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Da EscapeInFiction

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What if you were suddenly told that everything you'd ever known about yourself was a lie? What if you also fo... Altro

~ One ~
~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Five ~
~ Six ~
~ Seven ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Twelve ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fourteen ~
~ Fifteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-one ~
~ Twenty-two ~
~ Twenty-three ~
~ Twenty-four ~
~ Twenty-five ~
~ Twenty-six ~
~ Twenty-seven ~
~ Twenty-eight ~
~ Twenty-nine ~
~ Thirty ~
~ Thirty-one ~
~ Thirty-three ~
~ Thirty-four ~
~ Thirty-five ~
~ Thirty-six ~
~ Thirty-seven ~
~ Thirty-eight ~
~ Thirty-nine ~
~ Forty ~
~ Forty-one ~
~ Forty-two ~
~ Forty-three ~
~ Forty-four ~
~ Forty-five ~
~ Forty-six ~
~ Forty-seven ~
~ Forty-eight ~
~ Forty-nine ~
~ Fifty ~
~ Fifty-One ~

~ Thirty-two ~

34 6 0
Da EscapeInFiction

The sleep was dreamless, thankfully and I woke again later to what I guessed was the middle of the night.

My parents were both asleep on a sofa that had appeared from who knew where. I peered around the room and found Kaleb standing by the doorway. He was definitely on guard duty, his body was tense and his eyes focused.

I smiled up at him, "You look like you could use a break," I whispered so I didn't wake my parents.

Kaleb looked over and smiled softly back at me, attempting a quiet whisper. "I can manage, how are you feeling?" He gave a quick look over at my parents but they didn't stir.

"Weak and my leg really hurts, but otherwise... I'm a bit hungry."

He grinned and produced something out of his pocket, crossing the room to give it to me before returning to his post by the door. I looked down at my hand to see a sugary pastry, a little battered but still tasty looking.

"Thank you," I said before nibbling on a corner and smiling at how nice it was. "I can't believe I've been unconscious for three days, what did I miss?"

Kaleb's brow furrowed and he shook his head, "Nothing of interest, a number of security updates and Goof making light of the situation to bolster everyone's spirits."

I knew he was trying to make me feel better and I smiled as though it had worked. I glanced at the chair Blaike had been sat in and realised I had a rare opportunity here.

"Kaleb, I need to ask you something but if you don't feel comfortable then you don't have to respond."

Kaleb raised his brow, "I will try to answer if I can, what is it?"

I pursed my lips after eating a little more pastry, "Blaike wanted to tell me something earlier, something important but he was interrupted by my parents. Do you know what it is and if so, will you tell me?"

I watched a look of shock cross Kaleb's face, he knew something but his next words took my hopes away. "Yes, I do know but it would be best if it came from him."

I frowned, "Does it have anything to do with the argument you two had back at the house?"

I was wondering now if the 'people' they had been referring to included me and Blaike felt like somehow it had happened.

Kaleb looked a little flustered, "You overheard that? I cannot imagine what you must have thought but as I said, you should speak with Blaike about it."

I sighed but I knew not to push it any further, Kaleb would not break no matter how much I tried.

"Actually, I hate to admit it but for a moment I thought Blaike might have been a traitor, or he was thinking about doing something really bad."

The shock on Kaleb's face was so evident he forgot to whisper, "How could you think such a thing?"

My parents stirred in their sleep and Kaleb winced, but luckily they didn't wake up.

"Because you were talking about doing a lot of damage and mentioned hurting people, I couldn't help thinking something bad. Which made me think of the prophecy and our involvement, I don't know but I dismissed it, until tonight and that Dark Horror..."

I trailed off when the Blaike disguise flashed in my head, I felt so guilty for thinking he could be a traitor that nausea flared up and I put the pastry down on the bed.

I shuddered and Kaleb's expression softened.

"I am sure a conversation like that could conjure many scenarios but never, ever would it be of betrayal. I promise you that."

And I felt the conviction of his words deep inside me.

I nodded slowly and stared down at the pastry, "I will never doubt Blaike's integrity again. I trust him with my life now."

I felt the truth of those words from the moment they left my lips, I looked over at Kaleb and I knew I would entrust my life to him, Blaike and Kayle.

Kaleb smiled, "That is good, now you must sleep some more, we can talk tomorrow."

I picked up the pastry, nibbling on it I settled down into the covers as best I could. "Are you gonna stand guard there all night?"

"Yes I am," Kaleb responded.

I smiled appreciatively and finished eating with my eyes closed, I didn't have all of the answers I wanted but I felt like a small weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I dozed off quite quickly and yet again into another dreamless sleep, giving my body more time to heal.

When I awoke the next time, I could tell it was morning. Kaleb was gone and Kayle was sat on the little chair this time, snoring quietly. My parents were awake and in conversation by the fire. As soon as they heard me move, they were over in the blink of an eye, fussing and helping me to get a drink or some breakfast.

"When can I go see Emy?" I asked as soon as I had finished my food.

My parents looked at me with the same resigned gaze, they knew I wouldn't let up until I saw her.

"Let us arrange a few things and then you can go see her."

I agreed reluctantly and sat back against my pillows while they both fussed. After a while they had to leave to make these arrangements and my mum woke Kayle to keep an eye on me. He was groggy at first and I smiled at the mumbling he gave in response to my mum. She didn't find it amusing and shook his shoulder until he woke properly.

He waited until they had closed the door before he complained. "I was having a really nice dream then as well!"

"About Sabella by any chance?" I smirked as colour rose in his cheeks.

He narrowed his eyes playfully, "Excuse me, you are supposed to be the nice one. Let's save the jibes for Emily, when she wakes up."

I frowned and bit my lip nervously, "She will wake up, won't she?"

Kayle smiled and all of the mischievousness went out of it, "Of course she will, she's strong and stubborn, she will be waking up soon I would guess. They won't let anyone but her parents in to see her, I told them to let me in and wind her up, she would soon be awake to argue back with me."

He grinned but I could see the underlying worry he was trying to hide.

"I'm going to see her soon, why don't you come as well and we can both try to wake her? Or better yet, you just take me now?"

I knew I should wait for my parents but they could be hours and I needed to see her now.

Kayle seemed to be weighing it up, "I do not know, I could get into a lot of trouble for it and you are pretty badly injured."

"When has that ever stopped you before? We could be there and back before anyone knows we're gone."

Kayle didn't need much convincing, he chuckled and nodded. "Alright but if we get caught, I am blaming it all on you."

"Deal!" I smiled and pulled the covers back, my head hurt a little but it was wearing off.

Kayle reached down and picked me up as carefully as he could manage, barely touching my broken leg which hurt a lot more than I let on to him.

He carried me out of the room, checking if the coast was clear and then on to the room next door to mine. I knocked on the door for him and an almost unrecognisable Colensa answered. Her hair was a mess, her face was red and splotchy, and her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. I could tell she hadn't left Emy's bedside the last few days and she had been crying, a lot.

"Cassandra, you are supposed to be resting in bed. Do your parents know you are here?" She sniffled and I tried not to lie to her.

"No but they were planning to let me come later anyway... plus they have some things to do and I really wanted to see Emy, just a quick visit I promise."

She looked past me at Kayle and then behind her, "Alright but it must be quick, you need your rest as well."

I nodded and Kayle carried me in, it was dark with the curtains closed, the only light coming from the fireplace. Emy was laid in a bed similar to the one I had woken up in. She was laid on her back, motionless except for the steady rise and fall of her chest. I was so relieved to see her breathing, it was something I had to see for myself to believe it.

She looked kind of peaceful, it just looked like she was sleeping. I urged Kayle to carry me closer, I wanted to hold her hand and tell her it was safe to wake up. But I knew nothing I nor Kayle, nor anyone else said would wake her up, somehow I knew that magic didn't work like that. She had to wake up when her mind and body were strong enough, or someone could pull her out of whatever magic induced coma she was in.

"Come on, Emy. It's time to get up, you'll be late for work," I said softly even though I knew it wouldn't wake her.

"We have tried everything, the best doctors and Sorcerors in the Sector have been to see her but nothing has worked. I just need to know that she will be okay." Colensa sobbed and sat down in a chair beside the bed, leaning over and holding Emy's hand tightly.

I frowned deeply, looking down at them and tears welled in my eyes, I let them fall.

"I'll come back later, if I can." I was saying it more to Emy than anyone but Colensa nodded, not looking away from Emy's statuesque face.

Kayle carried me back outside and I closed the door behind us, wiping at my tears as we went back to my room.

"You were quiet in there," I said to Kayle when he placed me ever so carefully onto the bed and pulled the covers back over.

He sat on the chair and pursed his lips, "I have never seen anyone look like that before, it's like she has been drained of life. I am used to her giving me a snappy retort or teasing me about something. I could not make myself joke around, not seeing her like that."

I swallowed hard past the lump in my throat and pulled the covers up.

"She will be okay, I have to believe that and then you can go back to your constant bickering."

I wasn't sure if I was trying to make him or myself feel better but I think I managed to do a little of both. At that moment my mum came in and claimed it was time to change the wrap on my leg. Kayle excused himself and a strange woman walked in once he'd gone.

I learned that her name was Guiliana and she was a doctor of sorts. She and my mum changed the wrap with as little pain as they could manage, I thanked Guiliana before she left and rested into my pillow again. The wrap felt warmer and I couldn't feel the constant pain from my leg anymore.

"That will be the last wrap until we get home later, yes we are leaving today."

I looked up at her in shock, "How am I gonna get on a horse with my leg like this?"

My mum smiled and brushed a hand across my forehead, "We have a carriage being prepped as we speak."

"You have carriages here but we've had to ride horses everywhere? Not that I'm complaining, I love riding but I know Emy would have preferred a carriage." I tried to ignore the lump in my throat when I mentioned Emy.

"We do not use them very often because they are slow and cumbersome, but needs must and Telvil has promised a bigger security escort for our journey home."

I felt like I should be grateful to Telvil but if he hadn't thrown the ridiculous dinner in the first place then none of this would have happened.

"When are we leaving?"

"In the next hour, I know you wanted to go see Emily but now there is no need as you will be travelling beside her the whole way home."

I was surprised they'd let us do that, surely keeping us separate would help in case of escape. I wasn't about to argue however, I wanted to be as close to Emy as possible. I just nodded along while my mum told me the plans. There would be no stopping this time, just one long journey back to Dumair and the extra security would only leave after doing a safety sweep of the whole city. I liked the sound of that, I couldn't manage anymore unwelcome guests, in Dumair or anywhere else.

A lot happened in that hour, my mum helped me get dressed into a suitable top, we left the pyjama bottoms on so we didn't have to cut up any others. My dad came in to check on us afterwards and make sure I was okay, he sent in two Sorcerors and Guiliana again just to be sure. They were all surprised but happy with my recovery and stated I would be fit to travel. I got the feeling my mum would have had something to say if they had stated otherwise.

After I was given the all clear, my mum took me to the toilet and I was shocked that she could hold me up by herself. It looked like it took some effort but she managed it and the next thing, my dad was carrying me out of the room. I felt like a kid again, needing to be carried after scraping my knee. Although this was no scrape and I felt every twinge as we made our way down a set of stairs.

Telvil and Brianne were waiting at the bottom, both were finely dressed and wore the same apologetic expression.

"We are so very sorry this happened, Cassandra and as I have explained to your father, we will find whoever let that creature in and bring them cruel justice!" Telvil exclaimed and his voice boomed in the echoey hallway.

I frowned when something suddenly occurred to me. "Who would be able to let someone through the protections?"

Telvil looked taken aback, "Why, anyone who has magic and knows the inner workings of our protection spell. That still leaves a number of people but we will go through that list with vigilance, I swear that to you."

I nodded as my brain ticked over, they might find who did it but they didn't seem to have a way of being able to stop it from happening again.

I let my thoughts stray as my mum came down with my bags and they said their farewells to Telvil and Brianne. I made eye contact with Brianne briefly before we stepped outside and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end when she smiled and waved.

"I don't trust her," I muttered under my breath but my dad was too close not to hear it.

"What? You do not trust who?" He asked quietly as we made our way to the side of the castle-like house.

"Brianne, there's something about her that's... off."

I couldn't put my finger on it but recently I was learning to trust my instincts and they told me to be suspicious of her.

"Maybe you should keep those observations to yourself until we are back home."

There was something about the way he said it and looked around that made me think I wasn't the only one with these observations.

I did as I was told and we quickly reached the group, there must have been around twenty people plus our original party. I spotted Blaike, Kaleb and Kayle in the mix and they moved over to us as we joined the crowd. I was internally glad my mum had fixed me up a bit, as nearly every eye was on my dad and I while he carried me to the carriage.

It was stood beside the group and looked more like a wigwam than a carriage but at least it would keep us warm, dry and steady. The roof was a tough fabric and the back had a door attached, my dad opened it up to reveal blankets already laid out on the flat bed. He placed me in carefully and I laid down, staring at the brown cloth canopy above.

My dad made sure I was comfortable and covered in my cloak, no sooner had he walked away than Alacor was carrying Emy up to place her in next to me. Her body was limp and unresponsive, Alacor sniffled as he stared at her for a moment and then he closed the door, leaving Emy and I in the dimly lit carriage.

I could hear everyone outside, talking and mounting up, horses huffed and scraped the ground with their hooves. I hoped someone was bringing Ulric and Emy's horse back with us, I didn't like the idea of leaving them here. It didn't take long before we were setting off, I was wondering who was driving the carriage when they suddenly peeked through the curtain at the front.

Kayle was grinning back at me, "I hope you enjoy travelling on the Kayle-Blaike express. Just lay back and relax as we take you safely home."

I rolled my eyes and laughed until I noticed Blaike sitting beside him. He gave Kayle a smirk but it softened when he looked at me. I tried not to read into it, I returned their smiles and they shifted their attention to the road ahead. The ride was smooth out of Eribourne and through the wall of protection. I thought it would take time and a lot of messing around with such a big group but it was surprisingly efficient.

We were on our way once again and we wouldn't be stopping for anything. I laid there, feeling the carriage jostle from side to side. I reached for Emy's hand and held it in mine, I began talking to her, nothing important, memories of old times we'd had. I imagined her reactions to some of them and they made me smile, I must have worn myself out though because before I knew it, my dad was waking me up.

"Cassie? Cassie, we are home. You need to let go of Emily's hand so I can carry you into the house."

Apparently I'd had a firm hold on Emy's hand and wouldn't let go no matter how much they tried to pull us apart. I sighed as I consciously let go and my dad picked me up out of the carriage. We were in the back gardens of our house and it was starting to get dark, I couldn't believe I had slept nearly the whole way home.

Most of the group had dissipated, I assumed to patrol the city and I noticed Roman leading Ulric and Emy's horse around to the stables. I smiled in relief and held on as my dad carried me into the house, following my mum through the rooms and into the hallway.

Mal was waiting for us with a half delighted, half concerned expression that made her face look twisted.

"Everything in your Trokarra message has been done, I am very glad you are all home and Miss Cassandra, we will have you feeling better in very good time." I smiled gratefully to her, but before my dad could carry me upstairs, she stopped us. "Someone else arrived this afternoon."

I looked between Mal and my parents, who seemed to expect her words. I was momentarily confused until someone appeared out of the door to the living room. My eyes widened and I kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner.

Merkell was striding towards us, a sad smile on his face and he stopped next to Mal.

"When news of the attack reached the Western Sector, I knew I had to come, and word of Emily's situation only hastened my journey." He peered behind us when Alacor carried Emy in and then looked to me. "We cannot keep you two out of trouble for more than five minutes, can we?" He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back despite seeing Emy out of the corner of my eye.

"I guess not and it's a horrible reason for it, but I'm really happy to see you."

It felt like weeks had passed since Felenda and I hadn't realised just how much I'd missed him.

"And I with all of you, but we will catch up soon. My main concern right now is helping Emily."

And with that he beckoned Alacor forward and they made their way upstairs. I guessed they were heading for Emy's suite and I hoped with everything I had that he could help her.

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