A Bullet is the Key.


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It was supposed to be simple... Except there is always the calm before the storm and in this case.. the silen... Еще

Chapter 1
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 2
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 3
The Bullet is the Key
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 6
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 7
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 8
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 9
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 10
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 11
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 12
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 13
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 14
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 15
A Bullet is the Key
Final Chapter
A Bullet is the Key

A bullet is the key

61 3 0

The house was quiet, to quiet to be exact. I thought Ryder would appear from upstairs and make his way toward me so we could finish our breakfast, but no sounds could be heard.

“Ryder” I yelled to the empty house.

Instead of walking up stairs to my room I headed towards the kitchen to finish my breakfast, once there I noticed there was only one bowl and the other cereal box was put up. The Stairs could be barely seen from the front door, had he managed to sneak down here without Chrissie seeing him.

That was when I saw the piece of paper under my already poured bowl of cereal, all I needed was to add the milk and we would be good. I knew the silence meant he was gone, but a part of me wished he didn’t leave like that. Tears swam in my eyes as I read the note it said:

Our worlds are two different places; we could never be anything more. You belong with someone who could be so much more and do so much for you. This is the last time I will intrude in your life my sweet Bell, like everyone says I’m no good for you all I am is bad news and nothing more. I am glad you have someone like Bobby, I didn’t fight back because I would be hurting you not him, because I know you love him Emmie even if you don’t say so yourself. Goodbye Beautiful.


What the hell was this boy thinking? He didn’t fight back because he thought I loved Bobby, but didn’t he see the way I reacted to him and what I said to him? Obviously Ry didn’t after the fight, is that why Bobby looked so smug?

I shook my head as I read over his words, words that made no sense at all because the only boy I loved is the boy who has been hurt by lies and thinks I love someone else. I don’t think silence has ever been this quiet though. I am not in love with Bobby and I would never date him. Want to know a secret? One I have been keeping for so many years, there is a reason why Ryder has not gotten into more trouble and expelled. That reason happens to be me.

Setting the note down I grabbed the bowl of cereal to sad to even go to the fridge and grab the container of milk, so I sat silently at the bar eating my dry cereal thinking.

Those rumors started from somewhere, the rumors where stupid really. These rumors though had to have generated from someone who really despised Ry and didn’t want him around. My first thought went to Chrissie because it would make sense if it was Chrissie but that little voice in the back of my head said it was not her. Then who?

 They all were made to make him seem like he was the worst person possible, the main one’s were-

1.     His father abused him and so he abuses people and starts fights for his own enjoyment, he loves hearing the sound of flesh hitting flesh and the sight of blood. Lie, his father left him when he was ten years old due to a brain tumor he received when he got hit in the head to hard while serving his country in the marines overseas.

2.     His mother is a whore and sells her body for money; he is sold to his mom’s friends as a play item. Lie, his mom is rarely home because she is a high-end lawyer and travels to other places to solve cases that are unsolved.

3.     He sells blunts at school. Lie, he wouldn’t smoke that not after he saw his grandfather die of lung cancer and when he found out his cousin had died in a car crash because he was to high to realize what was going on.

4.     He is an alcoholic. Lie, he only has a few drinks at parties and then stays at that persons house till he is sober, he rarely goes to parties because he rather be home with his mom on the few occasions she isn’t at work.

5.     Cheats on his exams. Lie, okay well he doesn’t cheat but he does procrastinate till the last moment to study so he has the book out right before the exam is given out.

There are more but none of them are even true, and it is hard to think of someone spreading these lies. I was the one who made him not get in trouble, it was me and Chrissie would have a fit if she found out that I was the one who made it so Ryder did not get expelled.

See I would go to his classes and well since I am president I was given his schoolwork that he would miss, yes I used my title to gain things in my favor at times- not always. I would do his work; even though I had my own work to do I still would do his schoolwork and turn it in for him. How you may ask seeing as we have different majors? I’m a business major while he is majoring in management, so to me those things aren’t to different. With his schoolwork done he was still able to pass his classes, when a teacher caught a rumor I was the one to step in and tell the teacher that it was not true. There were a few times I had to go to the headmaster’s office to talk with him as well and explain to him that what and if he had heard anything about Ryder was not true. I gave him examples and facts explaining why the rumors were rumors, he didn’t believe what people said about Ryder because those things seemed didn’t seem like him. Plus as headmaster he has all the documented paperwork regarding each and every student who is attending and has attended Frankton University.

Once done with my cereal I laid my head on the countertop as I began to realize maybe Chrissie is the one who started the rumors like my first thought but I still think that there is someone else being the ring leader behind this all.

Placing my bowl in the sink I walked out of the kitchen and into my bedroom, the bed was made and the television was off as well. I pulled back the covers of the bed and slipped under while I grabbed my phone and the remote. Turning the TV on just so I could hear the noise and not be swallowed by the silence, I began to check my phone once again.

Jace: Hey Emma, Ryder just told me he got home from your house. He seemed sad is everything okay?

Me: Jace, he was fine before Chrissie came banging on my door like a crazy person, and also I saw his scar.

Jace: Oh I can see why.

Me: Jace why is it on his left side when people said he was shot on the right? My phone was silent after I asked him that, he didn’t reply back to me.

Me to mom: Hey mom, just saying hi and be safe and love you all. It’s the weekend having Sydney over tonight for a girls night so it should be fun.

Chrissie: Sorry for banging on your door.

Me to Chrissie: no worries best, no damage done and I happened to be up getting breakfast anyways.

Jace: There are things you don’t know about that day Emmie, there are things also about those you think you know everything about.

With wide eyes I looked at his text that sent my thoughts reeling in different directions.

Chrissie: You want do girls day tonight?

Chrissie: hello Emma.

Chrissie: Emma, answer me please I’m worried here.

Me: Sorry Chris I was lost in my thoughts, yeah I’m having Sydney over so shouldn’t be an issue. She’s coming at 4.

Chrissie: Oh! Sounds good see you then.

Me: Jay what do you mean?

Jace: Emmie just be careful and Ryder will be okay he just has a lot on his mind. You know he has a doctor’s appointment in two weeks to see if he can take off those glasses, the same day you get your stitches out. I would ask the doctor about the injuries from that day.

His last text made me wonder what he was trying to say about that, I also knew that Ryder would need time to chill out before I went and saw him or even tried to talk to him. The clock struck twelve o’clock as I sat bundled under the layers off blankets as I waited for Syd and Chrissie to get here in like four hours.

Ping… Ping… Ping…

Unknown number 1: Be careful who you let into your house.

Me: who is this? What do you mean?


Unknown number 1: You will know in time, don’t worry I will not bring harm to you. Just be careful who you trust.

Mike: Emma! You totally disappeared yesterday and didn’t even tell Bryan or I goodbye.

Me: You are a complete goof ball, I left early due to my stitches hurting plus…


Mike: Take care of Ryder Emma; don’t let them get you like they did us.

His message was eerie, what did he mean don’t let them get you like they did us? Who is us?

Me: Mike what are you talking about?


Mike: They know Emma, someone knows about Bryan and me.

Me: How only Chrissie and I know about that.


Mike: They do know, they are watching us. Be safe; trust only me, Bryan, Jace, Ryder and Sydney.

In that moment I noticed as I read who was on that list that Chrissie was not on there, could there be a reason why my supposedly best friend was not on that list but I did not bother to answer.

Bobby: Hey you pick the day yet?

Me: No not yet, think you want to do something next weekend?

Bobby: Okay, sounds good lets to a Friday.

Me: Okay.

The sound of the TV played from across the room, I glanced to it so I could change the channel. Randomly clicking the remote I surfed through the dozen of channels on the television, though nothing seemed to be on. I decided to jump to the movie section to pick a movie to watch, leaving it on Robots, my favorite movie.

My laughter floated around the room at the funny Robin Williams moments, it is so sad a great actor like him passed away so early. The red robot Fender was my favorite and piper too.

Truth is I was so dreading that date next Friday, I just did not want to be around Bobby truthfully, and he also made me very uncomfortable and weird to be around. I was so not in the mood to deal with him and how he always talks about himself and thinks I’m his girl, which I am so not. Snuggling under the blankets I pressed my face into the pillow in haling deeply realizing that Ryder’s smell still lingered. His smell was like my drug.

Closing my eyes I listened to the words from the television, they were at the part that Fender is singing in the oil before the street sweeper sucks him up. I dozed off listening to the sounds of the television; my mind was blank until I was tossed into a dream.

Footsteps rang in the hallway, the sound of dripping blood echoing against the tile floor. Heels clicked after the footsteps chasing the other footsteps, heads turned forward she ran.

“Get away!” the girl screamed.

A door stood before the girl, a door at the end of the hallway was there before her. Reaching out she grabbed the doorknob and crashed into the room, the heels still coming. She gasped because of the person who stood before her, a look of disbelief on her face; drops of blood were along the ground. Plotted plants stood in rows of the senior green room, a person stood with blood splattered on them, their hands shaking as they held the gun. The girl wondered why they would have the gun if Richard was supposedly the one who had it first; hands grabbed her and pulled her away in a quick jerky motion.

“Get out of here!” the voice yelled.

“I’m a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it’s fantastic. You can brush me hair, undress me everywhere. Imagination, life is your creation. Come on Barbie, let’s go party.” Blared from my phone, shocking me awake from the weird dream, reaching my hand out I grabbed the phone pressing the answer button.

“Yes Chrissie?” I said sleep still heavy in my voice; I pushed the covers from my body and got out of bed while I headed toward the closet.

“Sydney and I are out front, we have been ringing your doorbell for the last five minutes.” I glanced at my phone to see it was actually 4 pm at night; I had slept for four hours. I cannot believe that, I quickly grabbed a pair of sweat pants and took off my old tank top and slipped on one of Ryder’s old t-shirts.

“I was asleep; I didn’t know I slept this long sorry. I’m coming down right now.” I hung up the phone as I made my way down the stairs, tossing my hair up in the process. Reaching the door I pulled it open to see both the girls standing there before me, I looked at my two friends they both were very different. Sydney was simple, bookworm, blonde, green eyes, bubbly and sweet as can be. They both even dressed differently wore Chrissie was miniskirts and heels, while Sydney wore jeans and a conservative top though was adorable on her.

Opening the door wider I let them in, backs swung over their shoulders. I smiles at them as I shut the door behind them.

“Let’s party!” Chrissie yelled while she pulled movies and nail polish from her back as a sweet smile was on her face. We laughed at her silliness, my wariness flying out the window as I saw my best friend for the moment and not the one who was banging on my door this morning. The night fly by, we quickly locked the doors, grabbed some food from the kitchen and headed upstairs to my room to pig out and be girls.

The weekend fly by with not a word from Ryder though that was mainly me because I did not text him, he needed space. That week even flew by; my date with Bobby came and went. Let’s just say that the date went a little weird straight from the beginning, and it was very uncomfortable as well.

-Date with Bobby-

The night was early, the sun was shining the wind was still and the temperature was perfect. Ha! As if. School went by fast, not once did I see Ryder or well he seemed to avoid me all together. Bobby had told me he would get me at five o’clock that night. I was so not looking forward to this date; the moment I got home I sat down at my computer and began to do some schoolwork. Pulling out my English homework I began to write an essay regarding my favorite moment in history and what I thought about it. I choose to write about my trip to the Oklahoma bombing, and the experience I had while I was there. I began to write regarding the assignment before I had to prepare for my date seeing as it was in three hours and I would not need that much time to get ready. I feel like my greatest friend is silence I always feel like it surrounds me in a cocoon, but the silence gets to be to much sometimes. The feelings as if you are alone in this world and while you try to talk and explain things no one is actually listening to you speak. The clock struck began to chime four times as 4 o’clock came, placing my pencil down I got up to get ready for this weird date I was about to go on. Walking towards my closet I decided to wear a pair of regular jeans tucked into my brown ugg boots, and just pulled on a white cotton off the shoulder sweater over my light pink tank top I had on. Stepping out of the closet I grabbed my white colorful butterfly purse as I walked into the bathroom to at least put my hair up in a bun before he got here. The moment my foot hit the first step down the stairs I heard the sound of a knock on my door, I continued on my way downward. Pulling the door open I saw Bobby standing there a cocky smile on his lips and his hands stuffed in his pockets. I rolled my eyes at him and I pulled the door shut behind me and locked it before turning back around. I noticed his eyes linger on my ass, and then they snapped up to my face a smirk playing on his lips. Uh what a weirdo I thought. His car was parked in my driveway the engine still running on his two door black 2012Camero, once at his car he opened the door and let me in before he headed to his side. I watched him with amusement in my eyes as he tried to casually slide into the car with so called ‘style’ though that ‘style’ went out the window when he smacked his head on the doo frame. My laughter was trying to break free of its cage though I held it back to not seem rude all he did was throw me a sheepish smile before he drove off for our date. Flashing me a smile he rolled the windows down of the Camero letting in the winter breeze and all I did was continue to stare out the window not giving into his hints of me moving closer. His advances went unnoticed by me and I was thankful when we pulled up to the restaurant to eat. Walking into the restaurant it seemed the hostess knew him by name which made me realize this was where he brought all his dates for dinner so I gave a humph and followed them to our reserved table. Next it seemed I was not even allowed to order anything myself because he had called ahead to place our order for dinner and my dinner was… wait for it… salad.

Really? Was my only thought as I began to pick and nibble at my garden salad while he ate like a barbarian (not really but seemed that way) as he devoured his prime rib steak that looked amazing. The fool didn’t even ask me if I wanted to try a bite of his steak though I probably would have said no anyways but it was the thought that counts. Dinner went by tirelessly before we headed to the movies and the movie he picked was horrendous truthfully even though I watched it I could not tell you the name. Once I was safely home I was over joyed that the night had come to an end because I would have to say that- that was the worst date I have ever been on.


Let’s just say that date got even weirder after that moment. I was glad it was over by 10 because the moment I went inside I was out like a light and was in my own dreams. That was a week ago today; it has been two weeks since I have seen Ryder or even talked to him. Chrissie never left my side she even seemed happier knowing that I hadn’t spoken a word about Ryder. The carnival plans were going greatly and we seemed to have everything ready to get that day rolling, we were going to have the carnival in a month on March 30. It would be the end of February soon any ways, which only left a month to have everything ready and prepared though I knew we could do it.

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