sort of. “ I’m still shy at him.

                “My parents and I got in a fight because I don’t want to study abroad. I loved my grandfather and he died pretty early, that’s why I spend my weekends helping out here. They’re like family to me more than my real family.” He looked at the sky.

                “Awww, I’m sorry.” I felt bad for him.

                “Nah, that’s okay.” He said. And there was silence again.

                “You’re a great guy you know.” I finally said it. I don’t know why. It just came out of my mouth.

                “Really? Thanks. Well, you seem great too.” He grinned. “Do you want to hang out more often?” He added.

                “Sure, this place is good for me to have new friends.” I smiled.

                “No, like, boyfriend girlfriend thing.” I was really shocked at what he said.


                “Don’t worry he’ll take care of you.” An old woman cut me off. She smiled saying “If I were you? I will accept his request.”

                “Aww that’s nice of you Nora.” Carlo said to the woman.

                “Well, we can try it out. But please be informed that I’m no good with handling relationships.” I said timidly.

                “That’s okay, I will take care of you.” He smiled and walked near me.

                “What about the people in school? What if they’ll know about us?” I questioned.

                “Well, who cares? We love each other.” He stared at me, and his lips met mine under the lazy light of the moon. And to our shock, the old audience applauded and cheered at us. We just smiled and went to them.

                I passed my requirements on time and became the class Valedictorian. Carlo finally met my parents and his mother came to the graduation and I met her. She was a nice person. We are still together now, having a happy life with three kids.

                And that’s how two shrinking violets bloomed. :)


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