The End of Total Drama Minecr...

De Radishologist

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Fifth and final season of the "Total Drama Minecraft" series. Read all four previous seasons before reading t... Mais

Episode 1 Part 1
Episode 1 Part 2
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
The 10th Anniversary of Minecraft
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Elimination Order & Fun Facts
Author's Final Note

Episode 18

477 23 118
De Radishologist

Herobrine stopped abruptly and looked at the mobs, then into the air. Thick black smoke started to pour out from his mouth, ears, and eyes. It billowed into the air. The mobs gazed at it in terror.

The smoke formed into a single human being the same shape as Herobrine. It opened its eyes, which were glowing white.

Herobrine's body went limp and fell over the edge of the island, into the void of the End.

The floating figure looked at the six mobs in turn. It focused on Sno, who was frozen in horror.

"I am null," the figure spoke, but its voice didn't seem to be coming from it. It emanated from everywhere at once.

The mobs looked around at each other, shock plastered on their faces.

"You will all be null, too."

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Remaining Contestants (6): Sno, Chloe, Kain, Agatha, Ory, Ech

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Null floated before the six contestants without a word. The mobs were so terrified they didn't speak. Herobrine was nowhere to be seen, as his unconscious body had fallen over the edge of the island and into the void of the End.

The smoky being floated forwards until it was right in front of Chloe. The ocelot backed away slightly, uncertain of what was happening.

Null moved down the line of mobs without a word, stopping in front of each of them, its glowing white eyes piercing into theirs. When it came to Sno, she started hyperventilating in terror.

The being floated back up to its original position over the void. It continued to stare at them.

"What do you want?!" Kain finally yelled.

"I have searched each of your memories," Null began, its voice coming from all around them. "To find a common fear."

Chloe and Kain glanced at each other warily.

"I have found something dangerous that you have all faced at a point in your meaningless lives. I will let it deal with you while I handle more important matters."

Null raised its arms, and smoke began to swirl around it. Something began to materialize from the smoke. When the figure was unmistakable, all six mobs gasped.


The three-headed figure finished materializing. The three heads looked around, confused.

"Huh? Where am I?" the middle head asked.

"I thought we were dead!" the left head exclaimed.

"I wish we still were," the right head muttered.

"Oh, it's just Jerry, Larry, and Barry," Agatha said to the others. "We can reason with them."

Null pointed at Wither, and smoke rushed into the boss. The three heads cried out in pain for a second, but were then silenced. They opened their eyes, and without a word, flew towards the contestants.

Wither fired a projectile at the six mobs, and they dove out of the way to avoid getting injured.

"Never mind," Agatha called.

Null disappeared with a loud crack. Wither floated towards the mobs.

"What do we do?!" Sno shouted.

Agatha looked around, took out a potion, drank it, and disappeared.

"Hey! Get back here and help!" Ory yelled.

There was no response from Agatha.

Wither fired another projectile at the mobs. They dove away again.

"How do we kill Wither?" Kain asked Chloe. "We don't have any weapons!"

Chloe looked around. "We have to craft some!"

"With what?" Sno yelled as Wither fired a projectile at her. She jumped out of the way.

"What killed Wither last time again?" Kain asked.

"It was a diamond sword," Chloe replied. "Although...I can't remember who swung it."

"Doesn't matter!" Kain exclaimed. "I know exactly where to find diamonds!"

"The old villain cabin!" Ory realized. "Great idea, let's go!"

The four of them ran away from Wither, towards the cabins. Wither followed them.

A bat flew the other way.


Ech's Confessional

"They couldn't even remember that I'm the one who killed Wither last season? And they just left without me! It's like I'm being erased from existence!"


Wither continued firing projectiles as the four mobs ran to the island with their cabins.

As Kain jumped and ducked to avoid the blasts, his mind was racing with thoughts.

I have to protect Chloe. I can't let Wither kill me, because I need the million emeralds.

The wolf looked around at the others as he ran. They all looked similarly stressed.

As Chloe ran, dodging the Wither projectiles, thoughts raced through her head.

I have to protect Kain. I can't let Wither kill me. I have to make it back home.

The ocelot looked around at the others as she ran, noticing they also looked upset by the circumstances.

As Ory hopped out of the way of incoming Wither projectiles, thoughts raced through her head.

Not Wither again! I can't beat him as just myself. But I can't let the Killer Bunny come out.

The rabbit looked around at the others and saw they were thinking hard as well.

As Sno avoided getting hit by the projectiles, thoughts raced through her head.

Is Herobrine dead? What is Null doing while we fight Wither? I wish Ron was here.

She looked around, and saw the others were deep in thought as well.

The four of them arrived at the End tower separating the two team cabins. They raced across the bridge to the villain cabin, Wither still firing projectiles at them.

"I'll get a diamond block off the wall!" Kain called. "You guys get inside, find some wood, and make some sticks and a crafting table!"

"Got it!" Chloe called.

The three girls ran inside while Kain began mining one of the diamond blocks that made up the wall of the cabin.

Wither fired a projectile at Kain. He dove out of the way, and it hit the wall of the cabin, creating a large hole in it. Kain finished mining the diamond block just as the three girls  came back outside with sticks and a crafting table.

Kain threw the sticks and diamonds on the workbench, creating four diamond swords. Each of the mobs picked one up just as Wither fired another projectile, destroying their crafting table.

The three girls and the wolf raised their swords and turned to Wither, who was hovering over the void. It fired another projectile, and Chloe slapped it back at him with her sword.

Wither dodged the deflection. He was about to fire again when a blast that came from behind the mobs hit him, sending him tumbling away. The four mobs turned around.

Standing in the hole in the cabin was Agatha, wearing a mechanical suit that looked homemade. It was a metal suit that fitted her form, adorned with buttons and glowing lines where parts connected. Her metallic arms were thicker as if they held more compartments, as well as her legs and back. A mask with the same steely material covered her head, but had an opening for her face. She also had an elytra on her back that looked more like wings than a glider.

The witch pointed a hand at Wither, and the mobs could see that tiny dispensers were part of her metal hands. A fire charge shot out, hitting Wither and knocking it away.

"Where did you get that thing?" Ory asked.

Agatha didn't respond. She simply exited the cabin and flew towards Wither, who had regained its senses.

The mobs watched in awe as Agatha and the Wither battled in the air. The witch seemed very comfortable flying through the air in her suit, like she had used it before.

Wither and Agatha began to fly higher in the sky as they fought. They battled near the top of the End tower that separated the two cabins.

"Come on, we gotta help her!" Chloe yelled. The four mobs ran to the tower.

Just before they reached it, Null appeared right in front of them, causing Sno to scream. The being just stared at them for a few seconds, then disappeared.

"Coward!" Kain shouted.

As soon as he yelled that, shulkers and endermen appeared on the tower and the bridge.

The mobs raised their swords warily.


Agatha's Confessional

"I've been working on this suit for a long time, gathering materials from the different places we've visited for challenges. I call it the Metal Maiden."


Ech flew across the islands of the End, nothing bothering him as he went. Well, of course nothing would bother him. He was practically invisible.

Anyway, the bat knew how difficult it was to defeat Wither last year. The only thing that could defeat him was Herobrine's enchanted diamond sword that Ech found in his mansion. But that sword wasn't anywhere in the End, as far as he knew.

So Ech had another idea.

The only problem was, he couldn't find it. The End was a huge dimension, probably endless, and he was looking for a specific island.

As Ech searched, he started thinking aloud to himself. "Why is it that every season there is always some outside threat that tries to mess with the show? It's really starting to get old."

The bat flew past a bunch of endermen on an island, all of which ignored him even though he was looking right at them.

"In season one, Notch was Wither's master or something, and Wither tried to destroy the world in the final three challenge. Then in season two when Wither wasn't invited to participate, he possessed some of the contestants for awhile, and eventually attacked the Nether island they were on," Ech thought back to what he saw on television.

"In season three, Moolissa's dad resurrected Notch in an effort to get his daughter back from the show. Wither was also brought back to life for a challenge, but he didn't try to destroy the show until season four. In that season, Wither hired four 'agents' on the show to do his bidding, but none of them really worked out. He gave Porky and Mooshie hacks and then tried to kill Herobrine, but luckily Wilbur and Stella saved him while I killed Wither with Herobrine's sword," Ech remembered.

"And now Null is here because of who knows why, and he resurrected Wither to try and kill us all again. It's like an endless loop of bad guys trying to ruin Herobrine's show! Why can't they just leave us alone?" the bat sighed.

He looked around, noticing that he hadn't been paying attention and was now floating over the void. In the distance, he spotted what he was looking for.

"Finally," the bat said as he flew towards it. "Maybe now I'll get the recognition I deserve."

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Agatha swooped beneath Wither and fired upward at it, hitting it with two fire charges. She flew up and turned to face Wither only to get a projectile in her face.

The witch tumbled backwards, almost falling out of the air completely, but she held herself up. She shook it off and shot some more fire charges at the three-headed beast.

This Wither seems much more difficult to defeat than the normal Wither, Agatha thought to herself as she dodged three projectiles flying at her through the air. Time to kick it up a notch.

She pulled a switch on her leg, then aimed her arm at Wither again. This time, a flashing block of TNT shot out of the mini dispenser in her hand, blowing up on Wither. This clearly did a significant amount of damage.

The witch grinned to herself. "I'm a genius," she said aloud.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Instead of waiting for the contestants to look at them, the endermen immediately attacked the four. Kain charged at them, swinging his diamond sword wildly in an attempt to hit as many as possible.

A shulker fired a projectile at Chloe. She batted it away with her sword to avoid levitation, then charged at some endermen that were ganging up on Sno.

Ory feebly fought back against the endermen. She kept closing her eyes in terror, knowing the violence was stirring up the Killer Bunny inside of her.

"Don't come out, don't come out," she muttered to herself as she swung her sword at an enderman.

Sno jabbed at an enderman, then cried out in pain as another one shoved her backwards. Chloe jumped in and started fighting them, so Sno turned around to fight another enderman. There were so many of them, and clearly there was no way for the four of them to climb the tower to fight Wither.

Kain ducked and rolled in between an enderman's legs, slicing it as he did so. As he got up he stabbed an enderman, causing it to shriek and teleport away. He turned to another and stabbed it too. Four endermen began to circle him.

"I am not letting you take away my chances at winning a million emeralds," the wolf growled.

He started spinning in a circle with his sword out, damaging all four endermen as he did so. They attacked him, landing a few hits, but Kain was winning this battle.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard above. Kain looked up to see Agatha falling through the air, clearly not in control of her suit.

Just before she hit the ground, she regained control and flew back up, but Wither landed another hit on her. She clearly wasn't doing well.

"We have to get up there!" Kain shouted as he dodged an enderman attack and shoved it off the bridge and into the void.

"There's no way all four of us are gonna make it up there," Sno called as she killed an enderman. "You and Chloe go. We can handle ourselves down here."

"Are you sure?" Chloe asked, ducking under an enderman's arms and slicing at its legs.

Sno nodded. "Go kill Wither."

Chloe and Kain looked at each other. Then they sprinted out of the endermen battle and charged to the tower.


Sno's Confessional

"I don't know if we can actually handle it down here. But Agatha needs the help more than we do."


Ory's Confessional

"Oh man, our two best fighters are leaving us with all these endermen? Maybe I need the Killer Bunny..."


Ech flew up to the floating bedrock structure in the sky. "Ah, an End gateway. How do these things work?"

The bat flew around it a couple times, inspecting it. He could tell the inside was some sort of portal.

"Well. Here goes nothing." Ech easily fit through the one block hole in the gateway. He felt a strange sensation, almost like when they were time traveling, and suddenly, he was sitting on another island made of endstone.

The bat looked around and saw the familiar tall obsidian pillars with End crystals on the tops. He took a deep breath, then flew to the center of the island.

The Ender Dragon sat in the middle of the pillars as always. He was awake, so Ech flew right up to his face.

"Hey!" the bat yelled.

No response from the dragon. He was just staring straight ahead, clearly lost in thought.

What does the Ender Dragon even do all the time? Ech wondered. He shook his head. The task at hand was more important.

"Yo, Mr. Dragon?!" Ech shouted as loud as he could. "Can you hear me?!"

Still no acknowledgment from the dragon. Ech sighed. How do I get his attention?

His eyes fell on one of the obsidian pillars.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Agatha fired some more TNT at the Wither. The explosions were injuring it, but its health capacity was enormous, way larger than of the normal Wither. Null must have given him more health somehow.

Wither was putting up a good fight, too, almost to the point that Agatha was losing. She was hit by projectiles several times, almost completely losing control and plummeting to the ground once already. She knew she had to do something different if she was going to beat the Wither.

Agatha continued firing TNT and fire charges at the Wither as she soared through the air in her Metal Maiden suit.


Agatha's Confessional

"I was planning on using this suit in actual challenges to give me a distinct advantage over my competitors. But there won't be any challenges if we don't defeat Wither or Null, and this is our best means of doing just that."


Chloe began scaling the End tower, easily using her agility to jump between the blocks that made up the tower. Kain was right behind her, still not as nimble as she was, but he was able to keep up.

As Chloe was about to swing to an end rod, she felt herself get struck by something. The ocelot yelped as she started to float into the air.

"Chloe!" Kain shouted. He tried to reach out and grab her, but just barely missed. She kept floating higher and higher.

"No, wait, I think this is good!" Chloe called to Kain. "We can use levitation to get to to the top of the tower quicker!"

"What if it runs out?" Kain asked.

Chloe was hit by another shulker projectile. "I think we'll be fine! There are plenty of shulkers!"

Kain took a deep breath. It was risky, but he had to do it. If he wanted to win the million emeralds, he had to win the show. And for there to be a show, he had to kill Null. And to kill Null, he first had to kill Wither. To kill Wither, he first had to get to the top of this tower as quick as possible. And to do that, he had to let himself get hit by shulker projectiles.

The wolf nodded and leapt off the tower.

"Wait, Kain—!" Chloe shouted.

Kain plummeted through the air. The endstone was coming up fast, and although he wasn't high enough for the fall to kill him, it would definitely be enough to severely injure him. He shut his eyes tight.

Just before he hit the ground, though, he felt himself begin to float upwards. He opened his eyes slowly, and realized a shulker projectile had hit him at the very last second. He was just a few blocks off the ground, near the enderman battle.

Kain swung his sword at an enderman as he floated past it, killing it. He could tell Ory and Sno weren't doing very well against the endermen. But he knew Agatha needed his help more.

Another shulker projectile hit Kain, and he began to float even higher. Chloe was way above him now, but she was also still floating up and up. He knew she would be fine. She always was.

Kain maneuvered himself closer to the tower so more shulkers could hit him with projectiles. He continued to float upwards.


Kain's Confessional

"I've been through too much in these past three seasons to die now. I have to save this show so I can win the million."


Ory and Sno were losing against the endermen. They were barely killing any now that Kain and Chloe were gone, and it seemed like more and more endermen were spawning.

"We have to get out of here, Ory!" Sno shouted as the endermen pushed her towards the edge of the bridge.

"We can't!" Ory yelled, holding back tears as she swung her sword uselessly. "We have to—fight!"

"We're not going to win this fight!" Sno exclaimed. "Unless you can do something about all these endermen, we're both going to die!"

Ory knew what she had to do. She let out a deep breath. She raised her sword in the air, feeling the endermen attacking her from all sides. Then, she closed her eyes.

When the bunny opened them again, they were...the same. Nothing had changed.

"W-what?" Ory asked herself. "Where is she?"

"Where is who?!" Sno yelled. She had managed to push through the enderman crowd and was now being pushed back into the villain cabin.

"The...the..." Endermen were still hitting Ory from every direction, and the Killer Bunny was not appearing. No matter how hard Ory tried to force her out, she wouldn't come.

Sno sighed and charged into the crowd of endermen. She grabbed the rabbit and ran into the cabin.


Ory's Confessional

"I don't understand! The Killer Bunny has always been eager to take control of me and destroy things! Why won't she come out now, when I actually need her?!"


Ech flew over to one of the obsidian pillars. He perched next to the End crystal floating atop it.

"This is your last chance to notice me!" he yelled at the dragon, who once again didn't notice him.

"Fine!" Ech punched the crystal, and it exploded, sending him flying off the pillar. He barely managed to catch himself in the air with his wings before hitting the ground.

The Ender Dragon roared and flew over to inspect the pillar. "Who dares destroy my End crystal?! Steve, it better not be you again!"

Ech flew up to the pillar. "No, Dragon! It was I!"

The dragon blinked. "Did that pillar just talk to me?"

The bat sighed. He hovered in the air above it. "No, it's me! The bat! Can you see me?"

Dragon's eyes darted around the area before finally landing on Ech. "Oh. You again. What do you want? I already helped you f—"

"Do you know about Null?" Ech interrupted.

The dragon paused dramatically, perhaps replaying the horrors of Null's destruction in his mind.


Ech sighed. "Never mind. Some bad guy just released Wither into the End, and he's gonna kill all my fr—all the contestants in Total Drama Minecraft if nothing stops it."

"Wither?" Dragon scoffed. "Impossible! He's dead! I watched a dog and cat kill him on TV last year!"

Ech rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, this dude just resurrected Wither. And I need your help to kill it."

"You want me to kill Wither?" The dragon started laughing hysterically, almost sending Ech flying because of the air blowing from his mouth.

"Look, if we don't kill Wither, he's gonna destroy the End. Then nobody will be happy," Ech said. "Wither is focused on the contestants right now, but once he kills them, he'll attack all the endermen and shulkers and every living being in this dimension. Do you want that?"

Dragon sighed. "Fine. But you owe me one."

"Whatever you say," Ech replied.

"Which way to Wither?" Dragon asked.

Ech frowned and looked around. "I mean, I came through one of those gateway things. Can you fit in that?"

Dragon just stared at Ech.

"Right, okay. Um..."

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Agatha swooped underneath Wither, firing some more TNT at him. As she flew back up to its level, she was hit by a projectile, sending her spiraling toward the tower.

She hit the wall hard and landed on some purpur blocks that were jutting out from the tower. The witch could feel her health dwindling, despite being in the metal suit. She couldn't keep this up much longer.

Agatha coughed and stood up on the block. She glared at Wither, who was floating down to her level.

"Time for the big guns," Agatha grunted. She pulled a string on her suit.

Dozens of tiny compartments opened down both of her arms. She leapt at Wither, and different kinds of potions began shooting from the compartments and at the three-headed monster.

Wither was pelted with the potions, clearly taking a lot of damage. Agatha soared underneath of it, still aiming her potions at it, then flew up and above the boss. Potion after potion struck Wither, and it was beginning to get agitated.

As Agatha dive-bombed toward Wither, it suddenly looked upward and fired three projectiles at her at once.

Her potions weren't enough to stop the projectiles. Agatha was hit square in the face by one, and the other two struck her wings and her suit. The Metal Maiden plummeted towards the endstone bridge below, smoke pouring from her metallic wear. Agatha could do nothing to stop her descent, and she crash-landed on the endstone, blacking out.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Sno was standing behind the doorway of the villain cabin. She had fixed up the hole that Wither made earlier so that endermen could now only teleport to get into the cabin. A couple did, but Sno was able to hold them off.

Ory was mumbling to herself in the corner of the cabin. Sno wasn't sure what was wrong with her, but she didn't ask.

Physically, the snow golem was fine besides her health dwindling, but emotionally, she was in turmoil. Null seemed impossible to defeat, and even if they did somehow manage to kill him, how would they bring Herobrine back? His lifeless body had fallen into the void of the End, and now was probably gone forever. What were they going to do now?

Another enderman teleported into the cabin. Sno struck it with her sword a few times, killing it.

She turned back to the doorway and watched as Agatha fell out of the sky with smoke coming out of her suit and crash landed on the bridge near the base of the tower. Wither was no longer interested in her, it had set its sights on the duo that was climbing the tower.

But the endermen were interested in Agatha. Sno wasn't sure, but the witch was probably unconscious from that fall. The endermen would kill her easily.

"Ory! We have to go save Agatha!" Sno called.

The rabbit's ears perked up. She stood up shakily, raising her diamond sword. "O-okay."

"On three we run out there," Sno said. Ory nodded at her. "One."

Ory took a deep breath. "Come on, Killer Bunny," she muttered under her breath.


Sno was dreading saying three, but the endermen were almost upon Agatha. They had to act fast.


Sno and Ory charged out onto the bridge, swinging their swords at the endermen as they ran. They ran as fast as they could over to Agatha and began shoving the endermen away from her unconscious body.

Ory's eyes were still the normal color.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Kain had almost levitated all the way to the top of the tower. Chloe was already at the top, waiting for him.

Another shulker blast hit the wolf and he levitated even farther up. Just before he reached the top, though, he felt his levitation run out. He closed his eyes and started to scream as he began to fall, but something stopped his descent.

He opened his eyes and realized Chloe had grabbed his paws so he didn't fall. She grinned at him and pulled him onto the top of the tower with her.

"Thanks," he said.

"Don't mention it," she replied. "Look."

Kain stood up and looked where she was gesturing. Agatha was rapid-fire pelting Wither with potions as she flew around it, clearly doing a lot of damage to the boss.

"Maybe we came up here for nothing," Kain chuckled. "It looks like she's handling it."

As soon as he finished that sentence, Wither hit Agatha with three projectiles, damaging her suit and causing the witch to crash onto the bridge below.

"Spoke too soon," Chloe told him as Wither rose through the air so it was level with the two of them.

Wither fired a projectile at them. Kain batted it away with his sword. "Come over here and fight us you coward!"

The boss responded by firing another projectile at them. Chloe swatted this one away with her sword.

"How are we supposed to kill it if it won't come over here?" Kain asked with a frown.

"Maybe if we deflect the projectiles back at it?" Chloe suggested.

She tried doing just that, but Wither avoided the deflection. They kept at this for awhile, the two of them blocking projectiles and Wither avoiding them all.

"This remind you of anything?" Kain asked as he deflected the next projectile.

"Last season?" Chloe replied, deflecting yet another projectile. "Yeah. I remember you trying to take on Wither alone"

"I'll do it again if I have to," Kain said, batting the next projectile back at Wither.


Kain glanced at her. "I have to win the million emeralds. I'm not gonna let Wither take that chance away from me."

"Well, don't worry," Chloe said. "You have me to help you this time."

Suddenly, Wither fired three projectiles simultaneously. Kain and Chloe each dodged one, but the third exploded in between them, throwing them to the edge of the tower.

Chloe skidded off the edge, so this time Kain reached down and grabbed her paws to keep her from falling. The momentum was almost too much for them, and Kain fell mostly off the tower as well. His back paws were barely able to clip onto the edge of the tower, so his feet were the only things keeping both of them up.

Kain could see terror in Chloe's eyes. A fall from this height would be fatal, and Herobrine wasn't around to resurrect them if they died. The wolf tried his hardest to pull Chloe up, but he couldn't do it with his current grip on the tower.

They heard Wither fire another projectile at them, but it missed. Kain looked up, then back down at Chloe. There was no longer fear in her eyes.

"Let me go," she said.

"No," Kain grunted in reply. He tried pulling her up again, but to no avail.

"There's shulkers," Chloe said. "I'll be fine."

"And what if you're not?" Kain asked. "Herobrine isn't here to resurrect you."

"It's a risk we have to take," Chloe replied. "If you don't let me go, we could both die."

They stared at each other for a few more seconds. Finally, Kain relented. They nodded at each other. Then, Kain let go of Chloe.

As the ocelot fell, Kain swung himself back up to the top of the tower easily. Wither fired more projectiles at him, which the wolf easily blocked.

Wither started to shoot projectiles faster. Kain blocked each one, gritting his teeth as it became harder and harder to stop them all.

"I won't let you win!" Kain shouted.

But then, Wither fired three projectiles at the same time, and Kain couldn't block them all. He was sent flying off the tower and plummeting to the ground below.

Before the wolf hit the ground, though, something caught him in the air. Whatever it was was floating.

He opened his eyes to see Chloe holding him. She had the levitation effect in place, and was floating to the endstone bridge below with Kain in tow.

"Told you I'd be fine," she told him as they touched the ground. Nearby, Sno and Ory were fending off endermen from Agatha's still unconscious body.

"Thank you," Kain replied. He looked around as he realized they had both lost their swords. "What do we do now?"

Chloe had already run over to the endermen battle to help Sno and Ory. Kain ran over to help as well. They both fought without swords.

Suddenly, as they were fighting, all the endermen disappeared. The four mobs looked around in confusion. Ory was gasping for breath, still just herself.

Wither flew down so it was level with the four of them. It stayed over the void so they couldn't reach it from the bridge.

Kain stood protectively in front of the other mobs, even though he didn't have a weapon. Wither stared at him for a few seconds. It was about to fire projectiles at them when suddenly, a loud boom was heard.

A huge portal opened up out of nowhere to the side of Wither. Through it flew the Ender Dragon. Ech sat, unnoticed, atop its head.

"Yes!" Kain exclaimed as the dragon started breathing purple fire on Wither. Wither turned to the dragon and started fighting back.

"I wonder what got the dragon to show up here?" Sno thought aloud.

"No idea," Chloe replied.

The Ender Dragon and the Wither fought in an epic spectacle of boss versus boss. The dragon was clearly winning, especially because Wither was already heavily damaged.

Ory watched the violent battle in awe, wondering why the Killer Bunny wasn't triggered by this. Meanwhile, Ech flew off the dragon's head and over to the other five mobs to avoid getting killed. None of them acknowledged him.

Finally, the Ender Dragon prevailed against Wither. Wither stopped moving and started to glow white.

"Uh, that's not a good thing, is it?" Sno asked.

Wither's body exploded in a huge flash of white, sending the six mobs flying into the air and off the bridge they were on. They couldn't see anything except for the white, so they had no idea where they would land. Several of the mobs were screaming in terror. Kain and Chloe somehow found each other while flying through the air and clung to each other for dear life.

After almost a minute of flying, the six mobs landed hard on solid ground. They groaned in pain, but they were all alive. The white finally cleared from their eyes, and they looked around at their surroundings.

They were by the campfire area. The Toilet Portal of Shame stood nearby, unharmed by the nearby battle. Chloe checked Agatha's pulse. She was still alive, but also still unconscious.

"Well. Now what do we do?" Sno asked.

"You die."

The mobs turned around to see Null floating above the endstone island they were on. They steeled themselves for whatever was about to happen. All of them had lost their swords in the explosion, so they were defenseless.

"What happened to your more important matters?" Sno called.

"They've been handled," the smoky figure replied simply. "You are all more capable than I had expected. Defeating the Wither with the Ender Dragon was an effective method, I'll admit."

"We didn't—" Kain started, but Chloe punched him on the shoulder to shut him up. Ech rolled his eyes.

"Unfortunately, now I must destroy the End dimension."

The mobs gasped as a smoky black TNT block appeared beneath Null. It radiated malice and destruction, and the mobs understood that that block was more powerful than anything they had ever seen.

"In ninety seconds, the End will be null. And so will all of you," Null said, and disappeared.

Kain immediately ran over to the smoky TNT and tried to destroy it. Nothing happened, his paws just went through the block. "It's no use!" he yelled.

"We have to get out of here!" Sno shouted.

"How? There's no way out! Herobrine never told us how to exit the End!" Ory exclaimed frantically.

"Wait! There is one way!" Chloe said, pointing behind them. The Toilet Portal of Shame loomed above them.

"Oh, gross," Kain said. Sno and Ory ignored him and immediately began climbing up the giant toilet. Ech flew up there as well, although the others didn't know he was there.

"Help me get Agatha up there!" Chloe called to Kain. He nodded and helped drag the unconscious witch out of her suit of armor. The two of them began to climb the toilet with Agatha in tow. It was difficult and awkward to carry the witch while climbing, but the two of them managed to do it in about thirty seconds.

Sno, Ory, and Ech were already in the water of the toilet bowl. Kain and Chloe dropped Agatha down to them, and were about to jump down as well.

"Guys, we have an issue," Sno said. "This portal doesn't actually work."

"What do you mean it doesn't work?" Kain asked. "How does Herobrine get the mobs out of the End, then?"

Sno pointed to the side of the toilet, where the flush lever was.

"The only problem is, whoever pulls the lever to flush it won't be able to leave the End," Ory said.

Kain and Chloe looked at each other, pain in their eyes.

"Herobrine isn't here to revive whoever pulls it," Chloe said, her voice cracking. "So the person that saves the rest of us...dies. For good."

"That's why it has to be me," Kain told her. Without warning, he shoved her into the water with the other four contestants. He started to run to the lever. He knew the ninety seconds were almost up.

"Kain, no!" Chloe shouted as the wolf climbed up to the lever. "You can't! What...what about the million emeralds?"

"You're worth more than any amount of emeralds," Kain told her.

Chloe's eyes filled with tears. "Don't—!"

Kain pulled the lever, and the five mobs were transported out of the End.

As soon as he did that, he heard a sonic boom. He looked over to the campfire area, where a brilliant flash of white light had begun to grow.

The wolf watched as the light started advancing towards him. "Any last words?" Herobrine's voice seemed to echo through his mind.

Kain said nothing. He just watched the light approach him, sadness in his eyes. But he was satisfied with what he had done. He saved Chloe and the others.

The white light reached Kain and passed through him, then quickly engulfed the rest of the End dimension.

Everything disappeared.


Herobrine is currently dead and therefore can't ask teaser questions for you guys, so I'll do it.

Are Kain and the End really gone? What lies on the other side of the Toilet Portal of Shame? And where is Null now?

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

I'm sorry it's taking longer to update this book again. I wish I could go back to doing what we did a few months ago when we were updating three to four times a week. But, I'm legitimately busy with college and writing takes a lot of time and effort that I barely have anymore.

On the plus side, there are only like four episodes left after this and then I'm done :D

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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