Pinky | Harry Styles

By Lollipop2204

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THIS BOOK IS CURRENTLY ON HOLD. Harry Styles is at a point in his life where all his friends seem to be settl... More



171 6 3
By Lollipop2204

With my business here concluded I want nothing more than to leave this party but Lily hasn't arrived yet. My eyes scan the sea of people, looking for anyone I recognise before flicking back to the entrance every few seconds.  Christ, Harry! Calm down. She'll be here and if she doesn't show then no big deal. 

"Hey, why didn't you kiss Rosa?" Glenne startles me and prods my chest, pulling from my pep talk.

"Hello to you too." I smirk but my friend doesn't look pleased.

"Well?" She glares at me, her hands on her hips.

"Well, what?" I glance at the door and curse under my breath. I really need to get a grip.

"Why didn't you kiss Rosa? She's nice, and you seemed to like her?" Glenne pinches my chin and turns my head to face her.

"Yeah. She seemed nice but-"

"But what? What dumb excuse do you have this time? Maybe I should just stop trying to help you find love?" Glenne sighs.

"Maybe that's for the best. I don't think I'm looking for love right now." I reply, messing around with Pinky is making me realise there isn't a rush. I am still young. I am allowed to have fun.

"Since when?" Glenne exclaims just as some pink curls catch my attention. Lily subtly waves her hand and I smile back at her and nod my head. "Who are you looking at?" Glenne hisses, making me snap my eyes back to her. She looks over her shoulder in the direction I had been looking but Lily is gone.

"Just a producer I know, pays to be nice." I grin when Glenne turns back to me.


I hurry through the glamorous entrance to the hotel where this party is being held. I had fallen asleep, so I'm now almost an hour later than I'd originally told Harry I would be here. I hoped he was still here.

"Brit!" George calls out to me when I reach the roped off entrance. He likes to call me Brit on account of my accent. "Haven't seen you around for months, how's things?" George's company provides security for most of the parties in LA, well the exclusive ones anyway.

"You know. Same old, same old." I lie, but I'm not about to discuss the disaster that is my life in the foyer of the Beverly Wilshire. "How's Tina?"

"Amazing. Just found out we're having a baby, isn't that great?" He smiles as he holds the rope aside for me, not even bothering to check his expansive guest list.

"Wonderful. I'll shout you a drink if you're around later." I force a smile. Why was the world so obsessed with babies? I'd never seen the appeal. 

I stop just inside the door of the exquisite ballroom, where Edward played the piano and then proceeded to fuck Vivian on it, in Pretty Woman. There was no grand piano here tonight, and I suddenly wondered if Harry knew how to play? My eyes scan the room seeking out my reason for being here and I spot him easily enough, he is one of the few men in here not scared of colour. His mint green suit stands out like a beacon in the sea of black, grey and blue. I wave quickly when he looks in my direction and his nod confirms he's seen me. I hope we won't be here long. My body is already pining to feel his hands all over my skin.

"LILY?" A familiar mix of voices yell my name and my fears are confirmed when I look in the direction they'd came from.

"Lil, what are you doing here?" My twin brother asks as he pulls me towards him.

"I have a meeting, Ren. What are you doing here?" I ask. I had planned to call him this afternoon and let him know I was in town but my nap had gotten in the way of that. 

"We came with Richie, we're celebrating!" Cara, my ex-sister-in-law answers. Her and my brother had been best friends long before Richard and I had even got together. 

"Cool, what are you celebrating?" I smile. I wonder which part Richard has gotten this time. Maybe that's why he had reached out yesterday, to share his news? Now I feel bad for deleting his text without replying. I should congratulate him before I go work out what's happening with Harry.

"Hey guys! Leave something for the rest of us to drink!" I recognise his voice, and I freeze on the spot as I come face to face with my husband. Sorry ex-husband. He is clean-shaven, the jacket of his black suit has long been discarded, his white shirt unbuttoned at the collar, the sleeves rolled up. His steel-blue eyes hold my gaze, and I want to just climb into those familiar strong arms and never leave. My eyes travel down those arms and my heart stops when I spot somebody else's hand being held in his. His fingers squeeze tightly in protection, just like he used to do with me. I keep my eyes fixed on their hands I don't want to know who has his heart.

"Lily?" She says, and I recognise her voice. It hurts like she's punctured my heart with those sky-high heels she likes to wear.

"Wow!" My maid of honour might have waited until the ink is dry on our divorce papers.

"Lil, I-"

"We're pregnant!" She interrupts Richie and a nauseous feeling builds in my stomach.

"How long?" My eyes are locked on his. I don't care what Jennifer has to say, I still can't even look at her. Explains why she's been ignoring my calls though.

"Thirteen weeks." Jennifer's voice again and his eyes dart to the floor. He got her pregnant before we were even divorced? The night I signed the papers, and he asked me to reconsider was all bull - I can feel the vomit rising from my stomach. I have to get out of here.

"Congratulations!" I force the words out and turn to my brother. "I should really get to this meeting. I'll call you later." And I walk off as calmly as I can manage. The toilets are too far away, so I hurry across the room and out onto the balcony before throwing up in a plant pot. What the fuck has my life become?

Once I'm sure I have gotten it all out I sit myself down on the wall, my fingers gripping onto the concrete. I close my eyes as silent tears make their way down my cheeks and drip onto my teal Vivienne Westwood dress.

"Pinky?" His voice startles me and I wipe away my tears, quickly. I can hear him move closer and I hold my hand up to stop him. I don't think I can handle Harry being nice to me right now.

"Lil!" Richard's voice yells as he joins mine and Harry's awkward silence. I hop down off the wall and feel anger surging through my entire body. What did he want now? A front-row seat to my tears? Well, he can fuck off!

"What do you want?" I snap at him as his eyes flick between me and Harry. My lover's green eyes are locked on me, pleading for me to tell him what to do, stay or go? But I don't know what I want.

"Look Lil, can we talk?" Richie's blue eyes gaze coldly at Harry.

"What is there to talk about?" The iciness of my voice impresses me. Don't let him see he's me!

"Sorry, dude but what are you doing here? This doesn't concern you. Who even are you?" His hostility towards Harry really gets my hackles up. I immediately move between them, my body trying to shield Harry. "Who he is and why he's here is none of your concern." I snarl like a lioness protecting her prey.

"Harry?" Jeffrey's voice interrupts whatever this weird situation is.

Richard rolls his eyes. "I'll be waiting when you're ready to talk about this like an adult?" he scoffs and heads back inside.

"Asshole!" I spin away from Harry and his manager as I kick out at a plant pot, not the one I'd vomited in.

"Jeffrey, I'll be there in a second, just stall for me, yeah?" Harry asks and I assume Jeffrey must have left without making a sound as I feel Harry's hands grasp my upper arms from behind. "Pinky?" He repeats softly, and I so want to sink back into him, for him to wrap his arms around me but I hold myself still. He deserves more than I can give him.

"I'm fine, Harry. You should go back inside, go charm whoever is waiting for you." I practise smiling for when he makes me face him.

"Pinky!" He repeats my nickname.

"Please. I'll be fine but I'm not in the mood for company so I'm probably just going to head home." I manage to keep my voice calm.

"Pinky! Look at me!" He asks and I spin to face him, fake smile firmly planted on my face.

"Go. Have fun. I'll call you." I lie. I want to call him but it's probably best for both of us if I don't.

"Wait here!" His hand cups my cheek, his thumb caressing my cheekbone. "Give me two minutes and I'll take you home, okay?" I know he won't take no for an answer so I nod and wait for him to disappear before I sneak inside and make my way across the room and out of the ballroom. I feel like someone is finally on my side when I find an unoccupied taxi and I send Harry a text so he won't worry that I've been kidnapped or something.


I see her sneak out the front door just as I'm about to make my excuses to leave. Great! Now I'm stuck listening to this producer waffle on about a movie I'm not interested in.

"Sorry." I mumble while I pull my phone from my pocket when I feel it vibrate. I can't stop myself from smiling when I see her name on my screen.

Pinky - 10.30: I haven't been kidnapped. Don't be mad. I just need to be alone.

Me - 10.31: Can an adult be kidnapped? I'm not mad, just worried about you.

Pinky - 10.33: I'm a tough cookie. I'll be golden.

I have no doubt that Lily is a 'tough cookie' but even strong people need some support once in a while. I tuck my phone back into my pocket and apologise once again for the interruption but I can't concentrate, my eyes land on him, her ex-husband. He is laughing and smiling, his arm wrapped around a brunette, her tight dress showing off an unmistakable baby bump. Ouch! No wonder Lily was so upset. I hope she is okay.


Three days have passed since the party and I still haven't heard anything from Lily. My worry has driven me here, to a little gift shop.

"Do you deliver the gifts?" I ask the shop assistant. It wasn't a problem if not. I could always find somebody else who can deliver it. I had picked out a nice bottle of Red wine, a small bouquet of candy pink Fuschias and a nice smelling bath set (bomb, candle and soap).

"Of course we can, Sir." The woman smiles back at me.

"Perfect, do you think you can put this in with it too?" I ask, handing over the other two items I'd brought with me.

"Of course." She nods. "How would you like it wrapped?" I pick out a white basket with pink tissue paper and a matching bow. I write the address Jeffrey had given me down in the delivery book and the woman assured me they will deliver them today. I just hope it does the trick, I need to know she is okay.


The doorbell ringing startles me awake and my eyes bulge out when they land on the clock. Three in the afternoon. I'd slept away most of the day again, what day is it again?

The doorbell ringing again interrupts my thoughts, and I push myself up off the sofa. Not bothering one bit about my ill-fitting pyjama's or my tangled hair.

"Delivery for you, Miss!" A rather young sounding voice chirps, his face obscured by a rather large hamper filled with enticing looking things.

"Oh uhm - thank you." I smile as I take the hamper from him. Who would be sending me something like this? I swear if it's Richard, I will boot it out the window. I sit it down carefully and find my purse to tip the kid before closing the door. I carry it carefully to the Living Room and rest it on the coffee table.

I pull out the flowers first, they are in a little clear vase so require no flower arranging which is perfect because I'm terrible at that sort of thing. The gorgeous pink Fuschias smell lovely and fresh against the cloud of self pity that currently fills my house.

I can't see a card so I continue on my voyage of discovery, smelly things were next - a bath set with bubble bath, a candle and a bath bomb which all smell of pomegranate. It makes me want to sink into a nice warm bath and I realise I probably should. I've smelled better.

An expensive bottle of Red is next but a quick glance at the empty bottle of Tequila I'd drunk over the past few days makes me sit that down immediately, maybe I'll save this for when I have some company. I scoff out loud at the thought. I could always smack my maid of honour over the head with it? Too much? Perhaps.

I find the card next but the remaining items reveal the sender to me anyway. A copy of Phantom of the Opera and a cream-coloured silk shirt

Call Me. Harry

The note reads with his signature heart. I glance down at my mismatched pyjamas and I long to switch them for the silk shirt but I should shower first. Harry's shirt deserves a nice clean canvas, and as my brother had informed me when he visited I look like shit.

I pull out my phone to thank Harry.

Me - 3.30: Thank you so much. I am okay.

So that's a bit of a lie but I'm better than I had been and eventually I'd be fine. The doorbell rings again and I hurry to answer it.

"Mrs Madden?" An elderly man holding a bunch of red roses asks.

"Miss Banks." I correct him.

"Your Mom is very lucky then." He smiles, assuming the flowers must be for her.

"Is there a card?" I ask, looking amongst the roses. I pluck it out when I spot it.


I'm sorry. Please call me.


Richie x

I rip up the card and the poor delivery man's eyes widen, "I don't want these flowers. Return them or give them to your wife but please just take them away?" I notice the wedding band on his finger.

"I can't do that, Honey." He replies. "I get paid to deliver the flowers, I'll get in trouble if I go back with them."

I grudgingly take them from him and grab my wallet to give him a tip. We exchange goodbyes and I sigh when I close the door. My bare feet slap against the floor as I walk to the kitchen and dump the roses straight in the bin. I always hated roses and Richard always insisted on buying them for me anyway. I hear my notification tone as I head back into the Living Room.

Dimples - 3.47: Can I come over?

Dimples - 3.48: We can watch Phantom and fuck?

Dimples - 3.49: My dick's missed you.

I laugh out loud at his last message, the first time I've laughed in days and the throbbing between my legs confirms I'd missed his dick too. I reply that he can come over and hurry upstairs to shower.


I slip my black silk robe over my body when I hear the doorbell, tying it loosely around my waist. I practically skip down the stairs as I head to answer the door to my visitor.

"Fucking hell!" Harry exclaims as I swing the door open, his eyes hungrily exploring my body and I stand a little taller in response. He steps into my home and drops his bag on the floor and I let out a gasp as he grabs my robe and pulls me towards him. Our lips hungrily kiss, tongues fighting for control. I stretch out my leg and kick the front door closed, bunching his t-shirt in my hands and pulling him towards the stairs as we continue devouring each other's mouths.

The back of my heels bump into the first step and I carefully step onto it, Harry's fingers brush my thigh and I pause as his fingers work their way closer to where I ache for him. I move my hips so his fingers brush over my pussy.

"So fucking impatient." He growls against my lips, his fingers pressing against my clit.

"Can't ever seem to get enough of this." I run my fingers over his rock hard dick.

"Mmm... so I see, so wet... just for me?" His fingers plunge inside me and I moan filthily, enjoying the smirk that plays on his lips. "Turn around." He said softly and for a moment I stand and look at him, wondering whether to do as he asks or take back control. "Turn around!" He repeats more forcefully this time and the authority in his voice makes me wetter. Just because I prefer to be in control doesn't mean that I don't enjoy being a little submissive sometimes. I do as he instructed. "Good." He pinches my clit and my hips thrust forward, pushing more of me into his fingers.

"Thought you'd like that." His voice sounds like gravel as his fingers continue their sweet torture. His free hand unties my robe and I shiver as it falls to the floor. He smacks my arse and honestly the way my body jerks into his fingers almost has me coming on the spot. "Bend over!" I did as he asks and I hear a zipper, presumably his trousers. "M'gonna fuck you right here." And as promised he slides inside me, his hands gripping my hips as I rest my head on one of the steps. God, he feels heavenly.

"Mmm... Harry." I whimper as he pulls all the way out and thrusts back in. This is exactly what I need.

"That's it, Pinky! Moan for me!" He commands as he continues to pound into me. I whimper his name over and over as my walls clench around him.

"Fuck, I'm close." He chokes out. "Tease your clit!" Once again I do as he instructs but I don't need it, I am also painfully close. He feels fantastic, rubbing against me perfectly. A few more thrusts and we're both done for. He groans my name (well, Pinky) as he comes and a jumble of expletives come tumbling from mine.

I collapse on the stairs, my legs and arms unable to hold me up any longer and Harry falls down beside me. I can't help but giggle when my eyes land on him, fully dressed apart from his trousers and boxers around his ankles.

"You put on quite the welcome, Pinky!" Harry grins.

"And you make quite an entrance." I smirk back at him.


"Are you still interested in being a sub?" She asks while she paints my nails in a black polish with gold glitter. If she wasn't concentrating so hard on her current task I'm sure I wouldn't have to speak my answer. My dick is twitching at her words.

"I want to be your sub." I correct her because I doubt I'd feel comfortable doing this with anyone else. I trust her not to sell me out.

"Nuh uh. That's not how it works, Harry." She frowns and I don't like that I've disappointed her but I didn't understand what I'd said wrong. "You can't do this just to please me. If it's not what you want too, then you should forget about it. Play needs to be enjoyable for both of us."

"I think you misunderstood me. I just meant that I trust you, Pinky. I know you won't leak this to anyone." Her eyes flick up to mine as she finishes painting the last nail.

"Oh okay. Well then, we have a lot to talk about." She smiles and pulls out a journal and a pen, my dick is growing harder by the second.

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