Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

بواسطة LadysDaze

777K 35.4K 25.7K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... المزيد

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Week 16

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بواسطة LadysDaze

Ch.5 - Week 16

(AN- I'm seeing some people asking, so I thought I'd address it here. This book was written about 2 years before Bakugou's hero name was confirmed in the manga. Therefore, since this is an AU to begin with, I'll be keeping his hero name as Ground Zero. Thanks for understanding and I hope this clears some things up~ :D )

For once, he really didn't mind coming into work this Monday morning. The weekend had been long, and full of interactions he did not want to have but knew he needed to have. Time seemed to have been going faster than he realized, as now you had a tiny little baby bump visible. And thus before anyone could guess it with certainty, the last weekend had been spent with countless interactions with family members and friends who would want or needed to know according to you.

He wanted to get the worst of it over first, and thus, it was his parent's house on Friday night. You had left him in charge of breaking the news to his parents, something he was ready to fight you on, but the mood swings as of late had made your anger worse than his... and thus, he decided to save himself a possible petty argument and instead sucked up that large ego of his.

He, of course, didn't wait until the right moment, and as soon as his father had asked why the pair of you wanted to come over for dinner so out of the blue... he let the news drop from his lips without batting an eye.

Mitsuki had dropped the drinks in her hands. The glasses of wine shattering as soon as they hit the floor, but lucky her it was over the hardwood floor, so no stains at least. Bakugou waited with held breath to hear what his mother's reaction to this would be.

After all, his father was polite and would need a moment to collect himself before he congratulated the pair. Masaru had always been easy for Bakugou to read... but his mother was something else. But something in his gut told him that she would be not as polite as his father.

But Mitsuki's reaction was anything but what Bakugou had expected. Rather, Mitsuki had clapped her hands together, looked up towards the ceiling and looked to be muttering something to herself.

"WHAT FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Bakugou roared, you and Masaru sighing at the usual volume.

"I'm thanking the Gods for continuing to bless me with these gifts." Mitsuki shot him a look. "You're damn lucky they not only had a girl fall for your sorry ass and marry you... but now she's pregnant with whatever demon you gave her."

"M-Mitsuki!" Masaru had jumped up at that point, seeing as he needed to play the negotiator once more. "How about we don't insult (Name) and Katsuki right after they tell us the news... especially since we both know how easily emotional you were during your pregnancy..."

Mitsuki seemed to let her small war with her son go, realizing she didn't want you to think she was unhappy about having a new addition to the family. And thus, after Masaru's words, the night went off without so much of a hitch.

Bakugou couldn't believe it... were his parents actually happy and accepting of this?

It seemed like it was...

This trend of him thinking people would not support him having a child was broken on Saturday afternoon as well. You had arranged for the pair of you to meet up at a local cafe and tell your father. Bakugou once more thinking of how he might be strangled.

Your father had always been a bit protective of you ever since your mother had left the picture. It took him a good year to even put any faith into your then-boyfriend, always thinking and wanting to prevent more abandonment issues that the ash-blonde might cause.

But with due time... your father started to see how you and Bakugou looked at each other and started to become more open to the idea of allowing the rookie hero to have your heart. And eventually, he willingly let Bakugou ask you to be his wife, though you and Bakugou knew your father's blessing was not crucial, but nice to have.

However, Bakugou couldn't be sure of what to make when your father found out this pregnancy was unplanned... as yours had been. He knew you were dealing with it well, but the male knew it would be different for your father. After all... your mother was no longer in the picture because of this.

So who the hell knew how your father would react.

It turned out... it was your father gently placing his cup of coffee down, getting up from his seat and holding his arms open.

"This is wonderful news. Now allow me to hug my daughter and shake the hand of her husband." He had spoken, a single glimmering tear held in his eyes.

Bakugou couldn't understand it... how could people be so happy and accepting of this? Shouldn't people be worried for you? For him? For the kid? It was obvious by looking at him that this was unplanned and his job wasn't the best career to bring a kid into... so... so why was everyone all smiles and proud expressions?

Was it because the idea of a baby brought this feeling of glee onto people?

That had to be it... as even he was in higher spirits. This weird fucking idea that having a kid made everything in this world two times better was such a shitty thing to make people believe... and he couldn't understand why no one was worried.

He was... and he knew that was why he needed to go and see his boss today. You were making Aizawa and Nedzu aware of your needed maternity leave in a few months today... and that meant he needed to do the same today.

"Hey man!" Someone spoke from over the little cubicle that was his private space in this office building of a hero agency.

Bakugou looked upwards, seeing two familiar smiling faces. He groaned, turning his head back to his work and pretending that he didn't see them when he so clearly did.

"Hey! It's not nice to ignore us!" Kaminari shouted, walking over to speak to Bakugou in his area.

"How's your morning going, Dad-To-Be?" Kirishima chuckled.

"How about you fucking shut it before you tell the entire damn office!" Bakugou whispered harshly, grabbing his friends by their collars and dragging them into his space.

He internally groaned, memories of last night coming back to him as well. Once a month, the former members of Class A would get together. It was a fun small get together for anyone who was free... and the perfect excuse for you and Bakugou to tell all your close friends and trusted allies.

And as luck would have it... all twenty-one of you were there. From Yaoyorozu to Shinsou, and Aoyama to Satou.... All of the people Bakugou knew from high school would be able to cast judgment on him having a kid.

Lucky for him, he didn't have to say it. You had broken the news after everyone had been served their dinner and drinks. It was dead silent for a passing moment before literally, all Hell broke loose.

Cheers and excitement came from the back room of the restaurant you all were in. Lots of questions thrown, hugs were given... and of course, a certain electric hero asking you how far along you were... and then realizing it had been around Bakugou's birthday that the 'Baby-Making' had occurred.

Needless to say, a silence fell upon the happy crowd when Bakugou socked Kaminari in the face for being 'A disgusting fucking pervert'. But aside from the small little bump, no one spoke any ill words or looked unsure. They all... were supporting the idea of him being a dad and him having a baby with you.

He couldn't explain why it bothered him... but he felt that in some way... this was too easy. Was no one really going to challenge this new change in his life? Was everyone really fine just going along and not asking any of the serious questions?

He was boggled by the support...

"The fuck are you idiots doing here?" Bakugou growled, knowing that the pair had jobs of their own they needed to head off too.

"Called in to help your boss with something early." Kirishima told him. "It's nothing serious, and I'm sure he'll tell you soon-"

"Ground Zero, please come to the head office immediately." The intercom rang him.

"Man! He works fast!" Kaminari smiled, he and Kirishima starting to walk off. "Let's grab a drink sometime this week, Bakubro!"

"He's got a baby on the way, he might need to be there for (Name)." Kirishima reminded Kaminari.

"Well... if you can make it, let us know!" Kaminari spoke as Bakugou rolled his eyes.

He pushed their sudden visit aside, instead wanting to get of this bottom of this mystery. He soon found himself being waved in by the assistant. His boss' office was the same as always, and the strong smell of hairspray even to this day made him gag.

"Bakugou. Have a seat." The blonde hero spoke, turning away from the window overlooking the city and taking a seat at his clear desk.

"Why am I here?" Bakugou asked, Best Jeanist sighing.

"Honestly... over ten years of us being acquainted and you still are as rude as ever... though I suppose according to your two friends, that's part of your charm, hm?" The elder hero shook his head.

Bakugou rose a brow. "And why were those losers- erm... colleagues in here?"

Best Jeanist cracked a small smile. "Well... knowing you, its best to cut to the chase of things. So I will do so.

As I'm sure you're aware... my health has been declining since my encounter with All For One. As it turns out, while I am alive, it's difficult to continue hero work with only one lung. And while I have been able to do so for the last ten years... the last two have been hard.

And I must apologize to you, Bakugou. As I have been putting you in my place and not giving you to credit or title you deserve for being the face of this agency. And so... I did a lot of thinking this past year, and now I have made a decision on the matter."

Best Jeanist sighed, looking at Bakugou with a gaze the male couldn't place. It almost looked... accepting and proud. What exactly had he thought about and considered? And what the Hell had it been to make Best Jeanist give him of all people such a look. It was creeping him out a little bit...

"I plan to retire by the new year... and when I do, I would like to leave my agency in your hands. And from your recent popularity numbers, co-worker opinions, and the thoughts of your friends... they all agree you would be the only choice. So... what do you say? Will you allow me to mentor you one last time and learn how to run an agency of your own?"

Bakugou was speechless...

An agency of his own? What he had wanted and strived to try and get for years now? Literally being inherited to him with sidekicks and space already willing to serve and listen to him? And from the one hero, he was sure hated him years ago...

This was the step he needed to make the top ten, and then snag that number one position.

But... he had a baby on the way. And he... he needed time off to help you.

He closed his eyes, listening as Best Jeanist started to ramble on about something or another about finances.

But here it was... after so much acceptance and easy sailing... it turned out his first trial as a new parent wouldn't be overcoming the naysayers that could have been his parents, your father, or your shared group of friends... but instead something much worse.

He would have to pick between his dream and his reality.

A decision... he knew he couldn't and wouldn't be able to make.

A decision he didn't want to make.

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