Epitome of Love

De pineapplesbeyellow

111K 5.1K 2.1K

Another BeyNika for my loves Mai multe

Come Through and Chill
Love on the Brain
A Good Time
Attitude lessons 101
Love vs The Game
Do it Again
Snakes in the Grass
Secrets Unfold
Everything Crashes Down
Being Pregnant


5.5K 272 165
De pineapplesbeyellow


Bey and I were currently at the mall just shopping around. Our friendship was slowly but surely progressing over this past month that we've been spending time together. Of course she flirted with me here and there but she knew her limits and I knew mine.

I'd never want to disrespect her baby's mother in any way, shape, or form. She told me about what they had going on and how confusing it was but I minded my business.

"You hungry fatty?" She asked pulling me into her side.

"You the one that ate three times already, every food place we've been by you got at least one thing." I chuckled.

"Big daddy got a big appetite and a big di-."

"Ok Beyoncé." I rolled my eyes at her cockiness.

After I caught her masturbating one time in her bathroom she's been bragging about her size every since. Of course I knew about her having "male parts" but I'm not one to judge.

"You know you want it." She continued as we entered into the Apple store, I've been needing a new phone but just never got around to it.

"Girl don't nobody want that shrimp."

"Watch your mouth." She shot me a mug.

One of the workers approached us and asked if we needed any guidance or had any questions needed to be answered.

"Yes ma'am, I just recently got some water inside my phone so I was here to completely purchase another one. I want to go ahead and pay it off if that's possible." I followed her around listening to her give me advice and a mini tour.

"Which one would you like to purchase?" She asked finally looking at me.

"The newest one is fine for me, any color." I handed her my credit card and soon was all set up and ready to go.

Beyoncé carried my bags as I finished setting up my phone while walking out the store. We stopped by the food court once again and sat down to eat, she was generous enough to pay.

"What has Dwayne been up to." I asked her biting into my philly cheese steak.

"Why you all in his business?" She mugged me.

"You can't ever answer my questions without being smart." I rolled my eyes extra hard making sure she got a good view.

"I hate that shit so much, I hope they get stuck."

Beyoncé is the biggest bully that I know but she could also be sweet when she felt like it. She was a very good friend indeed, she took my mind off a lot of negative things and brightened my dull days.

We wrapped things up at the mall and went back to my house to get my new items settled in. She carried everything upstairs for me all I needed to do was put it away.

"You straight now? I had to get you out the house." She sighed laying back on my bed.

I looked over at her briefly before letting a smile appear from my lips. "Yes, thank you for everything Bey."

Earlier today I was having a mental breakdown because I was close to getting fired from my job. A customer had reported me and said that I was giving them attitude so I got wrote up but that's all. I definitely could not afford to loose my job that would completely ruin my life.

"I just spent like eight racks on your spoiled ass." She chuckled I guess she was checking her balance on her card.

"At least I bought my phone." I cheesed holding my brand new iPhone in the air.

"You the one that argued me down about not buying you a new one so I let you have it."

I got off the floor and jumped on her attacking her face with kisses, she hated this. After a while of struggling to get me off she used all the strength that she had and threw me down on the bed.

"If you gone be kissing on me like that be ready to fuck too." She spoke bluntly and laughed at my shocked face, it wasn't the first time she's said something like this but it always surprised me.

"You need some soap in that dirty mouth." I fake gagged making her smack her lips.

"Grow up."

Her phone rang so she signaled me to be quiet for a moment.



"Yeah I can come through and pick her up real quick." She sat up and began to put her shoes back on.


"What y'all going on a date type shit?" She chuckled in a shady way.


"Alright I'm on my way." She tossed her phone on the bed and grabbed her car keys.

"Come with me, I got to go get Blue."

My mood instantly changed hearing Blue's name, she was so precious. I met her twice so far and she was the most adorable person ever.

Robyn's house• Beyoncé

Nicki waited out in the car while I went to get Blue from inside Robyn's house. She could be heard from outside of the front door crying to the top of her lungs.

"I told you about your attitude Blue Ivy you better be lucky your mama on the way to save your black ass." I heard Robyn fuss making me shake my head.

As soon as Blue saw me she wiped away her tears and fell into my arm while I crouched down for her. "What she do?" I asked.

"Her gotdamn attitude is what she did."

"Y'all have identical attitudes so we see what went wrong there." I laughed grabbing Blue's bag, I told her to go to the car with Nicki.

"What's up, I know you want to talk." Robyn stated as she sat on the arm of her couch.

"You have a good time and look, you know I don't trust him like that so just be safe."

"Girl bye you act like you my big sister or some shit. You know you want to say fuck him so bad." She waved me off.

"I think I'm past that phase Robyn. Since we agreed to stop hooking up I've just been focusing on myself and Blue but of course I want to see you happy. I love you a lot." I spoke truthfully.

"I love you too now go get my baby." She pushed me towards her door and closed it as soon as I got through the threshold.

Nicki already had Blue strapped in so I pulled off and headed towards Chuck E. Cheese's. Since my baby had been begging me to take her here for a long time I decided that today would be the day.

As we arrived Blue screamed with excitement and unbuckled herself from her car seat trying to get out of the car. "Mommy Chuck E. Cheese's." She screamed as I let her out of the car.

"Slow down baby." I yelled trying to run after her as she took off towards the entrance.

We got her everything that she needed and sat in the dining area while she played with random kids. Nicki was more quiet than she usually would be so I sat beside her poking her side.

"What's wrong Nicki pooh."

"Don't ever call me that again." She mushed my face away from hers but tucked herself into my side laying her head on my shoulder.

"You good? You look pale." I placed my hand over her forehead to feel that she was burning up.

"I'm frustrated, anymore questions?" She asked bluntly.

"Why you frustrated pretty lady." I looked down at both of our hands as she intertwined them together.

Something that I've learned about Nicki is that she loves contact and feels incomplete without it. In that case I slightly squeezed her hand as a way to let her know I was there for her.

"There's just always constant things running through my head, it's overwhelming sometimes."

"Things like what?"

She sat up straight and fixed her before answering my question. "I want to be in love Beyoncé like I'm damn near 30. I'm ready to find somebody and get settled down."

Nicki craved a relationship but she wasn't the type of girl to just throw herself at everyone either. There have been times when we've been in public and she's turned down some of the finest men.

"Nicki, you're single by choice baby." I chuckled wrapping my arm around her waist.

"I know but I can't help that I'm picky. I'm not supposed to just accept any and everything. Half of the men that have approached me to get my number have simply been turn offs over and over again."

"And what exactly is a turn off for you?"

"Taking too long to text back, asking stupid things, asking to see my breast without even knowing my name, stalking my Instagram page. No job, no goals whatsoever, no ambition. You know shit like that." She looked disgusted as she looked up at me.

Blue came running back to our table climbing into my lap but her foot landed on something that it shouldn't have landed on. Pain shot through my body as I hunched over in the seat making the both of them look at me.

"Bey what's wrong." Nicki asked rubbing my back.

"Nothing." I answered quickly and took deep breaths in trying to relax myself.

"You sure?" She chuckled, my face was probably completely red by now.

After Blue took a sip from her drink she took off running towards the play pin again. I rested my head on the table groaning aloud. Nicki laughed beside me making me cut my eyes at her.

"She got you didn't she?" She said through her laughter.

"It's not funny you fucking kid." I threw a balled up napkin at her.

Blue had us here for another hour and a half before we could make it home. Nicki got a sleeping Blue out of the back seat for me while I carried our food in.

After she took Blue up to her room she came back down in the kitchen with me and sat on the bar stool.

"You kicking it with me tonight?" I asked opening the Chinese container putting some rice on my plate.

"Of course, I love your cuddles." She winked.

She just don't know.

"I want you around Blue more, she loves you."

Nicki being as dramatic as she is jumped up on my waist pecking my cheeks evenly on each side. I sat her on top of the counter but my arms wrapped around her as she kept hers wrapped around my neck.

"You have to stop being so damn touchy." I pulled back looking her in her eyes.

In her eyes her actions were completely innocent, but in mine her actions meant she wanted to fuck. She made my dick hard at least 3 times a day but I hid it from her, not trying to be a weirdo.

"I can't help it." She whined hopping off the counter.

She walked towards my refrigerator and bent down inside it to grab something to drink. I swear my heart stopped beating for a moment before she turned around and caught me staring.

"Stop being nasty." She chuckled walking back on the other side of my counter.

I decided to focus on eating my food before it got cold. We talked about any and everything until we went up to my bedroom.

"I want your side of the bed, it's cozy." She smiled.

We both took a shower and brushed our teeth along with washing our faces and then got in the bed, I let her have my side.

"Turn on Grey's Anatomy Bey." She yawned laying on my chest with one of her legs around my waist.

I did as told but just to shut her talkative ass up for the time being. My hands ran up and down her leg involuntarily while I dozed off to sleep.

I felt her tuck her head into my neck and let out a sigh. "This feels good." She exclaimed pushing her body closer to mine.

"Oh yeah?" I could tell she was used to sleeping alone so I was glad I could be there to comfort her.

"Mhm." Her voice turning raspy as she began to go to sleep.

Soon we were both out cold in the warmth of each other's arms.

Next Day• Nicki

Last night Bey made me feel something that I've never felt for her or for not much of anyone really. I felt a form of protection or security wrapped up in her arms like that last night. Sure we cuddled all the time but it was something different about last night. It felt better than sex to me, it was more of a mental thing whenever I cuddled with her.

She was sleeping peacefully underneath me as we laid in the same position but opened her eyes when she felt me sit up. Her hands went back to rubbing on my leg just as they did last night.

"You ok?" She asked closing her eyes again.

"Yes I'm fine, I got some really good sleep last night. Thanks to you my love." I grabbed her chin and pecked her cheek.

"Last time you slept over here, you were a wild sleeper but you were chill last night." She chuckled turning on her side to face me.

My leg stayed wrapped around her but this time her hand caressed my side.

"Breath on a hundred baby." I pinched my nostrils together.

"Um Caresha please." She joked making me laugh at the video reference.

"Let's go get Blue up I want to take her to the zoo today but only if that's fine with you and her mom." I told her as I sat up adjusting my breasts that had nearly fell out of my tank top.

"Oh yes, she's going to have a ball. Did I tell you that she caught a snake in my backyard a year ago? I almost died seeing her hold it in her hands. Luckily it was friendly and it wasn't big at all."

"I would've died literally I hate those things." I got up to walk into her bathroom but turned back around when I heard her let out an 'mhh'.

"What?" I chuckled knowing she was looking at my ass, she looked guilty the second I turned around.

"I can't help it ok? The shit is just there for me to look at." She got up following me into her bathroom where she had his and her sinks along with a shower.

"You need help with that." I pointed at her erection that she probably didn't notice, it happened the last time I stayed over.

She cursed under her breath and started a shower, I'm guessing a cold one. As she undressed I thoroughly washed my face and brushed my teeth and waited in her bedroom for her to get out.

A couple minutes into her shower I could hear her light groans peeking through the bathroom door. Of course she decides to handle it while I'm in the room, she knew exactly what she was doing.

I went to wake Blue up but luckily for me she was up watching TV in her cute princess bed. She looked up towards her door and smiled at me as I walked inside.

"Good morning beautiful." I sat at the edge of her and watched as she reached her arms out signaling for a hug.

"Are you Mommy's girlfriend?" She asked after she pulled away from the hug.

I was kind of shocked at her question but as a kid I probably would've thought the same thing seeing some random lady around my mom all day.

"No, we're just good friends baby. Get ready I'm taking you out."

Going back into Bey's bedroom she was stretched out on her bed looking as if she was on a high.

"I heard your nasty butt." I hit her head with a pillow.

"You did it, nobody told you to be walking around with them small ass shorts on."

"Grow up."

Once everybody was ready we left out the house and made our way to get something to eat and then to the zoo. Blue walked in between Bey and I, holding both of our hands in her small ones. Her shades set the tone to her entire outfit, she's such a lady.

"What do you want to see Blue?" Bey asked her as looked over the map to get us to each destination.

"I want to see a tiger, and a snake, and a bear." She ranted slightly out of breath from jumping around as she walked.

Bey got us to exactly where we needed to go to see what Blue wanted to see. She ran around excitedly ready to see whatever animal came next. Knowing that I could make her day like that made me smile from ear to ear.

"Blue stand next to Mommy." I instructed as I made both of them take a picture.

We cut the adventure short when Blue started whining about having to use the bathroom. The nearest bathroom was a porta potty and Beyoncé refused to let her use that so we walked back to the front where the bathroom's were to let her go.

We entered into the women's bathroom and of course Beyoncé got strange looks from other people. Her choice of style depended on her mood and today she went for a boyish look which probably threw some people off but it was rude to stare.

"What the fuc-." Bey covered my mouth with her hand cutting my sentence short.

"It's fine, I'm used to it." She reassured me.

"The men's restroom is across from us." Some old white lady rudely spoke as she look at Beyoncé in disgust.

Beyoncé sighed as she shook her head. "Stay here with her I'll go stand outside." She began to turn around but I grabbed her arm.

"No this rude bitch is going to apologize to you." I spoke sternly as I pointed my finger at the old lady.

Beyoncé mouthed an 'it's ok' before walking out. That old bitch better be lucky I can't afford to catch any charges right now or else, I would've tapped that ass.



Nicki be taking up for bae 🥰

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