
By KyoSilvaria

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Elizabeth (Rain) Folten is a runaway. She is lost in the woods in Maine in the middle of winter and doesn't k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 7
Authors Note Again
Chapter 8
In The Works...

Chapter 3

1K 31 3
By KyoSilvaria

 “Calm down,” was all I heard from the green eyed man pinning me down to the freezing earth. His voice was soothing and elegant, something I had never heard before. I shuddered as I felt all my muscles relax against my will. I couldn’t even panic about this because my mind turned to mush and I felt relaxed and unafraid.

 The green eyed man turned to look at the other man that was chasing me and smiled, “I love this power sometimes, Rave.”

 The other man, Rave, shook his head and walked over to us slowly, “Maybe if you didn’t pounce on her like the wild beast you are, you wouldn’t have had to use that boy, River.

 I shuddered at the man’s voice. The way he talked was almost as if he was use to giving orders like a parent to a child. The way he said the green eyed man’s name, River, was almost as if he was close to this person but he had to show his authority. You could tell they were close in age and that they were comfortable around each other. Rave had a higher aura than River. Rave looked like the kind of person that demanded respect and if you didn’t give him it you were better off dead.

 River sighed and got up off me, “What was I supposed to do? Let her get away? You would have done the same thing, Raven, so don’t scold me for it.”

 I tried to get up but my body wouldn’t move. Raven. I thought of my blue eyed wolf and tried to look around for him. He was sure to help me out here.

 Human Raven growled at River, “You didn’t have to tackle her to the ground. There were other ways to go about this.”

 River laughed, “Oh yeah? How would you suggest we could’ve done it, Raven?”

 “I don’t have to answer to a subordinate like you, River. Don’t sneer at me like this is all my fault.”

 “No, it’s your mothers fault. Had she stayed away neither of us would have exposed ourselves to the human.”

 I finally pushed myself up but everything started to spin, “Whoa.”

 That got their attention. They turned to look at me and before I knew it Human Raven was by my side looking at me concerned, “Don’t move too fast, he still doesn’t know how to control this power he has. River! Reverse this now!” Human Raven barked at his friend who came over slowly, rubbing the back of his head.

 “I’ve never reversed it, Sir. I don’t know how.”

 I shook my head and tried to stand up, “I-I’m fine. I-I need to find my wolf.”

 The men looked at each other and then back at me, “Your wolf?” River was the one to break the silence first.

 I nodded, “He found me when I got lost. I need to make sure he’s okay.” I turned to glare at the two men, “If you two had anything to do with Raven running off I’ll harm you.”

 River laughed, “Looks like you’re a pet now, Raven.”

 “Shut up, River,” Human Raven scowled at him before turning back to me shaking his head, “Nothing has come of the wolf. He’s perfectly safe. He saw us coming and took off. Must have realized you no longer needed help and you were in good hands.”

 River snorted, “Nice cover up, Rave.”

 Human Raven punched River’s arm, “I said, shut up, River!”

 I shook my head, “Raven wouldn’t have run off. He was keeping me safe.”

 Human Raven shrugged, “I don’t know what to tell you, kid. I’m telling you the truth, and if you don’t believe that it’s not our fault. Now come on, let’s get you to safety.”

 River growled at Human Raven and pushed him, “Tell her the truth, Raven!”

 Human Raven shook his head, “I don’t know what it is you are talking about, River, I am telling her the truth. You must learn to control your erotic dreams and learn to obey these of higher rank than you.”

 River punched Human Raven in the face, “You need to learn when enough is enough. If you won’t tell her I will.”

 Human Raven rubbed his jaw and growled at River as if he was a beast, “Let’s not get into this now, River. We will discuss this once she is in a safe place.”

 I shook my head, “I want to know what’s going on right now.”

 Human Raven shook his head, “Not now.”

 River shook his head, “Just tell her, Raven.”

 “It is unimportant, River, I must do what is right by the pack. Her finding out would not be right by the pack.”

 “She could be the one, Raven! Did you not think of that?” River looked deeply upset now. I walked over to him and put my hand on his bare arm. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back and blushed looking down at the ground.

 Human Raven growled, “Of course I already thought of that! However, the pack is in danger already just by her being here. Do not accuse me of not thinking everything out.”

 I looked at Human Raven and scowled, “If you are the leader of anything, I pity whoever has to bow down to you. You treat your friend horribly, I’d hate to see how you treat people who aren’t your friends.”

 Human Raven looked visibly hurt by my words but quickly covered it up and looked away from us, “Think whatever it is you’d like to think, kid, all I’m doing is trying to make sure you get home safely.”

 “I don’t want to go home, and stop calling me kid, I have a name,” I crossed my arms and glared at him.

 Human Raven sighed and looked back at us, “Alright, then I guess introductions are in order than?”

 I nodded, tapping my foot slightly.

 River laughed and wrapped his arm around me, “I like her, mate!”

 Human Raven growled and River pulled his arm from around me and crossed his arms glaring at his friend. Human Raven sighed and looked at me before bowing slightly, “I am Raven White Wolf, leader of the pack, otherwise known as alpha.”

 River turned to me and bowed as well, “I am River Black Wolf, second in command of the Pack, otherwise known as beta.”

 I nodded, “I’m…” I looked around. I didn’t want them to know my real name if they were part of the search crew I knew my parents would send out for me. I thought about it and quickly thought of a new name, “I’m Rain.”

 “You sound unsure of that,” River looked at me like he knew I was lying.

 I shook my head, “I think I should know my own name, thank you very much.”

 River smiled, “Then tell us your name. We were honest with you, you should show us the same amount of respect.”

 I glared at him, “I told you my name.”

 “No, you told us a name you made up so you wouldn’t have tell us your real name. You think we can’t figure it out. We are very aware when someone is lying. So tell us your real name now,” Human Raven snapped.

 I wrapped my arms around myself feeling extremely cold. That was when I remembered where I was and the fact that I wasn’t even wearing shoes or a jacket. I shivered and felt myself starting to cry. I wanted to be home. I wanted to be in my bed. I wanted a nice hot shower. Instead I’m out here in the woods in the middle of winter with these two men who I didn’t know and I was freezing.

 I put my hands to my face and sobbed, turning away from the two men so they wouldn’t notice. However, as soon as I turned my back on them I felt two warm arms wrap around me and pull me into them, warming me up quickly. I didn’t say anything, and I didn’t fight them, I just cried and let them hold me.

 When I finally pulled myself together I turned around and saw it was Human Raven holding me. His bright blue eyes reminded me of my wolf, of Raven. I clung onto him and stared into his eyes, “Raven.”

 He pulled away from me and turned to his friend, “We need to get her some place warm. She’s not use to the cold like we are. She’ll die if she stays out here any longer.”

 River nodded and came over to me as Human Raven started to walk away from me. I looked up at River and then back down.

 River wrapped his arm around me, “Don’t worry, he’s like that to everyone.”

 I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, “I’m not worried, he’s just a certified asshole.”
 River looked at me shocked before he started laughing. He put his hands on his stomach and was bent over laughing so hard he started crying. Human Raven turned and looked at River with confusion and anger written clear on his face, “What are you laughing at, River."

 River looked up at his friend before his laughter got harder. He fell over still laughing. I looked at Human Raven who was also looking at me the accusation clear on his face. I shrugged, “Don’t look at me, I don’t think I said anything funny.”

 Human Raven scowled and went to stand over his friend. His shoulders back and a commanding look on his face, “Get a hold of yourself. This is no way to act at a time like this.”

 River stopped laughing and looked up at us. He quickly scurried to his feet and bowed slightly to Human Raven. He straightened up once again and looked at his friend, “Sorry, Sir, won’t happen again.”

 “Better not, the more time you waste laughing and playing, the colder she gets. This is not a time for you to be playing around. That’s to be left to the pups, which you are not.”

 River scowled, “Are you calling me a pup?”

 Human Raven shook his head, “I’m saying we don’t have time for you to act like one.”

 River bowed his head, “Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

 I scowled at them both before turning on Human Raven, “What is your problem?”

 Human Raven looked at me, his eyes flaming with anger, “My problem is that idiotic human girls-much like yourself-get lost in the woods and I have to escort them out of my home and away from my territory. My problem is insubordinates messing around with idiotic human girls and forgetting we have a certain amount of time before frostbite sets in. I have many problems, girl, and they all start with you.”

 I gasp and without realizing what I was doing, my hand had connected with his face in a slap. I was breathing hard and my whole body was shaking. Human Raven looked at me, his bright blue eyes darkening with rage. Pure, hot white, rage. He took a menacing step towards me and I took a timid step back. River stepped between us and put a hand on Human Raven’s chest.

 “Calm down, mate, you don’t want to hurt her.”

 Human Raven looked at River and scowled, “No, I’m not going to hurt her. I’m going to do much worse.”

 River looked at his friend confused, “What do you mean.”

 Human Raven turned around and started walking away from us, “Let’s go, River.”

 River grabbed my hand and started walking, “Come on, everything will be okay.”

 Human Raven turned around and smiled and wicked smile, “Leave her alone, River. We are not taking her out of here. She is to find her own way.”

 “But, Raven-”

 “That is an order, River!” Human Raven snapped.

 River shuddered and dropped my hand before bowing to Human Raven. “Yes, Sir. Understood, Sir.”

 Human Raven smiled and turned around walking away with River on his heels. Neither turned to look at me as they walked deeper into the woods, leaving me all alone.

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