Seventeen Imagines! Requested...

Oleh carrotlife17

1.6K 83 80

You request, I make ;) Enjoy your ride in slipping deeper into the diamond life! I hope you enjoy your visit... Lebih Banyak

Wanna Request?
Jeonghan | Oh Bunnies
Joshua | Misunderstood Ring
SEVENTEEN Sentence Game
Vernon | Surprise?
Author's Noteee
It's been a while :")

Dino | Green Jelly

162 10 12
Oleh carrotlife17

(Edit: Sorry, I just noticed that your username was changed after I published your request a while ago. I hope you didn't wait too long.)

This one's requested by BbyKacchan

I'm so sorry this took so long to make. I hope you like it! <3

Genre: Jealous/fluff
Word count: 3421


A happy smile is plastered on your face as you watch your very close friend practice his dance routine. He's always been a great and passionate dancer. He's in a well-known little group of four dancers, always going places to entertain their fans and audience. They are all very energetic and passionate, and not to mention dorky. Dorky in a good way.

You are currently accompanying him in his dance studio as you wait for the three others to come.

You watch Chan dance and spin and all sorts of dance moves even you don't know the names to.

He finishes dancing just as the music stops and you give him a happy round of applause.

He looks at you and smiles.

"That was great! I can't wait to see you guys on your next performance in the festival." you beam, smiling at your friend.

He walks over to you and sits down, smiling as he breathes fast from all the dancing. "Thanks, Y/N."

You give him a water bottle and he gratefully takes it and begins chugging the water down.

"I wish I could dance like you." you laugh. "You're really good, you know?"

He puts his water bottle down and chuckles. "You're a good dancer too."

"No i'm not." you object.

"Yes you are," he says. "I've seen you bust a couple of dance moves before. You're good."

You look at him in horror. "Wha- when did you see me dance before???"

You always thought of yourself as a terrible dancer. You always tripped over your own feet, and you always got the moves somewhat incorrect. You even managed to make the worm dance look like a squirming whale stuck on the beach, asking for help to get back into the water.

And if anyone ever saw you dancing, that would be the end of your life. And now your best friend claims that he's seen you dance before. Oh, that was it. You were dead.

"Mm, a week ago, I think. You were dancing to Just Dance on the Wii when your mom let me in your house for spaghetti night." he says, tapping his chin as if he's trying to remember the memory, a teasing smile forming on his lips.

Your eyes go wide, your cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"How could you??? You weren't supposed to see that!" you say in pure embarrassment, shoving him playfully. Then you cover your red face in your hands.

He lets out a chuckle. "Oh come on. It wasn't that bad. You almost got all of the moves right."

"Shmeh," comes your mumbled response.

He chuckles even harder, a cute chuckle.

"Aw come on, Y/N," he teases, trying to peer his face close to yours to see your blushing one. "You're not that bad at dancing."

"Go away."

"Ahahaha," (imagine Chan's cute laugh. Uwu)

You slightly peer over at him, "You're just rubbing it in my face. You know that I dance like a walrus."


"Not really. You're not that bad." he finally says after a minute.

"You hesitated."

He opens his mouth to speak but ends up closing it again. "Here, how about you try the dance my group is dancing to. It's pretty easy."

"No it's not."

He sighs, "Then how about the first part?"

You contemplate on his offer. Despite knowing your low skills of dancing, you're never too scared to learn or try new dance moves.

"Alright." you say. "But don't laugh at me when I trip or something." you warn, pointing an intimidating finger at your friend.

"Course not! Am I that bad of a friend?"

"Yes, yes you are."

He pretends to be hurt by your words and puts a mocking hand to his heart. You roll your eyes playfully and the two of you start your little dance session.

He's demonstrating the first simple moves and you're about to follow him when your phone rings.

Hit sound! Hit hit hit! Hit sound! Hit hit hit hit! Hit sound!

You glance at your phone and give Chan a 'sorry, gotta take this call' look.

Chan nods and you pick up the call.

"Hello?" you say into the phone. You listen to the other person speaking, then you smile upon hearing the voice from across the phone call. "You're here already?" Some more listening. "Wait there! I'm still at my friend's dance studio. I'll go pick you up."

Chan pretends to go over the dance moves himself as he low-key listens to your conversation with whoever is on the line.

You quickly put your phone inside your bag and grab your things. "Chan!" you call out.

He turns to you, "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. He's already here and I forgot that I was supposed to pick him up." you say as you shove your belongings inside your bag.

Without letting him say a word back, you dash out of the studio with a little wave and a smile and head outside.

He watches you leave with a confused look on his face. "He?"


"Hey, Y/N!" Chan greets you on the phone the next morning.

"Hey," you greet back. "Sorry I left in a rush yesterday."

"Nah, it's fine. You probably had something to do." he says, ignoring the 'he' he heard you talk about yesterday. "Wanna go out for a jog? The park's not too crowded yet and the weather's nice."

He hears some hesitation from your side of the line. "Sorry, Chan, but I'm busy today."

His smile drops for a slight second. "That's okay. We can jog some other time."

You could hear the slight disappointment in his voice. "I'm sorry. I'll tell you when my schedule's free."


You couldn't believe that your close cousin was coming to visit you. He's always busy and rarely has free time, so it was a pleasant surprise that he wanted to come over all the way from Busan to visit you.

You had prepared everything for his short five day visit. You planned to walk around town at night so he could see the beautiful city lights, try all the foods he's never eaten back at his place, go sight seeing, and the rest was up to him.

So when you picked him up the other day, you couldn't stop smiling ear to ear.

"Jihoon-ie!" you called out, getting out of your car and walking towards him.

The short but handsomely cute smol bean looks up from his phone and smiles casually at you. He pockets his phone into his jeans and waves. "Hey, Y/N."

You ignore the fact that he isn't that fond of skin ship and hug him anyway out of excitement. A bit startled and not used to it, he just stays still.

"I can't believe you're finally here!" you say to him after releasing your bear hug.

He lets out a chuckle, "Me neither. I can't believe I chose to come here and visit you out of all the choices I had."

You roll your eyes playfully and scoff. "Why yu so mean?"

He laughs an evil laugh and gestures to your car. "Let's get going. I really wanna catch up on my sleep first."

You roll your eyes a second time. "Of course, Jihoon, of course. Sleep is always number one in your encyclopedia."


Chan couldn't help but to feel green as he watched you laugh and walk side by side at the park with a guy. You even had a carefree smile on your face as you talked and giggled. And the guy was shorter than him. (Not that that's a bad thing tho. Everyone luvs a smol bean am I right?)

He didn't know who the guy was or what he was to you, and he didn't want to admit it, but he was jeeellyyy~

He watches the two of you from a nearby maple tree. You and Jihoon are buying ice cream and talking. Well, you're mostly doing all of the talking. Jihoon is just nodding and glancing from time to time at the person getting your ice cream cones ready.

I can't believe she'd rather hang out with that... smol bean rather than me. Chan's inner thoughts mumble.

Well maybe he's more fun to be with, you pabo. His other thoughts say, trying to make him even more jelly.

He starts a mental debate by himself.

"What are you so grim about? Your face looks like you just saw Mingyu sneeze on cake." Minghao laughs. He just came back from buying lemonade.

"Who's that guy Y/N's with?" Chan asks, ignoring his hyung's funny and dry remark.

Minghao looks towards the direction his little dongsaeng keeps glaring daggers at.

"Huh? Oh, that's Lee Jihoon."

Chan squinted, his upper lip twitched.


Minghao chuckles. "He's a really famous composer. His songs are so lit and comforting!"

"Well, I've never heard of him." the younger boy mumbles.

Minghao, unaware of his dongsaeng's jealousy, keeps talking about Jihoon. "His choice of fashion is also pretty cool. And he's a chill guy in general."

Chan glances at his hyung. "How do you know?"

Minghao smiles, "I met Y/N this morning and she introduced me to him. And I thought you'd be jealous, but turns out he's her- hey, where'd that kid go?" he stops talking, looking around for the younger boy that so suddenly happened to disappear.

Chan walked away, as he couldn't contain his jealousy anymore. He already felt a pinch of the Grinch, and top it off, Minghao kept talking about the guy.


Three days passed and you haven't contacted Chan. He figured that you were always busy with that Jihoon guy. He wanted to confront you, but he felt his ego was too big. So he just sulked inside the dorm and thought about all of the laughs and smiles you were probably sharing with that smol bean instead of with him.

He'd occasionally go out for a walk and grab something to drink and eat, but he didn't bother texting you and asking to spend time together. He guessed that this was the longest he's gone without you. Ironic, but true.

When he enters the café one day, he surprisingly sees you. And of course, the Jihoon guy is there also. You were waiting in line with the guy. The two of you talked as you waited to put your order.

Chan stays by the door and watches you, uncertain if he should greet you or turn the other way around and back out of the place. But then, he sees you say something to Jihoon and walks to a table and sits down. You probably asked him to order the drinks for you so you could sit and wait. You usually do that too when you go out with Chan.

The Grinch's green jelly hits him again and he finds himself feeling slightly hurt. He wondered why you haven't told him about that Jihoon guy, or why you were always busy these days. You didn't even bother to tell him anything.

Without thinking, he walks towards your table and stops in front of you. You are caught off guard, surprised to see your friend there.

"Hi, Chan!" you greet him. You smile, but he doesn't smile back.

He just looks at you with a face full of mixed emotions. You scrunch your eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

He opens his mouth but closes it again, looking around the place. The café isn't crowded but he'd prefer to talk in a place where there are less people.

"I need to talk to you," he simply says, grabbing your hand and leading you outside to the nearby park.

You are left confused by his sudden action and expression.

When you arrive at the quiet park, he lets go of your hand and looks at you. You look back at him, your mind full of questions. You start to speak, "What's-"

"-Is he why you're so busy all the time that you can't hang out with me?" he suddenly asks, cutting you off before you could even get a sentence out.

You blink, not so sure of what he's implying. He?

"Chan," you say slowly. "I don't get what you're-"

"-now I know why you couldn't go on our morning jogs and hang out."

"I-" you try to cut in but fail.

"-you've been hanging out with that guy. You didn't even tell me about him," he cuts you off again.

Now you understand what he's so upset about. He rarely gets upset, but seeing him upset all because you've been hanging out with Jihoon, amused you. You try to speak, although you knew that he would just cut you off again, "Chan, just-"

"-I saw you hanging out with a guy at the park the other day when I asked if you wanted to go for a morning jog. You seemed like you were really close to him. And you didn't reply my messages either." he says with his face scrunched up. And you didn't know why it made you wanna laugh.


"-you could've told me or something. You even told Minghao hyung." he says, looking away for a bit, then looking back at you and frowning.

"Chan, just listen to me will you? I-"

The jelly boy wouldn't let you speak. He spoke like a train. "-If you told me earlier that you wouldn't have time for me, and told me about that guy, then I would've saved a lot more energy on spying on you and him-"

"-would you calm down for a minute? He's my- wait, you were spying on us?" you ask him, peering into his eyes.

He shifts uncomfortably and looks away. "No I wasn't." he says a little too quick.

"Yes you were. You just said so yourself." you say, trying to tease him.

"That's just an alibi. But still, you-"

"-he's my cousin, Chan. The short guy who I've been spending time with is my cousin." you calmly say, looking at his face. You wondered how his reaction would be like.

He blinks. "He's your what?"

You laugh at his cute antics. "He's my cousin. His name is Jihoon. And he's just here for a short visit from Busan."

Chan just stands there, looking somewhat embarrassed. His face and ears turn tomato red. "Oh, I... I thought..."

You laugh again. Then you give him a small smile. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you or anything. I guess I was carried away with showing him around town."

He still doesn't look you in the eye. He's too embarrassed at his upset and jelly green actions.

"And i'm sorry I made you jealous," you continue, peering your face so you could see his cute and red cheeks.

At this, he looks at you with burning cheeks. "I- I'm not jealous!"

"Are you suure?" you tease.

He nods vigorously.

You giggle and smirk. "Well, your actions prove otherwise."

He just burns five more shades darker.

Just as he's about to retort to your teasing, Jihoon walks up to you guys. He seems a bit bothered. Maybe because you suddenly disappeared back at the café.

"I was wondering where you went. Next time you take me to a place I'm not familiar with, then suddenly wanna go somewhere, tell me. I almost got lost trying to figure out where you went." he tells you with an unhappy face.

Upon realizing that you ditched your cousin because your friend dragged you all the way to the park without telling him, you apologize and give him a meek smile.

He rolls his eyes and gives you your cup of hot chocolate. Then he notices the guy in front of you, who still has a tint of red to his cheeks. Things click inside his mind when he sees the boy who was talking to you a few minutes before. He recognizes him from your stories, so he says, "You must be Chan."

Chan nods. "I am."

"I've heard a lot about you." Jihoon says.

Chan raises an eyebrow in interest. How could he possibly know anything about me.

"Y/N always talks about you." the shorter boy continues, smirking at you.

You blush and give your cousin a glare. "No I don't." Then you look at Chan with an embarrassed expression. "Don't listen to him, Chan."

Jihoon smirks at your reaction. Teasing the two of you would be fun. "Yeah you do. You're always talking about how great of a dancer he is and how cute and cool he is and-"

"Yah! Stop spilling the beans." you say, hitting his arm. You get a chuckle in response.

Meanwhile, Chan's cheeks are still flustered, and he's now amused. Who knew you always talk about him?

You don't have the guts to look at Chan in the eyes after your cousin's stupid but true remark. You were too embarrassed. You vowed to yourself that you would get your cousin back someday for embarrassing you like this.


You smile as you look back at your friend who's pretending to jog slowly behind you. "You better keep up, Chan! Or you're gonna have to pay for the ice cream."

In a second, he's jogging right beside you, a smirk plastered on his handsome face. "Not this time. It's not a race, Y/N. We're here for a morning jog, remember?"

You roll your eyes, "Fine. But you're still gonna buy me ice cream."

"Wha-" He scrunches his face at you and laughs.

You laugh at him and continue to jog side by side.

"So... Is your cousin alright with you hanging out with me today? I thought you wanted to show him around town before he goes back to Busan." Chan hesitantly says after a while.

"He's fine with it. He said that it'll be an opportunity for him to get away from my annoying presence and get some sleep." you say, mentally laughing at Jihoon's antics.

Boy does that boi love his beauty sleep.

Chan chuckles.

After your first lap around the park, you two sit down at a bench and rest for a while. You refresh your burning throats after jogging and wipe little beads of sweat away from your forehead.

"Thanks for spending time with me today, Y/N. I thought you'd be busy." Chan says, giving you a his signature smile.

You smile back and wave the topic off. "It's no biggie." Then you look at him and smirk. "Besides, if I left you all alone and hung out more with Jihoon, that'd leave you in a pool of jelly~" you tease.

He gawks at you and his cheeks flush. "Yah! I told you before, I wasn't jealous!"

"Oh reaally, Chan?"

"Yah!" he says, trying to hide his blush.

"You're so cute when you're in denial." you continue.

"Y/N," he whines, avoiding your eye contact.

You chuckle at him. "Well, it's not my fault you're being too cute." you say. "You're-" Suddenly, he's leaning close to you, teasing smile on his lips. You flinch back at his sudden change of mood.

"What's wrong? Is a jealous me better than the cool and cute version of me?" he asks, looking at you with a smirk.

"Y-yah! Don't tease me like that." you say, backing away with flustered cheeks.

Chan lets out a chuckle and backs away, his eyes disappearing. "You're so cute when you're nervous."


You're about to yell at him for teasing you when he jumps up and challenges you, "Last one to the ice cream shop has to pay for the ice cream!" Then he runs off without warning, leaving you in the dust, your cheeks still red.

"Yah! I thought you said this wasn't a race!" you yell after him, taking off to get there first.

Chan looks back at you, giving you a teasing smile as he picks up speed. You laugh at him and try your best to make sure that it's not you who's paying for the cold sweet treats.

~ Fin ~

(People would think, who in their right mind would eat ice cream in the morning??? Well honey, I'd love to get myself a bowl full of ice cream whether it's morning, day, or night!)

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