Izuku the Lost Soldier: Nucle...

By Pabaxel

4.9K 222 13

Somewhere in this world, there are people fighting within the darkness to help humanity grow. Many never see... More

Mission successful?
Found/New mission: School?
Sudden attack!
Fuck their here!/USJ
New assignment
American Civil War
Big Three on the lookout/Sports Festival interupted
Return of Evil
End of the Beginning (Ending)

American Civil War part 2

258 18 1
By Pabaxel

The fight continued on, the United States had reformed once again in a short desperate attempt to keep the country together. But this decision left many rogue agents, gangs, and organized crime loose in the streets rising once again. Heroes that have not been corrupted by this mess are on the lookout 24/7 trying to hold the peace in their area.

Midoriya is on a mission to retrieve two of the prime minister's children from the U.S. He had joined with the U.S, L.S.I R.P Division team on this joint task force.

"We don't have enough time." ,-said Watch slowly retreating and reloading both his machine guns while the enemy brings in reinforcements.

"Hurry up Shock!" ,-yelled Charger running out of grenades.

"On my way." ,-said Shock over the radio going at 100 mph in 2 seconds quickly reaching back to the team.

"About time! Let's take out the biggest gun we have." ,-said Charger jumping the car and quickly assembles a .50 caliber machine gun.

"My goodness." ,-said Izuku while the reloads again 400 bullets for both of his M60 machine guns.

Shock opens the back door and quickly Charger pulls the trigger of the .50 cal Machine gun decimating the enemy reinforcements.

"Let's go!" ,-yelled Agent Watch using his quirk that used his stamina.

* Nuclear Fog: It creates a dark thick grey fog it is surrounding and has he chosen to cover it radioactive or not.*

"That should stop them for a while."  ,-Izuku thought entering the SUV.


The team went back together in the nearby mall as the teens ransack the area.

A block away from the store Izuku noticed a kid just seating by the side of the road doing nothing.

"Hey, kid are you okay?" ,-Izuku asked seeing the kid's clothes burn up. "Where are you parents?" ,- he asked with no responded again.

"No, that was the wrong question." ,- he thought as the kid began to follow him. "Don't be scared of me, we want to get out of here."

"....." ,the kid just followed Izuku around.

"Well, that worked." ,-he thought as they walked back to the mall."Hey, Watch the local Militia has made contact. They have taken care of the enemy back at the school." ,-said Click

"What about the parents?" ,-asked Izuku while he sees Charger ransacking as well along with the students.

"Well, there were some casualties." ,-said Click lowering his voice.

"Damn it." ,-said Izuku as it was almost noon.

"They say their willingness to help these students, we still have to complete the second part of our mission." ,-responded Click.

"I guess that's our only option. Call all the students and tell them we are headed to the L.A militia outside of the city."  ,-said Agent Watch (Izuku)

The young kid stayed along with them in the SUV until they reach the Militia temporary HQ outside the city.

They had a list of family names across the board and many students quickly rushed in looking for their parent's names.

"Well, it doesn't look have bad." ,-said Charger as his rifle cooled down from their recent gunfight with some thugs in the border of the city.

"Those bastards didn't learn." ,-said Shock checking their vehicle looking for any damages the bullets might have created.


After talking with the L.A Militia they welcomed these kids along with their families. The young kid was able to find his family after Midoriya found out his family name.

After the extraction of the Japanese Prime Minister's Daughter now they have to drive to Washington D.C. It's a long way to go from their location to their next destination.

"Who's ready for a car trip?" ,-said Midoriya grabbing some drinks the Militia offered.

"I'll drive!" ,-yelled Shock running back to the car.

Through several days they have been under constant resistance by different groups that have expanded their influence across the hostile land.

As soon as they entered into D.C borders they noticed the devastation this has created. It seems clear that many people have used their quirks carelessly.

When they arrive in D.C the private school was already obliterated to the ground. Fortunately, there was a paper across the road reading there's a shelter nearby.

So the team heads out to find the missing target down in the nearby shelter. People were not in the greatest living conditions but were still alive from the many ongoing attacks in the city. Midoriya uses his face recognition software built in his helmet and after a few minutes, he locates his target.

"Let's get you home." ,-said Midoriya pulling his Prime Minster's son out form the shelter.

"Watch you got him!" ,-exclaimed Charger waiting outside.

"Thank you-Thank you so much." ,-said the boy relieved.

"That was fast, it would have taken us a while to find him." ,-said Click calling the extraction team.

"Yeah, let's head out to the extraction point." ,-said Midoriya as they all he in the SUV.

Running a few miles west of their Extraction point they could see their transport helicopter preparing to land. But someone in rooftops used an RPG almost hitting the helicopter.

"Get out, Get out!" ,-yelled Click telling the pilot to get out from here.

"It's an ambush!" ,-yelled Charger unloading his bunkers in seconds.

"Shock, get us out of here." ,-ordered Midoriya as he uses both arms to shoots out multiple rounds with his two machine guns thanks to his exo-suit.

"On the way, one minute." ,-said Shock on the radio.

"We may not have a minute." ,-said Click dodging multiple bullets.

Izuku quickly runs out of bullets after taking down 73 enemies. "Charger!" ,-he calls as Charger throws him a battle rifle. "This will do." ,-avoiding bullets and grenades left and right in the battlefield that has become the plaza.

"Am here." ,-said Shock as Click pushes the son into the SUV.

"Let's go Watch!" ,-yelled Click as Izuku starts taking heavy damage. Quickly he turns around and runs towards the SUV covered in bullets.

"Go! Go! Go!" ,-yelled Charger helping Izuku get in the vehicle. The Prime Minister's son was shaking from all the bullets flying around them.

Navigating through the city was intense.
"Come on where's the next extraction point!" ,-yelled Charger

"They said the next one will be 30 minutes." ,-said Click

"30 minutes!" ,-yelled Charger again

"Calm down, we still have a job to finish." ,-said Izuku firing back at the enemy. At this point, anyone can be an enemy.

The Resistance are fighting the Rogue agents, the Rebels are against the Government. And the Anti-government, and other terrorists groups are fighting anyone and everyone.

"This is a hot mess." ,-said Shock avoiding multiple incoming vehicles. "Hold tight!" ,-he said as bumped into five cars.

"I see the location on the map!" ,-said Click adding the location to their GPS.

In the distance, they could see the helicopter landing again outside of the capital city.

"Let's go." ,-said Izuku getting of the SUV with the Prime Minister's son.

"Alright Agent Watch see you later, finish the mission." ,-said Agent Click as Charger and Shock stayed in the vehicle.

"Take care you to guys." ,-said Izuku helping the Prime Ministers son to get comfortable in the helicopter as they took off from U.S soil.

The U.S, L.S.I R.P Division team stayed behind, they still had to deal with their own problems.

"Let's finish what we started." ,-said Click reloading his gun.

"Hell yeah!" ,-said Charger holding his light machine gun.

"Let's call for reinforcements." ,-said Click as all United States L.S.I R.P are called into action to help this once great nation back again.

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